public function findCourses($free, $disability, $child_care, $lat, $lng) { $sql = new Sql($this->tableGateway->getAdapter()); $select = $sql->select(); $select->from(array("co" => "course"))->join(array("cc" => "course_centre"), " = cc.course_id")->join(array("ce" => "centre"), " = cc.centre_id", array("centre_id" => "id", "centreName" => "name", "location" => new Expression("AsWKT(location)"), "post_code", "address", "buses", "tube", "accebility", "accebility_condition", "other_information")); //especificar las columnas que queremos en el resultados de las consultas. $select->columns(array("id", "courseName" => "name", "class_type", "levels", "who_join", "how_join", "when_join", "how_long", "cost_free", "cost_condition", "times", "documentation_required", "contact_phone", "contact_email", "contact_person", "child_care", "child_condition", "organization_id", "other_information")); $where = new Where(); //TODO terminar de poner prefijos a las tablas if (isset($free)) { if ($free == 'Yes') { $where->in("co.cost_free", array("y", "c")); } else { if ($free == 'No') { $where->equalTo("co.cost_free", "n"); } } } if (isset($disability)) { if ($disability == 'Yes') { $where->in("ce.accebility", array("y", "c")); } else { if ($disability == 'No') { $where->equalTo("ce.accebility", "n"); } } } if (isset($child_care)) { if ($child_care == 'Yes') { $where->in("co.child_care", array("y", "c")); } else { if ($child_care == 'No') { $where->equalTo("co.child_care", "n"); } } } //hacemos busquedas en 3km a la redonda, se puede convertir en un parametro $R = 6371; //radio de la tierra en km if (isset($lat) && isset($lng)) { $maxLat = $lat + rad2deg(1.5 / $R); $minLat = $lat - rad2deg(1.5 / $R); $maxLng = $lng + rad2deg(1.5 / $R / cos(deg2rad($lat))); $minLng = $lng - rad2deg(1.5 / $R / cos(deg2rad($lat))); $where->between(new Expression("X(ce.location)"), $minLat, $maxLat); $where->between(new Expression("y(ce.location)"), $minLng, $maxLng); } //TODO terminar con el resto de los filtros de busqueda $select->where($where); $statement = $sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($select); $rowset = $statement->execute(); return $rowset; }
/** * Construct Where object from query parameters * * @param array $filterParams * @param bool $testApartments * @return Where */ public function constructWhereFromFilterParams($filterParams, $testApartments = true) { $auth = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('library_backoffice_auth'); $hasDevTestRole = $auth->hasRole(Roles::ROLE_DEVELOPMENT_TESTING); $where = new Where(); $table = DbTables::TBL_APARTMENTS; $productStatusGroups = Objects::getProductStatusGroups(); if (!$testApartments || !$hasDevTestRole) { $where->expression($table . '.id NOT IN(' . Constants::TEST_APARTMENT_1 . ', ' . Constants::TEST_APARTMENT_2 . ')', []); } if (isset($filterParams["status"]) && $filterParams["status"] != '0') { $statusGroup = $productStatusGroups[$filterParams["status"]]; $where->in($table . ".status", $statusGroup); } if (isset($filterParams["building_id"]) && $filterParams["building_id"] != '0') { $where->expression($table . '.id IN (SELECT `apartment_id` FROM ' . DbTables::TBL_APARTMENT_GROUP_ITEMS . ' JOIN ' . DbTables::TBL_APARTMENT_GROUPS . ' ON `apartment_group_id` = ' . DbTables::TBL_APARTMENT_GROUPS . '.id WHERE ' . DbTables::TBL_APARTMENT_GROUPS . '.id = ' . $filterParams['building_id'] . ' ) ', []); } if (isset($filterParams["address"]) && $filterParams["address"] != '') { $addressQuery = $filterParams["address"]; $nestedWhere = new Where(); $nestedWhere->like($table . '.name', '%' . $addressQuery . '%')->or->like('', '%' . $addressQuery . '%')->or->like('', '%' . $addressQuery . '%')->or->like($table . '.address', '%' . $addressQuery . '%')->or->like($table . '.unit_number', '%' . $addressQuery . '%')->or->like($table . '.postal_code', '%' . $addressQuery . '%'); $where->addPredicate($nestedWhere); } if (isset($filterParams['createdDate']) && $filterParams['createdDate'] !== '') { $createdDate = explode(' - ', $filterParams['createdDate']); $where->between($table . '.create_date', $createdDate['0'], $createdDate['1']); } return $where; }
