function hubwall_post(&$a) { if (!is_site_admin()) { return; } $text = trim($_REQUEST['text']); if (!$text) { return; } $sender_name = sprintf(t('$1%s Administrator'), \Zotlabs\Lib\System::get_site_name()); $sender_email = $_REQUEST['sender']; $subject = $_REQUEST['subject']; $textversion = strip_tags(html_entity_decode(bbcode(stripslashes(str_replace(array("\\r", "\\n"), array("", "\n"), $text))), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')); $htmlversion = bbcode(stripslashes(str_replace(array("\\r", "\\n"), array("", "<br />\n"), $text))); $sql_extra = intval($_REQUEST['test']) ? sprintf(" and account_email = '%s' ", get_config('system', 'admin_email')) : ''; $recips = q("select account_email from account where account_flags = %d {$sql_extra}", intval(ACCOUNT_OK)); if (!$recips) { notice(t('No recipients found.') . EOL); return; } $total_recips = count($recips); $total_delivered = 0; foreach ($recips as $recip) { $x = \Zotlabs\Lib\Enotify::send(array('fromName' => $sender_name, 'fromEmail' => $sender_email, 'replyTo' => $sender_email, 'toEmail' => $recip['account_email'], 'messageSubject' => $subject, 'htmlVersion' => $htmlversion, 'textVersion' => $textversion)); if ($x) { $total_delivered++; } } info(sprintf(t('%1$d of %2$d messages sent.'), $total_delivered, $total_recips) . EOL); }
function testdrive_cron($a, $b) { $r = q("select * from account where account_expires_on < %s + INTERVAL %s and\n\t\taccount_expire_notified = '%s' ", db_utcnow(), db_quoteinterval('5 DAY'), dbesc(NULL_DATE)); if ($r) { foreach ($r as $rr) { $uid = $rr['account_default_channel']; if (!$uid) { continue; } $x = q("select * from channel where channel_id = %d limit 1", intval($uid)); if (!$x) { continue; } \Zotlabs\Lib\Enotify::submit(array('type' => NOTIFY_SYSTEM, 'system_type' => 'testdrive_expire', 'from_xchan' => $x[0]['channel_hash'], 'to_xchan' => $x[0]['channel_hash'])); q("update account set account_expire_notified = '%s' where account_id = %d", dbesc(datetime_convert()), intval($rr['account_id'])); } } // give them a 5 day grace period. Then nuke the account. $r = q("select * from account where account_expired = 1 and account_expires < %s - INTERVAL %s", db_utcnow(), db_quoteinterval('5 DAY')); if ($r) { foreach ($r as $rr) { account_remove($rr['account_id']); } } }
function gnusoc_follow_from_feed(&$a, &$b) { $item = $b['item']; $importer = $b['channel']; $xchan = $b['xchan']; $author = $b['author']; $b['caught'] = true; logger('follow activity received'); if ($author && !$xchan) { $r = q("select * from xchan where xchan_guid = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($author['author_link'])); if (!$r) { if (discover_by_webbie($author['author_link'])) { $r = q("select * from xchan where xchan_guid = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($author['author_link'])); if (!$r) { logger('discovery failed'); return; } } $xchan = $r[0]; } $x = \Zotlabs\Access\PermissionRoles::role_perms('social'); $their_perms = \Zotlabs\Access\Permissions::FilledPerms($x['perms_connect']); $r = q("select * from abook where abook_channel = %d and abook_xchan = '%s' limit 1", intval($importer['channel_id']), dbesc($xchan['xchan_hash'])); if ($r) { $contact = $r[0]; $abook_instance = $contact['abook_instance']; if ($abook_instance) { $abook_instance .= ','; } $abook_instance .= z_root(); $r = q("update abook set abook_instance = '%s' where abook_id = %d and abook_channel = %d", dbesc($abook_instance), intval($contact['abook_id']), intval($importer['channel_id'])); foreach ($their_perms as $k => $v) { set_abconfig($importer['channel_id'], $contact['abook_xchan'], 'their_perms', $k, $v); } } else { $role = get_pconfig($importer['channel_id'], 'system', 'permissions_role'); if ($role) { $x = \Zotlabs\Access\PermissionRoles::role_perms($role); if ($x['perms_auto']) { $my_perms = \Zotlabs\Access\Permissions::FilledPerms($x['perms_connect']); } } if (!$my_perms) { $my_perms = \Zotlabs\Access\Permissions::FilledAutoperms($importer['channel_id']); } $closeness = get_pconfig($importer['channel_id'], 'system', 'new_abook_closeness'); if ($closeness === false) { $closeness = 80; } $r = q("insert into abook ( abook_account, abook_channel, abook_xchan, abook_closeness, abook_created, abook_updated, abook_connected, abook_dob, abook_pending, abook_instance ) values ( %d, %d, '%s', %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, '%s' )", intval($importer['channel_account_id']), intval($importer['channel_id']), dbesc($xchan['xchan_hash']), intval($closeness), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc(NULL_DATE), intval($my_perms ? 0 : 1), dbesc(z_root())); if ($r) { if ($my_perms) { foreach ($my_perms as $k => $v) { set_abconfig($importer['channel_id'], $xchan['xchan_hash'], 'my_perms', $k, $v); } } if ($their_perms) { foreach ($their_perms as $k => $v) { set_abconfig($importer['channel_id'], $xchan['xchan_hash'], 'their_perms', $k, $v); } } logger("New GNU-Social follower received for {$importer['channel_name']}"); $new_connection = q("select * from abook left join xchan on abook_xchan = xchan_hash left join hubloc on hubloc_hash = xchan_hash where abook_channel = %d and abook_xchan = '%s' order by abook_created desc limit 1", intval($importer['channel_id']), dbesc($xchan['xchan_hash'])); if ($new_connection) { \Zotlabs\Lib\Enotify::submit(array('type' => NOTIFY_INTRO, 'from_xchan' => $xchan['xchan_hash'], 'to_xchan' => $importer['channel_hash'], 'link' => z_root() . '/connedit/' . $new_connection[0]['abook_id'])); if ($default_perms) { // Send back a sharing notification to them $deliver = gnusoc_remote_follow($importer, $new_connection[0]); if ($deliver) { Zotlabs\Daemon\Master::Summon(array('Deliver', $deliver)); } } $clone = array(); foreach ($new_connection[0] as $k => $v) { if (strpos($k, 'abook_') === 0) { $clone[$k] = $v; } } unset($clone['abook_id']); unset($clone['abook_account']); unset($clone['abook_channel']); $abconfig = load_abconfig($importer['channel_id'], $clone['abook_xchan']); if ($abconfig) { $clone['abconfig'] = $abconfig; } build_sync_packet($importer['channel_id'], array('abook' => array($clone))); } } } return; } }
