| The latest version of this license can be found here: | http://www.avactis.com/license.php | | By using this software, you acknowledge having read this license agreement | and agree to be bound thereby. | ***********************************************************************/ ?> <META NAME="Generator" CONTENT=""> <META NAME="Author" CONTENT=""> <META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT=""> <META NAME="Description" CONTENT=""> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" name="viewport"/> <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php Charset('AZ'); ?> "> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> var __ASC_FORM_ID__ = '<?php echo modApiFunc('Session', 'get', '__ASC_FORM_ID__'); ?> '; </SCRIPT> <?php global $application; echo $application->combineAdminCSS(array()); /* For siteurl */ global $application;
function escape($str) { $ret = array(); $buf = Charset($str, CL_CHARSET, DB_CHARSET); for ($index = 0; $index < strlen($buf); $index++) { if (ord($buf[$index]) < 127) { $ret[] = '%' . dechex(ord($buf[$index])); } else { $tmp = bin2hex(Charset(substr($buf, $index, 2), DB_CHARSET, 'ucs-2')); $ret[] = '%u' . $tmp; $index++; } } return join($ret, ''); }
<?php // Copyright 2015 The Haohaoxiuche Team Authors. All right reserved. // Use of this source that is governed by a Apache-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // // 技術版API編號107 獲取案例跟貼(服務器頁面Ajax專用) // // @authors hjboss <*****@*****.**> 2015-12-18# // @version 1.0.0 // @package hhxc if (!defined('HHXC')) { die('Permission denied'); } header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin:*'); $result = array('code' => '101', 'data' => array()); $condition = array('schema' => 'hh_anli_thread', 'filter' => array('cid' => empty($_REQUEST['cid']) ? Assign($params['cid'], 0) : $_REQUEST['cid']), 'others' => 'ORDER BY id DESC', 'charset' => TRUE); $recordset = StorageFind($condition); if (is_array($recordset) and empty($recordset) == FALSE) { foreach ($recordset as $index => $row) { $record = StorageFindID('hh_techuser', $row['uid']); $content = $row['content']; if (empty($row['version']) == FALSE) { $content = Charset($content, DB_CHARSET, CL_CHARSET); } $result['data'][] = array('uid' => Assign($row['uid'], 0), 'nick' => Assign($record['nick'], NICK_DEFAULT), 'image' => empty($record['headerimg']) ? ICON_DEFAULT : ICON_PATH . $record['headerimg'], 'potimes' => $row['createdat'], 'context' => $content, 'cid' => $row['cid']); } }
$result['msg'] = '无数据!'; die(JsonEncode($result)); } else { $result = array('code' => '101', 'data' => array('keys' => array(), 'list' => array())); $condition = array('schema' => 'car_word', 'filter' => array('id' => array('IN', $word_id))); $recordset = StorageFind($condition); $ofurl = ''; foreach ($recordset as $row) { $result['data']['keys'][] = $row['keyword']; for ($index = 1; $index <= 9; $index++) { if (empty($row["keyword{$index}"]) == FALSE) { $result['data']['keys'][] = $row["keyword{$index}"]; } } } $anli = json_decode(Charset('[' . GetAnliList(join($word_id, ',')) . ']', DB_CHARSET, CL_CHARSET), TRUE); if (is_array($anli) and empty($anli) == FALSE) { foreach ($anli as $index => $row) { $item = array('cid' => $row['id'], 'title' => $row['title'], 'havpic' => '0', 'words' => '0', 'collect' => '0'); $condition_sub = array('schema' => 'search_result', 'fields' => array('havpic', 'words', '(SELECT title FROM search_object WHERE id=ofurl) AS fromurl'), 'filter' => array('id' => $item['cid'])); $buf = StorageFind($condition_sub); if (is_array($buf) and empty($buf) == FALSE) { foreach ($buf as $index => $row) { $item['havpic'] = "{$row['havpic']}"; $item['words'] = "{$row['words']}"; $item['fromurl'] = "{$row['fromurl']}"; $ofurl = $row['ofurl']; } } $filter = array('tid' => Assign($params['tid'], 0), 'uid' => Assign($params['uid'], 0), 'tag' => 5, 'type' => 1); if (StorageCount('hh_techuser_shoucang', $filter)) {