<?php if (!defined('APPLICATION')) { exit; } /** Displays the "Edit My Profile" or "Back to Profile" buttons on the top of the profile page. */ ?> <div class="ProfileOptions"> <?php $Controller = Gdn::Controller(); $Controller->FireEvent('BeforeProfileOptions'); echo ButtonGroup($Controller->EventArguments['MemberOptions'], 'NavButton MemberButtons'); echo ' '; echo ButtonDropDown($Controller->EventArguments['ProfileOptions'], 'NavButton ProfileButtons', Sprite('SpEditProfile', 'Sprite16') . ' <span class="Hidden">' . T('Edit Profile') . '</span>'); ?> </div>
<?php if (!defined('APPLICATION')) { exit; } echo '<div class="BoxButtons BoxNewDiscussion">'; $Text = T('Start a New Discussion', 'New Discussion'); $UrlCode = GetValue('UrlCode', GetValue('Category', $Data), ''); $Url = '/post/discussion/' . $UrlCode; $Css = 'Button Primary Action NewDiscussion'; $Css .= strpos($this->CssClass, 'Big') !== FALSE ? ' BigButton' : ''; if (count($this->Buttons) == 0) { echo Anchor($Text, $Url, $Css); } else { // Make the core button action be the first item in the button group. array_unshift($this->Buttons, array('Text' => $Text, 'Url' => $Url)); echo ButtonGroup($this->Buttons, $this->CssClass, $this->DefaultButton); } Gdn::Controller()->FireEvent('AfterNewDiscussionButton'); echo '</div>';
<?php if (!defined('APPLICATION')) { exit; } /** Displays the "Edit My Profile" or "Back to Profile" buttons on the top of the profile page. */ ?> <div class="ProfileOptions"> <?php $Controller = Gdn::Controller(); $Controller->FireEvent('BeforeProfileOptions'); echo ButtonGroup($Controller->EventArguments['MemberOptions'], 'NavButton MemberButtons'); echo ' '; echo ButtonGroup($Controller->EventArguments['ProfileOptions'], 'NavButton ProfileButtons'); ?> </div>