/** * Print AJAX request output * * @param mixed $viewer Viewer to display in AJAX * * @return void */ protected function printAJAXOutput($viewer) { $content = $viewer->getContent(); $class = 'ajax-container-loadable' . ' ctrl-' . implode('-', \XLite\Core\Operator::getInstance()->getClassNameAsKeys(get_called_class())) . ' widget-' . implode('-', \XLite\Core\Operator::getInstance()->getClassNameAsKeys($viewer)); echo '<div' . ' class="' . $class . '"' . ' title="' . func_htmlspecialchars(static::t($this->getTitle())) . '">' . $content . '</div>'; }
/** * Prepare back trace * * @param array $trace Back trace raw data * * @return array */ protected function prepareBackTrace(array $trace) { return \XLite\Core\Operator::getInstance()->prepareBackTrace($trace); }
/** * Generate unique parcel number and set it to current parcel * * @return void */ public function autoGenerateNumber() { $number = \XLite\Core\Operator::getInstance()->generateToken(static::PARCEL_NUMBER_LENGTH, static::$chars); $this->setNumber($number); }
/** * Run test * * @return void * @access protected * @see ____func_see____ * @since 1.0.0 */ protected function runTest() { try { $shortName = lcfirst(substr($this->getName(), 4)); if (self::$testsRange && !in_array($shortName, self::$testsRange)) { $this->markTestSkipped(); } elseif ($this->temporarySkipped) { $this->markTestSkipped('Temporary skipped - fix test ASAP!'); } else { parent::runTest(); } } catch (\Exception $exception) { if (isset($this->drivers[0]) && $this->drivers[0]->getSessionId()) { try { $location = preg_replace('/[^\\w]/Ss', '-', $this->getLocation()); $location = preg_replace('/-+/Ss', '-', $location); $html = $this->getHtmlSource(); $trace = array(); if (!defined('DEPLOYMENT_TEST')) { $trace = \XLite\Core\Operator::getInstance()->getBackTrace(); } file_put_contents(TESTS_LOG_DIR . 'selenium.' . $location . '.' . date('Ymd-His') . '.html', '<!--' . PHP_EOL . 'Exception: ' . $exception->getMessage() . ';' . PHP_EOL . ($trace ? 'Back trace: ' . var_export($trace, true) . PHP_EOL : '') . '-->' . PHP_EOL . $html); } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { } } $backtrace = array(); foreach ($exception->getTrace() as $t) { $b = null; if (isset($t['file'])) { $b = $t['file'] . ' : ' . $t['line']; } elseif (isset($t['function'])) { $b = 'function ' . $t['function'] . '()'; if (isset($t['line'])) { $b .= ' : ' . $t['line']; } } if ($b) { $backtrace[] = $b; } } file_put_contents(TESTS_LOG_DIR . 'selenium.' . date('Ymd-His') . '.backtrace', 'Exception: ' . $exception->getMessage() . ';' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . 'Backtrace: ' . PHP_EOL . implode(PHP_EOL, $backtrace) . PHP_EOL); throw $exception; } }
/** * Get view class name as keys list * * @return array */ protected function getViewClassKeys() { return \XLite\Core\Operator::getInstance()->getClassNameAsKeys(get_called_class()); }
/** * Renew transaction ID * * @return void */ public function renewTransactionId() { if (!$this->getPublicTxnId()) { $this->setPublicTxnId(\XLite\Core\Operator::getInstance()->generateToken(static::PUBLIC_TOKEN_LENGTH, static::$chars)); } $this->setPublicId($this->getPaymentMethod()->getProcessor()->generateTransactionId($this)); }
/** * Generate password * * @return string */ public function generatePassword() { return \XLite\Core\Operator::getInstance()->generateToken(static::PASSWORD_LENGTH, $this->chars); }
/** * Set disabled tables list * * @param string $module Module unique name * @param array $structures Disabled structures OPTIONAL * * @return void */ public function setDisabledStructures($module, array $structures = array()) { if (!\Includes\Utils\ModulesManager::moveModuleToDisabledRegistry($module)) { $path = $this->getDisabledStructuresPath(); $data = array(); if (file_exists($path)) { $data = \XLite\Core\Operator::getInstance()->loadServiceYAML($path); } if (!$structures || !$structures['tables'] && !$structures['columns']) { unset($data[$module]); } else { $data[$module] = $structures; } \Includes\Utils\ModulesManager::storeModuleRegistry($path, $data); } }
/** * Generate unique parcel number and set it to current parcel * * @return string */ public static function generateTransactionId() { return \XLite\Core\Operator::getInstance()->generateToken(static::TRANSACTION_ID_LENGTH, static::$chars); }
/** * Set disabled tables list * * @param string $module Module unique name * @param array $structures Disabled structures OPTIONAL * * @return void */ public function setDisabledStructures($module, array $structures = array()) { $remove = !$structures || !$structures['tables'] && !$structures['columns']; if ($remove) { \Includes\Utils\ModulesManager::removeModuleFromDisabledStructure($module); } else { if (!\Includes\Utils\ModulesManager::moveModuleToDisabledRegistry($module)) { $path = $this->getDisabledStructuresPath(); $data = file_exists($path) ? \XLite\Core\Operator::getInstance()->loadServiceYAML($path) : array(); $data[$module] = $structures; \Includes\Utils\ModulesManager::storeModuleRegistry($path, $data); } } }