        $Content .= 'There is currently no spell data...<br>';
    echo Modal('View Spell Data', '<div class="alert alert-info">' . $Content . '</div>', '');
	Displays Item View tooltip
if (isset($_GET['item_view'])) {
    require_once 'includes/constants.php';
    require_once 'includes/alla_functions.php';
    require_once 'modules/ItemEditor/constants_ie.php';
    // echo '<style></style>';
    $QueryResult = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM items WHERE `id` = " . $_GET['item_view'] . ";");
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($QueryResult)) {
        // $Content .= BuildSpellInfo($row, 1);
        echo BuildItemStats($row, 1, 'item_view');
	Displays Spell View tooltip
if (isset($_GET['spell_view'])) {
    require_once 'includes/spell.inc.php';
    require_once 'includes/constants.php';
    require_once 'includes/alla_functions.php';
    require_once 'modules/ItemEditor/constants_ie.php';
    $QueryResult = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM spells_new WHERE `id` = " . $_GET['spell_view'] . ";");
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($QueryResult)) {
        $Content .= BuildSpellInfo($row, 1, 'item_view');
        echo $Content;
$type = isset($_GET['type']) ? mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['type']) : '';
if ($id != "" && is_numeric($id)) {
    $TooltipData = "";
    if ($type == "" || $type == "item") {
        if ($DiscoveredItemsOnly == TRUE) {
            $Query = "SELECT * FROM {$tbitems}, discovered_items WHERE {$tbitems}.id='" . $id . "' AND discovered_items.item_id={$tbitems}.id";
        } else {
            $Query = "SELECT * FROM {$tbitems} WHERE id='" . $id . "'";
        $QueryResult = mysql_query($Query) or message_die('item.php', 'MYSQL_QUERY', $Query, mysql_error());
        if (mysql_num_rows($QueryResult) == 0) {
        $item = mysql_fetch_array($QueryResult);
        // Prints all Item data into formatted tables
        $TooltipData .= BuildItemStats($item, 1);
    } elseif ($type == "spell") {
        $spell = getspell($id);
        if ($id > 0) {
            if ($spell) {
                $TooltipData .= BuildSpellInfo($spell, 1);
            } else {
                $TooltipData .= "There is no spell info found";
        } else {
            $TooltipData .= "There is no spell info found";
    echo '$ToolTip.registerItem({"tooltip":"<div class=\\"itemtooltip\\">' . $TooltipData . '</div>","id":"' . $id . '"});';
} else {
 echo "<b>" . $num_rows . " " . ($num_rows == 1 ? "item" : "items") . " displayed</b>" . $OutOf . "<br>";
 echo "</center>";
 echo "<center><table border='{$Tableborder}' cellpadding='5' width='0%'>";
 echo "<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<th class='menuh'>Icon</th>\n\t\t\t\t\t<th class='menuh'>Item Name</th>\n\t\t\t\t\t<th class='menuh'>Item Type</th>\n\t\t\t\t\t<th class='menuh'>AC</th>\n\t\t\t\t\t<th class='menuh'>HPs</th>\n\t\t\t\t\t<th class='menuh'>Mana</th>\n\t\t\t\t\t<th class='menuh'>Damage</th>\n\t\t\t\t\t<th class='menuh'>Delay</th>\n\t\t\t\t\t<th class='menuh'>Item ID</th>\n\t\t\t\t\t</tr>";
 $RowClass = "lr";
 for ($count = 1; $count <= $num_rows; $count++) {
     $TableData = "";
     $row = mysql_fetch_array($QueryResult);
     $TableData .= "<tr valign='top' class='" . $RowClass . "'><td>";
     if (file_exists(getcwd() . "/icons/item_" . $row["icon"] . ".gif")) {
         $TableData .= "<img src='" . $icons_url . "item_" . $row["icon"] . ".gif' align='left'/>";
     } else {
         $TableData .= "<img src='" . $icons_url . "item_.gif' align='left'/>";
     $TableData .= "</td><td>";
     CreateToolTip($row["id"], BuildItemStats($row, 1));
