Пример #1
  * Render the provided model.
  * @param ModelInterface $model
  * @return string
 public function render(ModelInterface $model)
     if ($this->layout && !$model->terminate()) {
         $model = $this->layout;
     // hack, force ZendView to return its output instead of triggering an event
     // see: http://mateusztymek.pl/blog/using-standalone-zend-view
     $model->setOption('has_parent', true);
     return $this->zendView->render($model);
Пример #2
  * Processes a view script and returns the output.
  * @param  string|ModelInterface   $nameOrModel The script/resource process, or a view model
  * @param  null|array|\ArrayAccess $values      Values to use during rendering
  * @return string|null The script output.
  * @throws \Zend\View\Exception\DomainException
 public function render($nameOrModel, $values = array())
     $model = null;
     if ($nameOrModel instanceof ModelInterface) {
         $model = $nameOrModel;
         $nameOrModel = $model->getTemplate();
         if (empty($nameOrModel)) {
             throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf('%s: received View Model argument, but template is empty', __METHOD__));
         $values = (array) $model->getVariables();
     if (!$this->canRender($nameOrModel)) {
         return null;
     if ($model && $this->canRenderTrees() && $model->hasChildren()) {
         if (!isset($values['content'])) {
             $values['content'] = '';
         foreach ($model as $child) {
             /** @var \Zend\View\Model\ViewModel $child */
             if ($this->canRender($child->getTemplate())) {
                 $template = $this->resolver->resolve($child->getTemplate(), $this);
                 return $template->render((array) $child->getVariables());
             $child->setOption('has_parent', true);
             $values['content'] .= $this->view->render($child);
     /** @var $template \Twig_Template */
     $template = $this->resolver->resolve($nameOrModel, $this);
     return $template->render((array) $values);
Пример #3
  * Processes a view script and returns the output.
  * @param  string|ModelInterface $nameOrModel The script/resource process, or a view model
  * @param  array|\ArrayAccess $values Values to use during rendering
  * @throws \Zend\View\Exception\DomainException
  * @return string The script output.
 public function render($nameOrModel, $values = array())
     $model = null;
     if ($nameOrModel instanceof ModelInterface) {
         $model = $nameOrModel;
         $nameOrModel = $model->getTemplate();
         if (empty($nameOrModel)) {
             throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf('%s: received View Model, but template is empty', __METHOD__));
         $options = $model->getOptions();
         foreach ($options as $setting => $value) {
             $method = 'set' . $setting;
             if (method_exists($this, $method)) {
             unset($method, $setting, $value);
         $values = (array) $model->getVariables();
     // check if we can render the template
     if (!$this->canRender($nameOrModel)) {
         return null;
     // handle tree rendering
     if ($model && $this->canRenderTrees() && $model->hasChildren()) {
         if (!isset($values['content'])) {
             $values['content'] = '';
         foreach ($model as $child) {
             /** @var \Zend\View\Model\ViewModel $child */
             if ($this->canRender($child->getTemplate())) {
                 $file = $this->resolver->resolve($child->getTemplate(), $this);
                 $childVariables = (array) $child->getVariables();
                 $childVariables['this'] = $this;
                 return $this->smarty->fetch($file);
             $child->setOption('has_parent', true);
             $values['content'] .= $this->view->render($child);
     // give the template awareness of the Renderer
     $values['this'] = $this;
     // assign the variables
     // resolve the template
     $file = $this->resolver->resolve($nameOrModel);
     // render
