function smarty_block_navigation($params, $content = '', $template, &$repeat) { if ($repeat) { // Start the navigation ul Clips\clips_context('indent_level', 1, true); return; } $default = array('class' => array('nav')); $f = true; $actions = Clips\get_default($params, 'actions'); if ($actions) { unset($params['actions']); $content = ''; $level = Clips\context('indent_level'); if ($level === null) { $level = 0; } else { $level = count($level); } $indent = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $level; $i++) { $indent .= "\t"; } foreach ($actions as $action) { // Only if the object is the valid action if (Clips\valid_obj($action, 'Clips\\Interfaces\\Action')) { $content .= _smarty_block_navigation_tree_node($action, $indent, $template, $repeat, Clips\get_default($params, 'item-class', array())); } } } Clips\context_pop('indent_level'); return Clips\create_tag_with_content('ul', $content, $params, $default); }
function smarty_block_button($params, $content = '', $template, &$repeat) { if ($repeat) { Clips\clips_context('indent_level', 1, true); return; } $value = Clips\get_default($params, 'caption'); if ($value) { // We did have value, so the content is the JavaScript $id = Clips\get_default($params, 'id', 'clips_button_' . Clips\sequence('button')); $js = "\$(\"#{$id}\").click(function(){\n\t\t" . trim($content) . "\n\t});"; $content = $value; unset($params['caption']); $params['id'] = $id; Clips\context('jquery_init', $js, true); } // For i18n $bundle_name = Clips\context('current_bundle'); $bundle = Clips\get_default($params, 'bundle', $bundle_name); if ($bundle !== null) { $bundle = Clips\bundle($bundle); $content = $bundle->message($content); } Clips\context_pop('indent_level'); return Clips\create_tag_with_content('button', $content, $params); }
function smarty_block_dl($params, $content = '', $template, &$repeat) { if ($repeat) { Clips\clips_context('indent_level', 1, true); return; } $items = Clips\get_default($params, 'items', array()); if ($items) { unset($params['items']); $level = Clips\context('indent_level'); if ($level === null) { $level = 0; } else { $level = count($level); } $indent = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $level; $i++) { $indent .= "\t"; } if (!trim($content)) { $content = '{dt}{$key}{/dt}' . "\n{$indent}" . '{dd}{$value}{/dd}'; } $output = array(); $t = 'string:' . $content; foreach ($items as $key => $value) { $output[] = trim($template->fetch($t, array('key' => $key, 'value' => $value))); } $content = implode("\n{$indent}", $output); } Clips\context_pop('indent_level'); return Clips\create_tag_with_content('dl', $content, $params); }
function smarty_block_form($params, $content = '', $template, &$repeat) { if ($repeat) { // Set the current form to the context Clips\clips_context('indent_level', 1, true); $name = Clips\get_default($params, 'name', Clips\default_form_name()); $data = Clips\context('form_' . $name); if ($data) { Clips\context('current_form_data', $data); } Clips\clips_context('current_form', $name); return; } $content .= "\t" . Clips\create_tag('input', array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => Clips\Form::FORM_FIELD, 'value' => Clips\get_default($params, 'name', 'form'))); $action = Clips\get_default($params, 'action'); if ($action) { if (strpos($action, 'http') !== 0) { $params['action'] = Clips\site_url($action); } } if (Clips\get_default($params, 'upload')) { unset($params['upload']); $params['enctype'] = 'multipart/form-data'; } Clips\context_pop('current_form'); Clips\context_pop('current_form_data'); Clips\context_pop('indent_level'); return Clips\create_tag_with_content('form', $content, $params, array('action' => '#', 'method' => 'post', 'class' => ['clips-form', 'default-form'])); }
function smarty_block_b($params, $content = '', $template, &$repeat) { if ($repeat) { Clips\clips_context('indent_level', 1, true); return; } Clips\context_pop('indent_level'); return Clips\create_tag_with_content('b', $content, $params); }
