Пример #1
 public function Format($row, $fieldname, $value)
     $files = $this->_context->getUploadFileNames();
     if ($files[$fieldname] != "") {
         $fileProcessor = new UploadFilenameProcessor($this->_saveAs);
         $fileProcessor->setFilenameLocation(ForceFilenameLocation::DefinePath, FileUtil::GetTempDir());
         // Save the files in a temporary directory
         $result = $this->_context->processUpload($fileProcessor, false, $fieldname);
         // Get a way to rename the files
         $fileinfo = pathinfo($result[0]);
         if ($this->_saveAs != "*") {
             $path_parts = pathinfo($this->_saveAs);
         } else {
             $path_parts = pathinfo($result[0]);
         $newName = $this->_path . FileUtil::Slash() . $path_parts['filename'] . "." . $fileinfo["extension"];
         // Put the image in the right place
         if (strpos(".jpg.gif.jpeg.png", "." . $fileinfo["extension"]) === false) {
             rename($result[0], $newName);
         } else {
             if ($this->_width > 0 || $this->_height > 0) {
                 $image = new ImageUtil($result[0]);
                 $image->resizeAspectRatio($this->_width, $this->_height, 255, 255, 255)->save($newName);
             } else {
                 rename($result[0], $newName);
         return $newName;
     } else {
         return $row->getField($fieldname);
Пример #2
 public function CreatePage()
     // Doesnt necessary get PX, because PX is protected!
     $myWords = $this->WordCollection();
     //this.addMenuOption("OK", "module:Xmlnuke.Admin.ManageGroup?action=aqui");
     $this->addMenuOption($myWords->Value("DELETEBUTTON"), "module:Xmlnuke.Admin.ManageCache?action=erase", null);
     $this->addMenuOption($myWords->Value("CACHELIST"), "module:Xmlnuke.Admin.ManageCache?action=list", null);
     $action = strtolower($this->_action);
     $block = $this->_px->addBlockCenter($myWords->Value("SELECTIONAREA"));
     //XmlNode paragraph;
     if ($action == "erase") {
         FileUtil::DeleteFilesFromPath(new XSLCacheFilenameProcessor(""));
         $dirs = FileUtil::RetrieveSubFolders($this->_context->CachePath());
         foreach ($dirs as $key => $value) {
         $paragraph = $this->_px->addParagraph($block);
         $this->_px->addBold($paragraph, $myWords->Value("DELETED"));
     if ($action == "list") {
         $filelist = array();
         $filelist = FileUtil::RetrieveFilesFromFolder($this->_cacheFile->PathSuggested(), null);
         $paragraph = $this->_px->addUnorderedList($block);
         //XmlNode item;
         foreach ($filelist as $file) {
             $item = $this->_px->addOptionList($paragraph);
             $this->_px->addText($item, FileUtil::ExtractFileName($file));
     return $this->_px;
Пример #3
  * @param string $singlename
 public function __construct($singlename)
     if ($this->_context->CacheHashedDir()) {
         $this->setFilenameLocation(ForceFilenameLocation::DefinePath, $this->_context->CachePath() . $singlename[0] . FileUtil::Slash() . $singlename[1] . FileUtil::Slash());
         if (!FileUtil::Exists($this->PathSuggested())) {
     } else {
         $this->_filenameLocation = ForceFilenameLocation::PrivatePath;
Пример #4
 protected function autoLoad_UserProjects($className)
     $class = str_replace('\\', '/', $className[0] == '\\' ? substr($className, 1) : $className);
     foreach (AutoLoad::$_folders[AutoLoad::USER_PROJECTS] as $libName => $libDir) {
         $file = $libDir . '/' . $class;
         $file = file_exists("{$file}.php") ? "{$file}.php" : (file_exists("{$file}.class.php") ? "{$file}.class.php" : null);
         if (!empty($file) && \Xmlnuke\Util\FileUtil::isReadable($file)) {
             require_once $file;
Пример #5
  *@param XMLFilenameProcessor $xmlfilename
  *@param string $path
  *@param string $strfilename
  *@return void
  *PageXml Constructor. Empty page. and PageXml Constructor. Create from XML.
  *PageXml Constructor. Create from file name and path. Do not use with XmlnukeDB repository.