public function fetchAllByIdEmpleadoAndPeriodo($id_empleado, $inicio, $fin) { $sql = new Sql($this->adapter); $select = $sql->select(); $select->from($this->table)->join('cat_asistencia', ' = tab_asistencia.id_cat_asistencia', array('asistencia' => 'nombre')); $where1 = new Where(); $where1->between('tab_asistencia.fecha', $inicio, $fin); $select->where($where1); $where2 = new Where(); $where2->equalTo('tab_asistencia.id_empleado', $id_empleado); $select->where(array($where2)); $select->order(array('fecha')); // echo $select->getSqlString(); $statement = $sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($select); $resultSet = $statement->execute(); $entities = array(); foreach ($resultSet as $row) { $entity = new Entity\Asistencia(array('id' => $row["id"], 'id_empleado' => $row["id_empleado"], 'id_cat_asistencia' => $row["id_cat_asistencia"], 'fecha' => $row["fecha"], 'asistencia' => $row["asistencia"])); $entities[] = $entity->toArray(); } return $entities; }
public function detachBranch($nodeMoveID, $options = null) { $moveInfo = $this->getNodeInfo(array('id' => $nodeMoveID)); $moveLeft = $moveInfo->left; $moveRight = $moveInfo->right; $totalNode = ($moveRight - $moveLeft + 1) / 2; // ================================== Node on branch ================================== if ($options == null) { $data = array('left' => new Expression('`left` - ?', array($moveLeft)), 'right' => new Expression('`right` - ?', array($moveRight))); $where = new Where(); $where->between('left', $moveInfo->left, $moveInfo->right); $this->tableGateway->update($data, $where); } if ($options['task'] == 'remove-node') { $where = new Where(); $where->between('left', $moveInfo->left, $moveInfo->right); $this->tableGateway->delete($where); } // ================================== Node on tree (LEFT) ================================== $data = array('left' => new Expression('`left` - ?', array($totalNode * 2))); $where = new Where(); $where->greaterThan('left', $moveRight); $this->tableGateway->update($data, $where); // ================================== Node on tree (RIGHT) ================================== $data = array('right' => new Expression('`right` - ?', array($totalNode * 2))); $where = new Where(); $where->greaterThan('right', $moveInfo->right); $this->tableGateway->update($data, $where); return $totalNode; }
/** * Deletes a row from tree. * * @param int|array $where * @param string $table * @return int number of affected rows */ public function delete($where, $table = null) { if (is_array($where)) { $pk = $where[$this->getPrimaryKey()]; } else { $pk = (int) $where; } $row = $this->getPosition($pk); $where = new Where(); $where->between(self::COLUMN_LEFT, $row->getLft(), $row->getRgt()); $result = parent::delete($where, $table); if ($result) { $this->updateTree($row->getRgt(), '-', $row->width()); } return $result; }
/** * * @param array $filterParams * @param bool $testApartments * @return Where */ public function constructWhereFromFilterParams($filterParams, $securityLevels = []) { /* @var $auth \Library\Authentication\BackofficeAuthenticationService */ $auth = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('library_backoffice_auth'); $hasDevTestRole = $auth->hasRole(Roles::ROLE_DEVELOPMENT_TESTING); $documentsTable = DbTables::TBL_DOCUMENTS; $where = new Where(); if (!$hasDevTestRole) { $where->expression(' NOT IN(' . Constants::TEST_APARTMENT_1 . ', ' . Constants::TEST_APARTMENT_2 . ')', []); } if (isset($filterParams["validation-range"]) && $filterParams["validation-range"] != '') { $tempDatesArray = explode(' - ', $filterParams['validation-range']); $validFrom = $tempDatesArray[0]; $validTo = $tempDatesArray[1]; $where->expression('DATE(' . $documentsTable . '.valid_from) >= DATE("' . $validFrom . '") ' . 'AND DATE(' . $documentsTable . '.valid_to) <= DATE("' . $validTo . '") ', []); } if (isset($filterParams['createdDate']) && $filterParams['createdDate'] !