function smarty_block_template($params, $content = '', $template, &$repeat) { if ($repeat) { Clips\clips_context('indent_level', 1, true); return; } Clips\context_pop('indent_level'); return Clips\create_tag_with_content('script', $content, $params, array('type' => "text/x-handlebars-template")); }
function smarty_block_style($params, $content = '', $template, &$repeat) { if ($repeat) { Clips\clips_context('indent_level', 1, true); return; } Clips\context_pop('indent_level'); return Clips\create_tag_with_content('style', $content, $params, array('type' => 'text/css')); }
function smarty_block_figure($params, $content = '', $template, &$repeat) { if ($repeat) { Clips\clips_context('indent_level', 1, true); return; } $src = Clips\get_default($params, 'src'); $path = Clips\get_default($params, 'path', 'responsive/size'); $resolutions = Clips\get_default($params, 'resolutions'); $img_path = Clips\find_image($src); if (!$img_path) { Clips\error('figure', array('Can\'t find image ' . $src . '!')); return ''; } $size = Clips\image_size($img_path); $size = $size['width']; if ($resolutions) { // If we are using auto resizing, skip the resolutions foreach ($resolutions as $res) { $attr['data-media' . $res] = Clips\site_url('responsive/size/' . (double) $res / 2880 * (double) $size . '/' . $src); } } else { $attr = array('path' => Clips\site_url($path)); } foreach ($params as $key => $value) { if ($key == 'path') { continue; } if (strpos($key, 'media') !== false) { $attr['data-' . $key] = Clips\site_url('responsive/size/' . $value . '/' . $src); } else { $attr[$key] = $value; } } $caption = Clips\create_tag_with_content('figcaption', $content); $image_dir = Clips\config('image_dir'); if ($image_dir) { $image_dir = $image_dir[0]; } else { $image_dir = 'application/static/img/'; } $img = Clips\create_tag('img', array('src' => Clips\static_url(Clips\path_join($image_dir, $src)))); $noscript = Clips\create_tag_with_content('noscript', $img); $level = Clips\context('indent_level'); if ($level === null) { $level = 0; } else { $level = count($level); } $indent = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $level; $i++) { $indent .= "\t"; } Clips\context_pop('indent_level'); return Clips\create_tag_with_content('figure', $noscript . "\n{$indent}" . $caption, $attr); }
function smarty_block_listview($params, $content = '', $template, &$repeat) { if ($repeat) { Clips\clips_context('indent_level', 1, true); return; } $default = array('class' => array('listview', 'clips-listview')); Clips\context_pop('indent_level'); return Clips\create_tag_with_content('ul', $content, $params, $default); }
function smarty_block_swiper__prevbtn($params, $content = '', $template, &$repeat) { if ($repeat) { \Clips\clips_context('indent_level', 1, true); return; } $default = array('class' => 'swiper-button-prev swiper-button-white'); \Clips\context_pop('indent_level'); return \Clips\create_tag('div', $params, $default, $content); }
function smarty_block_slider($params, $content = '', $template, &$repeat) { if ($repeat) { \Clips\clips_context('indent_level', 1, true); return; } $default = array('class' => 'slider'); \Clips\context_pop('indent_level'); return \Clips\create_tag('div', $params, $default, $content); }