 public function __construct($xmlfilename = null, $path = null, $strfilename = null)
     if ($xmlfilename == null && $path == null && $strfilename == null) {
         $auxStr = "<page>\r\n" . "<meta>\r\n" . "<title/>\r\n" . "<abstract/>\r\n" . "<created>" . date("D M j Y G:i:s") . "</created>\r\n" . "<modified>" . date("D M j Y G:i:s") . "</modified>\r\n" . "<keyword>XMLSite ByJG</keyword>\r\n" . "<groupkeyword/>\r\n" . "</meta>\r\n" . "<group>\r\n" . "<id>__DEFAULT__</id>\r\n" . "<title/>\r\n" . "<keyword>all</keyword>\r\n" . "</group>\r\n" . "</page>";
         $this->_xmlDoc = XmlUtil::CreateXmlDocumentFromStr($auxStr);
         $xpath = new DOMXPath($this->_xmlDoc);
         $this->_nodePage = $this->_xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName("page")->item(0);
         $this->_nodeGroup = $xpath->query("/page/group")->item(0);
     } else {
         if ($xmlfilename != null && $path == null && $strfilename == null) {
             $this->_xmlDoc = $xmlfilename->getContext()->getXMLDataBase()->getDocument($xmlfilename->FullQualifiedName());
         } else {
             if ($xmlfilename == null && $path != null && $strfilename != null) {
                 $xmlDoc = XmlUtil::CreateXmlDocument();
                 $xmlDoc->Load(FileUtil::AdjustSlashes($path . FileUtil::Slash() . $strfilename));
Пример #6
  * Create and show the list of Xsl Templates 
  * @param String $caption
  * @param XmlParagraphCollection $paragraph
  * @param Array $filelist
  * @param Array $xslUsed
  * @param XSLFilenameProcessor $xsl
 private function generateList($caption, $paragraph, $filelist, $xslUsed, $xsl)
     $paragraph->addXmlnukeObject(new XmlnukeText($caption, true));
     $listCollection = new XmlListCollection(XmlListType::UnorderedList);
     foreach ($filelist as $file) {
         $xslname = FileUtil::ExtractFileName($file);
         $xslname = $xsl->removeLanguage($xslname);
         if (!in_array($xslname, $xslUsed)) {
             $objectList = new XmlnukeSpanCollection();
             $xslUsed[] = $xslname;
             if ($xslname == "index") {
                 $anchor = new XmlAnchorCollection("engine:xmlnuke?xml=index&xsl=index");
                 $anchor->addXmlnukeObject(new XmlnukeText($xslname, true));
             } else {
                 $anchor = new XmlAnchorCollection("module:Xmlnuke.XSLTheme?xsl=" . $xslname);
                 $anchor->addXmlnukeObject(new XmlnukeText($xslname, true));
Пример #7
  *@return string
 public function PrivatePath()
     return FileUtil::Slash($this->_context->CurrentSitePath(false), "snippet");
Пример #8
 public static function ResponseCustomContentFromFile($mimeType, $filename, $downloadName = "")
     if (!FileUtil::Exists($filename)) {
         header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");
         header("status: 404");
         echo "<h1>404 Not Found</h1>";
         echo "Filename " . basename($filename) . " not found!<br>";
     } else {
         if ($downloadName == "") {
             $downloadName = $filename;
         $downloadName = basename($downloadName);
         header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"" . $downloadName . "\"");
         header("Content-Type: " . $mimeType . "; name=\"" . $downloadName . "\"");
         $content = file_get_contents($filename);
         echo $content;
Пример #9
 public function saveDocumentStream($documentName, $stream)
     $xml = new DOMDocument();
     $xmlstr = FileUtil::QuickFileRead($this->_persistUtil->getFullFileName($documentName));
     $this->saveDocumentStr($documentName, $xmlstr);
Пример #10
  *@return string
 public function Exists()
     return FileUtil::Exists($this->FullQualifiedNameAndPath());
Пример #11
 public function CreatePage()
     // Doesnt necessary get PX, because PX is protected!
     $deleteMode = false;
     $action = strtolower($this->_action);
     $id = $this->_context->get("id");
     $contents = "";
     $myWords = $this->WordCollection();
     $block = $this->_px->addBlockCenter($myWords->Value("WORKINGAREA"));
     XmlNode paragraph;
     XmlNode form;
     XmlNode boxButton;
     //processor.XSLFilenameProcessor xslFile;
     // --------------------------------------
     // --------------------------------------
     if ($action == "edit" || $action == "new") {
         $contents = $this->_context->get("contents");
         $contents = stripslashes($contents);
         try {
             // It is necessary only to load the document to check if it is OK.
             // If OK, use the original raw file
             $xsl = XmlUtil::CreateXmlDocumentFromStr($contents);
             $xslFile = new XSLFilenameProcessor($id);
             FileUtil::QuickFileWrite($xslFile->FullQualifiedNameAndPath(), str_replace("&amp;#", "&#", $contents));
             $paragraph = $this->_px->addParagraph($block);
             FileUtil::DeleteFilesFromPath(new XSLCacheFilenameProcessor(""));
             $this->_px->addBold($paragraph, $myWords->Value("SAVED"));
         } catch (Exception $ex) {
             $paragraph = $this->_px->addParagraph($block);
             $this->_px->AddErrorMessage($paragraph, $contents, $ex);
     if ($action == "delete") {
         $paragraph = $this->_px->addParagraph($block);
         $this->_px->addHref($paragraph, "module:Xmlnuke.Admin.ManageXSL?id=" . $this->_context->get("id") . "&action=confirmdelete", $myWords->Value("CONFIRMDELETE", $this->_context->get("id")), null);
         $deleteMode = true;
     if ($action == "confirmdelete") {
         $paragraph = $this->_px->addParagraph($block);
         FileUtil::DeleteFile(new XSLFilenameProcessor($this->_context->get("id")));
         $this->_px->addBold($paragraph, $myWords->Value("DELETED"));
         $deleteMode = true;
     // --------------------------------------
     // --------------------------------------
     // If doesnt have an ID, list all pages or add new!