     return $this->smarty->fetch($file);
Пример #4
  * @group ZF-5748
 public function testDisablingLfiProtectionAllowsParentDirectoryTraversal()
     $view = new View(array('lfiProtectionOn' => false, 'scriptPath' => __DIR__ . '/_templates/'));
     try {
         $test = $view->render('../_stubs/scripts/LfiProtectionCheck.phtml');
         $this->assertContains('LFI', $test);
     } catch (Zend_View_Exception $e) {
         $this->fail('LFI attack failed: ' . $e->getMessage());
Пример #5
    public function test()
        $viewConfigExample = [
            'some-view' => [ // view name
                'template' => 'some-template', // html template
                //--- not required options
                'viewModel' => 'some-view-model|\Some\ViewModel::class', // Instance of ViewModel
                'extend' => 'parent-view', // extended view
                'capture' => 'some-capture', // for grouping views
                'children' => [
                    'child-view'// array of views
                'childrenDynamicLists' => [ // will be generated by list from one of child
                    'child-view' => 'listVar' // every entry in listVar will be setted to genereted child
                'data' => [ // required data
                    'fromGlobal' => 'varName', // // will be set as variables from global data
                    'fromParent' => 'varName', // will be set as variables by calling getVariable('varName') from parent
                    'static' => [ // will be set as variables
                        'key' => 'value'
        $renderer = new PhpRenderer();
        $resolver = new Resolver\AggregateResolver();
        $map = new Resolver\TemplateMapResolver(array('page' => __DIR__ . '/view/page.phtml', 'comments-list' => __DIR__ . '/view/comments-list.phtml', 'comment' => __DIR__ . '/view/comment.phtml', 'user' => __DIR__ . '/view/user.phtml'));
        $stack = new Resolver\TemplatePathStack(array('script_paths' => array(__DIR__ . '/view')));
        $resolver->attach($map)->attach($stack)->attach(new Resolver\RelativeFallbackResolver($map))->attach(new Resolver\RelativeFallbackResolver($stack));
        $view = new View();
        $response = new Response();
        $strategy = new PhpRendererStrategy($renderer);
        $viewConfig = ['layouts' => ['layout' => ['template' => 'layout']], 'contents' => ['page' => ['layout' => 'layout', 'template' => 'page', 'children' => ['comments-list' => ['extend' => 'comments-list', 'template' => 'comments-list'], 'comment-create' => ['template' => 'comment-create', 'children' => ['myself-info' => ['viewModel' => \Sebaks\ViewTest\MyselfViewModel::class, 'template' => 'user'], 'comment-create-form' => ['template' => 'form', 'children' => ['form-element-textarea' => ['capture' => 'form-element', 'template' => 'form-element-textarea'], 'form-element-button' => ['capture' => 'form-element', 'template' => 'form-element-button']]]]], 'users-table' => ['template' => 'table', 'children' => ['table-head-rows' => ['template' => 'table-tr', 'data' => ['fromParent' => 'rows'], 'children' => ['table-th' => ['template' => 'table-th', 'capture' => 'table-td', 'data' => ['fromParent' => 'value']]], 'childrenDynamicLists' => ['table-th' => 'rows']], 'table-body-rows' => ['template' => 'table-tr', 'data' => ['fromParent' => 'rows'], 'children' => ['table-td' => ['template' => 'table-td', 'data' => ['fromParent' => 'value']]], 'childrenDynamicLists' => ['table-td' => 'rows']]], 'childrenDynamicLists' => ['table-body-rows' => 'bodyRows', 'table-head-rows' => 'headRows'], 'data' => ['static' => ['headRows' => [['Id', 'Name']], 'bodyRows' => [['1', 'John'], ['2', 'Helen']]]]]]]], 'blocks' => ['comments-list' => ['children' => ['comment' => ['viewModel' => \Sebaks\ViewTest\CommentViewModel::class, 'template' => 'comment', 'children' => ['user' => ['viewModel' => \Sebaks\ViewTest\UserViewModel::class, 'template' => 'user', 'data' => ['fromParent' => 'userId', 'static' => ['class' => 'user']], 'children' => ['location' => ['viewModel' => \Sebaks\ViewTest\LocationViewModel::class, 'template' => 'location', 'data' => ['fromParent' => 'countryId']]]]], 'data' => ['fromParent' => ['foo' => 'bar', 'comment' => 'comment']]]], 'childrenDynamicLists' => ['comment' => 'comments'], 'data' => ['fromGlobal' => ['foo' => 'bar', 'result' => 'comments']]]]];