== '') { $createdDate = explode(' - ', $filterParams['createdDate']); $where->between($documentsTable . '.created_date', $createdDate['0'] . ' 00:00:00', $createdDate['1'] . ' 23:59:59'); } if (!empty($filterParams['supplier_id']) && $filterParams['supplier_id'] != '78') { $where->equalTo($documentsTable . '.supplier_id', $filterParams['supplier_id']); } if (!empty($filterParams['document_type'])) { $where->equalTo($documentsTable . '.type_id', $filterParams['document_type']); } if (isset($filterParams['legal_entity_id']) && $filterParams['legal_entity_id'] != 0) { $where->equalTo($documentsTable . '.legal_entity_id', $filterParams['legal_entity_id']); } if (isset($filterParams['signatory_id']) && $filterParams['signatory_id'] != 0) { $where->equalTo($documentsTable . '.signatory_id', $filterParams['signatory_id']); } if (!empty($filterParams['author_id'])) { $where->equalTo($documentsTable . '.created_by', $filterParams['author_id']); } if (!empty($filterParams['account_number'])) { $where->like($documentsTable . '.account_number', '%' . $filterParams['account_number'] . '%'); } if (!empty($filterParams['entity_id'])) { $where->equalTo($documentsTable . '.entity_id', $filterParams['entity_id']); } if (!empty($filterParams['entity_type'])) { $where->equalTo($documentsTable . '.entity_type', $filterParams['entity_type']); } if (!empty($filterParams['account_holder'])) { $where->like($documentsTable . '.account_holder', '%' . $filterParams['account_holder'] . '%'); } if (!empty($filterParams['has_attachment'])) { switch ($filterParams['has_attachment']) { case 1: $where->isNotNull($documentsTable . '.attachment')->notEqualTo($documentsTable . '.attachment', ''); break; case 2: $where->NEST->isNull($documentsTable . '.attachment')->OR->equalTo($documentsTable . '.attachment', '')->UNNEST; break; } } if (isset($filterParams['has_url']) && !empty($filterParams['has_url'])) { switch ($filterParams['has_url']) { case 1: $where->notEqualTo($documentsTable . '.url', ''); break; case 2: $where->equalTo($documentsTable . '.url', ''); break; } } $hasSecurityAccess = $auth->hasRole(Roles::ROLE_DOCUMENTS_MANAGEMENT_GLOBAL); if (isset($securityLevels[0]) && !$hasSecurityAccess) { $where->in($documentsTable . '.security_level', $securityLevels); } return $where; }
/** * @param DatagridFilter $filter * @throws \Exception */ public function applyFilter(DatagridFilter $filter) { $select = $this->getSelect(); $adapter = $this->getSql()->getAdapter(); $qi = function ($name) use($adapter) { return $adapter->getPlatform()->quoteIdentifier($name); }; $col = $filter->getColumn(); if (!$col instanceof Column\Select) { throw new \Exception('This column cannot be filtered: ' . $col->getUniqueId()); } $colString = $col->getSelectPart1(); if ($col->getSelectPart2() != '') { $colString .= '.' . $col->getSelectPart2(); } if ($col instanceof Column\Select && $col->hasFilterSelectExpression()) { $colString = sprintf($col->getFilterSelectExpression(), $colString); } $values = $filter->getValues(); $wheres = []; foreach ($values as $value) { $where = new Where(); switch ($filter->getOperator()) { case DatagridFilter::LIKE: $wheres[] = $where->like($colString, '%' . $value . '%'); break; case DatagridFilter::LIKE_LEFT: $wheres[] = $where->like($colString, '%' . $value); break; case DatagridFilter::LIKE_RIGHT: $wheres[] = $where->like($colString, $value . '%'); break; case DatagridFilter::NOT_LIKE: $wheres[] = $where->literal($qi($colString) . 'NOT LIKE ?', ['%' . $value . '%']); break; case DatagridFilter::NOT_LIKE_LEFT: $wheres[] = $where->literal($qi($colString) . 'NOT LIKE ?', ['%' . $value]); break; case DatagridFilter::NOT_LIKE_RIGHT: $wheres[] = $where->literal($qi($colString) . 'NOT LIKE ?', [$value . '%']); break; case DatagridFilter::EQUAL: $wheres[] = $where->equalTo($colString, $value); break; case DatagridFilter::NOT_EQUAL: $wheres[] = $where->notEqualTo($colString, $value); break; case DatagridFilter::GREATER_EQUAL: $wheres[] = $where->greaterThanOrEqualTo($colString, $value); break; case DatagridFilter::GREATER: $wheres[] = $where->greaterThan($colString, $value); break; case DatagridFilter::LESS_EQUAL: $wheres[] = $where->lessThanOrEqualTo($colString, $value); break; case DatagridFilter::LESS: $wheres[] = $where->lessThan($colString, $value); break; case DatagridFilter::BETWEEN: $wheres[] = $where->between($colString, $values[0], $values[1]); break 2; default: throw new \InvalidArgumentException('This operator is currently not supported: ' . $filter->getOperator()); break; } } if (!empty($wheres)) { $set = new PredicateSet($wheres, PredicateSet::OP_OR); $select->where->andPredicate($set); } }