     if ($id == "") {
         //XmlNode list;
         //XmlNode optlist;
         $xslFile = new XSLFilenameProcessor("page");
         $templates = FileUtil::RetrieveFilesFromFolder($xslFile->PathSuggested(), "." . strtolower($this->_context->Language()->getName() . $xslFile->Extension()));
         $paragraph = $this->_px->addParagraph($block);
         $this->_px->addText($paragraph, $myWords->Value("SELECTPAGE"));
         $list = $this->_px->addUnorderedList($paragraph);
         foreach ($templates as $key) {
             $optlist = $this->_px->addOptionList($list);
             //$xslKey = substr($key, strlen($xslFile->PathSuggested()));
             $xslKey = basename($key);
             $xslKey = FilenameProcessor::StripLanguageInfo($xslKey);
             $this->_px->addHref($optlist, "module:Xmlnuke.Admin.ManageXSL?id=" . $xslKey, $xslKey, null);
             $this->_px->addText($optlist, " [");
             $this->_px->addHref($optlist, "module:Xmlnuke.Admin.ManageXSL?id=" . $xslKey . "&action=delete", $myWords->Value("TXT_DELETE"), null);
             $this->_px->addText($optlist, "]");
         $action = "new";
     } else {
         $this->addMenuOption($myWords->Value("NEWPAGE"), "module:Xmlnuke.Admin.ManageXSL", null);
         $this->addMenuOption($myWords->Value("PREVIEWPAGE"), "engine:xmlnuke?xml=home&xsl=" . $id . "&lang=" . $this->_context->Language()->getName(), null);
         $langAvail = $this->_context->LanguagesAvailable();
         foreach ($langAvail as $key => $value) {
             if ($key != strtolower($this->_context->Language()->getName())) {
             $this->addMenuOption($myWords->ValueArgs("EDITXSLMENU", array($value)), "module:Xmlnuke.Admin.ManageXSL?id=" . $id . "&lang=" . $key, null);
         $action = "edit";
     if (!$deleteMode) {
         $paragraph = $this->_px->addParagraph($block);
         $table = $this->_px->addTable($paragraph);
         $row = $this->_px->addTableRow($table);
         $col = $this->_px->addTableColumn($row);
         $form = $this->_px->addForm($col, "module:Xmlnuke.Admin.ManageXSL", "", "form", true);
         if ($action == "new") {
             $this->_px->addTextBox($form, $myWords->Value("XSLBOX"), "id", "", 20, true, INPUTTYPE::TEXT);
         } else {
             $this->_px->addLabelField($form, $myWords->Value("XSLBOX"), $id);
             $this->_px->addHidden($form, "id", $id);
             $xslFile = new XSLFilenameProcessor($id);
             if (FileUtil::Exists($xslFile->FullQualifiedNameAndPath())) {
                 $xsl = XmlUtil::CreateXmlDocumentFromFile($xslFile->FullQualifiedNameAndPath());
                 $contents = XmlUtil::GetFormattedDocument($xsl);
         $this->_px->addLabelField($form, $myWords->Value("LANGUAGEBOX"), strtolower($this->_context->Language()->getName()));
         $this->_px->addMemo($form, $myWords->Value("LABEL_CONTENT"), "contents", $contents, 80, 30, "soft");
         $this->_px->addHidden($form, "action", $action);
         $boxButton = $this->_px->addBoxButtons($form);
         $this->_px->addSubmit($boxButton, "", $myWords->Value("TXT_SAVE"));
     return $this->_px;
Пример #12
  *@desc Transform an XMLDocument object with an XSLFile
  *@param DOMDocument $xml
  *@param XSLFilenameProcessor $xslFile XSL File
  *@return string - The transformation string
 public function TransformDocument($xml, $xslFile)
     // Add a custom XML based on attribute xmlobjet inside root
     // Example:
     // <page xmlobject="plugin.name(param1, param2)">
     $pattern = "/(?P<plugin>.*?)\\s*\\((?P<param>([#']?.*?[#']?\\s*,?\\s*)+)?\\)/";
     $xmlRoot = $xml->documentElement;
     $xmlRootAttributes = $xmlRoot->attributes;
     if ($xmlRootAttributes != null) {
         foreach ($xmlRootAttributes as $attr) {
             if ($attr->nodeName == "xmlobject") {
                 $match = preg_match_all($pattern, $attr->value, $matches);
                 for ($iCount = 0; $iCount < $match; $iCount++) {
                     $param = explode(",", $matches["param"][$iCount]);
                     for ($i = 0; $i <= 4; $i++) {
                         if (count($param) < $i + 1) {
                             $param[] = null;
                         } elseif ($param[$i] == "#CONTEXT#") {
                             $param[$i] = $this->_context;
                         } else {
                             $param[$i] = trim($param[$i]);
                     $className = str_replace('.', '\\', $matches["plugin"][$iCount]);
                     if ($className[0] != '\\') {
                         $className = "\\{$className}";
                     $plugin = new $className($param[0], $param[1], $param[2], $param[3], $param[4]);
                     if ($plugin instanceof IXmlnukeDocumentObject) {
                     } else {
                         $handler = new ObjectHandler($xmlRoot, $plugin);
             } else {
                 if ($attr->nodeName == 'xsl') {
                     $xslFile = new XSLFilenameProcessor($attr->value);
     // Check if there is no XSL template
     if ($this->_outputResult != OutputData::Xslt) {
         if ($this->_extractNodes == "") {
             $outDocument = $xml;
         } else {
             $nodes = XmlUtil::selectNodes($xml->documentElement, "/" . $this->_extractNodes);
             $retDocument = XmlUtil::CreateXmlDocumentFromStr("<" . $this->_extractNodesRoot . "/>", false);
             $nodeRoot = $retDocument->documentElement;
             XmlUtil::AddAttribute($nodeRoot, "xpath", $this->_extractNodes);
             foreach ($nodes as $node) {
                 $nodeToAdd = XmlUtil::CreateChild($nodeRoot, $node->nodeName, "");
                 $attributes = $node->attributes;
                 foreach ($attributes as $value) {
                     XmlUtil::AddAttribute($nodeToAdd, $value->nodeName, $value->nodeValue);
                 XmlUtil::AddNodeFromNode($nodeToAdd, $node);
             $outDocument = $retDocument;
         if ($this->_outputResult == OutputData::Json) {
             return ObjectHandler::xml2json($outDocument, $this->_extraParams["json_function"]);
         } else {
             return $outDocument->saveXML();
     // Set up a transform object with the XSLT file
     //XslTransform xslTran = new XslTransform();
     $xslTran = new XSLTProcessor();
     $snippetProcessor = new SnippetProcessor($xslFile);
     try {
         $uri = $snippetProcessor->getUriFromXsl($xslFile, $this->_context);
