  * Executes the command
  * @param InputInterface $input            
  * @param OutputInterface $output            
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     // test to see if threading is available
     if (!Core_Thread::available()) {
         die('Threads not supported');
     #var_dump(self::paralel(10, "t1"));
     // create 2 thread objects
     $t1 = new Core_Thread(array('xrow\\EzPublishSolrDocsBundle\\Command\\ProcessTestCommand', 'paralel'));
     $t2 = new Core_Thread(array('xrow\\EzPublishSolrDocsBundle\\Command\\ProcessTestCommand', 'paralel'));
     // start them
     $t1->start(10, 't1');
     $t2->start(10, 't2');
     // keep the program running until the threads finish
     while ($t1->isAlive() && $t2->isAlive()) {
     #- See more at: http://blog.motane.lu/2009/01/02/multithreading-in-php/#sthash.nBeHweEm.dpuf
Пример #2
 function import()
     $importstartzeit = microtime(true);
     $from = 0;
     $till = $this->source->limit();
     if ($this->source->offset() <= $this->source->count()) {
         $from = $this->source->offset();
     if ($from + $this->source->limit() > $this->source->count()) {
         $till = $this->source->count();
     } else {
         $till = $from + $this->source->limit();
     $process_to_run = $this->processes_to_run;
     $i = $from;
     $next = true;
     $compcount = $till - $from;
     #var_dump("total: " . $compcount);
     #var_dump("possiblesteps: " . round($compcount/$process_to_run) + 1);
     $steps = (int) round($compcount / $process_to_run) + 1;
     echo "Erster Datensatz: " . $from . "\n";
     echo "Letzter Datensatz: " . ($till - 1) . "\n";
     echo "Insgesamt: " . $compcount . "\n";
     echo "Conc. Processes: " . $process_to_run . "\n";
     echo "Steps: " . $steps . "\n";
     if ($process_to_run > 1) {
         if (!Core_Thread::available()) {
             die('Threads not supported');
         $till = $till - 1;
         while ($i < $till and $next) {
             $range = array();
             $range["p1"]["from"] = $i;
             if ($i + $steps - 1 < $till) {
                 $range["p1"]["to"] = $i + $steps - 1;
                 if ($range["p1"]["to"] == $till) {
                     $next = false;
             } else {
                 $range["p1"]["to"] = $till;
                 $next = false;
             if ($next) {
                 $range["p2"]["from"] = $range["p1"]["to"] + 1;
             if ($next and $range["p2"]["from"] + $steps - 1 < $till) {
                 $range["p2"]["to"] = $range["p2"]["from"] + $steps - 1;
                 if ($range["p2"]["to"] == $till) {
                     $next = false;
             } else {
                 if ($next) {
                     $range["p2"]["to"] = $till;
                 $next = false;
             if ($process_to_run > 2) {
                 if ($next) {
                     $range["p3"]["from"] = $range["p2"]["to"] + 1;
                 if ($next and $range["p3"]["from"] + $steps - 1 < $till) {
                     $range["p3"]["to"] = $range["p3"]["from"] + $steps - 1;
                     if ($range["p3"]["to"] == $till) {
                         $next = false;
                 } else {
                     if ($next) {
                         $range["p3"]["to"] = $till;
                     $next = false;
             if ($process_to_run > 3) {
                 if ($next) {
                     $range["p4"]["from"] = $range["p3"]["to"] + 1;
                 if ($next and $range["p4"]["from"] + $steps - 1 < $till) {
                     $range["p4"]["to"] = $range["p4"]["from"] + $steps - 1;
                     if ($range["p4"]["to"] == $till) {
                         $next = false;
                 } else {
                     if ($next) {
                         $range["p4"]["to"] = $till;
                     $next = false;
             if ($next) {
                 if ($process_to_run == 4) {
                     $i = $range["p4"]["to"] + 1;
                 if ($process_to_run == 3) {
                     $i = $range["p3"]["to"] + 1;
                 if ($process_to_run == 2) {
                     $i = $range["p2"]["to"] + 1;
             $threads = array();
             $importforthissession = 0;
             foreach ($range as $it_name => $iThread) {
                 $threads[$it_name] = new Core_Thread(array('xrow\\EzPublishSolrDocsBundle\\src\\Import\\Process', 'threadedImport'));
                 $threads[$it_name]->start($it_name, $iThread["from"], $iThread["to"], $this);
                 $importforthissession = $importforthissession + ($iThread["to"] + 1 - $iThread["from"]);
             $stillalive = true;
             while ($stillalive) {
                 $alivecount = 0;
                 foreach ($range as $it_name => $threaddeditem) {
                     if ($threads[$it_name]->isAlive()) {
                 if ($alivecount == 0) {
                     $this->importedint = $this->importedint + $importforthissession;
                     $stillalive = false;
                 #else sleep(1);
