function DeleteCategory($category_id, $category = null)
    global $DB, $ROOT_CATEGORY;
    if ($category == null) {
        $category = $DB->Row('SELECT * FROM lx_categories WHERE category_id=?', array($category_id));
    // Remove cache files
    ClearCategoryCache($category['category_id'], $category['path']);
    // Delete all sub-categories
    $result = $DB->Query('SELECT * FROM lx_categories WHERE parent_id=?', array($category_id));
    while ($subcategory = $DB->NextRow($result)) {
        DeleteCategory($subcategory['category_id'], $subcategory);
    // Delete all links in this category
    $result = $DB->Query('SELECT * FROM lx_links JOIN lx_link_cats USING (link_id) WHERE category_id=?', array($category_id));
    while ($link = $DB->NextRow($result)) {
        DeleteLink($link['link_id'], FALSE, $link);
    // Delete this category
    $DB->Update('DELETE FROM lx_categories WHERE category_id=?', array($category_id));
    // Update subcategory count for parent category
    if ($category['parent_id'] != $ROOT_CATEGORY['parent_id']) {
function lxEditCategory()
    global $DB, $C;
    // Count number of subcategories and links in this category
    $subcategories = $DB->Count('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lx_categories WHERE parent_id=?', array($_REQUEST['category_id']));
    $links = $DB->Count('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lx_link_cats WHERE category_id=?', array($_REQUEST['category_id']));
    $validator = new Validator();
    $validator->Register($_REQUEST['name'], V_EMPTY, 'The category name must be filled in');
    $validator->Register($_REQUEST['name'], V_REGEX, 'The category name cannot contain a / or _ character', '/^[^\\/_]*$/');
    $validator->Register($_REQUEST['name'], V_NOT_REGEX, 'The category name cannot contain a :: character sequence', '/::/');
    $validator->Register($_REQUEST['parent_id'], V_EMPTY, 'You must select a parent category');
    $validator->Register(is_numeric($_REQUEST['name']), V_FALSE, 'The category name cannot be all numeric');
    if ($_REQUEST['template']) {
        $validator->Register($_REQUEST['template'], V_REGEX, 'The template name can only contain letters, numbers, periods and underscores', '/^[a-z0-9\\.\\-_]+$/');
        $validator->Register($_REQUEST['template'], V_REGEX, 'The template must have a .tpl file extension', '/\\.tpl$/');
    if ($_REQUEST['parent_id'] == $_REQUEST['category_id']) {
        $validator->SetError('A category cannot be it\'s own parent');
    if ($_REQUEST['crosslink_id'] == $_REQUEST['category_id']) {
        $validator->SetError('A crosslink category cannot point to itself');
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['crosslink_id']) && ($subcategories > 0 || $links > 0)) {
        $validator->SetError('This category cannot be set to be a crosslink category because it contains sub-categories and/or links');
    if (!$validator->Validate()) {
        $GLOBALS['errstr'] = join('<br />', $validator->GetErrors());
    $parent = $_REQUEST['parent_id'] == 0 ? $GLOBALS['ROOT_CATEGORY'] : $DB->Row('SELECT * FROM lx_categories WHERE category_id=?', array($_REQUEST['parent_id']));
    $_REQUEST['name'] = trim($_REQUEST['name']);
    $_REQUEST['url_name'] = trim($_REQUEST['url_name']);
    if (empty($_REQUEST['crosslink_id'])) {
        $_REQUEST['crosslink_id'] = null;
    $old_category = $DB->Row('SELECT * FROM lx_categories WHERE category_id=?', array($_REQUEST['category_id']));
    $DB->Update('UPDATE lx_categories SET ' . 'name=?, ' . 'url_name=?, ' . 'description=?, ' . 'meta_description=?, ' . 'meta_keywords=?, ' . 'parent_id=?, ' . 'path=?, ' . 'path_parts=?, ' . 'path_hash=?, ' . 'template=?, ' . 'crosslink_id=?, ' . 'related_ids=?, ' . 'status=?, ' . 'hidden=? ' . 'WHERE category_id=?', array($_REQUEST['name'], $_REQUEST['url_name'], $_REQUEST['description'], $_REQUEST['meta_description'], $_REQUEST['meta_keywords'], $_REQUEST['parent_id'], '', '', '', $_REQUEST['template'], $_REQUEST['crosslink_id'], $_REQUEST['related_ids'], $_REQUEST['status'], intval($_REQUEST['hidden']), $_REQUEST['category_id']));
    $category = $DB->Row('SELECT * FROM lx_categories WHERE category_id=?', array($_REQUEST['category_id']));
    $path = GeneratePathData($category, $parent);
    $DB->Update('UPDATE lx_categories SET ' . 'path=?, ' . 'path_parts=?, ' . 'path_hash=? ' . 'WHERE category_id=?', array($path['path'], $path['serialized'], $path['hash'], $_REQUEST['category_id']));
    // Update path data for child categories if necessary
    if ($old_category['parent_id'] != $category['parent_id'] || $old_category['name'] != $category['name'] || $old_category['url_name'] != $category['url_name']) {
        $category['path'] = $path['path'];
        $category['path_parts'] = $path['serialized'];
        $category['hash'] = $path['hash'];
    $GLOBALS['message'] = 'Category successfully updated';
    $GLOBALS['added'] = true;
    // Ask user to create custom template file if it does not exist
    if ($_REQUEST['template'] && !file_exists("{$GLOBALS['BASE_DIR']}/templates/{$_REQUEST['template']}")) {
        $GLOBALS['message'] .= "<br />Please create the template file {$_REQUEST['template']} in the templates directory and set it's permissions to 666";
    // Clear cache for this category and it's parent
    ClearCategoryCache($category['category_id'], $path['path']);