     $TableData .= "<a href='item.php?id=" . $row["id"] . "' id='" . $row["id"] . "'>" . $row["Name"] . "</a>";
     $TableData .= "</td><td>";
     $TableData .= $dbitypes[$row["itemtype"]];
     $TableData .= "</td><td>";
     $TableData .= $row["ac"];
     $TableData .= "</td><td>";
     $TableData .= $row["hp"];
     $TableData .= "</td><td>";
     $TableData .= $row["mana"];
     $TableData .= "</td><td>";
     $TableData .= $row["damage"];
     $TableData .= "</td><td>";
     $TableData .= $row["delay"];
     $TableData .= "</td><td>";
     $TableData .= $row["id"];
    print "</ul></td></tr>";
if ($recipe["nofail"] == 0) {
    // results fail
    $query = "SELECT {$tbtradeskillrecipeentries}.*,{$tbitems}.*,{$tbitems}.id AS item_id\n\t\t\t\tFROM {$tbtradeskillrecipe},{$tbtradeskillrecipeentries},{$tbitems}\n\t\t\t\tWHERE {$tbtradeskillrecipe}.id={$tbtradeskillrecipeentries}.recipe_id\n\t\t\t\t  AND {$tbtradeskillrecipeentries}.recipe_id={$id}\n\t\t\t\t  AND {$tbtradeskillrecipeentries}.item_id={$tbitems}.id\n\t\t\t\t  AND {$tbtradeskillrecipeentries}.failcount>0";
    $result = mysql_query($query) or message_die('recipe.php', 'MYSQL_QUERY', $query, mysql_error());
    if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
        print "<tr class=myline height=6><td colspan=2></td><tr>";
        print "<tr><td nowrap><b>Items resulting of a <FONT COLOR='#FF0000'> failed combine </FONT></b><ul>";
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
            CreateToolTip($row["item_id"] * 10, BuildItemStats($row, 1));
            print "<img src='" . $icons_url . "item_" . $row["icon"] . ".gif' align='left' width='15' height='15'/>" . "<a href=item.php?id=" . $row["item_id"] . " id=" . $row["item_id"] * 10 . ">" . str_replace("_", " ", $row["Name"]) . "</a> x" . $row["failcount"] . " <br>";
        print "</td></tr>";
// components
$query = "SELECT {$tbtradeskillrecipeentries}.*,{$tbitems}.*,{$tbitems}.id AS item_id\n\t\t\tFROM {$tbtradeskillrecipe},{$tbtradeskillrecipeentries},{$tbitems}\n\t\t\tWHERE {$tbtradeskillrecipe}.id={$tbtradeskillrecipeentries}.recipe_id\n\t\t\tAND {$tbtradeskillrecipeentries}.recipe_id={$id}\n\t\t\tAND {$tbtradeskillrecipeentries}.item_id={$tbitems}.id\n\t\t\tAND {$tbtradeskillrecipeentries}.iscontainer=0\n\t\t\tAND {$tbtradeskillrecipeentries}.componentcount>0";
$result = mysql_query($query) or message_die('recipe.php', 'MYSQL_QUERY', $query, mysql_error());
if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
    print "<tr class=myline height=6><td colspan=2></td><tr>";
    print "<tr><td nowrap><b>Components needed : </b><ul>";
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
        CreateToolTip($row["item_id"] * 100, BuildItemStats($row, 1));
        print "<img src='" . $icons_url . "item_" . $row["icon"] . ".gif' align='left' width='15' height='15'/>" . "<a href=item.php?id=" . $row["item_id"] . " id=" . $row["item_id"] * 100 . ">" . str_replace("_", " ", $row["Name"]) . "</a> x " . $row["componentcount"] . " <br>";
    print "</td></tr>";
print "</table>";
include $includes_dir . "footers.php";
    echo "<img src='" . $icons_url . "item_" . $item["icon"] . ".gif' align='left'/>";
print "<img src='" . $images_url . "spacer_1.png' align='left'/><a href='http://lucy.allakhazam.com/item.html?id=" . $id . "'><img src='" . $images_url . "lucy.png' align='right'/></a>\n";
print "                  <b>" . $item["Name"] . "</b>";
if ($item["lore"] != "") {
    print "<br/>(" . $item["lore"] . ") - id : " . $id . "\n";
} else {
    print "<br/>id : " . $id . "\n";
print "</td>\n";
print "</tr>\n";
print "<tr valign='top'>\n";
print "<td width='90%'>\n";