     } catch (XMLNukeException $ex) {
         throw new EngineException("Cannot load XSL file. The following error occured: " . $ex->getMessage(), 751);
     //Process smipets and put teh xsl StyleShet
     try {
         $xsl = $snippetProcessor->IncludeSnippet($uri);
     } catch (XMLNukeException $ex) {
         throw new EngineException("Cannot load XSL cache file. The following error occured: " . $ex->getMessage(), 752);
     $xsl = FileUtil::fixUTF8($xsl);
     $xslDom = new DOMDocument();
     // Create Argument List
     $xslTran->setParameter("", "xml", $this->_context->getXml());
     $xslTran->setParameter("", "xsl", $this->_context->getXsl());
     $xslTran->setParameter("", "site", '_all');
     $xslTran->setParameter("", "lang", $this->_context->Language()->getName());
     $xslTran->setParameter("", "module", $this->_context->getModule());
     $xslTran->setParameter("", "transformdate", date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
     $xslTran->setParameter("", "urlbase", $this->_context->get("xmlnuke.URLBASE"));
     $xslTran->setParameter("", "engine", "PHP");
     $xslTran->setParameter("", "url", $this->_context->getServerName(false, true) . $this->_context->get('REQUEST_URI'));
     //Transform and output
     $xtw = $xslTran->transformToXML($xml);
     $xhtml = new DOMDocument();
     // Reload XHTML result to process PARAM and HREFs
     $paramProcessor = new ParamProcessor();
     $paramProcessor->AdjustToFullLink($xhtml, "A", "HREF");
     $paramProcessor->AdjustToFullLink($xhtml, "FORM", "ACTION");
     $paramProcessor->AdjustToFullLink($xhtml, "AREA", "HREF");
     $paramProcessor->AdjustToFullLink($xhtml, "LINK", "HREF");
     if ($this->_context->get("xmlnuke.ENABLEPARAMPROCESSOR")) {
     // ATENCAO: O codigo gerado pelo saveXML faz com que elementos vazios sejam
     //      comprimidos. Exemplo: <table />
     //      para o HTML isso eh ruim. Logo o metodo deve ser saveHTML que deixa o tag
     //      assim: <table></table>
     $arrCt = $this->_context->getSuggestedContentType();
     if ($arrCt["content-type"] == "text/html") {
         return FileUtil::fixUTF8(strtr($xhtml->saveHTML(), array("></br>" => "/>")));
     } else {
         return FileUtil::fixUTF8($xhtml->saveXML());
Пример #13
  * Process a document Upload
  * @param UploadFilenameProcessor $filenameProcessor
  * @param bool $useProcessorForName
  * @param string|array $field Contain the filename properties (if Array, or $filename if string)
  * @param array Valid Extensions
  * @return Array Filename saved.
 public function processUpload($filenameProcessor, $useProcessorForName, $field = null)
     if (!$filenameProcessor instanceof UploadFilenameProcessor) {
         throw new UploadUtilException("processUpload must receive a UploadFilenameProcessor class");
     } else {
         if (is_null($field)) {
             $ret = array();
             foreach ($_FILES as $file => $property) {
                 $ret[] = $this->processUpload($filenameProcessor, $useProcessorForName, $property);
             return $ret;
         } else {
             if (is_string($field)) {
                 $ret = array();
                 $ret[] = $this->processUpload($filenameProcessor, $useProcessorForName, $_FILES[$field]);
                 return $ret;
             } else {
                 if (is_array($field)) {
                     if ($useProcessorForName) {
                         $uploadfile = $filenameProcessor->FullQualifiedNameAndPath();
                     } else {
                         $uploadfile = $filenameProcessor->PathSuggested() . FileUtil::Slash() . $field["name"];
                     if (move_uploaded_file($field['tmp_name'], $uploadfile)) {
                         return $uploadfile;
                     } else {
                         $message = "Unknow error: " . $field['error'];
                         switch ($field['error']) {
                             case UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE:
                                 $message = "Can't write";
                             case UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION:
                                 $message = "Extension is not permitted";
                             case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE:
                                 $message = "Max post size reached";
                             case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE:
                                 $message = "Max system size reached";
                             case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE:
                                 $message = "No file was uploaded";
                             case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR:
                                 $message = "No temp dir";
                             case UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL:
                                 $message = "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded";
                         throw new UploadUtilException($message);
                 } else {
                     throw new UploadUtilException("Something is wrong with Upload file.");
Пример #14
  * @param array $filelist
  * @param FilenameProcessor $proc
  * @return IteratorInterface
 private function getIteratorFromList($filelist, $proc)
     $arResult = array();
     foreach ($filelist as $key => $file) {
         $name = FileUtil::ExtractFileName($file);
         $name = $proc->removeLanguage($name);
         $arResult[$name] = $name;
     $ds = new ArrayDataset($arResult, "singlename");
     return $ds->getIterator();
Пример #15
 protected function GetAdminModulesList()
     if ($this->_adminModulesList == null) {
         $this->_adminModulesList = array();
         // Nodes
         $rowNode = "group/module";
         $colNode = array();
         $colNode["group"] = "../@name";
         $colNode["name"] = "@name";
         $colNode["icon"] = "icon";
         $colNode["url"] = "url";
         $colNode["command"] = "@command";
         // Read from Generic XML
         $xmlProcessor = new AdminModulesXmlFilenameProcessor();
         for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) {
             if ($i == 0) {
             } else {
             $configFile = $xmlProcessor->FullQualifiedNameAndPath();
             if (FileUtil::Exists($configFile)) {
