$data = mysql_fetch_array($r); $size += $data['Index_length'] + $data['Data_length']; } $units = array(' B', ' KB', ' MB', ' GB', ' TB'); for ($i = 0; $size > 1024; $i++) { $size /= 1024; } return round($size, 2) . $units[$i]; } // open mysql connection: $handle = mysql_connect(EZSQL_DB_HOST, EZSQL_DB_USER, EZSQL_DB_PASSWORD); if (!$handle) { die('Connection failed!'); } // get the size of all tables in this database: $dbsize = CalcFullDatabaseSize(EZSQL_DB_NAME, $handle); // close connection: mysql_close($handle); // Smarty Assign if ($main_smarty) { $main_smarty->assign('sw_version', $sw_version); $main_smarty->assign('sw_members', $sw_members); $main_smarty->assign('sw_groups', $sw_groups); $main_smarty->assign('sw_links', $sw_links); $main_smarty->assign('sw_published', $sw_published); $main_smarty->assign('sw_new', $sw_new); $main_smarty->assign('sw_votes', $sw_votes); $main_smarty->assign('sw_comments', $sw_comments); $main_smarty->assign('sw_newuser', $sw_newuser); $main_smarty->assign('sw_dbsize', $sw_dbsize); $main_smarty->assign('phpver', $phpver);
if ($result) { update_config_file(); include dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . AC_FOLDER_CACHE . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'data_admin_options.php'; $result = $db->execute("\n\t\t\t\tUPDATE arrowchat_status \n\t\t\t\tSET announcement='0'\n\t\t\t"); if ($result) { $msg = "The chat announcement is now being shown."; if ($push_on == 1) { $arrowpush->publish(array('channel' => 'arrowchat', 'message' => array('announcement' => array("data" => $_POST['announcement'], "read" => "0")))); } } else { $error = "There was a database error. Please try again."; } } else { $error = "There was a database error. Please try again."; } } // Get information for the page $num_messages = $db->count_all("\n\t\tarrowchat\n\t"); $num_users = $db->count_all("\n\t\t" . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "\n\t"); $install_time = $db->fetch_row("\n\t\tSELECT config_value \n\t\tFROM arrowchat_config \n\t\tWHERE config_name = 'install_time'\n\t"); // Calculate overview information $days_since = (time() - $install_time->config_value) / 86400; $messages_day = $num_messages / $days_since; $users_day = $num_users / $days_since; $database_size = CalcFullDatabaseSize(DB_NAME); // Process Smarty template $smarty->assign('msg', $msg); $smarty->assign('error', $error); $smarty->display(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "layout/pages_header.tpl"); require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "layout/pages_index.php"; $smarty->display(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "layout/pages_footer.tpl");