        $data = ['result' => [['id' => 'c1', 'userId' => 'u1', 'text' => 'text of c1'], ['id' => 'c2', 'userId' => 'u2', 'text' => 'text of c2']]];
        $serviceLocator = new \Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager();
        $serviceLocator->setInvokableClass(\Sebaks\ViewTest\CommentViewModel::class, \Sebaks\ViewTest\CommentViewModel::class, false);
        $serviceLocator->setInvokableClass(\Sebaks\ViewTest\UserViewModel::class, \Sebaks\ViewTest\UserViewModel::class, false);
        $serviceLocator->setInvokableClass(\Sebaks\ViewTest\LocationViewModel::class, \Sebaks\ViewTest\LocationViewModel::class, false);
        $serviceLocator->setInvokableClass(\Sebaks\ViewTest\MyselfViewModel::class, \Sebaks\ViewTest\MyselfViewModel::class, false);
        $config = ['sebaks-view' => $viewConfig];
        $serviceLocator->setService('config', $config);
        $serviceLocator->setService('EventManager', new EventManager());
        $request = new Request();
        $serviceLocator->setService('Request', $request);
        //$response = new Response();
        $serviceLocator->setService('Response', $response);
        $e = new MvcEvent();
        $dispatchResult = new ViewModel();
        $routeMatch = new RouteMatch([]);
        $application = new Application([], $serviceLocator);
        $viewBuilder = new BuildViewListener();
        $pageViewModel = $e->getViewModel();
        $result = $response->getBody();
        $expected = '<body><ul><li>text of c1
<div class="user">John<span class="location">Ukraine</span></div></li><li>text of c2
<div class="user">Helen<span class="location">United States</span></div></li></ul>
<div class="">Me</div><form><textarea></textarea><button type="submit">Submit</button></form><table>
        <tr><th>Id</th><th>Name</th></tr>    </thead>
        <tr><td>1</td><td>John</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>Helen</td></tr>    </tbody>
        $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
Пример #6
  * @param string | \Zend\View\Model\ViewModel | Mime\Part $body
  * @return $this
 public function setBody($body, $charset = null)
     $mimeMessage = new Mime\Message();
     $finalBody = null;
     if (is_string($body)) {
         // Create a Mime\Part and wrap it into a Mime\Message
         $mimePart = new Mime\Part($body);
         $mimePart->type = $body != strip_tags($body) ? Mime\Mime::TYPE_HTML : Mime\Mime::TYPE_TEXT;
         $mimePart->charset = $charset ?: self::DEFAULT_CHARSET;
         $finalBody = $mimeMessage;
     } elseif ($body instanceof Mime\Part) {
         // Overwrite the charset if the Part object if provided
         if (isset($charset)) {
             $body->charset = $charset;
         // The body is a Mime\Part. Wrap it into a Mime\Message
         $finalBody = $mimeMessage;
     } elseif ($body instanceof ViewModel) {
         $view = new View();
         $view->setResponse(new Response());
         $view->getEventManager()->attach(new PhpRendererStrategy($this->renderer));
         $content = $view->getResponse()->getContent();
         $mimePart = new Mime\Part($content);
         $mimePart->type = Mime\Mime::TYPE_HTML;
         $mimePart->charset = $charset ?: self::DEFAULT_CHARSET;
         $finalBody = $mimeMessage;
     } else {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Provided body is not valid. It should be one of "%s". %s provided', implode('", "', ['string', 'Zend\\Mime\\Part', 'Zend\\Mime\\Message', 'Zend\\View\\Model\\ViewModel']), is_object($body) ? get_class($body) : gettype($body)));
     // The headers Content-type and Content-transfer-encoding are duplicated every time the body is set.