                 $config = FileUtil::QuickFileRead($configFile);
                 $dataset = new XmlDataset($config, $rowNode, $colNode);
                 foreach ($dataset->getIterator() as $sr) {
                     if (array_key_exists($sr->getField("group"), $this->_adminModulesList) || $i == 0) {
                         if ($sr->getField("command") != "@hidegroup") {
                             $this->_adminModulesList[$sr->getField("group")][$sr->getField("name")] = array($sr->getField("icon"), $sr->getField("url"));
                         } else {
                     } else {
                         $x = array();
                         $x[$sr->getField("group")][$sr->getField("name")] = array($sr->getField("icon"), $sr->getField("url"));
                         $this->_adminModulesList = $x + $this->_adminModulesList;
     return $this->_adminModulesList;
Пример #16
  *@param AnydatasetBaseFilenameProcessor $langFile
  *@return void
  *@desc Load Languages
 public function LoadLanguages($langFile)
     $all = $langFile->ToString() == "_all";
     if (!$all) {
         $this->LoadLanguages(new AnydatasetLangFilenameProcessor("_all"));
     $this->_loadedFromFile = false;
     $paths = array();
     if ($langFile->getFilenameLocation() == ForceFilenameLocation::UseWhereExists || $langFile->getFilenameLocation() == ForceFilenameLocation::SharedPath) {
         $paths[] = $langFile->SharedPath();
     if ($langFile->getFilenameLocation() == ForceFilenameLocation::UseWhereExists || $langFile->getFilenameLocation() == ForceFilenameLocation::PrivatePath) {
         $paths = array_merge($paths, $langFile->PrivatePath());
     foreach ($paths as $path) {
         $filename = $path . $langFile->FullQualifiedName();
         $this->_debugInfo .= $langFile->ToString() . " in " . $filename . ' ';
         if (!FileUtil::Exists($filename)) {
             $this->_debugInfo .= "[Does not exists]; \n";
         $this->_debugInfo .= "[Exists]; \n";
         $curLang = strtolower($this->_context->Language()->getName());
         try {
             $lang = new AnyDataset($filename);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             throw new EngineException('Can\'t load language file "' . $langFile->FullQualifiedName() . '"! ' . $e->getMessage());
         $itf = new IteratorFilter();
         $itf->addRelation("LANGUAGE", Relation::EQUAL, $curLang);
         $it = $lang->getIterator($itf);
         if ($it->hasNext()) {
             $sr = $it->moveNext();
             $names = $sr->getFieldNames();
             foreach ($names as $name) {
                 $this->addText($curLang, $name, $sr->getField($name));
             $this->_loadedFromFile = true;
Пример #17
  *@param XSLFilenameProcessor $xslFile
  *@param Context $context
  *@return Uri 
 public static function getUriFromXsl($xslFile, $context)
     //System.Uri uri = snippetProcessor.ResolveUri(null, xslFile.FullQualifiedNameAndPath());
     if (!$xslFile->Exists()) {
         if (!$xslFile->UseFileFromAnyLanguage()) {
             throw new EngineException("XSL document \"" . $xslFile->FullQualifiedName() . "\" not found in local site or shared locations.", 754);
     return FileUtil::getUriFromFile($xslFile->FullQualifiedNameAndPath());
Пример #18
 public function __construct($language, $langstr = null)
     if ($langstr == null) {
         $langstr = array();
     $this->_name = $language;
     $systemLocale = $this->getIsoName();
     $options = array($systemLocale . ".UTF8", $systemLocale . ".UTF-8", $systemLocale . ".utf8", $systemLocale . ".utf-8", $systemLocale, $language, $this->_name);
     $this->_cultureActive = setlocale(LC_ALL, $options);
     // Try to load in Windows if failed before
     if (!$this->_cultureActive) {
         $row = LocaleFactory::getInfoLocaleDB('shortname', $this->getName());
         $langstr = $row->getFieldArray("langstr");
         $iLang = 0;
         while (!$this->_cultureActive && $iLang < count($langstr)) {
             $this->_cultureActive = setlocale(LC_ALL, $langstr[$iLang]);
     if (!$this->_cultureActive) {
         $firstPart = substr($language, 0, 2);
         if (FileUtil::isWindowsOS()) {
             $complement = "";
         } else {
             $complement = "Only the languages available in 'locale -a' can be setted. On debian try execute 'apt-get install language-pack-{$firstPart}'.";
         echo "<br/>\n<b>Warning: </b> The culture language '{$language}' was not found. {$complement}\n<br/>";
         // I cant call the context here because it's call CultureInfo but the context is not complete yet.
         //$context = Context::getInstance();
         //$context->WriteWarningMessage ("");
     $this->_localeConv = localeConv();
     #if (stripos(PHP_OS, 'win') !== false)
     #	$this->_localeConv["currency_symbol"] = utf8_encode($this->_localeConv["currency_symbol"]);
     #Debug::PrintValue($this->_localeConv, $langstr, $this->getRegionalMonthNames());
Пример #19
 public function CreatePage()
     // Doesnt necessary get PX, because PX is protected!
     $deleteMode = false;
     $action = strtolower($this->_action);
     $id = $this->_context->get("id");
     $group = $this->_context->get("group");
     $contents = "";
     $titleIndex = $this->_context->get("titleIndex");
     $summaryIndex = $this->_context->get("summaryIndex");
     $groupKeyword = $this->_context->get("groupKeyword");
     $myWords = $this->WordCollection();
     $block = $this->_px->addBlockCenter($myWords->Value("WORKINGAREA"));
     $this->addMenuOption($myWords->Value("TXT_BACK"), "module:Xmlnuke.Admin.ListXML");
     XmlNode paragraph;
     XmlNode form;
     XmlNode boxButton;
     XmlNode editNode; // (For Index)
     processor.XMLFilenameProcessor xmlFile;
     // Open Index File
     $indexFile = new XMLFilenameProcessor("index");
     $index = $this->_context->getXMLDataBase()->getDocument($indexFile->FullQualifiedName(), null);
     // --------------------------------------
     // --------------------------------------
     if ($action == "edit" || $action == "new") {
         $contents = $this->_context->get("contents");
         $contents = stripslashes($contents);
         $this->_context->setSession("texto", $contents);
         /*echo "<PRE>";
         		echo htmlentities($contents);
         		echo "</PRE>";*/
         try {
             $title = "";
             $summary = "";
             //XmlNode $node;
             // Get edited XML and update info about INDEX.