function smarty_block_html($params, $content = '', $template, &$repeat) { $version = Clips\get_default($params, 'version', '5'); Clips\clips_context('html_version', $version); if ($repeat) { Clips\clips_context('indent_level', 1, true); // Enstack indent level return; } $default = array(); switch ($version) { case '4': case '4t': $default['lang'] = 'en'; $pre = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">'; break; case '4s': $default['lang'] = 'en'; $pre = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">'; break; case '4f': $default['lang'] = 'en'; $pre = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" "">'; break; case 'xhtml': $default['xmlns'] = ''; $default['xml:lang'] = 'en'; $pre = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">'; break; case 'xhtmlt': $default['xmlns'] = ''; $default['xml:lang'] = 'en'; $pre = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">'; break; case 'xhtmlf': $default['xmlns'] = ''; $default['xml:lang'] = 'en'; $pre = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN" "">'; break; case 'xhtml1.1': $default['xmlns'] = ''; $default['xml:lang'] = 'en'; $pre = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "">'; break; case '5': $default['lang'] = 'en'; $pre = '<!DOCTYPE html>'; break; } if (isset($params['version'])) { unset($params['version']); } Clips\context_pop('indent_level'); return $pre . "\n" . Clips\create_tag_with_content('html', $content, $params, $default); }
public function filter_after($chain, $controller, $method, $args, $request, $controller_ret) { $init = \Clips\clips_context('jquery_init'); if ($init) { if (!is_array($init)) { $init = array($init); } $init[] = "if(typeof initialize === 'function') initialize();"; \Clips\add_init_js('jQuery(function($){' . implode("\n", $init) . '});'); } }
function smarty_block_head($params, $content = '', $template, &$repeat) { if ($repeat) { Clips\clips_context('indent_level', 1, true); // Enstack indent level return; } $encoding = Clips\get_default($params, 'encoding', 'UTF-8'); $version = Clips\context('html_version'); $title = Clips\get_default($params, 'title', null); if (!$title) { // If didn't found title on the parameter, try find it in context $title = Clips\context('html_title'); } // Adding metas if (!$version) { $version = 5; } $meta = Clips\context('html_meta'); if (!$meta) { $meta = array(); } switch ($version) { case '4': case '4t': case '4s': case '4f': case 'xhtml': case 'xhtmlt': case 'xhtmlf': case 'xhtml1.1': array_unshift($meta, array('http-equiv' => 'Content-Type', 'content' => 'text/html;charset=' . $encoding)); break; case '5': array_unshift($meta, array('charset' => $encoding)); break; } $pre = array(); foreach ($meta as $m) { $pre[] = Clips\create_tag('meta', $m); } // Adding the title if ($title) { $pre[] = Clips\create_tag_with_content('title', $title); } $pre = "\t" . implode("\n\t\t", $pre); if (isset($params['title'])) { unset($params['title']); } Clips\context_pop('indent_level'); // Pop the stack before output return Clips\create_tag_with_content('head', $pre . $content, $params); }
function smarty_block_script($params, $content = '', $template, &$repeat) { if ($repeat) { Clips\clips_context('indent_level', 1, true); return; } Clips\context_pop('indent_level'); if ($content) { return Clips\create_tag_with_content('script', trim($content), $params, array('type' => 'text/javascript')); } return ''; }
function smarty_block_ul($params, $content = '', $template, &$repeat) { if ($repeat) { Clips\clips_context('indent_level', 1, true); return; } $content = "\t" . Clips\process_list_items($params, $content, $template); if (isset($params['items'])) { unset($params['items']); } Clips\context_pop('indent_level'); return Clips\create_tag_with_content('ul', $content, $params); }
function smarty_function_context($params, $template) { $key = Clips\get_default($params, 'key', null); if ($key) { $formatter = Clips\get_default($params, 'formatter', null); $obj = Clips\clips_context($key); if ($formatter) { return Clips\format($obj, $formatter); } return $obj; } return ''; }
public function filter_after($chain, $controller, $method, $args, $request, $controller_ret) { $css = \Clips\clips_context('css'); if ($css) { if (!is_array($css)) { $css = array($css); } $css = array_map(function ($item) { return '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . \Clips\safe_add_extension($item, 'css') . '">'; }, $css); \Clips\clips_context('css', implode("\n\t\t", $css), false); } }
