function txGalleryBlacklistAuto()
    global $DB, $json, $C;
    VerifyPrivileges(P_GALLERY_REMOVE, TRUE);
    $result = GetWhichGalleries();
    $amount = $DB->NumRows($result);
    while ($gallery = $DB->NextRow($result)) {
        AutoBlacklist($gallery, $_REQUEST['ban_reason']);
        DeleteGallery($gallery['gallery_id'], $gallery);
    echo $json->encode(array('status' => JSON_SUCCESS, 'message' => "{$amount} galler" . ($amount == 1 ? 'y has' : 'ies have') . " been blacklisted and deleted"));
function ProcessAccount(&$account, &$exception)
    global $configuration, $exceptions, $penalties, $DB, $config_id, $history_id;
    $removed = FALSE;
    $message = '';
    $penalty = 0x0;
    $reasons = array('connect' => "Connection error: {$account['http']->errstr}", 'forward' => "Redirecting URL: {$account['http']->response_headers['status']}", 'broken' => "Broken URL: {$account['http']->response_headers['status']}", 'blacklist' => "Blacklisted data: " . htmlspecialchars($account['blacklist_item']));
    // Determine the most strict penalty based on the infractions that were found
    foreach ($exceptions as $key => $value) {
        if ($exception & $value && $configuration['action_' . $key] >= $penalty) {
            $message = $reasons[$key];
            $penalty = intval($configuration['action_' . $key], 16);
    // Blacklist
    if ($penalty & $penalties['blacklist']) {
        $action = 'Blacklisted';
        $removed = TRUE;
        DeleteAccount($account['username'], $account);
        // Update history
        $DB->Update('UPDATE `tlx_scanner_history` SET `exceptions`=`exceptions`+1,`blacklisted`=`blacklisted`+1 WHERE `history_id`=?', array($history_id));
    } else {
        if ($penalty & $penalties['delete']) {
            $action = 'Deleted';
            $removed = TRUE;
            DeleteAccount($account['username'], $account);
            // Update history
            $DB->Update('UPDATE `tlx_scanner_history` SET `exceptions`=`exceptions`+1,`deleted`=`deleted`+1 WHERE `history_id`=?', array($history_id));
        } else {
            if ($penalty & $penalties['disable']) {
                $action = 'Disabled';
                // Disable account
                $DB->Update('UPDATE `tlx_accounts` SET `disabled`=1 WHERE `username`=?', array($account['username']));
                // Update history
                $DB->Update('UPDATE `tlx_scanner_history` SET `exceptions`=`exceptions`+1,`disabled`=`disabled`+1 WHERE `history_id`=?', array($history_id));
            } else {
                if ($penalty & $penalties['report']) {
                    $action = 'Unchanged';
                    // Update history
                    $DB->Update('UPDATE `tlx_scanner_history` SET `exceptions`=`exceptions`+1 WHERE `history_id`=?', array($history_id));
                } else {
                    // Do nothing
                    $exception = 0x0;
                    return $removed;
    $DB->Update('INSERT INTO `tlx_scanner_results` VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)', array($config_id, $account['username'], $account['site_url'], $account['http']->response_headers['status'], gmdate(DF_DATETIME, TimeWithTz()), $action, $message));
    return $removed;
function ProcessLink(&$link, &$scan_result, $exception)
    global $configuration, $exceptions, $penalties, $DB, $config_id;
    $deleted = FALSE;
    $message = '';
    $penalty = 0x0;
    $reasons = array('connect' => "Connection Error: {$scan_result['site_url']['error']}", 'forward' => "Redirecting URL: {$scan_result['site_url']['status']}", 'broken' => "Broken URL: {$scan_result['site_url']['status']}", 'blacklist' => "Blacklisted Data: " . htmlspecialchars($scan_result['blacklist_item']), 'norecip' => "No Reciprocal Link Found");
    // Determine the most strict penalty based on the infractions that were found
    foreach ($exceptions as $key => $value) {
        if ($exception & $value && $configuration['action_' . $key] >= $penalty) {
            $message = $reasons[$key];
            $penalty = intval($configuration['action_' . $key], 16);
    // Blacklist
    if ($penalty & $penalties['blacklist']) {
        $action = 'Blacklisted';
        $deleted = TRUE;
        DeleteLink($link['link_id'], TRUE, $link);
    } else {
        if ($penalty & $penalties['delete']) {
            $action = 'Deleted';
            $deleted = TRUE;
            DeleteLink($link['link_id'], TRUE, $link);
        } else {
            if ($penalty & $penalties['disable']) {
                $action = 'Disabled';
                // Don't re-disable a link
                if ($link['status'] != 'disabled') {
                    $DB->Update('UPDATE lx_links SET status=? WHERE link_id=?', array('disabled', $link['link_id']));
                    // Update category link count
                    $result = $DB->Query('SELECT category_id FROM lx_links JOIN lx_link_cats USING (link_id) WHERE lx_links.link_id=?', array($link['link_id']));
