Пример #1
  * Display the captcha
  * @param Zend_View_Interface $view
  * @param mixed $element
  * @return string
 public function render(\Zend\View\ViewEngine $view = null, $element = null)
     return '<pre>' . $this->_figlet->render($this->getWord()) . "</pre>\n";
Пример #2
 public function testEmptyString()
     $figlet = new Figlet\Figlet();
     $this->assertEquals('', $figlet->render(''));
Пример #3
  * Display the captcha
  * @param Renderer $view
  * @param mixed $element
  * @return string
 public function render(Renderer $view = null, $element = null)
     return '<pre>' . $this->_figlet->render($this->getWord()) . "</pre>\n";
Пример #4
    public function usageAction()
        // get run script name
        $script = basename($this->request->getScriptName());
        if (ConsoleStatic::isWindows()) {
            $script .= '.bat';
        } else {
            $script = './' . $script;
        $figletText = new Figlet();
        $asciiGinosi = $figletText->render('        GINOSI');
        return <<<USAGE

{$asciiGinosi}          ✡  Ginosi Backoffice Console (GBC)  ✡          


    ginosole currency show
    ginosole reservation-email send-ki --id=4651 -v
    ginosole [ --usage | --help | -h ]


    currency show                  - show all currencies
    currency update                - update currencies
    currency check                 - currency been updated in the last 30 hours? (--nosend)

    currency update-currency-vault - grab current currency values and save

    reservation-email check-review - show review for sent (--id=BID|otherwise all)
    reservation-email send-review  - send the necessary reviews (--id=BID|otherwise all)

    reservation-email check-ki     - show key instructions for sent (--id=BID|otherwise all)
    reservation-email send-ki      - send the necessary key instructions (--id=BID|otherwise all) (-bo)

    reservation-email check-confirmation    - show info about booking (--id=BID|otherwise all)
    reservation-email send-guest         - send reservation mail to Customer --id=BID (-bo)
    reservation-email send-ginosi        - send reservation mail to Ginosi --id=BID (--ccp=yes) (-bo)
    reservation-email send-overbooking        - check if reservation is overbooking and send email with info --id=BID (--ccp=yes) (-bo)
    reservation-email send-ccca   - send CCCA link to a customer [--id=resId] [--ccca_id=CCCAID] [--email=customer email]
    reservation-email show-modification              - show modification booking --id=BID
    reservation-email send-update-payment-details-guest         - send link for input new CC info to Customer --id=BID
    reservation-email send-payment-details-updated-ginosi      - send new CC confirmation mail to Ginosi --id=BID --ccp=yes
    reservation-email send-modification-cancel       - send cancellation mail to Ginosi and/or Customer if(!over) --id=BID --ginosi --booker
    reservation-email send-modification-ginosi       - send modification mail to Ginosi --id=BID --shifted
    reservation-email send-receipt            - sends charges receipt to the customer

    issues show                    - show all detected issues (--id=BID|otherwise all)
    issues detect                  - detect issue for selected thicket --id=BID
    issues force-resolve           - remove all issues for selected thicket --id=BID

    chm pullreservation            - get new reservations via Channel Manager

    availability update-monthly    - update availability monthly
    availability repair            - update availability by date range and/or rate_id [--date-from=DATE_FROM] [--date-to=DATE_TO] [--rate-id=RATE_ID]
    availability update-monthly-apartel    - update availability monthly for apartel

    booking firstcharge            - executes first charging for the reservations that are not in flexible period and do not have charge yet
    booking clear-links            - clear expired edit links
    booking check-reservation-balances - Calculate reservation balances and check whether the saved one is correct 

    user send-login-details        - generate new password and send details to user email
    user calculate-vacation-days  - calculate vacation days for active employees
    user show                      - show user info [--id=USER ID]
    user update-schedule-inventory - update schedule inventory for active employees

    crawler update                 - update ota connection status
    crawler check                  - check ota connection status and update only last edit date [--product=apartment|apartel] [--identity=ID,ID] [--ota=ID,ID]

    apartment check-performance    - checks all selling apartments performance for last month, and if result is negative, add notification for those who have the appropriate role
    apartment documents-after-sixty-days-expiring     - loops through apartment documents and sends notification to group managers if document expiration date == 60 days
    apartment correct-apartment-reviews     - loops through all active apartments and corrects their average review score

    building check-performance     - checks all buildings' selling apartments performance for last month, and if result is negative add notification for those who have the appropriate role

    contact-us send                - send email from website contact us page [--name=VisitorName] [--email=VisitorEmail] [--remarks=RemarksAsString]

    db safe-backup                 - create safe database backup

    tools                          - more tools (help included)

    arrivals send-arrivals-mail    - Send email to concierge for new arrivals

    task update-reservation-cleaning-tasks-for-2-days    - update cleaning tasks and set housekeeper entry and next guest keys

    parking extend-inventory    - Extend parking inventory

    email send-applicant-rejections - Send applicant rejection emails

    tools report-unused-files - Report all unused files on hard disk & lost files in database || type [ginosole tools] to see all available parameters
    tools optimize-tables - Run optimize tables statement for all database tables 

    inventory-synchronization execute-inventory - Apartment inventory synchronization [start|restart]

    api-request delete-expired-request - Delete expired API request

    phpunit [--app=name]           - Run PHPUnit for Applications, available [website | backoffice | api]

    --id                           - Booking ID (not reservation number)
    --ccp                          - Credit Card Provided
    -bo                            - Flag 'from Backoffice' (force mode)
    --verbose/-v                   - Verbose mode
    --usage/--help                 - Display this help

    waiting for more supplements...

Пример #5
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getConsoleBanner(AdapterInterface $console)
     if (static::$consoleBannerEnabled) {
         $figlet = new Figlet(['font' => __DIR__ . '/assets/font/colossal.flf']);
         return PHP_EOL . $figlet->render('Sphinx Search Tool');
     } else {
         return '';
Пример #6
  * Display the captcha
  * @param Zend_View_Interface $view
  * @param mixed $element
  * @return string
 public function render(\Zend_View_Interface $view = null, $element = null)
     return '<pre>' . $this->_figlet->render($this->getWord()) . "</pre>\n";