function smarty_block_swiper__wrapper($params, $content = '', $template, &$repeat) { if ($repeat) { \Clips\clips_context('indent_level', 1, true); return; } $default = array('class' => 'swiper-wrapper'); $content = "\t" . Clips\process_list_items($params, $content, $template); if (isset($params['items'])) { unset($params['items']); } \Clips\context_pop('indent_level'); return \Clips\create_tag('div', $params, $default, $content); }
function smarty_block_a($params, $content = '', $template, &$repeat) { if ($repeat) { Clips\clips_context('indent_level', 1, true); return; } $uri = Clips\get_default($params, 'uri'); if ($uri) { unset($params['uri']); $params['href'] = Clips\site_url($uri); } Clips\context_pop('indent_level'); return Clips\create_tag_with_content('a', $content, $params); }
function smarty_block_label($params, $content = '', $template, &$repeat) { if ($repeat) { Clips\clips_context('indent_level', 1, true); return; } Clips\context_pop('indent_level'); $bundle_name = Clips\context('current_bundle'); $bundle = Clips\get_default($params, 'bundle', $bundle_name); if ($bundle !== null) { $bundle = Clips\bundle($bundle); $content = $bundle->message($content); } return Clips\create_tag_with_content('label', $content, $params); }
function smarty_block_container($params, $content = '', $template, &$repeat) { if ($repeat) { Clips\clips_context('indent_level', 1, true); return; } $fluid = Clips\get_default($params, 'fluid', false); $class = 'container'; if ($fluid) { $class = 'container-fluid'; unset($params['fluid']); } Clips\context_pop('indent_level'); return Clips\create_tag_with_content('div', $content, $params, array('class' => $class)); }
/** * @Clips\Model({"tag", "category","user","cart"}) * @Clips\Widgets\ListView("people_index") * @Clips\Scss("people/index") * @Clips\Form('people/index') * @Clips\Js("application/static/js/people/people.js") */ public function index() { $this->title('People Page', true); $render_data = array(); $area = $this->tag->getTagByName('宅生活'); // if($area){ // $level = $this->tag->getMaxLevel($area->id); // for($i=$area->level+1; $i<=$level;$i++){ // $render_data['tag'.$i] = $this->tag->getTagsByLevel($i, $area->id); // } // } $p = array('products.category_id' => $this->category->getProductID()); if (true) { $this->request->session('mall_index', $p); } $data = json_encode($this->tag->getTags($area)); $js = <<<TEXT \tvar layer = \$('ul.layer'); \tvar api = \$('#people_index').data('api'); \tvar ds = new Clips.DataSource({$data}); \t\$("#people_index").on('list.init', function(e, list){ \t\tapi.clearSearch(list); \t}); \tlayer.each(function(){ \t\tnew Clips.Layer(ds, this); \t}); \tlayer.on('click', '', function(e){ \t\tvar li = \$(e.currentTarget); \t\tvar path ='id'); \t\tvar id = path.split('/'); \t\tid.pop(); \t\tid = id.pop(); \t\tapi.columnSearch(1, id); //\t\tli.parent().parent().parent().find('h3').hide(); \t}); \tlayer.on('list.tags.init-active', function(e, ul){ \t\t\$(ul.node).parent().addClass('show'); \t}); \tlayer.on('list.tags.refresh', function(e, ul){ \t\t\$(ul.node).parent().removeClass('show'); \t}); \tlayer.on('list.tags.always-active', function(e, ul){ \t\t\$(ul.node).parent().addClass('show'); \t}); TEXT; \Clips\clips_context('jquery_init', $js, true); return $this->render('people/index', $render_data); }
