/** * Amazon Editorial * * This method is responsible for connecting to Amazon AWS and abstracting * editorial reviews for the specific ISBN * * @param string $key API key * @param \VuFindCode\ISBN $isbnObj ISBN object * * @throws \Exception * @return array Returns array with review data. * @author Andrew Nagy <*****@*****.**> */ public function loadByIsbn($key, \VuFindCode\ISBN $isbnObj) { try { $amazon = new Amazon($key, 'US', $this->secret); $amazon->getRestClient()->setHttpClient($this->getHttpClient()); $params = ['ResponseGroup' => 'EditorialReview', 'AssociateTag' => $this->associate]; $isbn = $this->getIsbn10($isbnObj); $data = $amazon->itemLookup($isbn, $params); } catch (\Exception $e) { // Something went wrong? Just return empty list. return []; } if ($data) { $i = 0; $result = []; $reviews = isset($data->EditorialReviews) ? $data->EditorialReviews : null; if (!empty($reviews)) { foreach ($reviews as $review) { // Filter out product description if ((string) $review->Source != 'Product Description') { foreach ($review as $key => $value) { $result[$i][$key] = (string) $value; } if (!isset($result[$i]['Copyright'])) { $result[$i]['Copyright'] = $this->getCopyright($isbn); } $i++; } } } return $result; } }
/** * Parse the given Offer element * * @param DOMElement $dom */ public function __construct(DOMElement $dom) { $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom->ownerDocument); $xpath->registerNamespace('az', 'http://webservices.amazon.com/AWSECommerceService/' . Amazon::getVersion()); $this->MerchantId = (string) $xpath->query('./az:Merchant/az:MerchantId/text()', $dom)->item(0)->data; $name = $xpath->query('./az:Merchant/az:Name/text()', $dom); if ($name->length == 1) { $this->MerchantName = (string) $name->item(0)->data; } $this->GlancePage = (string) $xpath->query('./az:Merchant/az:GlancePage/text()', $dom)->item(0)->data; $this->Condition = (string) $xpath->query('./az:OfferAttributes/az:Condition/text()', $dom)->item(0)->data; $this->OfferListingId = (string) $xpath->query('./az:OfferListing/az:OfferListingId/text()', $dom)->item(0)->data; $Price = $xpath->query('./az:OfferListing/az:Price/az:Amount', $dom); if ($Price->length == 1) { $this->Price = (int) $xpath->query('./az:OfferListing/az:Price/az:Amount/text()', $dom)->item(0)->data; $this->CurrencyCode = (string) $xpath->query('./az:OfferListing/az:Price/az:CurrencyCode/text()', $dom)->item(0)->data; } $availability = $xpath->query('./az:OfferListing/az:Availability/text()', $dom)->item(0); if ($availability instanceof DOMText) { $this->Availability = (string) $availability->data; } $result = $xpath->query('./az:OfferListing/az:IsEligibleForSuperSaverShipping/text()', $dom); if ($result->length >= 1) { $this->IsEligibleForSuperSaverShipping = (bool) $result->item(0)->data; } }
/** * Parse the given Offer Set Element * * @param DOMElement $dom */ public function __construct(DOMElement $dom) { $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom->ownerDocument); $xpath->registerNamespace('az', 'http://webservices.amazon.com/AWSECommerceService/' . Amazon::getVersion()); $offer = $xpath->query('./az:OfferSummary', $dom); if ($offer->length == 1) { $lowestNewPrice = $xpath->query('./az:OfferSummary/az:LowestNewPrice/az:Amount', $dom); if ($lowestNewPrice->length == 1) { $this->LowestNewPrice = (int) $xpath->query('./az:OfferSummary/az:LowestNewPrice/az:Amount/text()', $dom)->item(0)->data; $this->LowestNewPriceCurrency = (string) $xpath->query('./az:OfferSummary/az:LowestNewPrice/az:CurrencyCode/text()', $dom)->item(0)->data; } $lowestUsedPrice = $xpath->query('./az:OfferSummary/az:LowestUsedPrice/az:Amount', $dom); if ($lowestUsedPrice->length == 1) { $this->LowestUsedPrice = (int) $xpath->query('./az:OfferSummary/az:LowestUsedPrice/az:Amount/text()', $dom)->item(0)->data; $this->LowestUsedPriceCurrency = (string) $xpath->query('./az:OfferSummary/az:LowestUsedPrice/az:CurrencyCode/text()', $dom)->item(0)->data; } $this->TotalNew = (int) $xpath->query('./az:OfferSummary/az:TotalNew/text()', $dom)->item(0)->data; $this->TotalUsed = (int) $xpath->query('./az:OfferSummary/az:TotalUsed/text()', $dom)->item(0)->data; $this->TotalCollectible = (int) $xpath->query('./az:OfferSummary/az:TotalCollectible/text()', $dom)->item(0)->data; $this->TotalRefurbished = (int) $xpath->query('./az:OfferSummary/az:TotalRefurbished/text()', $dom)->item(0)->data; } $offers = $xpath->query('./az:Offers/az:Offer', $dom); if ($offers->length >= 1) { foreach ($offers as $offer) { $this->Offers[] = new Offer($offer); } } }
/** * Create an instance of Zend_Service_Amazon_ResultSet and create the necessary data objects * * @param DOMDocument $dom * @return void */ public function __construct(DOMDocument $dom) { $this->_dom = $dom; $this->_xpath = new DOMXPath($dom); $this->_xpath->registerNamespace('az', 'http://webservices.amazon.com/AWSECommerceService/' . Amazon::getVersion()); $this->_results = $this->_xpath->query('//az:Item'); }
/** * Assigns values to properties relevant to Accessories * * @param DOMElement $dom */ public function __construct(DOMElement $dom) { $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom->ownerDocument); $xpath->registerNamespace('az', 'http://webservices.amazon.com/AWSECommerceService/' . Amazon::getVersion()); foreach (array('ASIN', 'Title') as $el) { $this->{$el} = (string) $xpath->query("./az:{$el}/text()", $dom)->item(0)->data; } }
/** * Assigns values to properties relevant to Image * * @param DOMElement $dom */ public function __construct(DOMElement $dom) { $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom->ownerDocument); $xpath->registerNamespace('az', 'http://webservices.amazon.com/AWSECommerceService/' . Amazon::getVersion()); $this->Url = Uri\UriFactory::factory($xpath->query('./az:URL/text()', $dom)->item(0)->data); $this->Height = (int) $xpath->query('./az:Height/text()', $dom)->item(0)->data; $this->Width = (int) $xpath->query('./az:Width/text()', $dom)->item(0)->data; }
/** * Assigns values to properties relevant to CustomerReview * * @param DOMElement $dom */ public function __construct(DOMElement $dom) { $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom->ownerDocument); $xpath->registerNamespace('az', 'http://webservices.amazon.com/AWSECommerceService/' . Amazon::getVersion()); foreach (array('Rating', 'HelpfulVotes', 'CustomerId', 'TotalVotes', 'Date', 'Summary', 'Content') as $el) { $result = $xpath->query("./az:{$el}/text()", $dom); if ($result->length == 1) { $this->{$el} = (string) $result->item(0)->data; } } }
/** * Parse the given Offer element * * @param DOMElement $dom */ public function __construct(DOMElement $dom) { $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom->ownerDocument); $xpath->registerNamespace('az', 'http://webservices.amazon.com/AWSECommerceService/' . Amazon::getVersion()); $map = array('MerchantId' => './az:Merchant/az:MerchantId/text()', 'MerchantName' => './az:Merchant/az:Name/text()', 'GlancePage' => './az:Merchant/az:GlancePage/text()', 'Condition' => './az:OfferAttributes/az:Condition/text()', 'OfferListingId' => './az:OfferListing/az:OfferListingId/text()', 'Price' => './az:OfferListing/az:Price/az:Amount/text()', 'CurrencyCode' => './az:OfferListing/az:Price/az:CurrencyCode/text()', 'Availability' => './az:OfferListing/az:Availability/text()', 'IsEligibleForSuperSaverShipping' => './az:OfferListing/az:IsEligibleForSuperSaverShipping/text()'); foreach ($map as $param_name => $xquery) { $query_result = $xpath->query($xquery, $dom); if ($query_result->length <= 0) { continue; } $text = $query_result->item(0); if (!$text instanceof DOMText) { continue; } $this->{$param_name} = (string) $text->data; } if (isset($this->IsEligibleForSuperSaverShipping)) { $this->IsEligibleForSuperSaverShipping = (bool) $this->IsEligibleForSuperSaverShipping; } }