function mail_store($arr) { if (!$arr['channel_id']) { logger('mail_store: no uid'); return 0; } if (!$arr['mail_obscured']) { if (strpos($arr['body'], '<') !== false || strpos($arr['body'], '>') !== false) { $arr['body'] = escape_tags($arr['body']); } } if (array_key_exists('attach', $arr) && is_array($arr['attach'])) { $arr['attach'] = json_encode($arr['attach']); } $arr['account_id'] = x($arr, 'account_id') ? intval($arr['account_id']) : 0; $arr['mid'] = x($arr, 'mid') ? notags(trim($arr['mid'])) : random_string(); $arr['from_xchan'] = x($arr, 'from_xchan') ? notags(trim($arr['from_xchan'])) : ''; $arr['to_xchan'] = x($arr, 'to_xchan') ? notags(trim($arr['to_xchan'])) : ''; $arr['created'] = x($arr, 'created') !== false ? datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $arr['created']) : datetime_convert(); $arr['expires'] = x($arr, 'expires') !== false ? datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $arr['expires']) : NULL_DATE; $arr['title'] = x($arr, 'title') ? trim($arr['title']) : ''; $arr['parent_mid'] = x($arr, 'parent_mid') ? notags(trim($arr['parent_mid'])) : ''; $arr['body'] = x($arr, 'body') ? trim($arr['body']) : ''; $arr['conv_guid'] = x($arr, 'conv_guid') ? trim($arr['conv_guid']) : ''; $arr['mail_flags'] = x($arr, 'mail_flags') ? intval($arr['mail_flags']) : 0; if (!$arr['parent_mid']) { logger('mail_store: missing parent'); $arr['parent_mid'] = $arr['mid']; } $r = q("SELECT `id` FROM mail WHERE `mid` = '%s' AND channel_id = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($arr['mid']), intval($arr['channel_id'])); if ($r) { logger('mail_store: duplicate item ignored. ' . print_r($arr, true)); return 0; } if (!$r && $arr['mail_recalled'] == 1) { logger('mail_store: recalled item not found. ' . print_r($arr, true)); return 0; } call_hooks('post_mail', $arr); if (x($arr, 'cancel')) { logger('mail_store: post cancelled by plugin.'); return 0; } dbesc_array($arr); logger('mail_store: ' . print_r($arr, true), LOGGER_DATA); $r = dbq("INSERT INTO mail (`" . implode("`, `", array_keys($arr)) . "`) VALUES ('" . implode("', '", array_values($arr)) . "')"); // find the item we just created $r = q("SELECT `id` FROM mail WHERE `mid` = '%s' AND `channel_id` = %d ORDER BY `id` ASC ", $arr['mid'], intval($arr['channel_id'])); if ($r) { $current_post = $r[0]['id']; logger('mail_store: created item ' . $current_post, LOGGER_DEBUG); $arr['id'] = $current_post; // for notification } else { logger('mail_store: could not locate created item'); return 0; } if (count($r) > 1) { logger('mail_store: duplicated post occurred. Removing duplicates.'); q("DELETE FROM mail WHERE `mid` = '%s' AND `channel_id` = %d AND `id` != %d ", $arr['mid'], intval($arr['channel_id']), intval($current_post)); } else { $notif_params = array('from_xchan' => $arr['from_xchan'], 'to_xchan' => $arr['to_xchan'], 'type' => NOTIFY_MAIL, 'item' => $arr, 'verb' => ACTIVITY_POST, 'otype' => 'mail'); Zlib\Enotify::submit($notif_params); } call_hooks('post_mail_end', $arr); return $current_post; }
function init() { $result = array(); $notifs = array(); $result['notify'] = 0; $result['home'] = 0; $result['network'] = 0; $result['intros'] = 0; $result['mail'] = 0; $result['register'] = 0; $result['events'] = 0; $result['events_today'] = 0; $result['birthdays'] = 0; $result['birthdays_today'] = 0; $result['all_events'] = 0; $result['all_events_today'] = 0; $result['notice'] = array(); $result['info'] = array(); $t0 = dba_timer(); header("content-type: application/json"); $vnotify = false; $item_normal = item_normal(); if (local_channel()) { $vnotify = get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'vnotify'); $evdays = intval(get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'evdays')); $ob_hash = get_observer_hash(); } // if unset show all visual notification types if ($vnotify === false) { $vnotify = -1; } if ($evdays < 1) { $evdays = 3; } /** * If you have several windows open to this site and switch to a different channel * in one of them, the others may get into a confused state showing you a page or options * on that page which were only valid under the old identity. You session has changed. * Therefore we send a notification of this fact back to the browser where it is picked up * in javascript and which reloads the page it is on so that it is valid under the context * of the now current channel. */ $result['invalid'] = intval($_GET['uid']) && intval($_GET['uid']) != local_channel() ? 1 : 0; /** * Send all system messages (alerts) to the browser. * Some are marked as informational and some represent * errors or serious notifications. These typically * will popup on the current page (no matter what page it is) */ if (x($_SESSION, 'sysmsg')) { foreach ($_SESSION['sysmsg'] as $m) { $result['notice'][] = array('message' => $m); } unset($_SESSION['sysmsg']); } if (x($_SESSION, 'sysmsg_info')) { foreach ($_SESSION['sysmsg_info'] as $m) { $result['info'][] = array('message' => $m); } unset($_SESSION['sysmsg_info']); } if (!($vnotify & VNOTIFY_INFO)) { $result['info'] = array(); } if (!($vnotify & VNOTIFY_ALERT)) { $result['notice'] = array(); } if (\App::$install) { echo json_encode($result); killme(); } /** * Update chat presence indication (if applicable) */ if (get_observer_hash() && !$result['invalid']) { $r = q("select cp_id, cp_room from chatpresence where cp_xchan = '%s' and cp_client = '%s' and cp_room = 0 limit 1", dbesc(get_observer_hash()), dbesc($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])); $basic_presence = false; if ($r) { $basic_presence = true; q("update chatpresence set cp_last = '%s' where cp_id = %d", dbesc(datetime_convert()), intval($r[0]['cp_id'])); } if (!$basic_presence) { q("insert into chatpresence ( cp_xchan, cp_last, cp_status, cp_client)\n\t\t\t\t\tvalues( '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s' ) ", dbesc(get_observer_hash()), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc('online'), dbesc($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])); } } /** * Chatpresence continued... if somebody hasn't pinged recently, they've most likely left the page * and shouldn't count as online anymore. We allow an expection for bots. */ q("delete from chatpresence where cp_last < %s - INTERVAL %s and cp_client != 'auto' ", db_utcnow(), db_quoteinterval('3 MINUTE')); if (!local_channel() || $result['invalid']) { echo json_encode($result); killme(); } /** * Everything following is only permitted under the context of a locally authenticated site member. */ /** * Handle "mark all xyz notifications read" requests. */ // mark all items read if (x($_REQUEST, 'markRead') && local_channel()) { switch ($_REQUEST['markRead']) { case 'network': $r = q("update item set item_unseen = 0 where item_unseen = 1 and uid = %d", intval(local_channel())); break; case 'home': $r = q("update item set item_unseen = 0 where item_unseen = 1 and item_wall = 1 and uid = %d", intval(local_channel())); break; case 'messages': $r = q("update mail set mail_seen = 1 where mail_seen = 0 and channel_id = %d ", intval(local_channel())); break; case 'all_events': $r = q("update event set `dismissed` = 1 where `dismissed` = 0 and uid = %d AND dtstart < '%s' AND dtstart > '%s' ", intval(local_channel()), dbesc(datetime_convert('UTC', date_default_timezone_get(), 'now + ' . intval($evdays) . ' days')), dbesc(datetime_convert('UTC', date_default_timezone_get(), 'now - 1 days'))); break; case 'notify': $r = q("update notify set seen = 1 where uid = %d", intval(local_channel())); break; default: break; } } if (x($_REQUEST, 'markItemRead') && local_channel()) { $r = q("update item set item_unseen = 0 where parent = %d and uid = %d", intval($_REQUEST['markItemRead']), intval(local_channel())); } /** * URL ping/something will return detail for "something", e.g. a json list with which to populate a notification * dropdown menu. */ if (argc() > 1 && argv(1) === 'notify') { $t = q("select count(*) as total from notify where uid = %d and seen = 0", intval(local_channel())); if ($t && intval($t[0]['total']) > 49) { $z = q("select * from notify where uid = %d\n\t\t\t\t\tand seen = 0 order by created desc limit 50", intval(local_channel())); } else { $z1 = q("select * from notify where uid = %d\n\t\t\t\t\tand seen = 0 order by created desc limit 50", intval(local_channel())); $z2 = q("select * from notify where uid = %d\n\t\t\t\t\tand seen = 1 order by created desc limit %d", intval(local_channel()), intval(50 - intval($t[0]['total']))); $z = array_merge($z1, $z2); } if (count($z)) { foreach ($z as $zz) { $notifs[] = array('notify_link' => z_root() . '/notify/view/' . $zz['id'], 'name' => $zz['xname'], 'url' => $zz['url'], 'photo' => $zz['photo'], 'when' => relative_date($zz['created']), 'hclass' => $zz['seen'] ? 