 * This file is under the GPL liscence, which must be included with the file under distrobution (license.txt)
 * this file was made by Xnova, edited to support Toms combat engine by Anthony (MadnessReD) [http://madnessred.co.cc/]
 * Do not edit this comment block
function flt_mission_attack($mission_data)
    global $lang, $sn_data, $time_now;
    $fleet_row = $mission_data['fleet'];
    $destination_user = $mission_data['dst_user'];
    $destination_planet = $mission_data['dst_planet'];
    if (!$fleet_row) {
    if (!$destination_user || !$destination_planet || !is_array($destination_user) || !is_array($destination_planet)) {
        doquery("UPDATE {{fleets}} SET `fleet_mess` = 1 WHERE `fleet_id` = {$fleet_row['fleet_id']} LIMIT 1;");
    $TargetUserID = $destination_planet['id_owner'];
    $attackFleets = array();
    // ACS function: put all fleet into an array
    if ($fleet_row['fleet_group'] != 0) {
        $fleets = doquery('SELECT * FROM {{fleets}} WHERE fleet_group=' . $fleet_row['fleet_group']);
        while ($fleet = mysql_fetch_assoc($fleets)) {
            BE_attackFleetFill(&$attackFleets, $fleet);
    } else {
        BE_attackFleetFill(&$attackFleets, $fleet_row);
    $db_admiral_name = $sn_data[MRC_ADMIRAL]['name'];
    $defenseFleets = array(0 => array('def' => array(), 'user' => array('id' => $destination_user['id'], 'username' => $destination_user['username'], $db_admiral_name => $destination_user[$db_admiral_name], 'defence_tech' => $destination_user['defence_tech'], 'shield_tech' => $destination_user['shield_tech'], 'military_tech' => $destination_user['military_tech'])));
    foreach ($sn_data['groups']['combat'] as $combatUnitID) {
        if ($destination_planet[$sn_data[$combatUnitID]['name']] > 0) {
            $defenseFleets[0]['def'][$combatUnitID] = $destination_planet[$sn_data[$combatUnitID]['name']];
    $fleets = doquery('SELECT * FROM {{fleets}} WHERE `fleet_end_galaxy` = ' . $fleet_row['fleet_end_galaxy'] . ' AND `fleet_end_system` = ' . $fleet_row['fleet_end_system'] . ' AND `fleet_end_planet` = ' . $fleet_row['fleet_end_planet'] . ' AND `fleet_end_type` = ' . $fleet_row['fleet_end_type'] . ' AND fleet_start_time<' . $time_now . ' AND fleet_end_stay>=' . $time_now);
    while ($fleet = mysql_fetch_assoc($fleets)) {
        BE_attackFleetFill(&$defenseFleets, $fleet, 'def');
    $start = microtime(true);
    $result = coe_attack_calculate($attackFleets, $defenseFleets);
    $totaltime = microtime(true) - $start;
    // Update galaxy (debree)
    if ($destination_user['authlevel'] == 0) {
        doquery('UPDATE {{planets}} SET `debris_metal` = `debris_metal` + ' . ($result['debree']['att'][0] + $result['debree']['def'][0]) . ' , debris_crystal = debris_crystal+' . ($result['debree']['att'][1] + $result['debree']['def'][1]) . ' WHERE `galaxy` = ' . $fleet_row['fleet_end_galaxy'] . ' AND `system` = ' . $fleet_row['fleet_end_system'] . ' AND `planet` = ' . $fleet_row['fleet_end_planet'] . ' AND `planet_type` = 1 LIMIT 1;');
    // !G+ post-calculation for Attackers: fleet left and possible loot
    $loot = BE_calculatePostAttacker($destination_planet, $attackFleets, $result, false);
    if ($result['won'] == 2 && count($result['rw']) == 2) {
        $one_round_loss = true;
    } else {
        $one_round_loss = false;
    // Update fleets & planets
    foreach ($attackFleets as $fleetID => $attacker) {
        if ($attacker['totalCount'] > 0) {
            $sqlQuery = 'UPDATE {{fleets}} SET ';
            if ($result['won'] == 1) {