print "<table border='{$Tableborder}' width='100%'>\n";
// Prints all Item data into formatted tables
print BuildItemStats($item, 0);
print "<table border='{$Tableborder}' width='0%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>";
// Discovered by
if ($DiscoveredItemsOnly == TRUE) {
    $CharName = GetFieldByQuery("char_name", "SELECT char_name  FROM {$tbdiscovereditems} WHERE item_id={$id}");
    $DiscoveredDate = GetFieldByQuery("discovered_date", "SELECT discovered_date  FROM {$tbdiscovereditems} WHERE item_id={$id}");
    if ($charbrowser_url) {
        $DiscoveredBy = "<a href=" . $charbrowser_url . "character.php?char=" . $CharName . ">" . $CharName . "</a>";
    } else {
        $DiscoveredBy = $CharName;
    if ($CharName != '') {
        print "<br><tr><td colspan='2' nowrap='1'><b>Discovered by: </b>{$DiscoveredBy} - " . date("m/d/y", $DiscoveredDate) . "</td></tr>";
// places where to forage this item
                $ItemType = $dbitypes[$ItemData["itemtype"]];
        $EquiptmentTable .= "<tr class='" . $RowClass . "'>\n\t\t<td><img src='" . $icons_url . "item_" . $ItemData["icon"] . ".gif' align='left'/>\n\t\t<img src='" . $images_url . "spacer_1.png' align='left'/>\n\t\t</td><td><a href=item.php?id=" . $ItemData["id"] . " id='" . $ItemData["id"] . "'>" . $ItemData["Name"] . "</a></td>\n\t\t<td>" . $ItemType . "</td></tr>";
        if ($RowClass == "lr") {
            $RowClass = "dr";
        } else {
            $RowClass = "lr";
    $EquiptmentTable .= "</table>";
    print "<center>";
    if ($ItemsFound > 0) {
        print $EquiptmentTable;
        foreach ($ItemsData as $key => $ItemData) {
            $ToolTips .= CreateToolTip($ItemData["id"], BuildItemStats($ItemData, 1));
        print $ToolTips;
    } else {
        print "<br><b>No Items Found</b>";
    print "</center>";
// end items
if ($mode == "spawngroups") {
    if ($DisplaySpawnGroupInfo == TRUE) {
        print "</center>";
        $query = "SELECT {$tbspawngroup}.*,{$tbspawn2}.x,{$tbspawn2}.y,{$tbspawn2}.z,{$tbspawn2}.respawntime\n\t\t\tFROM {$tbspawn2},{$tbspawngroup}\n\t\t\tWHERE {$tbspawn2}.zone='{$name}'\n\t\t\tAND {$tbspawngroup}.id={$tbspawn2}.spawngroupID\n\t\t\tORDER BY {$tbspawngroup}.name ASC";
        $result = mysql_query($query) or message_die('zone.php', 'MYSQL_QUERY', $query, mysql_error());
        if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
            while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
文件: min.php 项目: Xackery/EQEmuEOC
        if ($C != 1) {
            $Values .= ", ";
            $Fields .= ", ";
        $Values .= "'" . $value . "'";
        $Fields .= "`" . $FV . "`";
    $Result = $Query . $Fields . ") VALUES (" . $Values . ");";
    if (mysql_query($Result)) {
        echo '<center><h1>Item Saved Successfully!</h1><br>';
        $query_result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM items WHERE id = " . $_POST['id'] . ";");
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query_result)) {
            echo '<div class="alert alert-block alert-warning fade in" style="width:500px">';
            echo BuildItemStats($row, 1);
            echo '</div>';
        echo "<hr><h1>Query Result</h1><br><textarea rows='30' cols='200'> " . $Result . "</textarea></center>";
    } else {
        echo '<h2>ERROR</h2>';
        echo '<pre>';
        echo mysql_error();
        echo '<br><br>';
        echo $Result;
        echo '</pre>';
    LogUserEvent($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], "Item Save", $Result);
echo '<div id="childstatus"></div>';
echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="cust_assets/eqemu_tooltip.js"></script></body>';