/** * @Clips\Model({"tag", "category","user","cart"}) * @Clips\Widgets\ListView("coupon_index") * @Clips\Scss("coupon/index") * @Clips\Form('coupon/index') * @Clips\Js("application/static/js/mall/mall.js") */ public function index() { $this->title('Coupon Page', true); $render_data = array(); $area = $this->tag->getTagByName('券生活'); if ($area) { // $level = $this->tag->getMaxLevel($area->id); // for($i=$area->level+1; $i<=$level;$i++){ // $render_data['tag'.$i] = $this->tag->getTagsByLevel($i, $area->id); // } } $now = new \DateTime(); $p = array('products.category_id' => $this->category->getCouponCategoryId()); $p[] = new \Clips\Libraries\CommonOperator('products.expire_date', $now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), '>='); $this->request->session('coupon_index', $p); $data = json_encode($this->tag->getTags($area)); $js = <<<TEXT \tvar layer = \$('ul.layer'); \tvar api = \$('#coupon_index').data('api'); \tvar ds = new Clips.DataSource({$data}); \t\$("#coupon_index").on('list.init', function(e, list){ \t\tapi.clearSearch(list); \t}); \tlayer.each(function(){ \t\tnew Clips.Layer(ds, this); \t}); \tlayer.on('click', '', function(e){ \t\tvar li = \$(e.currentTarget); \t\tvar path ='id'); \t\tvar id = path.split('/'); \t\tid.pop(); \t\tid = id.pop(); \t\tapi.columnSearch(1, id); \t}); \tlayer.on('list.tags.init-active', function(e, ul){ \t\t\$(ul.node).parent().addClass('show'); \t}); \tlayer.on('list.tags.refresh', function(e, ul){ \t\t\$(ul.node).parent().removeClass('show'); \t}); \tlayer.on('list.tags.always-active', function(e, ul){ \t\t\$(ul.node).parent().addClass('show'); \t}); TEXT; \Clips\clips_context('jquery_init', $js, true); return $this->render('coupon/index'); }
function smarty_function_input($params, $template) { $default = array('class' => array('form-input', 'form-control')); $f = Clips\clips_context('current_field'); if ($f) { $default = $f->getDefault($default); } $data = Clips\context_pop('current_form_field_data'); if ($data) { $default['value'] = $data; } $state = Clips\context('current_form_field_state'); if ($state && $state == 'readonly') { $value = Clips\get_default($default, 'value'); if ($value) { return "<span>{$value}</span>"; } return "<span>" . Clips\get_default($params, 'value', '') . "</span>"; } return Clips\create_tag('input', $params, $default); }
function smarty_block_textarea($params, $content = '', $template, &$repeat) { if ($repeat) { Clips\clips_context('indent_level', 1, true); return; } $default = array('class' => array('form-input', 'form-control')); $f = Clips\clips_context('current_field'); if ($f) { $default = $f->getDefault($default); } $data = Clips\context('current_form_field_data'); if ($data) { $content = $data; } $state = Clips\context('current_form_field_state'); if ($state && $state == 'readonly') { return "<p>{$content}</p>"; } Clips\context_pop('indent_level'); return Clips\create_tag_with_content('textarea', $content, $params, $default, true); }
function smarty_block_swiper__slide($params, $content = '', $template, &$repeat) { if ($repeat) { \Clips\clips_context('indent_level', 1, true); return; } $default = array('class' => 'swiper-slide'); $dataImage = \Clips\get_default($params, 'data-image', null); $paginationImage = \Clips\get_default($params, 'data-pagination-image', null); $responsive = \Clips\get_default($params, 'responsive', false); $image = ''; if ($dataImage) { if ($responsive == "true") { $image = smarty_function_resimg(array('data-image' => $dataImage, 'data-pagination-src' => $paginationImage), $template); } else { $image = smarty_function_img(array('src' => $dataImage, 'data-pagination-src' => $dataImage), $template); } unset($params['data-image']); unset($params['data-pagination-image']); unset($params['responsive']); } \Clips\context_pop('indent_level'); return \Clips\create_tag('div', $params, $default, $image . $content); }