/** * @param $params * @return Where * @throws \Exception */ private function constructWhereForItemSearchForDatatable($params) { $where = new Where(); $itemTable = DbTables::TBL_EXPENSE_ITEM; if (!empty($params['item-search-supplier'])) { $where->equalTo("{$itemTable}.account_id", $params['item-search-supplier']); } if (!empty($params['creator_id'])) { $where->equalTo("{$itemTable}.creator_id", $params['creator_id']); } if (!empty($params['item-search-creation-date'])) { list($creationFrom, $creationTo) = explode(' - ', $params['item-search-creation-date']); $creationFrom = date(Constants::DATABASE_DATE_FORMAT, strtotime($creationFrom)); $creationTo = date(Constants::DATABASE_DATE_FORMAT, strtotime($creationTo)); $where->expression("date({$itemTable}.date_created) BETWEEN ? AND ?", [$creationFrom, $creationTo]); } if (!empty($params['item-search-reference'])) { $where->like("{$itemTable}.account_reference", "%{$params['item-search-reference']}%"); } if ($params['item-search-amount'] !== '') { $where->equalTo("{$itemTable}.amount", $params['item-search-amount']); } if (!empty($params['item-search-period'])) { list($periodFrom, $periodTo) = explode(' - ', $params['item-search-period']); $periodFrom = date(Constants::DATABASE_DATE_FORMAT, strtotime($periodFrom)); $periodTo = date(Constants::DATABASE_DATE_FORMAT, strtotime($periodTo)); $whereP = new Where(); $whereP->between("{$itemTable}.period_from", $periodFrom, $periodTo); $whereP->or; $whereP->between("{$itemTable}.period_to", $periodFrom, $periodTo); $where->andPredicate($whereP); } if (!empty($params['item-search-category'])) { list($categoryId, $categoryType) = explode('_', $params['item-search-category']); // Conventional: 1 - category, 2 - sub category if ($categoryType == 1) { $where->equalTo("sub_category.category_id", $categoryId); $where->equalTo("sub_category.category_id", $categoryId); } elseif ($categoryType == 2) { $where->equalTo("{$itemTable}.sub_category_id", $categoryId); } else { throw new \Exception('Invalid category type.'); } } if (!empty($params['item-search-cost-center'])) { list($costCenterType, $costCenterId) = explode('_', $params['item-search-cost-center']); // Conventional: 1 - apartment, 2 - office section if (in_array($costCenterType, [1, 2])) { $where->equalTo("cost.cost_center_id", $costCenterId); $where->equalTo("cost.cost_center_type", $costCenterType); } else { throw new \Exception('Invalid cost center type.'); } } return $where; }
private function prepareTransactionStatement($data) { $statement = new Where(); // Basic configuration $types = []; foreach ($data['transaction_type'] as $type => $typeValue) { if ((int) $typeValue == 1) { array_push($types, $type); } } if (count($types)) { $statement->in('type', $types); } // Transaction specific if (!empty($data['transaction_date'])) { list($dateFrom, $dateTo) = explode(' - ', $data['transaction_date']); $statement->between(DbTables::TBL_CHARGE_TRANSACTION . '.date', $dateFrom, date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 day', strtotime($dateTo)))); } // Reservation specific if ($data['status']) { if ($data['status'] == 111) { // Canceled $statement->notEqualTo(DbTables::TBL_BOOKINGS . '.status', Booking::BOOKING_STATUS_BOOKED); } else { $statement->equalTo(DbTables::TBL_BOOKINGS . '.status', $data['status']); } } if ($data['payment_model']) { $statement->equalTo(DbTables::TBL_BOOKINGS . '.model', $data['payment_model']); } if ($data['partner_id']) { $statement->equalTo(DbTables::TBL_BOOKINGS . '.partner_id', $data['partner_id']); } if ($data['no_collection'] != -1) { $statement->equalTo(DbTables::TBL_BOOKINGS . '.no_collection', $data['no_collection']); } if (!empty($data['booking_date'])) { list($dateFrom, $dateTo) = explode(' - ', $data['booking_date']); $statement->between(DbTables::TBL_BOOKINGS . '.timestamp', $dateFrom, date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 