  * Main function
  * @param array $argv argument list
  * @return mixed
 public function main(array $argv)
     $parser = $this->getParser();
     if ($parser->optionIsSet("help")) {
         return 0;
     $output = [['Route name', 'URI template', 'Defaults']];
     foreach (Router::getInstance()->routes() as $route) {
         $name = $route->name();
         if (\CoreTyson\isEmpty($name)) {
             $name = "Unnamed";
         $output[] = [$name, $route->template, json_encode($route->defaults)];
  * Return the class name namespaced. This method checks if the class is defined on the
  * application/plugin, otherwise try to load from the CoreTyson core
  * @param string $class Class name
  * @param string $type Type of class
  * @param string $suffix Class name suffix
  * @return bool|string False if the class is not found or namespaced class name
 public static function className($class, $type = '', $suffix = '')
     if (class_exists($class, true)) {
         return $class;
     list($plugin, $class) = \CoreTyson\pluginSplit($class);
     $base = $plugin ?: Configuration::getInstance()->get('App/namespace', 'App');
     $base = str_replace('/', '\\', rtrim($base, '\\'));
     if (!\CoreTyson\isEmpty($type)) {
         $class = $type . '/' . $class;
     $fullname = '\\' . str_replace('/', '\\', $class) . $suffix;
     if (static::_classExistsInBase($fullname, $base)) {
         return $base . $fullname;
     if ($plugin) {
         return false;
     if (static::_classExistsInBase($fullname, 'CoreTyson')) {
         return 'CoreTyson' . $fullname;
     return false;
  * Remove helper method
  * @param array $array
  * @param array $path
  * @return array
 private function _remove($array, $path)
     $key = array_shift($path);
     if (is_numeric($key)) {
         $key = intval($key);
     if (\CoreTyson\isEmpty($path)) {
         if (isset($array[$key])) {
     } elseif (isset($array[$key]) and is_array($array[$key])) {
         $result = $this->_remove($array[$key], $path);
         $array[$key] = $result;
     return $array;
  * Get a table instance from the registry.
  * Tables are only created once until the registry is flushed.
  * This means that aliases must be unique across your application.
  * This is important because table associations are resolved at runtime
  * and cyclic references need to be handled correctly.
  * The options that can be passed are the same as in Cake\ORM\Table::__construct(), but the
  * `className` key is also recognized.
  * ### Options
  * - `className` Define the specific class name to use. If undefined, CakePHP will generate the
  *   class name based on the alias. For example 'Users' would result in
  *   `App\Model\Table\UsersTable` being used. If this class does not exist,
  *   then the default `Cake\ORM\Table` class will be used. By setting the `className`
  *   option you can define the specific class to use. The className option supports
  *   plugin short class references {@link Cake\Core\App::shortName()}.
  * - `table` Define the table name to use. If undefined, this option will default to the underscored
  *   version of the alias name.
  * - `connection` Inject the specific connection object to use. If this option and `connectionName` are undefined,
  *   The table class' `defaultConnectionName()` method will be invoked to fetch the connection name.
  * - `connectionName` Define the connection name to use. The named connection will be fetched from
  *   Cake\Datasource\ConnectionManager.
  * *Note* If your `$alias` uses plugin syntax only the name part will be used as
  * key in the registry. This means that if two plugins, or a plugin and app provide
  * the same alias, the registry will only store the first instance.
  * @param string $alias The alias name you want to get.
  * @param array $options The options you want to build the table with.
  *   If a table has already been loaded the options will be ignored.
  * @return \Cake\ORM\Table
  * @throws \RuntimeException When you try to configure an alias that already exists.
 public function get($alias, array $options = [])
     if (isset($this->_instances[$alias])) {
         if (!empty($options) && $this->_options[$alias] !== $options) {
             throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('You cannot configure "%s", it already exists in the registry.', $alias));
         return $this->_instances[$alias];
     $this->_options[$alias] = $options;
     list(, $classAlias) = pluginSplit($alias);
     $options = ['alias' => $classAlias] + $options;
     if (isset($this->_config[$alias])) {
         $options += $this->_config[$alias];
     if (empty($options['className'])) {
         $options['className'] = Inflector::camelize($alias);
     $className = $this->_getClassName($alias, $options);
     if ($className) {
         $options['className'] = $className;
     } else {
         if (!isset($options['table']) && strpos($options['className'], '\\') === false) {
             list(, $table) = pluginSplit($options['className']);
             $options['table'] = Inflector::underscore($table);
         $options['className'] = 'CoreTyson\\ORM\\Table';
     if (empty($options['connection'])) {
         if (!empty($options['connectionName'])) {
             $connectionName = $options['connectionName'];
         } else {
             $connectionName = $options['className']::defaultConnectionName();
         if (\CoreTyson\isEmpty(ConnectionManager::config($connectionName))) {
             ConnectionManager::config($connectionName, $this->_configAdapter(Configuration::getInstance()->get("Database/Connection/" . $connectionName, [])));
         $options['connection'] = ConnectionManager::get($connectionName);
     $options['registryAlias'] = $alias;
     $this->_instances[$alias] = $this->_create($options);
     if ($options['className'] === 'CoreTyson\\ORM\\Table') {
         $this->_fallbacked[$alias] = $this->_instances[$alias];
     return $this->_instances[$alias];
  * @param mixed $name
  * @return Route
 public function name($name = "")
     if (\CoreTyson\isEmpty($name)) {
         return $this->_name;
     $this->_name = $name;
  * Returns an instance with the provided URI.
  * This method MUST update the Host header of the returned request by
  * default if the URI contains a host component. If the URI does not
  * contain a host component, any pre-existing Host header MUST be carried
  * over to the returned request.
  * You can opt-in to preserving the original state of the Host header by
  * setting `$preserveHost` to `true`. When `$preserveHost` is set to
  * `true`, this method interacts with the Host header in the following ways:
  * - If the the Host header is missing or empty, and the new URI contains
  *   a host component, this method MUST update the Host header in the returned
  *   request.
  * - If the Host header is missing or empty, and the new URI does not contain a
  *   host component, this method MUST NOT update the Host header in the returned
  *   request.
  * - If a Host header is present and non-empty, this method MUST NOT update
  *   the Host header in the returned request.
  * This method MUST be implemented in such a way as to retain the
  * immutability of the message, and MUST return an instance that has the
  * new UriInterface instance.
  * @link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-4.3
  * @param UriInterface $uri New request URI to use.
  * @param bool $preserveHost Preserve the original state of the Host header.
  * @return self
 public function withUri(UriInterface $uri, $preserveHost = false)
     if ($uri === $this->_uri) {
         return $this;
     $new = clone $this;
     $new->_uri = $uri;
     if (!$preserveHost) {
         $host = $uri->getHost();
         if (\CoreTyson\isEmpty($host)) {
             if (($port = $uri->getPort()) !== null) {
                 $host .= ':' . $port;
             // Ensure Host is the first header.
             // See: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-5.4
             $this->_headers = ['host' => [$host]] + $this->_headers;
     return $new;