function smarty_block_alert($params, $content = '', $template, &$repeat) { if ($repeat) { \Clips\clips_context('indent_level', 1, true); return; } $show = \Clips\get_default($params, 'show', 'info'); unset($params['show']); $default = array('class' => array('alert', $show)); $true = true; // Add message div // Open message div smarty_block_div(array('class' => 'alert-message'), $content, $template, $true); // Close message div $message = smarty_block_div(array('class' => 'alert-message'), $content, $template, $repeat); // Open controls smarty_block_div(array('class' => 'alert-control'), '', $template, $true); // Open close button smarty_block_div(array('class' => 'btn', 'alert-for' => 'close'), \Clips\lang('close'), $template, $true); // Close close button $close_button = smarty_block_div(array('class' => 'btn', 'alert-for' => 'close'), \Clips\lang('close'), $template, $repeat); // Close controls $controls = smarty_block_div(array('class' => 'alert-control'), $close_button, $template, $repeat); $level = Clips\context('indent_level'); if ($level === null) { $level = 0; } else { $level = count($level); } $indent = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $level; $i++) { $indent .= "\t"; } \Clips\context_pop('indent_level'); return \Clips\create_tag('div', $params, $default, $message . "\n" . $indent . $controls); }
public function filter_before($chain, $controller, $method, $args, $request) { $widgets = \Clips\clips_context('widgetsv2'); if ($widgets) { if (!is_array($widgets)) { $widgets = array($widgets); } $name = implode(' ', array_map(function ($item) { return get_class($item); }, $widgets)); $name = 'widget_' . md5($name) . '.json'; $smarty = \Clips\context('smarty'); if ($this->filecache->exists($name) && \Clips\config('widget_cache')) { // Let's use this widget cache $cache = unserialize($this->filecache->contents($name)); if (isset($cache['js'])) { $origin = $this->tool->context('js'); if ($origin) { $cache['js'] = array_merge($cache['js'], $origin); } $this->tool->context('js', $cache['js']); } if (isset($cache['jquery'])) { $jquery = $cache['jquery']; if (!is_array($jquery)) { $jquery = array($jquery); } foreach ($jquery as $j) { $this->tool->context('jquery_init', $j, true); } } if (isset($cache['css'])) { $origin = $this->tool->context('css'); if ($origin) { $cache['css'] = array_merge($cache['css'], $origin); } $this->tool->context('css', $cache['css']); } if (isset($cache['scss'])) { $origin = $this->tool->context('scss'); if ($origin) { $cache['scss'] = array_merge($cache['scss'], $origin); } $this->tool->context('scss', $cache['scss']); } if (isset($cache['sass_include'])) { $this->sass->addIncludePath($cache['sass_include']); } if (isset($cache['context'])) { $c = $cache['context']; if (!is_array($c)) { $c = array($c); foreach ($c as $cc) { $this->tool->context($cc, null, true); } } } if (isset($cache['smarty'])) { if ($smarty) { $smarty->setPluginsDir($cache['smarty']); } } } else { $js = $this->tool->context('js'); $css = $this->tool->context('css'); $scss = $this->tool->context('scss'); $jquery_init = $this->tool->context('jquery_init'); $this->tool->context_clear('js'); $this->tool->context_clear('css'); $this->tool->context_clear('scss'); $this->tool->context_clear('jquery_init'); foreach ($widgets as $w) { $w->init_v2(); } // Caching js, css and scss configurations $cache = array(); // Caching smarty's plugins dir if ($smarty) { $cache['smarty'] = $smarty->getPluginsDir(); } $js_widget = \Clips\context('js'); if ($js_widget) { $cache['js'] = $js_widget; } $css_widget = \Clips\context('css'); if ($css_widget) { $cache['css'] = $css_widget; } $jquery = \Clips\context('jquery_init'); if ($jquery) { $cache['jquery'] = $jquery; } $cache['sass_include'] = $this->sass->getIncludePaths(); $scss_widget = \Clips\context('scss'); if ($scss_widget) { $cache['scss'] = $scss_widget; } $context = \Clips\context('widget_context'); if ($context) { if (!is_array($context)) { $context = array($context); } $cache['context'] = array(); foreach ($context as $c) { $cache['context'][] = $c; } } // Save the cache $this->filecache->save($name, serialize($cache)); // Append other js, css and scss to the end if ($js) { if (!is_array($js)) { $js = array($js); } foreach ($js as $j) { $this->tool->context('js', $j, true); } } if ($jquery_init) { foreach ($jquery_init as $j) { $this->tool->context('jquery_init', $j, true); } } if ($css) { if (!is_array($css)) { $css = array($css); } foreach ($css as $j) { $this->tool->context('css', $j, true); } } if ($scss) { if (!is_array($scss)) { $scss = array($scss); } foreach ($scss as $j) { $this->tool->context('scss', $j, true); } } } } }