'notify-seen' : 'notify-unseen', 'message' => strip_tags(bbcode($zz['msg']))); } } echo json_encode(array('notify' => $notifs)); killme(); } if (argc() > 1 && argv(1) === 'messages') { $channel = \App::get_channel(); $t = q("select mail.*, xchan.* from mail left join xchan on xchan_hash = from_xchan \n\t\t\t\twhere channel_id = %d and mail_seen = 0 and mail_deleted = 0 \n\t\t\t\tand from_xchan != '%s' order by created desc limit 50", intval(local_channel()), dbesc($channel['channel_hash'])); if ($t) { foreach ($t as $zz) { $notifs[] = array('notify_link' => z_root() . '/mail/' . $zz['id'], 'name' => $zz['xchan_name'], 'url' => $zz['xchan_url'], 'photo' => $zz['xchan_photo_s'], 'when' => relative_date($zz['created']), 'hclass' => intval($zz['mail_seen']) ? 'notify-seen' : 'notify-unseen', 'message' => t('sent you a private message')); } } echo json_encode(array('notify' => $notifs)); killme(); } if (argc() > 1 && (argv(1) === 'network' || argv(1) === 'home')) { $result = array(); $r = q("SELECT * FROM item\n\t\t\t\tWHERE item_unseen = 1 and uid = %d {$item_normal}\n\t\t\t\tand author_xchan != '%s' ORDER BY created DESC limit 300", intval(local_channel()), dbesc($ob_hash)); if ($r) { xchan_query($r); foreach ($r as $item) { if (argv(1) === 'home' && !intval($item['item_wall'])) { continue; } $result[] = \Zotlabs\Lib\Enotify::format($item); } } // logger('ping (network||home): ' . print_r($result, true), LOGGER_DATA); echo json_encode(array('notify' => $result)); killme(); } if (argc() > 1 && argv(1) === 'intros') { $result = array(); $r = q("SELECT * FROM abook left join xchan on abook.abook_xchan = xchan.xchan_hash where abook_channel = %d and abook_pending = 1 and abook_self = 0 and abook_ignored = 0 and xchan_deleted = 0 and xchan_orphan = 0 ORDER BY abook_created DESC LIMIT 50", intval(local_channel())); if ($r) { foreach ($r as $rr) { $result[] = array('notify_link' => z_root() . '/connections/ifpending', 'name' => $rr['xchan_name'], 'url' => $rr['xchan_url'], 'photo' => $rr['xchan_photo_s'], 'when' => relative_date($rr['abook_created']), 'hclass' => 'notify-unseen', 'message' => t('added your channel')); } } logger('ping (intros): ' . print_r($result, true), LOGGER_DATA); echo json_encode(array('notify' => $result)); killme(); } if (argc() > 1 && argv(1) === 'all_events') { $bd_format = t('g A l F d'); // 8 AM Friday January 18 $result = array(); $r = q("SELECT * FROM event left join xchan on event_xchan = xchan_hash\n\t\t\t\tWHERE `event`.`uid` = %d AND dtstart < '%s' AND dtstart > '%s' and `dismissed` = 0\n\t\t\t\tand etype in ( 'event', 'birthday' )\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY `dtstart` DESC LIMIT 1000", intval(local_channel()), dbesc(datetime_convert('UTC', date_default_timezone_get(), 'now + ' . intval($evdays) . ' days')), dbesc(datetime_convert('UTC', date_default_timezone_get(), 'now - 1 days'))); if ($r) { foreach ($r as $rr) { if ($rr['adjust']) { $md = datetime_convert('UTC', date_default_timezone_get(), $rr['dtstart'], 'Y/m'); } else { $md = datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $rr['dtstart'], 'Y/m'); } $strt = datetime_convert('UTC', $rr['adjust'] ? date_default_timezone_get() : 'UTC', $rr['dtstart']); $today = substr($strt, 0, 10) === datetime_convert('UTC', date_default_timezone_get(), 'now', 'Y-m-d') ? true : false; $when = day_translate(datetime_convert('UTC', $rr['adjust'] ? date_default_timezone_get() : 'UTC', $rr['dtstart'], $bd_format)) . ($today ? ' ' . t('[today]') : ''); $result[] = array('notify_link' => z_root() . '/events', 'name' => $rr['xchan_name'], 'url' => $rr['xchan_url'], 'photo' => $rr['xchan_photo_s'], 'when' => $when, 'hclass' => 'notify-unseen', 'message' => t('posted an event')); } } logger('ping (all_events): ' . print_r($result, true), LOGGER_DATA); echo json_encode(array('notify' => $result)); killme(); } /** * Normal ping - just the counts, no detail */ if ($vnotify & VNOTIFY_SYSTEM) { $t = q("select count(*) as total from notify where uid = %d and seen = 0", intval(local_channel())); if ($t) { $result['notify'] = intval($t[0]['total']); } } $t1 = dba_timer(); if ($vnotify & (VNOTIFY_NETWORK | VNOTIFY_CHANNEL)) { $r = q("SELECT id, item_wall FROM item\n\t\t\t\tWHERE item_unseen = 1 and uid = %d\n\t\t\t\t{$item_normal}\n\t\t\t\tand author_xchan != '%s'", intval(local_channel()), dbesc($ob_hash)); if ($r) { $arr = array('items' => $r); call_hooks('network_ping', $arr); foreach ($r as $it) { if (intval($it['item_wall'])) { $result['home']++; } else { $result['network']++; } } } } if (!($vnotify & VNOTIFY_NETWORK)) { $result['network'] = 0; } if (!($vnotify & VNOTIFY_CHANNEL)) { $result['home'] = 0; } $t2 = dba_timer(); if ($vnotify & VNOTIFY_INTRO) { $intr = q("SELECT COUNT(abook.abook_id) AS total FROM abook left join xchan on abook.abook_xchan = xchan.xchan_hash where abook_channel = %d and abook_pending = 1 and abook_self = 0 and abook_ignored = 0 and xchan_deleted = 0 and xchan_orphan = 0 ", intval(local_channel())); $t3 = dba_timer(); if ($intr) { $result['intros'] = intval($intr[0]['total']); } } $t4 = dba_timer(); $channel = \App::get_channel(); if ($vnotify & VNOTIFY_MAIL) { $mails = q("SELECT count(id) as total from mail\n\t\t\t\tWHERE channel_id = %d AND mail_seen = 0 and from_xchan != '%s' ", intval(local_channel()), dbesc($channel['channel_hash'])); if ($mails) { $result['mail'] = intval($mails[0]['total']); } } if ($vnotify & VNOTIFY_REGISTER) { if (\App::$config['system']['register_policy'] == REGISTER_APPROVE && is_site_admin()) { $regs = q("SELECT count(account_id) as total from account where (account_flags & %d) > 0", intval(ACCOUNT_PENDING)); if ($regs) { $result['register'] = intval($regs[0]['total']); } } } $t5 = dba_timer(); if ($vnotify & (VNOTIFY_EVENT | VNOTIFY_EVENTTODAY | VNOTIFY_BIRTHDAY)) { $events = q("SELECT etype, dtstart, adjust FROM `event`\n\t\t\t\tWHERE `event`.`uid` = %d AND dtstart < '%s' AND dtstart > '%s' and `dismissed` = 0\n\t\t\t\tand etype in ( 'event', 'birthday' )\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY `dtstart` ASC ", intval(local_channel()), dbesc(datetime_convert('UTC', date_default_timezone_get(), 'now + ' . intval($evdays) . ' days')), dbesc(datetime_convert('UTC', date_default_timezone_get(), 'now - 1 days'))); if ($events) { $result['all_events'] = count($events); if ($result['all_events']) { $str_now = datetime_convert('UTC', date_default_timezone_get(), 'now', 'Y-m-d'); foreach ($events as $x) { $bd = false; if ($x['etype'] === 'birthday') { $result['birthdays']++; $bd = true; } else { $result['events']++; } if (datetime_convert('UTC', intval($x['adjust']) ? date_default_timezone_get() : 'UTC', $x['dtstart'], 'Y-m-d') === $str_now) { $result['all_events_today']++; if ($bd) { $result['birthdays_today']++; } else { $result['events_today']++; } } } } } } if (!($vnotify & VNOTIFY_EVENT)) { $result['all_events'] = $result['events'] = 0; } if (!($vnotify & VNOTIFY_EVENTTODAY)) { $result['all_events_today'] = $result['events_today'] = 0; } if (!($vnotify & VNOTIFY_BIRTHDAY)) { $result['birthdays'] = 0; } $x = json_encode($result); $t6 = dba_timer(); // logger('ping timer: ' . sprintf('%01.4f %01.4f %01.4f %01.4f %01.4f %01.4f',$t6 - $t5, $t5 - $t4, $t4 - $t3, $t3 - $t2, $t2 - $t1, $t1 - $t0)); echo $x; killme(); }