                $sqlQuery .= '`fleet_resource_metal` = `fleet_resource_metal` + ' . ($attacker['loot']['metal'] + 0) . ', ';
                $sqlQuery .= '`fleet_resource_crystal` = `fleet_resource_crystal` + ' . ($attacker['loot']['crystal'] + 0) . ', ';
                $sqlQuery .= '`fleet_resource_deuterium` = `fleet_resource_deuterium` + ' . ($attacker['loot']['deuterium'] + 0) . ', ';
            $sqlQuery .= '`fleet_array` = "' . substr($attacker['fleetArray'], 0, -1) . '", ';
            $sqlQuery .= '`fleet_amount` = ' . $attacker['totalCount'] . ', `fleet_mess` = 1 WHERE `fleet_id` = ' . $fleetID;
    if ($fleet_row['fleet_mission'] == MT_AKS && $fleet_row['fleet_group']) {
        doquery("DELETE FROM {{aks}} WHERE id={$fleet_row['fleet_group']} LIMIT 1;");
        doquery("UPDATE {{fleets}} SET fleet_group = 0 WHERE fleet_group = {$fleet_row['fleet_group']} AND fleet_mission = " . MT_AKS . ";");
    foreach ($defenseFleets as $fleetID => $defender) {
        $fleetArray = '';
        $totalCount = 0;
        if ($fleetID == 0) {
            foreach ($defender['def'] as $element => $amount) {
                $fleetArray .= "`{$sn_data[$element]['name']}` = '{$amount}', ";
            doquery('UPDATE {{planets}} SET ' . $fleetArray . ' metal = metal - ' . $loot['looted']['metal'] . ', crystal = crystal - ' . $loot['looted']['crystal'] . ', deuterium=deuterium-' . $loot['looted']['deuterium'] . ' WHERE id=' . $destination_planet['id']);
        } else {
            foreach ($defender['def'] as $element => $amount) {
                if ($amount) {
                    $fleetArray .= $element . ',' . $amount . ';';
                $totalCount += $amount;
            if ($totalCount <= 0) {
                doquery("DELETE FROM `{{fleets}}` WHERE `fleet_id` = '{$fleetID}'");
            } else {
                doquery("UPDATE {{fleets}} SET fleet_array = '{$fleetArray}', fleet_amount = {$totalCount}" . ($one_round_loss ? '' : ', fleet_mess = 1') . " WHERE fleet_id = {$fleetID} LIMIT 1;");
    // TvdW (c) 2008
    $planet_coordinates = uni_render_coordinates($fleet_row, 'fleet_end_');
    // FROM HERE THE SCRIPT WAS IMPORTED (not TvdW code anymore)
    $MoonChance = BE_calculateMoonChance($result);
    if (mt_rand(1, 100) <= $MoonChance && ($TargetPlanetName = uni_create_moon($fleet_row['fleet_end_galaxy'], $fleet_row['fleet_end_system'], $fleet_row['fleet_end_planet'], $TargetUserID, $MoonChance))) {
        $GottenMoon = sprintf($lang['sys_moonbuilt'], $TargetPlanetName, $planet_coordinates);
    // Adjust number of raids made/win/loose and xpraid
    $str_loose_or_win = $result['won'] == 1 ? 'raidswin' : 'raidsloose';
    doquery("UPDATE {{users}} SET `xpraid` = `xpraid` + 1, `raids` = `raids` + 1, `{$str_loose_or_win}` = `{$str_loose_or_win}` + 1 WHERE id = '{$fleet_row['fleet_owner']}' LIMIT 1;");
    $bashing_list = array();
    foreach ($defenseFleets as $fleetID => $defender) {
        $users2[$defender['user']['id']] = $users_defender[$defender['user']['id']] = $defender['user']['id'];
    foreach ($attackFleets as $fleetID => $attacker) {
        $users2[$attacker['user']['id']] = $users_attacker[$attacker['user']['id']] = $attacker['user']['id'];
        // Generating attackers list for bashing table
        $bashing_list[$attacker['user']['id']] = "({$attacker['user']['id']}, {$destination_planet['id']}, {$fleet_row['fleet_end_time']})";
    $bashing_list = implode(',', $bashing_list);
    doquery("INSERT INTO {{bashing}} (bashing_user_id, bashing_planet_id, bashing_time) VALUES {$bashing_list};");
    //MadnessRed CR Creation.