function smarty_block_field($params, $content = '', $template, &$repeat) { Clips\require_widget_smarty_plugin('Html', 'div'); Clips\require_widget_smarty_plugin('Html', 'label'); // Global variables $labelClass = Clips\get_default($params, 'label-class', 'form-label'); $inputClass = Clips\get_default($params, 'input-class', 'form-input'); $glyphicon = Clips\get_default($params, 'glyphicon', null); if ($repeat) { // The header part // Init the context Clips\context('indent_level', 1, true); Clips\context('indent_level', 1, true); // Indent for the inner div Clips\context_pop('current_field'); // Remove the last current field // Getting the form $form = Clips\context('form'); if ($form) { // Getting the field $field = Clips\get_default($params, 'field', null); if (!isset($field)) { Clips\show_error('No field configured for the field plugin!'); return; } $f = $form->field($field); if (!isset($f)) { Clips\show_error('No field configuration found for field %s!', $field); return; } // Put the field to context Clips\context('current_field', $f); // Processing the form data $data = Clips\get_default(Clips\context('current_form_data'), $field); if ($data) { Clips\context('current_form_field_data', $data, true); // Update the field's value to data $f->value = $data; } // Processing the states $state = Clips\get_default($params, 'state'); if (!$state) { $state = Clips\field_state($f); } if ($state) { Clips\context('current_form_field_state', $state); } } else { Clips\show_error('No form configuration found for this field!'); } } else { if (Clips\clips_context('current_field')) { Clips\context_pop('indent_level'); $f = Clips\clips_context('current_field'); if (\Clips\get_default($f, 'state') == 'none' || $f->state == 'none') { Clips\context_pop('indent_level'); return ''; } if (\Clips\get_default($params, 'state') == 'hidden' || \Clips\get_default($f, 'hidden') || $f->state == 'hidden') { Clips\context_pop('indent_level'); Clips\require_widget_smarty_plugin('Form', 'input'); return smarty_function_input(array('type' => 'hidden'), $template); } // Now for rendering $ret = array(); // Render the icon if ($glyphicon) { // Add the glyphicon $ret[] = Clips\create_tag_with_content('span', '', array('class' => array('glyphicon', 'glyphicon-' . $glyphicon, 'form-control-feedback')), array(), true); } // Render the label $r = true; smarty_block_label(array(), '', $template, $r); // Skip the label head $r = false; $ret[] = smarty_block_label(array('for' => $f->getId(), 'class' => array($labelClass, 'control-label', isset($f->required) ? 'form_field_required' : '')), $f->label, $template, $r); // Render the input row head $r = true; smarty_block_div(array(), '', $template, $r); // Skip the div head // If no input set, using default input if (trim($content) == '') { Clips\require_widget_smarty_plugin('Form', 'input'); $content = smarty_function_input(array(), $template); } // Close the input div $ret[] = smarty_block_div(array('class' => $inputClass), $content, $template, $repeat); // Added the help block $ret[] = Clips\create_tag_with_content('p', '', array('class' => 'help-block'), array(), true); $level = Clips\context('indent_level'); if ($level === null) { $level = 0; } else { $level = count($level); } $indent = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $level; $i++) { $indent .= "\t"; } // Altogether Clips\context_pop('indent_level'); CLips\context_pop('current_form_field_data'); CLips\context_pop('current_form_field_state'); return Clips\create_tag_with_content('div', implode("\n{$indent}", $ret), $params, array('class' => array('form-group', 'control-group'))); } } }