/** * Adds a file attachment to this message * @param zibo\library\filesystem\File $attachment The file forthe attachment * @return string The name of the attachment MIME part */ public function addAttachment(File $attachment) { $mime = Mime::getMimeType($attachment); $content = $attachment->read(); $content = chunk_split(base64_encode($content)); $part = new MimePart($content, $mime); $part->setEncoding(MimePart::ENCODING_BASE64); return $this->addPart($part, $attachment->getName()); }
/** * Adds a attachment to the body of the message * @param zibo\library\mail\MimePart $part The MIME part of the attachment * @param string $name The name of the attachment * @return null */ private function addAttachmentToBody(MimePart $part, $name) { $this->body .= self::HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE . ': ' . $part->getMimeType() . '; name="' . $name . "\"\n"; $this->body .= self::HEADER_CONTENT_DISPOSITION . ': attachment; filename="' . $name . "\"\n"; $this->body .= self::HEADER_CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING . ': ' . $part->getTransferEncoding() . "\n\n"; $this->body .= $part->getBody() . "\n\n"; }