mergeGlobalTranslations() публичный Метод

Merges local translations (preferred) with global translations.
public mergeGlobalTranslations ( yasumi\TranslationsInterface $globalTranslations )
$globalTranslations yasumi\TranslationsInterface global translations
Пример #1
  * Tests the getName function of the Holiday object with global translations and an overriding custom translation.
 public function testHolidayGetNameWithOverridenGlobalTranslations()
     /** @var TranslationsInterface|PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject $translationsStub */
     $translationsStub = $this->getMockBuilder('\\Yasumi\\TranslationsInterface')->getMock();
     $translations = ['en_US' => 'New Year\'s Day', 'pl_PL' => 'Nowy Rok'];
     $customLocale = 'pl_PL';
     $customTranslation = 'Bardzo Nowy Rok';
     $holiday = new Holiday('newYearsDay', [$customLocale => $customTranslation], new DateTime("2014-01-01"), $customLocale);
     $this->assertInternalType('string', $holiday->getName());
     $this->assertEquals($customTranslation, $holiday->getName());
Пример #2
  * Adds a holiday to the holidays providers (i.e. country/state) list of holidays.
  * @param Holiday $holiday Holiday instance (representing a holiday) to be added to the internal list
  *                         of holidays of this country.
 public function addHoliday(Holiday $holiday)
     if ($this->globalTranslations !== null) {
     $this->holidays[$holiday->shortName] = $holiday;
     uasort($this->holidays, ['Yasumi\\Provider\\AbstractProvider', 'compareDates']);