                 // wait until no thread is alive anymore
             echo "\rImportiert: " . $this->importedint . " von " . $compcount;
     } else {
         // no Threading
         for ($i = $from; $i < $till; $i++) {
             $this->importedint = $this->importedint + 1;
             echo "\rImportiert: " . $this->importedint . " von " . $compcount;
     // Implement threading
     $durationInMilliseconds = (microtime(true) - $importstartzeit) * 1000;
     $timing = number_format($durationInMilliseconds, 3, '.', '') . "ms";
     if ($durationInMilliseconds > 1000) {
         $timing = number_format($durationInMilliseconds / 1000, 1, '.', '') . "sec";
     echo "\nDauer Import: " . $timing . "\n";
     $average = $compcount / ($durationInMilliseconds / 1000);
     echo "Average Objects per second: " . number_format($average, 1, '.', '') . "\n";
  * Executes the command
  * @param InputInterface $input            
  * @param OutputInterface $output            
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $sourcefile = $input->getOption('source');
     $contentTypeIdentifier = $input->getOption('class');
     $limitopt = $input->getOption('limit');
     $offsetopt = $input->getOption('offset');
     try {
         $startzeit = microtime(true);
         $output->writeln("Starting Import");
         // PREPARING
         $repository = $this->getContainer()->get('ezpublish.solrapi.repository');
         $repository1 = $this->getContainer()->get('ezpublish.solrapi.repository');
         $repository2 = $this->getContainer()->get('ezpublish.solrapi.repository');
         $contentTypeService = $repository->getContentTypeService();
         $locationService = $repository->getLocationService();
         $parentLocationId = 2;
         $location = $locationService->newLocationCreateStruct($parentLocationId);
         $location1 = $locationService->newLocationCreateStruct($parentLocationId);
         $location2 = $locationService->newLocationCreateStruct($parentLocationId);
         $ContentType = $contentTypeService->loadContentTypeByIdentifier($contentTypeIdentifier);
         $ContentType1 = $contentTypeService->loadContentTypeByIdentifier($contentTypeIdentifier);
         $ContentType2 = $contentTypeService->loadContentTypeByIdentifier($contentTypeIdentifier);
         // IMPORTING NOW
         $offset = 0;
         $limit = 2000;
         if ($offsetopt !== null) {
             $offset = $offsetopt;
         if ($limitopt !== null) {
             $limit = $limitopt;
         // test to see if threading is available
         if (!Core_Thread::available()) {
             die('Threads not supported');
         #var_dump(self::paralel(10, "t1"));
         // create 2 thread objects
         $t1 = new Core_Thread(array('xrow\\EzPublishSolrDocsBundle\\Command\\OdataImportCommand', '_doImport'));
         $t2 = new Core_Thread(array('xrow\\EzPublishSolrDocsBundle\\Command\\OdataImportCommand', '_doImport'));
         // start them
         $t1->start($sourcefile, 0, 10, $location1, $ContentType1, $repository1, $output, $startzeit);
         $t2->start($sourcefile, 11, 10, $location2, $ContentType2, $repository2, $output, $startzeit);
         // keep the program running until the threads finish
         while ($t1->isAlive() && $t2->isAlive()) {
         #self::_doImport($sourcefile, $offset, $limit, $location, $ContentType, $repository, $output, $startzeit);
                     $source = new OData\Source( $sourcefile, $offset, $limit);
                     $output->writeln("Sourced " . $sourcefile);
                     $import = new Import\Process( $location, $ContentType, $source, $repository );
         $output->writeln("Validate and go");
                     if($import->validate( $source ))
                         $output->writeln("Import is valid.");
                         $output->writeln("Rows: " . $source->count());
                         $output->writeln("Import is NOT valid.");
                     $output->writeln("Finished Import.");
                     // ECHO TIMING
                     $durationInMilliseconds = (microtime(true) - $startzeit) * 1000;
                     $timing = number_format($durationInMilliseconds, 3, '.', '') . "ms";
                     if($durationInMilliseconds > 1000)
                         $timing = number_format($durationInMilliseconds / 1000, 1, '.', '') . "sec";
                     $output->writeln("Dauer: " . $timing);
         // DOING COMMIT
         $client = new \Solarium\Client($this->getContainer()->getParameter('xrow_ez_publish_solr_docs.solrserverconfig'));
         $update = $client->createUpdate();
         $result = $client->update($update);
         $output->writeln("COMMIT done");
     } catch (\eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Exceptions\NotFoundException $e) {
     } catch (\eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Exceptions\ContentFieldValidationException $e) {
     } catch (\eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Exceptions\ContentValidationException $e) {