    $raport = formatCR($result, $loot['looted'], $MoonChance, $GottenMoon, $totaltime);
    $raport = $raport['html'];
    $rid = md5($raport);
    $QryInsertRapport = 'INSERT INTO `{{rw}}` SET ';
    $QryInsertRapport .= '`time` = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), ';
    $QryInsertRapport .= '`owners` = "' . implode(',', $users2) . '", ';
    $QryInsertRapport .= '`id_owner1` = "' . $attacker['user']['id'] . '", ';
    $QryInsertRapport .= '`id_owner2` = "' . $defender['user']['id'] . '", ';
    $QryInsertRapport .= '`rid` = "' . $rid . '", ';
    $QryInsertRapport .= '`raport` = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($raport) . '"';
    doquery($QryInsertRapport) or die("Error inserting CR to database" . mysql_error() . "<br /><br />Trying to execute:" . mysql_query());
    switch ($result['won']) {
        case 0:
            $color_attackers = $color_defenders = 'orange';
        case 1:
            $color_attackers = 'green';
            $color_defenders = 'red';
        case 2:
            $color_attackers = 'red';
            $color_defenders = 'green';
    $raport_part1 = '<span OnClick=\'f("rw.php?raport=' . $rid . '", "");\' ><center><font color=';
    $raport_part2 = ">{$lang['sys_mess_attack_report']} {$planet_coordinates}</font></span><br /><br />" . "<font color=\"red\">{$lang['sys_perte_attaquant']}: " . pretty_number($result['lost']['att'], true) . "</font>&nbsp;<font color=\"green\">{$lang['sys_perte_defenseur']}: " . pretty_number($result['lost']['def'], true) . "</font><br />" . "{$lang['sys_debris']} {$lang['Metal']} <font color=\"#adaead\">" . pretty_number($result['debree']['att'][0] + $result['debree']['def'][0], true) . "</font> {$lang['Crystal']} <font color=\"#ef51ef\">" . pretty_number($result['debree']['att'][1] + $result['debree']['def'][1], true) . '</font><br />' . ($result['won'] == 1 ? "{$lang['sys_gain']} " . "{$lang['Metal']} <font color=\"#adaead\">" . pretty_number($loot['looted']['metal'], true) . '</font> ' . "{$lang['Crystal']} <font color=\"#ef51ef\">" . pretty_number($loot['looted']['crystal'], true) . '</font> ' . "{$lang['Deuterium']} <font color=\"#f77542\">" . pretty_number($loot['looted']['deuterium'], true) . '</font><br />' : '') . "{$st_1}{$st_2}</center>";
    $raport_acs = $one_round_loss ? "<center><span class=\"negative\">{$lang['sys_mess_attack_report']} {$planet_coordinates}\r\n{$lang['sys_coe_lost_contact']}</span></center>" : "{$raport_part1}{$color_attackers}{$raport_part2}";
    foreach ($users_attacker as $id) {
        //    if ($id != $fleet_row['fleet_owner'] && $id != 0)
        if ($id) {
            msg_send_simple_message($id, '', $fleet_row['fleet_start_time'], MSG_TYPE_COMBAT, $lang['sys_mess_tower'], $lang['sys_mess_attack_report'], $raport_acs);
    $raport_hold = "{$raport_part1}{$color_defenders}{$raport_part2}";
    foreach ($users_defender as $id) {
        if ($id && $id != $fleet_row['fleet_owner']) {
            msg_send_simple_message($id, '', $fleet_row['fleet_start_time'], MSG_TYPE_COMBAT, $lang['sys_mess_tower'], $lang['sys_mess_attack_report'], $raport_hold);
    return $result;
if ($_POST['submit'] || $execute) {
    $replay = eco_sym_encode_replay($sym_defender, 'D');
    $replay .= eco_sym_encode_replay($sym_attacker, 'A');
    $arr_combat_defender = eco_sym_to_combat($sym_defender, 'def');
    $arr_combat_attacker = eco_sym_to_combat($sym_attacker, 'detail');
    // Lets calcualte attack...
    //pdump($arr_combat_attacker, '$arr_combat_attacker');
    //pdump($arr_combat_defender, '$arr_combat_defender');
    $start = microtime(true);
    $result = coe_attack_calculate($arr_combat_attacker, $arr_combat_defender, true);
    $totaltime = microtime(true) - $start;
    // calculating loot per attacking fleet
    $loot = BE_calculatePostAttacker($arr_combat_defender[0]['resources'], $arr_combat_attacker, $result, true);
    // Calculating Moon Chance
    $MoonChance = BE_calculateMoonChance($result);
    $formatted_cr = formatCR($result, $loot['looted'], $MoonChance, '', $totaltime);
    // Well lets just copy rw.php code. If I am showing a cr why re-inent the wheel???
    $Page = '<html>';
    $Page .= '<head>';
    $Page .= "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"{$dpath}/formate.css\">";
    $Page .= '<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1251" />';
    $Page .= '</head>';
    $Page .= '<body>';
    $Page .= '<center>';
    //OK, one change, we won't be getting cr from datbase, instead we will be generating it directly, lets skip the database stage, this is what get generated and put in the database.
    $report = stripslashes($formatted_cr['html']);
    foreach ($lang['tech'] as $id => $s_name) {
        $str_replace1 = array("[ship[{$id}]]");