function diaspora_message($importer, $xml, $msg) { $a = get_app(); $msg_guid = notags(unxmlify($xml['guid'])); $msg_parent_guid = notags(unxmlify($xml['parent_guid'])); $msg_parent_author_signature = notags(unxmlify($xml['parent_author_signature'])); $msg_author_signature = notags(unxmlify($xml['author_signature'])); $msg_text = unxmlify($xml['text']); $msg_created_at = datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', notags(unxmlify($xml['created_at']))); $msg_diaspora_handle = notags(diaspora_get_author($xml)); $msg_conversation_guid = notags(unxmlify($xml['conversation_guid'])); $parent_uri = $msg_parent_guid; $contact = diaspora_get_contact_by_handle($importer['channel_id'], $msg_diaspora_handle); if (!$contact) { logger('diaspora_message: cannot find contact: ' . $msg_diaspora_handle); return; } if (!perm_is_allowed($importer['channel_id'], $contact['xchan_hash'], 'post_mail')) { logger('Ignoring this author.'); return 202; } $conversation = null; $c = q("select * from conv where uid = %d and guid = '%s' limit 1", intval($importer['channel_id']), dbesc($msg_conversation_guid)); if ($c) { $conversation = $c[0]; } else { logger('diaspora_message: conversation not available.'); return; } $reply = 0; $subject = $conversation['subject']; //this is already encoded $body = diaspora2bb($msg_text); $maxlen = get_max_import_size(); if ($maxlen && mb_strlen($body) > $maxlen) { $body = mb_substr($body, 0, $maxlen, 'UTF-8'); logger('message length exceeds max_import_size: truncated'); } $parent_ptr = $msg_parent_guid; if ($parent_ptr === $conversation['guid']) { // this should always be the case $x = q("select mid from mail where conv_guid = '%s' and channel_id = %d order by id asc limit 1", dbesc($conversation['guid']), intval($importer['channel_id'])); if ($x) { $parent_ptr = $x[0]['mid']; } } $author_signed_data = $msg_guid . ';' . $msg_parent_guid . ';' . $msg_text . ';' . unxmlify($xml['created_at']) . ';' . $msg_diaspora_handle . ';' . $msg_conversation_guid; $author_signature = base64_decode($msg_author_signature); $person = find_diaspora_person_by_handle($msg_diaspora_handle); if (is_array($person) && x($person, 'xchan_pubkey')) { $key = $person['xchan_pubkey']; } else { logger('diaspora_message: unable to find author details'); return; } if (!rsa_verify($author_signed_data, $author_signature, $key, 'sha256')) { logger('diaspora_message: verification failed.'); return; } $r = q("select id from mail where mid = '%s' and channel_id = %d limit 1", dbesc($msg_guid), intval($importer['channel_id'])); if ($r) { logger('diaspora_message: duplicate message already delivered.', LOGGER_DEBUG); return; } $key = get_config('system', 'pubkey'); // $subject is a copy of the already obscured subject from the conversation structure if ($body) { $body = str_rot47(base64url_encode($body)); } q("insert into mail ( `account_id`, `channel_id`, `convid`, `conv_guid`, `from_xchan`,`to_xchan`,`title`,`body`,`mail_obscured`,`mid`,`parent_mid`,`created`, mail_isreply) values ( %d, %d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', %d)", intval($importer['channel_account_id']), intval($importer['channel_id']), intval($conversation['id']), dbesc($conversation['guid']), dbesc($person['xchan_hash']), dbesc($importer['xchan_hash']), dbesc($subject), dbesc($body), intval(1), dbesc($msg_guid), dbesc($parent_ptr), dbesc($msg_created_at), intval(1)); q("update conv set updated = '%s' where id = %d", dbesc(datetime_convert()), intval($conversation['id'])); $z = q("select * from mail where mid = '%s' and channel_id = %d limit 1", dbesc($msg_guid), intval($importer['channel_id'])); \Zotlabs\Lib\Enotify::submit(array('from_xchan' => $person['xchan_hash'], 'to_xchan' => $importer['channel_hash'], 'type' => NOTIFY_MAIL, 'item' => $z[0], 'verb' => ACTIVITY_POST, 'otype' => 'mail')); return; }
function post() { // This will change. Figure out who the observer is and whether or not // they have permission to post here. Else ignore the post. if (!local_channel() && !remote_channel() && !x($_REQUEST, 'commenter')) { return; } require_once 'include/security.php'; $uid = local_channel(); $channel = null; $observer = null; /** * Is this a reply to something? */ $parent = x($_REQUEST, 'parent') ? intval($_REQUEST['parent']) : 0; $parent_mid = x($_REQUEST, 'parent_mid') ? trim($_REQUEST['parent_mid']) : ''; $remote_xchan = x($_REQUEST, 'remote_xchan') ? trim($_REQUEST['remote_xchan']) : false; $r = q("select * from xchan where xchan_hash = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($remote_xchan)); if ($r) { $remote_observer = $r[0]; } else { $remote_xchan = $remote_observer = false; } $profile_uid = x($_REQUEST, 'profile_uid') ? intval($_REQUEST['profile_uid']) : 0; require_once 'include/channel.php'; $sys = get_sys_channel(); if ($sys && $profile_uid && $sys['channel_id'] == $profile_uid && is_site_admin()) { $uid = intval($sys['channel_id']); $channel = $sys; $observer = $sys; } if (x($_REQUEST, 'dropitems')) { require_once 'include/items.php'; $arr_drop = explode(',', $_REQUEST['dropitems']); drop_items($arr_drop); $json = array('success' => 1); echo json_encode($json); killme(); } call_hooks('post_local_start', $_REQUEST); // logger('postvars ' . print_r($_REQUEST,true), LOGGER_DATA); $api_source = x($_REQUEST, 'api_source') && $_REQUEST['api_source'] ? true : false; $consensus = intval($_REQUEST['consensus']); // 'origin' (if non-zero) indicates that this network is where the message originated, // for the purpose of relaying comments to other conversation members. // If using the API from a device (leaf node) you must set origin to 1 (default) or leave unset. // If the API is used from another network with its own distribution // and deliveries, you may wish to set origin to 0 or false and allow the other // network to relay comments. // If you are unsure, it is prudent (and important) to leave it unset. $origin = $api_source && array_key_exists('origin', $_REQUEST) ? intval($_REQUEST['origin']) : 1; // To represent message-ids on other networks - this will create an iconfig record $namespace = $api_source && array_key_exists('namespace', $_REQUEST) ? strip_tags($_REQUEST['namespace']) : ''; $remote_id = $api_source && array_key_exists('remote_id', $_REQUEST) ? strip_tags($_REQUEST['remote_id']) : ''; $owner_hash = null; $message_id = x($_REQUEST, 'message_id') && $api_source ? strip_tags($_REQUEST['message_id']) : ''; $created = x($_REQUEST, 'created') ? datetime_convert(date_default_timezone_get(), 'UTC', $_REQUEST['created']) : datetime_convert(); $post_id = x($_REQUEST, 'post_id') ? intval($_REQUEST['post_id']) : 0; $app = x($_REQUEST, 'source') ? strip_tags($_REQUEST['source']) : ''; $return_path = x($_REQUEST, 'return') ? $_REQUEST['return'] : ''; $preview = x($_REQUEST, 'preview') ? intval($_REQUEST['preview']) : 0; $categories = x($_REQUEST, 'category') ? escape_tags($_REQUEST['category']) : ''; $webpage = x($_REQUEST, 'webpage') ? intval($_REQUEST['webpage']) : 0; $pagetitle = x($_REQUEST, 'pagetitle') ? escape_tags(urlencode($_REQUEST['pagetitle'])) : ''; $layout_mid = x($_REQUEST, 'layout_mid') ? escape_tags($_REQUEST['layout_mid']) : ''; $plink = x($_REQUEST, 'permalink') ? escape_tags($_REQUEST['permalink']) : ''; $obj_type = x($_REQUEST, 'obj_type') ? escape_tags($_REQUEST['obj_type']) : ACTIVITY_OBJ_NOTE; // allow API to bulk load a bunch of imported items with sending out a bunch of posts. $nopush = x($_REQUEST, 'nopush') ? intval($_REQUEST['nopush']) : 0; /* * Check service class limits */ if ($uid && !x($_REQUEST, 'parent') && !x($_REQUEST, 'post_id')) { $ret = $this->item_check_service_class($uid, $_REQUEST['webpage'] == ITEM_TYPE_WEBPAGE ? true : false); if (!$ret['success']) { notice(t($ret['message']) . EOL); if (x($_REQUEST, 'return')) { goaway(z_root() . "/" . $return_path); } killme(); } } if ($pagetitle) { require_once 'library/urlify/URLify.php'; $pagetitle = strtolower(\URLify::transliterate($pagetitle)); } $item_flags = $item_restrict = 0; $route = ''; $parent_item = null; $parent_contact = null; $thr_parent = ''; $parid = 0; $r = false; if ($parent || $parent_mid) { if (!x($_REQUEST, 'type')) { $_REQUEST['type'] = 'net-comment'; } if ($obj_type == ACTIVITY_OBJ_POST) { $obj_type = ACTIVITY_OBJ_COMMENT; } if ($parent) { $r = q("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($parent)); } elseif ($parent_mid && $uid) { // This is coming from an API source, and we are logged in $r = q("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `mid` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($parent_mid), intval($uid)); } // if this isn't the real parent of the conversation, find it if ($r !== false && count($r)) { $parid = $r[0]['parent']; $parent_mid = $r[0]['mid']; if ($r[0]['id'] != $r[0]['parent']) { $r = q("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `id` = `parent` AND `parent` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($parid)); } } if ($r === false || !count($r)) { notice(t('Unable to locate original post.') . EOL); if (x($_REQUEST, 'return')) { goaway(z_root() . "/" . $return_path); } killme(); } // can_comment_on_post() needs info from the following xchan_query // This may be from the discover tab which means we need to correct the effective uid xchan_query($r, true, $r[0]['uid'] == local_channel() ? 0 : local_channel()); $parent_item = $r[0]; $parent = $r[0]['id']; // multi-level threading - preserve the info but re-parent to our single level threading $thr_parent = $parent_mid; $route = $parent_item['route']; } if (!$observer) { $observer = \App::get_observer(); } if ($parent) { logger('mod_item: item_post parent=' . $parent); $can_comment = false; if (array_key_exists('owner', $parent_item) && intval($parent_item['owner']['abook_self'])) { $can_comment = perm_is_allowed($profile_uid, $observer['xchan_hash'], 'post_comments'); } else { $can_comment = can_comment_on_post($observer['xchan_hash'], $parent_item); } if (!$can_comment) { notice(t('Permission denied.') . EOL); if (x($_REQUEST, 'return')) { goaway(z_root() . "/" . $return_path); } killme(); } } else { if (!perm_is_allowed($profile_uid, $observer['xchan_hash'], $webpage ? 'write_pages' : 'post_wall')) { notice(t('Permission denied.') . EOL); if (x($_REQUEST, 'return')) { goaway(z_root() . "/" . $return_path); } killme(); } } // is this an edited post? $orig_post = null; if ($namespace && $remote_id) { // It wasn't an internally generated post - see if we've got an item matching this remote service id $i = q("select iid from iconfig where cat = 'system' and k = '%s' and v = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($namespace), dbesc($remote_id)); if ($i) { $post_id = $i[0]['iid']; } } $iconfig = null; if ($post_id) { $i = q("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($profile_uid), intval($post_id)); if (!count($i)) { killme(); } $orig_post = $i[0]; $iconfig = q("select * from iconfig where iid = %d", intval($post_id)); } if (!$channel) { if ($uid && $uid == $profile_uid) { $channel = \App::get_channel(); } else { // posting as yourself but not necessarily to a channel you control $r = q("select * from channel left join account on channel_account_id = account_id where channel_id = %d LIMIT 1", intval($profile_uid)); if ($r) { $channel = $r[0]; } } } if (!$channel) { logger("mod_item: no channel."); if (x($_REQUEST, 'return')) { goaway(z_root() . "/" . $return_path); } killme(); } $owner_xchan = null; $r = q("select * from xchan where xchan_hash = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($channel['channel_hash'])); if ($r && count($r)) { $owner_xchan = $r[0]; } else { logger("mod_item: no owner."); if (x($_REQUEST, 'return')) { goaway(z_root() . "/" . $return_path); } killme(); } $walltowall = false; $walltowall_comment = false; if ($remote_xchan) { $observer = $remote_observer; } if ($observer) { logger('mod_item: post accepted from ' . $observer['xchan_name'] . ' for ' . $owner_xchan['xchan_name'], LOGGER_DEBUG); // wall-to-wall detection. // For top-level posts, if the author and owner are different it's a wall-to-wall // For comments, We need to additionally look at the parent and see if it's a wall post that originated locally. if ($observer['xchan_name'] != $owner_xchan['xchan_name']) { if ($parent_item && ($parent_item['item_wall'] && $parent_item['item_origin'])) { $walltowall_comment = true; $walltowall = true; } if (!