public function runAction() { $sm = $this->getServiceLocator(); /* @var $console AdapterInterface */ /* @var $config array */ /* @var $mm ModuleManager */ $console = $sm->get('console'); $config = $sm->get('Configuration'); $mm = $sm->get('ModuleManager'); $verbose = $this->params()->fromRoute('verbose', false); $debug = $this->params()->fromRoute('debug', false); $quiet = !$verbose && !$debug && $this->params()->fromRoute('quiet', false); $breakOnFailure = $this->params()->fromRoute('break', false); $checkGroupName = $this->params()->fromRoute('filter', false); // Get basic diag configuration $config = isset($config['diagnostics']) ? $config['diagnostics'] : array(); // Collect diag tests from modules $modules = $mm->getLoadedModules(false); foreach ($modules as $moduleName => $module) { if (is_callable(array($module, 'getDiagnostics'))) { $checks = $module->getDiagnostics(); if (is_array($checks)) { $config[$moduleName] = $checks; } // Exit the loop early if we found check definitions for // the only check group that we want to run. if ($checkGroupName && $moduleName == $checkGroupName) { break; } } } // Filter array if a check group name has been provided if ($checkGroupName) { $config = array_intersect_ukey($config, array($checkGroupName => 1), 'strcasecmp'); if (empty($config)) { $m = new ConsoleModel(); $m->setResult($console->colorize(sprintf("Unable to find a group of diagnostic checks called \"%s\". Try to use module name (i.e. \"%s\").\n", $checkGroupName, 'Application'), ColorInterface::YELLOW)); $m->setErrorLevel(1); return $m; } } // Check if there are any diagnostic checks defined if (empty($config)) { $m = new ConsoleModel(); $m->setResult($console->colorize("There are no diagnostic checks currently enabled for this application - please add one or more " . "entries into config \"diagnostics\" array or add getDiagnostics() method to your Module class. " . "\n\nMore info:" . "\n", ColorInterface::YELLOW)); $m->setErrorLevel(1); return $m; } // Analyze check definitions and construct check instances $checkCollection = array(); foreach ($config as $checkGroupName => $checks) { foreach ($checks as $checkLabel => $check) { // Do not use numeric labels. if (!$checkLabel || is_numeric($checkLabel)) { $checkLabel = false; } // Handle a callable. if (is_callable($check)) { $check = new Callback($check); if ($checkLabel) { $check->setLabel($checkGroupName . ': ' . $checkLabel); } $checkCollection[] = $check; continue; } // Handle check object instance. if (is_object($check)) { if (!$check instanceof CheckInterface) { throw new RuntimeException('Cannot use object of class "' . get_class($check) . '" as check. ' . 'Expected instance of ZendDiagnostics\\Check\\CheckInterface'); } // Use duck-typing for determining if the check allows for setting custom label if ($checkLabel && is_callable(array($check, 'setLabel'))) { $check->setLabel($checkGroupName . ': ' . $checkLabel); } $checkCollection[] = $check; continue; } // Handle an array containing callback or identifier with optional parameters. if (is_array($check)) { if (!count($check)) { throw new RuntimeException('Cannot use an empty array() as check definition in "' . $checkGroupName . '"'); } // extract check identifier and store the remainder of array as parameters $testName = array_shift($check); $params = $check; } elseif (is_scalar($check)) { $testName = $check; $params = array(); } else { throw new RuntimeException('Cannot understand diagnostic check definition "' . gettype($check) . '" in "' . $checkGroupName . '"'); } // Try to expand check identifier using Service Locator if (is_string($testName) && $sm->has($testName)) { $check = $sm->get($testName); // Try to use the ZendDiagnostics namespace } elseif (is_string($testName) && class_exists('ZendDiagnostics\\Check\\' . $testName)) { $class = new \ReflectionClass('ZendDiagnostics\\Check\\' . $testName); $check = $class->newInstanceArgs($params); // Try to use the ZFTool namespace } elseif (is_string($testName) && class_exists('ZFTool\\Diagnostics\\Check\\' . $testName)) { $class = new \ReflectionClass('ZFTool\\Diagnostics\\Check\\' . $testName); $check = $class->newInstanceArgs($params); // Check if provided with a callable inside an array } elseif (is_callable($testName)) { $check = new Callback($testName, $params); if ($checkLabel) { $check->setLabel($checkGroupName . ': ' . $checkLabel); } $checkCollection[] = $check; continue; // Try to expand check using class name } elseif (is_string($testName) && class_exists($testName)) { $class = new \ReflectionClass($testName); $check = $class->newInstanceArgs($params); } else { throw new RuntimeException('Cannot find check class or service with the name of "' . $testName . '" (' . $checkGroupName . ')'); } if (!$check instanceof CheckInterface) { // not a real check throw new RuntimeException('The check object of class ' . get_class($check) . ' does not implement ' . 'ZendDiagnostics\\Check\\CheckInterface'); } // Use duck-typing for determining if the check allows for setting custom label if ($checkLabel && is_callable(array($check, 'setLabel'))) { $check->setLabel($checkGroupName . ': ' . $checkLabel); } $checkCollection[] = $check; } } // Configure check runner $runner = new Runner(); $runner->addChecks($checkCollection); $runner->getConfig()->setBreakOnFailure($breakOnFailure); if (!$quiet && $this->getRequest() instanceof ConsoleRequest) { if ($verbose || $debug) { $runner->addReporter(new VerboseConsole($console, $debug)); } else { $runner->addReporter(new BasicConsole($console)); } } // Run tests $results = $runner->run(); $request = $this->getRequest(); // Return result if ($request instanceof ConsoleRequest) { return $this->processConsoleRequest($results); } if ($request instanceof Request) { return $this->processHttpRequest($request, $results); } }
public function testCallback() { $called = false; $expectedResult = new Success(); $check = new Callback(function () use(&$called, $expectedResult) { $called = true; return $expectedResult; }); $result = $check->check(); $this->assertTrue($called); $this->assertSame($expectedResult, $result); }