     // Removing them before setting the body prevents this error
     return $this;
Пример #7
    public function testRender()
        $renderer = new PhpRenderer();
        $resolver = new Resolver\AggregateResolver();
        $map = new Resolver\TemplateMapResolver(array('page' => __DIR__ . '/view/page.phtml', 'comments-list' => __DIR__ . '/view/comments-list.phtml', 'comment' => __DIR__ . '/view/comment.phtml', 'user' => __DIR__ . '/view/user.phtml'));
        $stack = new Resolver\TemplatePathStack(array('script_paths' => array(__DIR__ . '/view')));
        $resolver->attach($map)->attach($stack)->attach(new Resolver\RelativeFallbackResolver($map))->attach(new Resolver\RelativeFallbackResolver($stack));
        $view = new View();
        $response = new Response();
        $strategy = new PhpRendererStrategy($renderer);
        $viewConfigExample = ['some-view' => ['template' => 'some-template', 'viewModel' => 'some-view-model|\\Some\\ViewModel::class', 'extend' => 'parent-view', 'capture' => 'some-capture', 'children' => ['child-view'], 'childrenDynamicLists' => ['child-view' => 'listVar'], 'data' => ['fromGlobal' => 'varName', 'fromParent' => 'varName', 'static' => ['key' => 'value']], 'dataProvider' => 'some-view-model|\\Some\\DataProvider::class']];
        $viewConfig = ['page' => ['template' => 'page', 'children' => ['comments-list', 'comment-create' => ['template' => 'comment-create', 'children' => ['myself-info' => ['viewModel' => \Sebaks\ViewTest\MyselfViewModel::class, 'template' => 'user'], 'comment-create-form' => ['template' => 'form', 'children' => ['form-element-textarea' => ['capture' => 'form-element', 'template' => 'form-element-textarea'], 'form-element-button' => ['capture' => 'form-element', 'template' => 'form-element-button']]]]], 'users-table' => ['template' => 'table', 'children' => ['table-head-rows' => ['template' => 'table-tr', 'data' => ['fromParent' => 'rows'], 'children' => ['table-th' => ['template' => 'table-th', 'capture' => 'table-td', 'data' => ['fromParent' => 'value']]], 'childrenDynamicLists' => ['table-th' => 'rows']], 'table-body-rows' => ['template' => 'table-tr', 'data' => ['fromParent' => 'rows'], 'children' => ['table-td' => ['template' => 'table-td', 'data' => ['fromParent' => 'value']]], 'childrenDynamicLists' => ['table-td' => 'rows']]], 'childrenDynamicLists' => ['table-body-rows' => 'bodyRows', 'table-head-rows' => 'headRows'], 'data' => ['static' => ['headRows' => [['Id', 'Name']], 'bodyRows' => [['1', 'John'], ['2', 'Helen']]]]]]], 'comments-list' => ['template' => 'comments-list', 'children' => ['comment' => ['viewModel' => \Sebaks\ViewTest\CommentViewModel::class, 'template' => 'comment', 'children' => ['user' => ['viewModel' => \Sebaks\ViewTest\UserViewModel::class, 'template' => 'user', 'data' => ['fromParent' => ['comment:userId' => 'userId'], 'static' => ['class' => 'user']]]], 'data' => ['fromParent' => ['comment' => 'comment']]]], 'childrenDynamicLists' => ['comment' => 'comments'], 'data' => ['fromGlobal' => 'comments']]];
        $data = ['comments' => [['id' => 'c1', 'userId' => 'u1', 'text' => 'text of c1'], ['id' => 'c2', 'userId' => 'u2', 'text' => 'text of c2']]];
        $serviceLocator = new \Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager();
        $serviceLocator->setInvokableClass(\Sebaks\ViewTest\CommentViewModel::class, \Sebaks\ViewTest\CommentViewModel::class, false);
        $serviceLocator->setInvokableClass(\Sebaks\ViewTest\UserViewModel::class, \Sebaks\ViewTest\UserViewModel::class, false);
        $serviceLocator->setInvokableClass(\Sebaks\ViewTest\MyselfViewModel::class, \Sebaks\ViewTest\MyselfViewModel::class, false);
        $config = new Config($viewConfig);
        $viewBuilder = new ViewBuilder($config, $serviceLocator);
        $pageViewModel = $viewBuilder->build($viewConfig['page'], $data);
        $result = $response->getBody();
        $expected = '<ul><li>text of c1
<div class="user">John</div></li><li>text of c2
<div class="user">Helen</div></li></ul>
<div class="">Me</div><form><textarea></textarea><button type="submit">Submit</button></form><table>
        <tr><th>Id</th><th>Name</th></tr>    </thead>
        <tr><td>1</td><td>John</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>Helen</td></tr>    </tbody>
        $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);