$parent) { $walltowall = true; } } } $acl = new \Zotlabs\Access\AccessList($channel); $public_policy = x($_REQUEST, 'public_policy') ? escape_tags($_REQUEST['public_policy']) : map_scope($channel['channel_r_stream'], true); if ($webpage) { $public_policy = ''; } if ($public_policy) { $private = 1; } if ($orig_post) { $private = 0; // webpages are allowed to change ACLs after the fact. Normal conversation items aren't. if ($webpage) { $acl->set_from_array($_REQUEST); } else { $acl->set($orig_post); $public_policy = $orig_post['public_policy']; $private = $orig_post['item_private']; } if ($private || $public_policy || $acl->is_private()) { $private = 1; } $location = $orig_post['location']; $coord = $orig_post['coord']; $verb = $orig_post['verb']; $app = $orig_post['app']; $title = escape_tags(trim($_REQUEST['title'])); $body = trim($_REQUEST['body']); $item_flags = $orig_post['item_flags']; $item_origin = $orig_post['item_origin']; $item_unseen = $orig_post['item_unseen']; $item_starred = $orig_post['item_starred']; $item_uplink = $orig_post['item_uplink']; $item_consensus = $orig_post['item_consensus']; $item_wall = $orig_post['item_wall']; $item_thread_top = $orig_post['item_thread_top']; $item_notshown = $orig_post['item_notshown']; $item_nsfw = $orig_post['item_nsfw']; $item_relay = $orig_post['item_relay']; $item_mentionsme = $orig_post['item_mentionsme']; $item_nocomment = $orig_post['item_nocomment']; $item_obscured = $orig_post['item_obscured']; $item_verified = $orig_post['item_verified']; $item_retained = $orig_post['item_retained']; $item_rss = $orig_post['item_rss']; $item_deleted = $orig_post['item_deleted']; $item_type = $orig_post['item_type']; $item_hidden = $orig_post['item_hidden']; $item_unpublished = $orig_post['item_unpublished']; $item_delayed = $orig_post['item_delayed']; $item_pending_remove = $orig_post['item_pending_remove']; $item_blocked = $orig_post['item_blocked']; $postopts = $orig_post['postopts']; $created = $orig_post['created']; $mid = $orig_post['mid']; $parent_mid = $orig_post['parent_mid']; $plink = $orig_post['plink']; } else { if (!$walltowall) { if (array_key_exists('contact_allow', $_REQUEST) || array_key_exists('group_allow', $_REQUEST) || array_key_exists('contact_deny', $_REQUEST) || array_key_exists('group_deny', $_REQUEST)) { $acl->set_from_array($_REQUEST); } elseif (!$api_source) { // if no ACL has been defined and we aren't using the API, the form // didn't send us any parameters. This means there's no ACL or it has // been reset to the default audience. // If $api_source is set and there are no ACL parameters, we default // to the channel permissions which were set in the ACL contructor. $acl->set(array('allow_cid' => '', 'allow_gid' => '', 'deny_cid' => '', 'deny_gid' => '')); } } $location = notags(trim($_REQUEST['location'])); $coord = notags(trim($_REQUEST['coord'])); $verb = notags(trim($_REQUEST['verb'])); $title = escape_tags(trim($_REQUEST['title'])); $body = trim($_REQUEST['body']); $body .= trim($_REQUEST['attachment']); $postopts = ''; $private = intval($acl->is_private() || $public_policy); // If this is a comment, set the permissions from the parent. if ($parent_item) { $private = 0; $acl->set($parent_item); $private = intval($acl->is_private() || $parent_item['item_private']); $public_policy = $parent_item['public_policy']; $owner_hash = $parent_item['owner_xchan']; } if (!strlen($body)) { if ($preview) { killme(); } info(t('Empty post discarded.') . EOL); if (x($_REQUEST, 'return')) { goaway(z_root() . "/" . $return_path); } killme(); } } $expires = NULL_DATE; if (feature_enabled($profile_uid, 'content_expire')) { if (x($_REQUEST, 'expire')) { $expires = datetime_convert(date_default_timezone_get(), 'UTC', $_REQUEST['expire']); if ($expires <= datetime_convert()) { $expires = NULL_DATE; } } } $mimetype = notags(trim($_REQUEST['mimetype'])); if (!$mimetype) { $mimetype = 'text/bbcode'; } if ($preview) { $body = z_input_filter($profile_uid, $body, $mimetype); } // Verify ability to use html or php!!! $execflag = false; if ($mimetype !== 'text/bbcode') { $z = q("select account_id, account_roles, channel_pageflags from account left join channel on channel_account_id = account_id where channel_id = %d limit 1", intval($profile_uid)); if ($z && ($z[0]['account_roles'] & ACCOUNT_ROLE_ALLOWCODE || $z[0]['channel_pageflags'] & PAGE_ALLOWCODE)) { if ($uid && get_account_id() == $z[0]['account_id']) { $execflag = true; } else { notice(t('Executable content type not permitted to this channel.') . EOL); if (x($_REQUEST, 'return')) { goaway(z_root() . "/" . $return_path); } killme(); } } } $gacl = $acl->get(); $str_contact_allow = $gacl['allow_cid']; $str_group_allow = $gacl['allow_gid']; $str_contact_deny = $gacl['deny_cid']; $str_group_deny = $gacl['deny_gid']; if ($mimetype === 'text/bbcode') { require_once 'include/text.php'; // Markdown doesn't work correctly. Do not re-enable unless you're willing to fix it and support it. // Sample that will probably give you grief - you must preserve the linebreaks // and provide the correct markdown interpretation and you cannot allow unfiltered HTML // Markdown // ======== // // **bold** abcde // fghijkl // *italic* // <img src="javascript:alert('hacked');" /> // if($uid && $uid == $profile_uid && feature_enabled($uid,'markdown')) { // require_once('include/bb2diaspora.php'); // $body = escape_tags(trim($body)); // $body = str_replace("\n",'<br />', $body); // $body = preg_replace_callback('/\[share(.*?)\]/ism','\share_shield',$body); // $body = diaspora2bb($body,true); // $body = preg_replace_callback('/\[share(.*?)\]/ism','\share_unshield',$body); // } // BBCODE alert: the following functions assume bbcode input // and will require alternatives for alternative content-types (text/html, text/markdown, text/plain, etc.) // we may need virtual or template classes to implement the possible alternatives // Work around doubled linefeeds in Tinymce 3.5b2 // First figure out if it's a status post that would've been // created using tinymce. Otherwise leave it alone. $plaintext = true; // $plaintext = ((feature_enabled($profile_uid,'richtext')) ? false : true); // if((! $parent) && (! $api_source) && (! $plaintext)) { // $body = fix_mce_lf($body); // } // If we're sending a private top-level message with a single @-taggable channel as a recipient, @-tag it, if our pconfig is set. if (!$parent && get_pconfig($profile_uid, 'system', 'tagifonlyrecip') && substr_count($str_contact_allow, '<') == 1 && $str_group_allow == '' && $str_contact_deny == '' && $str_group_deny == '') { $x = q("select abook_id, abook_their_perms from abook where abook_xchan = '%s' and abook_channel = %d limit 1", dbesc(str_replace(array('<', '>'), array('', ''), $str_contact_allow)), intval($profile_uid)); if ($x && $x[0]['abook_their_perms'] & PERMS_W_TAGWALL) { $body .= "\n\n@group+" . $x[0]['abook_id'] . "\n"; } } /** * fix naked links by passing through a callback to see if this is a hubzilla site * (already known to us) which will get a zrl, otherwise link with url, add bookmark tag to both. * First protect any url inside certain bbcode tags so we don't double link it. */ $body = preg_replace_callback('/\\[code(.*?)\\[\\/(code)\\]/ism', '\\red_escape_codeblock', $body); $body = preg_replace_callback('/\\[url(.*?)\\[\\/(url)\\]/ism', '\\red_escape_codeblock', $body); $body = preg_replace_callback('/\\[zrl(.*?)\\[\\/(zrl)\\]/ism', '\\red_escape_codeblock', $body); $body = preg_replace_callback("/([^\\]\\='" . '"' . "\\/]|^|\\#\\^)(https?\\:\\/\\/[a-zA-Z0-9\\:\\/\\-\\?\\&\\;\\.\\=\\@\\_\\~\\#\\%\$\\!\\+\\,]+)/ism", '\\red_zrl_callback', $body); $body = preg_replace_callback('/\\[\\$b64zrl(.*?)\\[\\/(zrl)\\]/ism', '\\red_unescape_codeblock', $body); $body = preg_replace_callback('/\\[\\$b64url(.*?)\\[\\/(url)\\]/ism', '\\red_unescape_codeblock', $body); $body = preg_replace_callback('/\\[\\$b64code(.