day', strtotime($dateTo)))); } if (!empty($data['arrival_date'])) { list($dateFrom, $dateTo) = explode(' - ', $data['arrival_date']); $statement->between(DbTables::TBL_BOOKINGS . '.date_from', $dateFrom, $dateTo); } if (!empty($data['departure_date'])) { list($dateFrom, $dateTo) = explode(' - ', $data['departure_date']); $statement->between(DbTables::TBL_BOOKINGS . '.date_to', $dateFrom, $dateTo); } if (!empty($data['product_id'])) { $statement->equalTo(DbTables::TBL_BOOKINGS . '.apartment_id_origin', $data['product_id']); } if (!empty($data['assigned_product_id'])) { $statement->equalTo(DbTables::TBL_BOOKINGS . '.apartment_id_assigned', $data['assigned_product_id']); } if ($data['city']) { $statement->equalTo(DbTables::TBL_BOOKINGS . '.acc_city_id', $data['city']); } if ($data['psp']) { $statement->equalTo(DbTables::TBL_CHARGE_TRANSACTION . '.psp_id', $data['psp']); } // Apartment Group specific if ($data['group']) { $statement->equalTo(DbTables::TBL_APARTMENT_GROUP_ITEMS . '.apartment_group_id', $data['group']); } // Transaction Status if ($data['transaction_status']) { $statement->equalTo(DbTables::TBL_CHARGE_TRANSACTION . '.status', $data['transaction_status']); } return $statement; }
/** * @param DatagridFilter $filter * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ public function applyFilter(DatagridFilter $filter) { $select = $this->getSelect(); $adapter = $this->getSql()->getAdapter(); $qi = function ($name) use($adapter) { return $adapter->getPlatform()->quoteIdentifier($name); }; $column = $filter->getColumn(); $colString = $column->getSelectPart1(); if ($column->getSelectPart2() != '') { $colString .= '.' . $column->getSelectPart2(); } if ($column instanceof Column\Select && $column->hasFilterSelectExpression()) { $colString = sprintf($column->getFilterSelectExpression(), $colString); } $values = $filter->getValues(); $filterSelectOptions = $column->getFilterSelectOptions(); $wheres = array(); if ($filter->getColumn()->getType() instanceof Column\Type\DateTime && $filter->getColumn()->getType()->isDaterangePickerEnabled() === true) { $where = new Where(); $wheres[] = $where->between($colString, $values[0], $values[1]); if (count($wheres) > 0) { $set = new PredicateSet($wheres, PredicateSet::OP_AND); $select->where->andPredicate($set); } } else { foreach ($values as $value) { $where = new Where(); switch ($filter->getOperator()) { case DatagridFilter::LIKE: $wheres[] = $where->like($colString, '%' . $value . '%'); break; case DatagridFilter::LIKE_LEFT: $wheres[] = $where->like($colString, '%' . $value); break; case DatagridFilter::LIKE_RIGHT: $wheres[] = $where->like($colString, $value . '%'); break; case DatagridFilter::NOT_LIKE: $wheres[] = $where->literal($qi($colString) . 'NOT LIKE ?', array('%' . $value . '%')); break; case DatagridFilter::NOT_LIKE_LEFT: $wheres[] = $where->literal($qi($colString) . 'NOT LIKE ?', array('%' . $value)); break; case DatagridFilter::NOT_LIKE_RIGHT: $wheres[] = $where->literal($qi($colString) . 'NOT LIKE ?', array($value . '%')); break; case DatagridFilter::EQUAL: $wheres[] = $where->equalTo($colString, $value); break; case DatagridFilter::NOT_EQUAL: $wheres[] = $where->notEqualTo($colString, $value); break; case DatagridFilter::GREATER_EQUAL: $wheres[] = $where->greaterThanOrEqualTo($colString, $value); break; case DatagridFilter::GREATER: $wheres[] = $where->greaterThan($colString, $value); break; case DatagridFilter::LESS_EQUAL: $wheres[] = $where->lessThanOrEqualTo($colString, $value); break; case DatagridFilter::LESS: $wheres[] = $where->lessThan($colString, $value); break; case DatagridFilter::BETWEEN: $wheres[] = $where->between($colString, $values[0], $values[1]); break; case DatagridFilter::IN: $wheres[] = $where->in($colString, (array) $value); break; case DatagridFilter::NOT_IN: $wheres[] = $where->notin($colString, (array) $value); break; default: throw new \InvalidArgumentException('This operator is currently not supported: ' . $filter->getOperator()); break; } } if (count($wheres) > 0) { $set = new PredicateSet($wheres, PredicateSet::OP_OR); $select->where->andPredicate($set); } } }