/** * Ensures that itemLookup() throws an exception when given a SearchIndex * * @return void */ public function testItemLookupExceptionSearchIndex() { $this->setExpectedException('ZendService\\Amazon\\Exception\\RuntimeException', 'Your request contained a restricted parameter combination. When IdType equals ASIN, SearchIndex cannot be present.'); $this->_amazon->itemLookup('oops', array('SearchIndex' => 'Books')); }
/** * Checking if signature Encryption due on August 15th for Amazon Webservice API is working correctly. * * @dataProvider dataSignatureEncryption * @group ZF-7033 */ public function testSignatureEncryption($baseUri, $params, $expectedStringToSign, $expectedSignature) { $this->assertEquals($expectedStringToSign, Amazon\Amazon::buildRawSignature($baseUri, $params)); $this->assertEquals($expectedSignature, rawurlencode(Amazon\Amazon::computeSignature($baseUri, '1234567890', $params))); }
/** * Get an AmazonService object for the specified key. * * @param string $key API key * * @return AmazonService */ protected function getAmazonService($key) { $service = new AmazonService($key, 'US', $this->secret); $service->getRestClient()->setHttpClient($this->getHttpClient()); return $service; }
/** * Amazon Editorial * * This method is responsible for connecting to Amazon AWS and abstracting * editorial reviews for the specific ISBN * * @param string $id Amazon access key * * @return array Returns array with review data, otherwise a PEAR_Error. * @author Andrew Nagy <*****@*****.**> */ protected function loadAmazoneditorial($id) { try { $amazon = new Amazon($id, 'US', $this->config->Content->amazonsecret); $params = array('ResponseGroup' => 'EditorialReview', 'AssociateTag' => isset($this->config->Content->amazonassociate) ? $this->config->Content->amazonassociate : null); $data = $amazon->itemLookup($this->getIsbn10(), $params); } catch (\Exception $e) { // Something went wrong? Just return empty list. return array(); } if ($data) { $i = 0; $result = array(); $reviews = isset($data->EditorialReviews) ? $data->EditorialReviews : null; if (!empty($reviews)) { foreach ($reviews as $review) { // Filter out product description if ((string) $review->Source != 'Product Description') { foreach ($review as $key => $value) { $result[$i][$key] = (string) $value; } $i++; } } } return $result; } }
/** * Parse the given <Item> element * * @param DOMElement $dom * * @group ZF-9547 */ public function __construct(DOMElement $dom) { $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom->ownerDocument); $xpath->registerNamespace('az', 'http://webservices.amazon.com/AWSECommerceService/' . Amazon::getVersion()); $this->ASIN = $xpath->query('./az:ASIN/text()', $dom)->item(0)->data; $result = $xpath->query('./az:DetailPageURL/text()', $dom); if ($result->length == 1) { $this->DetailPageURL = $result->item(0)->data; } if ($xpath->query('./az:ItemAttributes/az:ListPrice', $dom)->length >= 1) { $this->CurrencyCode = (string) $xpath->query('./az:ItemAttributes/az:ListPrice/az:CurrencyCode/text()', $dom)->item(0)->data; $this->Amount = (int) $xpath->query('./az:ItemAttributes/az:ListPrice/az:Amount/text()', $dom)->item(0)->data; $this->FormattedPrice = (string) $xpath->query('./az:ItemAttributes/az:ListPrice/az:FormattedPrice/text()', $dom)->item(0)->data; } $result = $xpath->query('./az:ItemAttributes/az:*/text()', $dom); if ($result->length >= 1) { foreach ($result as $v) { if (isset($this->{$v->parentNode->tagName})) { if (is_array($this->{$v->parentNode->tagName})) { array_push($this->{$v->parentNode->tagName}, (string) $v->data); } else { $this->{$v->parentNode->tagName} = array($this->{$v->parentNode->tagName}, (string) $v->data); } } else { $this->{$v->parentNode->tagName} = (string) $v->data; } } } foreach (array('SmallImage', 'MediumImage', 'LargeImage') as $im) { $result = $xpath->query("./az:ImageSets/az:ImageSet[position() = 1]/az:{$im}", $dom); if ($result->length == 1) { $this->{$im} = new Image($result->item(0)); } } $result = $xpath->query('./az:SalesRank/text()', $dom); if ($result->length == 1) { $this->SalesRank = (int) $result->item(0)->data; } $result = $xpath->query('./az:CustomerReviews/az:Review', $dom); if ($result->length >= 1) { foreach ($result as $review) { $this->CustomerReviews[] = new CustomerReview($review); } $this->AverageRating = (double) $xpath->query('./az:CustomerReviews/az:AverageRating/text()', $dom)->item(0)->data; $this->TotalReviews = (int) $xpath->query('./az:CustomerReviews/az:TotalReviews/text()', $dom)->item(0)->data; } $result = $xpath->query('./az:EditorialReviews/az:*', $dom); if ($result->length >= 1) { foreach ($result as $r) { $this->EditorialReviews[] = new EditorialReview($r); } } $result = $xpath->query('./az:SimilarProducts/az:*', $dom); if ($result->length >= 1) { foreach ($result as $r) { $this->SimilarProducts[] = new SimilarProduct($r); } } $result = $xpath->query('./az:ListmaniaLists/*', $dom); if ($result->length >= 1) { foreach ($result as $r) { $this->ListmaniaLists[] = new ListmaniaList($r); } } $result = $xpath->query('./az:Tracks/az:Disc', $dom); if ($result->length > 1) { foreach ($result as $disk) { foreach ($xpath->query('./*/text()', $disk) as $t) { // TODO: For consistency in a bugfix all tracks are appended to one single array // Erroreous line: $this->Tracks[$disk->getAttribute('number')] = (string) $t->data; $this->Tracks[] = (string) $t->data; } } } elseif ($result->length == 1) { foreach ($xpath->query('./*/text()', $result->item(0)) as $t) { $this->Tracks[] = (string) $t->data; } } $result = $xpath->query('./az:Offers', $dom); $resultSummary = $xpath->query('./az:OfferSummary', $dom); if ($result->length > 1 || $resultSummary->length == 1) { $this->Offers = new OfferSet($dom); } $result = $xpath->query('./az:Accessories/*', $dom); if ($result->length > 1) { foreach ($result as $r) { $this->Accessories[] = new Accessories($r); } } $this->_dom = $dom; }
/** * Retrieve an Amazon cover. * * @param string $id Amazon Web Services client ID. * * @return bool True if image displayed, false otherwise. */ protected function amazon($id) { try { $amazon = new Amazon($id, 'US', $this->config->Content->amazonsecret); $params = array('ResponseGroup' => 'Images', 'AssociateTag' => isset($this->config->Content->amazonassociate) ? $this->config->Content->amazonassociate : null); $result = $amazon->itemLookup($this->isn, $params); } catch (\Exception $e) { // Something went wrong? Just report failure: return false; } // Where in the response can we find the URL we need? switch ($this->size) { case 'small': $imageIndex = 'SmallImage'; break; case 'medium': $imageIndex = 'MediumImage'; break; case 'large': $imageIndex = 'LargeImage'; break; default: $imageIndex = false; break; } if ($imageIndex && isset($result->{$imageIndex}->Url)) { $imageUrl = (string) $result->{$imageIndex}->Url; return $this->processImageURL($imageUrl, false); } return false; }