             $xml = XmlUtil::CreateXmlDocumentFromStr($contents);
             //$node = XmlUtil::SelectSingleNode($xml->documentElement, "/page/meta/title");
             $node = XmlUtil::SelectSingleNode($xml->documentElement, "meta/title");
             if ($node != null) {
                 $title = $node->nodeValue;
             //$node = XmlUtil::SelectSingleNode($xml->documentElement,"/page/meta/abstract");
             $node = XmlUtil::SelectSingleNode($xml->documentElement, "meta/abstract");
             if ($node != null) {
                 $summary = $node->nodeValue;
             //$node = XmlUtil::SelectSingleNode($xml->documentElement,"/page/meta/modified");
             $node = XmlUtil::SelectSingleNode($xml->documentElement, "meta/modified");
             if ($node != null) {
                 $node->nodeValue = date("D M j Y G:i:s");
             //$node = XmlUtil::SelectSingleNode($xml->documentElement,"/page/meta/groupkeyword");
             $node = XmlUtil::SelectSingleNode($xml->documentElement, "meta/groupkeyword");
             if ($node != null) {
                 $node->nodeValue = $groupKeyword;
             if ($id != "_all") {
                 if ($action == "edit") {
                     //$editNode = XmlUtil::SelectSingleNode($index->documentElement, "/xmlindex/group[id='" . $group . "']/page[id='" . $id . "']");
                     $editNode = XmlUtil::SelectSingleNode($index->documentElement, "group[id='" . $group . "']/page[id='" . $id . "']");
                     if ($titleIndex == "") {
                         $titleIndex = $title;
                     XmlUtil::SelectSingleNode($editNode, "title")->nodeValue = $titleIndex;
                     if ($summaryIndex == "") {
                         $summaryIndex = $summary;
                     XmlUtil::SelectSingleNode($editNode, "summary")->nodeValue = $summaryIndex;
                 } else {
                     //$editNode = XmlUtil::SelectSingleNode($index->documentElement,"/xmlindex/group[id='" . $group . "']");
                     $editNode = XmlUtil::SelectSingleNode($index->documentElement, "group[id='" . $group . "']");
                     $newNode = XmlUtil::CreateChild($editNode, "page", "");
                     XmlUtil::CreateChild($newNode, "id", $id);
                     XmlUtil::CreateChild($newNode, "title", $title);
                     XmlUtil::CreateChild($newNode, "summary", $summary);
                     $titleIndex = $title;
                     $summaryIndex = $summary;
             $xmlFile = new XMLFilenameProcessor($id);
             $this->_context->getXMLDataBase()->saveDocumentXML($xmlFile->FullQualifiedName(), $xml);
             $this->_context->getXMLDataBase()->saveDocumentXML($indexFile->FullQualifiedName(), $index);
             $paragraph = $this->_px->addParagraph($block);
             FileUtil::DeleteFilesFromPath(new XSLCacheFilenameProcessor(""));
             $this->_px->addBold($paragraph, $myWords->Value("SAVED"));
         } catch (Exception $ex) {
             $paragraph = $this->_px->addParagraph($block);
             $this->_px->AddErrorMessage($paragraph, $contents, $ex);
     // Get the group from the Index and Update Edit Fields
     //$editNode = XmlUtil::SelectSingleNode( $index->documentElement,"/xmlindex/group[page[id='" . $id . "']]/id");
     $editNode = XmlUtil::SelectSingleNode($index->documentElement, "group[page[id='" . $id . "']]/id");
     if ($editNode != null) {
         $group = $editNode->nodeValue;
         //$editNode = XmlUtil::SelectSingleNode($index->documentElement,"/xmlindex/group[id='" . $group . "']/page[id='" . $id . "']");
         $editNode = XmlUtil::SelectSingleNode($index->documentElement, "group[id='" . $group . "']/page[id='" . $id . "']");
         $titleIndex = XmlUtil::SelectSingleNode($editNode, "title")->nodeValue;
         $summaryIndex = XmlUtil::SelectSingleNode($editNode, "summary")->nodeValue;
     if ($action == "delete") {
         $paragraph = $this->_px->addParagraph($block);
         $this->_px->addHref($paragraph, "module:Xmlnuke.Admin.ManageXML?id=" . $this->_context->get("id") . "&action=confirmdelete", $myWords->Value("CONFIRMDELETE", $this->_context->get("id")), null);
         $deleteMode = true;
     if ($action == "confirmdelete") {
         $paragraph = $this->_px->addParagraph($block);
         //$editNode = XmlUtil::SelectSingleNode($index->documentElement,"/xmlindex/group[id='" . $group . "']");
         $editNode = XmlUtil::SelectSingleNode($index->documentElement, "group[id='" . $group . "']");
         $delNode = XmlUtil::SelectSingleNode($editNode, "page[id='" . $id . "']");
         if ($delNode != null) {
         $this->_context->getXMLDataBase()->saveDocumentXML($indexFile->FullQualifiedName(), $index);
         //util.FileUtil.DeleteFile(new processor.XMLFilenameProcessor(_context.get("id"), this._context));
         $this->_px->addBold($paragraph, $myWords->Value("DELETED"));
         $deleteMode = true;
     // --------------------------------------
     // --------------------------------------
     // If doesnt have an ID, list all pages or add new!