                    while ($category = $DB->NextRow($result)) {
            } else {
                if ($penalty & $penalties['report']) {
                    $action = 'Unchanged';
                } else {
                    // Do nothing
                    return FALSE;
    $DB->Update('INSERT INTO lx_scanner_results VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)', array($config_id, $link['link_id'], $link['site_url'], $scan_result['site_url']['status'], gmdate(DF_DATETIME, TimeWithTz()), $action, $message));
    return $deleted;
文件: ajax.php 项目: hackingman/LinkX
* Process a bad link report
function lxProcessReport()
    global $DB, $json, $C;
    VerifyPrivileges(P_LINK_MODIFY, TRUE);
    if (!is_array($_REQUEST['report_id'])) {
        $_REQUEST['report_id'] = array($_REQUEST['report_id']);
    foreach ($_REQUEST['report_id'] as $report_id) {
        $report = $DB->Row('SELECT * FROM lx_reports WHERE report_id=?', array($report_id));
        if ($report) {
            $link = $DB->Row('SELECT * FROM lx_links WHERE link_id=?', array($report['link_id']));
            switch ($_REQUEST['w']) {
                case 'delete':
                    DeleteLink($report['link_id'], TRUE, $link);
                case 'blacklist':
                    DeleteLink($report['link_id'], TRUE, $link);
            $DB->Update('DELETE FROM lx_reports WHERE report_id=?', array($report_id));
    echo $json->encode(array('status' => JSON_SUCCESS, 'message' => 'The selected link reports have been processed'));
function ProcessGallery(&$gallery, &$scan, &$exception)
    global $configuration, $exceptions, $penalties, $DB, $config_id, $history_id;
    $removed = FALSE;
    $message = '';
    $penalty = 0x0;
    $reasons = array('connect' => "Connection error: {$scan['errstr']}", 'forward' => "Redirecting URL: {$scan['status']}", 'broken' => "Broken URL: {$scan['status']}", 'blacklist' => "Blacklisted data: " . htmlspecialchars($scan['blacklist_item']), 'norecip' => "No reciprocal link found", 'no2257' => "No 2257 code found", 'excessivelinks' => "Too many links found on the gallery: {$scan['links']}", 'thumbchange' => "Thumbnail count has changed from {$gallery['thumbnails_old']} to {$scan['thumbnails']}", 'pagechange' => "Page content has changed", 'content_server' => 'The gallery content is not hosted on the same server as the gallery', 'badformat' => 'The gallery format is not allowed in this category');
    // Determine the most strict penalty based on the infractions that were found
    foreach ($exceptions as $key => $value) {
        if ($exception & $value && $configuration['action_' . $key] >= $penalty) {
            $message = $reasons[$key];
            $penalty = intval($configuration['action_' . $key], 16);
    // Blacklist
    if ($penalty & $penalties['blacklist']) {
        $action = 'Blacklisted';
        $removed = TRUE;
        DeleteGallery($gallery['gallery_id'], $gallery);
        // Update history
        $DB->Update('UPDATE `tx_scanner_history` SET `exceptions`=`exceptions`+1,`blacklisted`=`blacklisted`+1 WHERE `history_id`=?', array($history_id));
    } else {
        if ($penalty & $penalties['delete']) {
            $action = 'Deleted';
            $removed = TRUE;
            DeleteGallery($gallery['gallery_id'], $gallery);
            // Update history
            $DB->Update('UPDATE `tx_scanner_history` SET `exceptions`=`exceptions`+1,`deleted`=`deleted`+1 WHERE `history_id`=?', array($history_id));
        } else {
            if ($penalty & $penalties['disable']) {
                $action = 'Disabled';
                // Don't re-disable a gallery
                if ($gallery['status'] != 'disabled') {
                    //$DB->Update('UPDATE `tx_galleries` SET `status`=?,`admin_comments`=? WHERE `gallery_id`=?', array('disabled', $message, $gallery['gallery_id']));
                    $gallery['previous_status'] = $gallery['status'];
                    $gallery['status'] = 'disabled';
                    $gallery['admin_comments'] = $message;
                // Update history
                $DB->Update('UPDATE `tx_scanner_history` SET `exceptions`=`exceptions`+1,`disabled`=`disabled`+1 WHERE `history_id`=?', array($history_id));
            } else {
                if ($penalty & $penalties['report']) {
                    $action = 'Unchanged';
                    // Update history
                    $DB->Update('UPDATE `tx_scanner_history` SET `exceptions`=`exceptions`+1 WHERE `history_id`=?', array($history_id));
                } else {
                    // Do nothing
                    $exception = 0x0;
                    return $removed;
    $DB->Update('INSERT INTO `tx_scanner_results` VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)', array($config_id, $gallery['gallery_id'], $gallery['gallery_url'], $scan['status'], gmdate(DF_DATETIME, TimeWithTz()), $action, $message));
    return $removed;