*?)\\[\\/(code)\\]/ism', '\\red_unescape_codeblock', $body); // fix any img tags that should be zmg $body = preg_replace_callback('/\\[img(.*?)\\](.*?)\\[\\/img\\]/ism', '\\red_zrlify_img_callback', $body); $body = bb_translate_video($body); /** * Fold multi-line [code] sequences */ $body = preg_replace('/\\[\\/code\\]\\s*\\[code\\]/ism', "\n", $body); $body = scale_external_images($body, false); // Look for tags and linkify them $results = linkify_tags($a, $body, $uid ? $uid : $profile_uid); if ($results) { // Set permissions based on tag replacements set_linkified_perms($results, $str_contact_allow, $str_group_allow, $profile_uid, $parent_item, $private); $post_tags = array(); foreach ($results as $result) { $success = $result['success']; if ($success['replaced']) { $post_tags[] = array('uid' => $profile_uid, 'ttype' => $success['termtype'], 'otype' => TERM_OBJ_POST, 'term' => $success['term'], 'url' => $success['url']); } } } /** * * When a photo was uploaded into the message using the (profile wall) ajax * uploader, The permissions are initially set to disallow anybody but the * owner from seeing it. This is because the permissions may not yet have been * set for the post. If it's private, the photo permissions should be set * appropriately. But we didn't know the final permissions on the post until * now. So now we'll look for links of uploaded photos and attachments that are in the * post and set them to the same permissions as the post itself. * * If the post was end-to-end encrypted we can't find images and attachments in the body, * use our media_str input instead which only contains these elements - but only do this * when encrypted content exists because the photo/attachment may have been removed from * the post and we should keep it private. If it's encrypted we have no way of knowing * so we'll set the permissions regardless and realise that the media may not be * referenced in the post. * * What is preventing us from being able to upload photos into comments is dealing with * the photo and attachment permissions, since we don't always know who was in the * distribution for the top level post. * * We might be able to provide this functionality with a lot of fiddling: * - if the top level post is public (make the photo public) * - if the top level post was written by us or a wall post that belongs to us (match the top level post) * - if the top level post has privacy mentions, add those to the permissions. * - otherwise disallow the photo *or* make the photo public. This is the part that gets messy. */ if (!$preview) { $this->fix_attached_photo_permissions($profile_uid, $owner_xchan['xchan_hash'], strpos($body, '[/crypt]') ? $_POST['media_str'] : $body, $str_contact_allow, $str_group_allow, $str_contact_deny, $str_group_deny); $this->fix_attached_file_permissions($channel, $observer['xchan_hash'], strpos($body, '[/crypt]') ? $_POST['media_str'] : $body, $str_contact_allow, $str_group_allow, $str_contact_deny, $str_group_deny); } $attachments = ''; $match = false; if (preg_match_all('/(\\[attachment\\](.*?)\\[\\/attachment\\])/', $body, $match)) { $attachments = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($match[2] as $mtch) { $attach_link = ''; $hash = substr($mtch, 0, strpos($mtch, ',')); $rev = intval(substr($mtch, strpos($mtch, ','))); $r = attach_by_hash_nodata($hash, $rev); if ($r['success']) { $attachments[] = array('href' => z_root() . '/attach/' . $r['data']['hash'], 'length' => $r['data']['filesize'], 'type' => $r['data']['filetype'], 'title' => urlencode($r['data']['filename']), 'revision' => $r['data']['revision']); } $ext = substr($r['data']['filename'], strrpos($r['data']['filename'], '.')); if (strpos($r['data']['filetype'], 'audio/') !== false) { $attach_link = '[audio]' . z_root() . '/attach/' . $r['data']['hash'] . '/' . $r['data']['revision'] . ($ext ? $ext : '') . '[/audio]'; } elseif (strpos($r['data']['filetype'], 'video/') !== false) { $attach_link = '[video]' . z_root() . '/attach/' . $r['data']['hash'] . '/' . $r['data']['revision'] . ($ext ? $ext : '') . '[/video]'; } $body = str_replace($match[1][$i], $attach_link, $body); $i++; } } } // BBCODE end alert if (strlen($categories)) { $cats = explode(',', $categories); foreach ($cats as $cat) { $post_tags[] = array('uid' => $profile_uid, 'ttype' => TERM_CATEGORY, 'otype' => TERM_OBJ_POST, 'term' => trim($cat), 'url' => $owner_xchan['xchan_url'] . '?f=&cat=' . urlencode(trim($cat))); } } if ($orig_post) { // preserve original tags $t = q("select * from term where oid = %d and otype = %d and uid = %d and ttype in ( %d, %d, %d )", intval($orig_post['id']), intval(TERM_OBJ_POST), intval($profile_uid), intval(TERM_UNKNOWN), intval(TERM_FILE), intval(TERM_COMMUNITYTAG)); if ($t) { foreach ($t as $t1) { $post_tags[] = array('uid' => $profile_uid, 'ttype' => $t1['type'], 'otype' => TERM_OBJ_POST, 'term' => $t1['term'], 'url' => $t1['url']); } } } $item_unseen = local_channel() != $profile_uid ? 1 : 0; $item_wall = $post_type === 'wall' || $post_type === 'wall-comment' ? 1 : 0; $item_origin = $origin ? 1 : 0; $item_consensus = $consensus ? 1 : 0; // determine if this is a wall post if ($parent) { $item_wall = $parent_item['item_wall']; } else { if (!$webpage) { $item_wall = 1; } } if ($moderated) { $item_blocked = ITEM_MODERATED; } if (!strlen($verb)) { $verb = ACTIVITY_POST; } $notify_type = $parent ? 'comment-new' : 'wall-new'; if (!$mid) { $mid = $message_id ? $message_id : item_message_id(); } if (!$parent_mid) { $parent_mid = $mid; } if ($parent_item) { $parent_mid = $parent_item['mid']; } // Fallback so that we alway have a thr_parent if (!$thr_parent) { $thr_parent = $mid; } $datarray = array(); $item_thread_top = !$parent ? 1 : 0; if (!$plink && $item_thread_top) { $plink = z_root() . '/channel/' . $channel['channel_address'] . '/?f=&mid=' . $mid; } $datarray['aid'] = $channel['channel_account_id']; $datarray['uid'] = $profile_uid; $datarray['owner_xchan'] = $owner_hash ? $owner_hash : $owner_xchan['xchan_hash']; $datarray['author_xchan'] = $observer['xchan_hash']; $datarray['created'] = $created; $datarray['edited'] = $orig_post ? datetime_convert() : $created; $datarray['expires'] = $expires; $datarray['commented'] = $orig_post ? datetime_convert() : $created; $datarray['received'] = $orig_post ? datetime_convert() : $created; $datarray['changed'] = $orig_post ? datetime_convert() : $created; $datarray['mid'] = $mid; $datarray['parent_mid'] = $parent_mid; $datarray['mimetype'] = $mimetype; $datarray['title'] = $title; $datarray['body'] = $body; $datarray['app'] = $app; $datarray['location'] = $location; $datarray['coord'] = $coord; $datarray['verb'] = $verb; $datarray['obj_type'] = $obj_type; $datarray['allow_cid'] = $str_contact_allow; $datarray['allow_gid'] = $str_group_allow; $datarray['deny_cid'] = $str_contact_deny; $datarray['deny_gid'] = $str_group_deny; $datarray['item_private'] = $private; $datarray['item_wall'] = $item_wall; $datarray['attach'] = $attachments; $datarray['thr_parent'] = $thr_parent; $datarray['postopts'] = $postopts; $datarray['item_unseen'] = $item_unseen; $datarray['item_wall'] = $item_wall; $datarray['item_origin'] = $item_origin; $datarray['item_type'] = $webpage; $datarray['item_thread_top'] = $item_thread_top; $datarray['item_unseen'] = $item_unseen; $datarray['item_starred'] = $item_starred; $datarray['item_uplink'] = $item_uplink; $datarray['item_consensus'] = $item_consensus; $datarray['item_notshown'] = $item_notshown; $datarray['item_nsfw'] = $item_nsfw; $datarray['item_relay'] = $item_relay; $datarray['item_mentionsme'] = $item_mentionsme; $datarray['item_nocomment'] = $item_nocomment; $datarray['item_obscured'] = $item_obscured; $datarray['item_verified'] = $item_verified; $datarray['item_retained'] = $item_retained; $datarray['item_rss'] = $item_rss; $datarray['item_deleted'] = $item_deleted; $datarray['item_hidden'] = $item_hidden; $datarray['item_unpublished'] = $item_unpublished; $datarray['item_delayed'] = $item_delayed; $datarray['item_pending_remove'] = $item_pending_remove; $datarray['item_blocked'] = $item_blocked; $datarray['layout_mid'] = $layout_mid; $datarray['public_policy'] = $public_policy; $datarray['comment_policy'] = map_scope($channel['channel_w_comment']); $datarray['term'] = $post_tags; $datarray['plink'] = $plink; $datarray['route'] = $route; if ($iconfig) { $datarray['iconfig'] = $iconfig; } // preview mode - prepare the body for display and send it via json if ($preview) { require_once 'include/conversation.php'; $datarray['owner'] = $owner_xchan; $datarray['author'] = $observer; $datarray['attach'] = json_encode($datarray['attach']); $o = conversation($a, array($datarray), 'search', false, 'preview'); // logger('preview: ' . $o, LOGGER_DEBUG); echo json_encode(array('preview' => $o)); killme(); } if ($orig_post) { $datarray['edit'] = true; } // suppress duplicates, *unless* you're editing an existing post. This could get picked up // as a duplicate if you're editing it very soon after posting it initially and you edited // some attribute besides the content, such as title or categories. if (feature_enabled($profile_uid, 'suppress_duplicates') && !$orig_post) { $z = q("select created from item where uid = %d and created > %s - INTERVAL %s and body = '%s' limit 1", intval($profile_uid), db_utcnow(), db_quoteinterval('2 MINUTE'), dbesc($body)); if ($z) { $datarray['cancel'] = 1; notice(t('Duplicate post suppressed.') . EOL); logger('Duplicate post. Faking plugin cancel.'); } } call_hooks('post_local', $datarray); if (x($datarray, 'cancel')) { logger('mod_item: post cancelled by plugin or duplicate suppressed.'); if ($return_path) { goaway(z_root() . "/" . $return_path); } $json = array('cancel' => 1); $json['reload'] = z_root() . '/' . $_REQUEST['jsreload']; echo json_encode($json); killme(); } if (mb_strlen($datarray['title']) > 255) { $datarray['title'] = mb_substr($datarray['title'], 0, 255); } if (array_key_exists('item_private', $datarray) && $datarray['item_private']) { $datarray['body'] = trim(z_input_filter($datarray['uid'], $datarray['body'], $datarray['mimetype'])); if ($uid) { if ($channel['channel_hash'] === $datarray['author_xchan']) { $datarray['sig'] = base64url_encode(rsa_sign($datarray['body'], $channel['channel_prvkey'])); $datarray['item_verified'] = 1; } } } if ($webpage) { Zlib\IConfig::Set($datarray, 'system', webpage_to_namespace($webpage), $pagetitle ? $pagetitle : substr($datarray['mid'], 0, 16), true); } elseif ($namespace) { Zlib\IConfig::Set($datarray, 'system', $namespace, $remote_id ? $remote_id : substr($datarray['mid'], 0, 16), true); } if ($orig_post) { $datarray['id'] = $post_id; $x = item_store_update($datarray, $execflag); if (!$parent) { $r = q("select * from item where id = %d", intval($post_id)); if ($r) { xchan_query($r); $sync_item = fetch_post_tags($r); build_sync_packet($profile_uid, array('item' => array(encode_item($sync_item[0], true)))); } } if (!$nopush) { \Zotlabs\Daemon\Master::Summon(array('Notifier', 'edit_post', $post_id)); } if (x($_REQUEST, 'return') && strlen($return_path)) { logger('return: ' . $return_path); goaway(z_root() . "/" . $return_path); } killme(); } else { $post_id = 0; } $post = item_store($datarray, $execflag); $post_id = $post['item_id']; if ($post_id) { logger('mod_item: saved item ' . $post_id); if ($parent) { // only send comment notification if this is a wall-to-wall comment, // otherwise it will happen during delivery if ($datarray['owner_xchan'] != $datarray['author_xchan'] && intval($parent_item['item_wall'])) { Zlib\Enotify::submit(array('type' => NOTIFY_COMMENT, 'from_xchan' => $datarray['author_xchan'], 'to_xchan' => $datarray['owner_xchan'], 'item' => $datarray, 'link' => z_root() . '/display/' . $datarray['mid'], 'verb' => ACTIVITY_POST, 'otype' => 'item', 'parent' => $parent, 'parent_mid' => $parent_item['mid'])); } } else { $parent = $post_id; if ($datarray['owner_xchan'] != $datarray['author_xchan'] && $datarray['item_type'] == ITEM_TYPE_POST) { Zlib\Enotify::submit(array('type' => NOTIFY_WALL, 'from_xchan' => $datarray['author_xchan'], 'to_xchan' => $datarray['owner_xchan'], 'item' => $datarray, 'link' => z_root() . '/display/' . $datarray['mid'], 'verb' => ACTIVITY_POST, 'otype' => 'item')); } if ($uid && $uid == $profile_uid && is_item_normal($datarray)) { q("update channel set channel_lastpost = '%s' where channel_id = %d", dbesc(datetime_convert()), intval($uid)); } } // photo comments turn the corresponding item visible to the profile wall // This way we don't see every picture in your new photo album posted to your wall at once. // They will show up as people comment on them. if (intval($parent_item['item_hidden'])) { $r = q("UPDATE item SET item_hidden = 0 WHERE id = %d", intval($parent_item['id'])); } } else { logger('mod_item: unable to retrieve post that was just stored.'); notice(t('System error. Post not saved.') . EOL); goaway(z_root() . "/" . $return_path); // NOTREACHED } if ($parent && $parent != $post_id) { // Store the comment signature information in case we need to relay to Diaspora //$ditem = $datarray; //$ditem['author'] = $observer; //store_diaspora_comment_sig($ditem,$channel,$parent_item, $post_id, (($walltowall_comment) ? 1 : 0)); } else { $r = q("select * from item where id = %d", intval($post_id)); if ($r) { xchan_query($r); $sync_item = fetch_post_tags($r); build_sync_packet($profile_uid, array('item' => array(encode_item($sync_item[0], true)))); } } $datarray['id'] = $post_id; $datarray['llink'] = z_root() . '/display/' . $channel['channel_address'] . '/' . $post_id; call_hooks('post_local_end', $datarray); if (!$nopush) { \Zotlabs\Daemon\Master::Summon(array('Notifier', $notify_type, $post_id)); } logger('post_complete'); // figure out how to return, depending on from whence we came if ($api_source) { return $post; } if ($return_path) { goaway(z_root() . "/" . $return_path); } $json = array('success' => 1); if (x($_REQUEST, 'jsreload') && strlen($_REQUEST['jsreload'])) { $json['reload'] = z_root() . '/' . $_REQUEST['jsreload']; } logger('post_json: ' . print_r($json, true), LOGGER_DEBUG); echo json_encode($json); killme(); // NOTREACHED }