     if ($id == "") {
         $action = "new";
     } else {
         $this->addMenuOption($myWords->Value("PREVIEWMENU"), "engine:xmlnuke?xml=" . $id . "&xsl=[param:xsl]&lang=[param:lang]", "preview");
         $this->addMenuOption($myWords->Value("NEWXMLMENU"), "module:Xmlnuke.Admin.ManageXML", null);
         $langAvail = $this->_context->LanguagesAvailable();
         $processorFile = new XMLFilenameProcessor($id);
         foreach (array_keys($langAvail) as $key) {
             if ($key != strtolower($this->_context->Language()->getName())) {
             $repositorio = new XmlnukeDB($this->_context->XmlHashedDir(), $this->_context->XmlPath(), $key);
             $fileToCheck = $processorFile->FullName($id, "", $key) . $processorFile->Extension();
             if ($repositorio->existsDocument($fileToCheck)) {
                 $this->addMenuOption($myWords->ValueArgs("EDITXMLMENU", array($langAvail[$key])), "module:Xmlnuke.Admin.ManageXML?id=" . $id . "&lang=" . $key, null);
             } else {
                 $this->addMenuOption($myWords->ValueArgs("CREATEXMLMENU", array($langAvail[$key])), "module:Xmlnuke.Admin.ManageXML?id=" . $id . "&lang=" . $key, null);
         $action = "edit";
     // Show form to Edit/Insert
     if (!$deleteMode) {
         $paragraph = $this->_px->addParagraph($block);
         $table = $this->_px->addTable($paragraph);
         $row = $this->_px->addTableRow($table);
         $col = $this->_px->addTableColumn($row);
         $form = $this->_px->addForm($col, "module:Xmlnuke.Admin.ManageXML", "", "form", true);
         $xmlExist = true;
         if ($id != "") {
             $xmlTestExist = new XMLFilenameProcessor($id);
             $xmlExist = $this->_context->getXMLDataBase()->existsDocument($xmlTestExist->FullQualifiedName());
         $canUseNew = $action != "new" && !$xmlExist;
         //Trecho acrescentado para manter o conteudo do textarea mesmo no caso de erro.
         $contents = $this->_context->getSession("texto");
         //echo $contents;
         if ($action == "new" || $canUseNew) {
             $action = "new";
             // This is necessary, because user can Create a predefined ID...
             if (!$canUseNew || $id == "") {
                 $this->_px->addTextBox($form, $myWords->Value("XMLBOX"), "id", "", 20, true, INPUTTYPE::TEXT);
             } else {
                 $this->_px->addLabelField($form, $myWords->Value("XMLBOX"), $id);
                 $this->_px->addHidden($form, "id", $id);
             $this->_px->addLabelField($form, $myWords->Value("LANGUAGEBOX"), strtolower($this->_context->Language()->getName()));
             $contents = "<page>\n" . "  <meta>\n" . "    <title>Put your title here</title>\n" . "    <abstract>Put page abstract informations here</abstract>\n" . "    <created>" . date("D M j Y G:i:s") . "</created>\n" . "    <modified/>\n" . "    <keyword>xmlnuke</keyword>\n" . "    <groupkeyword>all</groupkeyword>\n" . "  </meta>\n" . "  <blockcenter>\n" . "    <title>Block Title</title>\n" . "    <body>\n" . "      <p>This is the first paragraph</p>\n" . "    </body>\n" . "  </blockcenter>\n" . "</page>\n";
         } else {
             $this->_px->addLabelField($form, $myWords->Value("LANGUAGEBOX"), strtolower($this->_context->Language()->getName()));
             $this->_px->addHidden($form, "id", $id);
             $xmlFile = new XMLFilenameProcessor($id);
             $xml = $this->_context->getXMLDataBase()->getDocument($xmlFile->FullQualifiedName(), null);
             $contents = str_replace("&amp;", "&", XmlUtil::GetFormattedDocument($xml));
             $editNode = XmlUtil::SelectSingleNode($xml->documentElement, "meta/groupkeyword");
             if ($editNode != null) {
                 $groupKeyword = $editNode->nodeValue;
         if ($id != "_all") {
             $this->_px->addCaption($form, $myWords->Value("SITEMAPINFO"));
             $this->_px->addTextBox($form, $myWords->Value("INDEXBOX"), "titleIndex", $titleIndex, 60, true, INPUTTYPE::TEXT);
             $selectNode = $this->_px->addSelect($form, $myWords->Value("LISTEDBOX"), "group");
             $this->_px->addTextBox($form, $myWords->Value("INDEXSUMMARYBOX"), "summaryIndex", $summaryIndex, 60, true, INPUTTYPE::TEXT);
             $this->_px->addCaption($form, $myWords->Value("PAGEINFO"));
             $selectPageNode = $this->_px->addSelect($form, $myWords->Value("SHOWMENUBOX"), "groupKeyword");
             $this->_px->addOption($selectPageNode, $myWords->Value("NOTLISTEDOPTION"), "-", null);
             //$groupList = XmlUtil::SelectNodes($index->documentElement,"/xmlindex/group");
             $groupList = XmlUtil::SelectNodes($index->documentElement, "/group");
             foreach ($groupList as $node) {
                 $value = XmlUtil::SelectSingleNode($node, "title")->nodeValue;
                 $this->_px->addOption($selectNode, XmlUtil::SelectSingleNode($node, "title")->nodeValue . " (" . XmlUtil::SelectSingleNode($node, "/id")->nodeValue . ")", XmlUtil::SelectSingleNode($node, "/id")->nodeValue, XmlUtil::SelectSingleNode($node, "/id")->nodeValue == $group);
                 $this->_px->addOption($selectPageNode, XmlUtil::SelectSingleNode($node, "title")->nodeValue . " (" . XmlUtil::SelectSingleNode($node, "/keyword")->nodeValue . ")", XmlUtil::SelectSingleNode($node, "/keyword")->nodeValue, XmlUtil::SelectSingleNode($node, "/keyword")->nodeValue == $groupKeyword);
         $this->_px->addHidden($form, "action", $action);
         $this->_px->addCaption($form, $myWords->Value("XMLEDITINFO"));
         $this->_px->addMemo($form, $myWords->Value("XMLCONTENTBOX"), "contents", $contents, 80, 30, "soft");
         $boxButton = $this->_px->addBoxButtons($form);
         $this->_px->addSubmit($boxButton, "", $myWords->Value("TXT_SAVE"));
     return $this->_px;
Пример #20
  *@return string
  *@desc Implementing
 public function SharedPath()
     return FileUtil::Slash($this->_context->SharedRootPath(), "xsl");
Пример #21
  *@return string
  *@desc Implementing
 public function PrivatePath()
     return FileUtil::Slash($this->_context->XmlPath(false), $this->getLanguageId());
Пример #22
  *@return string
  *@desc Path to private directory
 public function PrivatePath()
     return FileUtil::Slash($this->_context->CurrentSitePath(), "upload");
  *@return string
 public function SharedPath()
     return $this->_context->SharedRootPath() . "setup" . FileUtil::Slash();
Пример #24
  *@param string $xml
  *@param string $xsl
  *@param string $languageId
  *@return string
 public function FullName($xml, $xsl, $languageId)
     return str_replace(FileUtil::Slash(), "#", $xsl . "." . $languageId . "." . $xml);
Пример #25
 public function saveDocument($documentName, $xml, $btree)
     $btree = BTreeUtil::navigateNodes($xml->documentElement, $documentName . "#/", $btree);
     $documentName = self::getFullFileName($documentName);
     XmlUtil::SaveXmlDocument($xml, $documentName);
     return $btree;
Пример #26
 public function CreatePage()
     $this->myWords = $this->WordCollection();
     $block = new XmlBlockCollection($this->myWords->Value("TITLE"), BlockPosition::Center);
     $this->addMenuItem($this->_moduleUrl, $this->myWords->Value("MENULISTPOLLS"), "");
     $this->addMenuItem("module:Xmlnuke.Admin.ManageDBConn", $this->myWords->Value("MENUMANAGEDBCONN"), "");
     // Create a NEW config file and SETUP Database
     $configfile = new AnydatasetFilenameProcessor("_poll");
     if (!FileUtil::Exists($configfile)) {
     } else {
         $anyconfig = new AnyDataset($configfile->FullQualifiedNameAndPath());
         $it = $anyconfig->getIterator();
         if ($it->hasNext()) {
             $sr = $it->moveNext();
             $this->_isdb = $sr->getField("dbname") != "-anydata-";
             $this->_connection = $sr->getField("dbname");
             $this->_tblanswer = $sr->getField("tbl_answer");
             $this->_tblpoll = $sr->getField("tbl_poll");
             $this->_tbllastip = $sr->getField("tbl_lastip");
         } else {
             return $this->defaultXmlnukeDocument->generatePage();
         if ($this->_context->get("op") == "") {
         } elseif ($this->_context->get("op") == "answer") {
             $polldata = explode("|", $this->_context->get("valueid"));
             $this->ListAnswers($block, $polldata[0], $polldata[1]);
         } elseif ($this->_context->get("op") == "answernav") {
             $this->ListAnswers($block, $this->_context->get("curpoll"), $this->_context->get("curlang"));
     return $this->defaultXmlnukeDocument->generatePage();
Пример #27
  *@return string
  *@desc Path to private directory
 public function PrivatePath()
     // SystemRootPath is necessary to effort XMLNuke DATA directory may be located everywhere.
     return "lib" . FileUtil::Slash() . $this->_subpath;
Пример #28
 protected function Opcao8()
     $block = new XmlBlockCollection("Exemplo 8: TextFileDataset", BlockPosition::Center);
     //XmlnukeBreakLine br = new XmlnukeBreakLine();
     $para1 = new XmlParagraphCollection();
     $txtstr = $this->_context->get("txtstr");
     $regexp = $this->_context->get("regexp");
     $colNodeStr = preg_split("/\n/", $this->_context->get("cols"));
     if ($txtstr != "") {
         $processor = new AnydatasetFilenameProcessor("sample");
         FileUtil::QuickFileWrite($processor->PathSuggested() . "sample.csv", $txtstr);
         $dataset = new TextFileDataset($processor->PathSuggested() . "sample.csv", $colNodeStr, $regexp);
         //$para1->addXmlnukeObject(new XmlnukeText(""));
         $editlist = new XmlEditList($this->_context, "Text Flat", $this->_url . "?op=8");
     } else {
         $processor = new AnydatasetFilenameProcessor("sample");
         $txtstr = FileUtil::QuickFileRead($processor->PathSuggested() . "sample.csv");
         $regexp = TextFileDataset::CSVFILE;
         $colNodeStr = array();
         $colNodeStr[] = "category";
         $colNodeStr[] = "title";
         $colNodeStr[] = "titlelang";
         $colNodeStr[] = "year";
         $colNodeStr[] = "price";
         $colNodeStr[] = "buyprice";
         $colNodeStr[] = "author";
     // Cria um Formulário
     $form = new XmlFormCollection($this->_context, $this->_url, "Formulário de Edição");
     $form->addXmlnukeObject(new XmlInputHidden("op", "8"));
     $memo = new XmlInputMemo("Text", "txtstr", $txtstr);
     $text = new XmlInputTextBox("Regular Expression", "regexp", $regexp, 40);
     $colMemo = new XmlInputMemo("Col Names", "cols", join("\n", $colNodeStr));
     $buttons = new XmlInputButtons();
     $buttons->addSubmit("Submit", "bs");