Пример #1
  * Serialize to XML
  * @return array
 public function toXML()
     $xml = Parser::convertToDOMDocument('<holding />');
     foreach ($this->data as $name => $value) {
         $line = $xml->createElement('data', Parser::escapeXml($value));
         $line->setAttribute('key', $name);
     return $xml;
Пример #2
  * Extracts the MARC data from the HTML response and converts it to MARC-XML
  * @param string $marc	marc data as string
  * @return DOMDocument		marc-xml document
 protected function extractMarc($response)
     $xml = Parser::convertToDOMDocument("<record xmlns=\"http://www.loc.gov/MARC21/slim\" />");
     $marc = "";
     // marc data as text
     $arrTags = array();
     // array to hold each MARC tag
     if (!stristr($response, "<pre>")) {
         // didn't find a record
         return $xml;
     // parse out MARC data
     $marc = Parser::removeLeft($response, "<pre>");
     $marc = Parser::removeRight($marc, "</pre>");
     // remove break-tabs for easier parsing
     $marc = str_replace(" \n       ", " ", $marc);
     $marc = str_replace("\n       ", " ", $marc);
     $marc = trim($marc);
     // assign the marc values to the array based on Unix LF as delimiter
     $arrTags = explode("\n", $marc);
     foreach ($arrTags as $strTag) {
         // assign tag # and identifiers
         $strTagNumber = substr($strTag, 0, 3);
         $strId1 = substr($strTag, 4, 1);
         $strId2 = substr($strTag, 5, 1);
         // assign data and clean it up
         $data = substr($strTag, 7);
         // only convert all data to utf8 if told to do so,
         // but always do it to the leader, since it has mangled chars
         if ($this->convert_to_utf8 == true || $strTagNumber == "LEA") {
             if (function_exists("mb_convert_encoding")) {
                 $data = mb_convert_encoding($data, "UTF-8");
             } else {
                 $data = utf8_encode($data);
         $data = Parser::escapeXml($data);
         $data = trim($data);
         if ($strTagNumber == "LEA") {
             // leader
             $objLeader = $xml->createElementNS($this->marc_ns, "leader", $data);
         } elseif ($strTagNumber == "REC") {
             // Pseudo-MARC "REC" data field to store the INNOPAC
             // bibliographic record number in subfield a.
             $objRecNum = $xml->createElementNS($this->marc_ns, "datafield");
             $objRecNum->setAttribute("tag", "REC");
             $objRecNum->setAttribute("ind1", ' ');
             $objRecNum->setAttribute("ind2", ' ');
             $objRecNumSub = $xml->createElementNS($this->marc_ns, "subfield", strtolower($data));
             $objRecNumSub->setAttribute("code", 'a');
         } elseif ((int) $strTagNumber <= 8) {
             // control fields
             $objControlField = $xml->createElementNS($this->marc_ns, "controlfield", $data);
             $objControlField->setAttribute("tag", $strTagNumber);
         } else {
             // data fields
             $objDataField = $xml->createElementNS($this->marc_ns, "datafield");
             $objDataField->setAttribute("tag", $strTagNumber);
             $objDataField->setAttribute("ind1", $strId1);
             $objDataField->setAttribute("ind2", $strId2);
             // if first character is not a pipe symbol, then this is the default |a subfield
             // so make that explicit for the array
             if (substr($data, 0, 1) != "|") {
                 $data = "|a " . $data;
             // split the subfield data on the pipe and add them in using the first
             // character after the delimiter as the subfield code
             $arrSubFields = explode("|", $data);
             foreach ($arrSubFields as $strSubField) {
                 if ($strSubField != "") {
                     $code = substr($strSubField, 0, 1);
                     $data = trim(substr($strSubField, 1));
                     // check for a url, in which case we need to ensure there are no spaces;
                     // which can happen on the wrap of the data in the marc display
                     if (strlen($data) > 4) {
                         if (substr($data, 0, 4) == "http") {
                             $data = str_replace(" ", "", $data);
                     $objSubField = $xml->createElementNS($this->marc_ns, "subfield", $data);
                     $objSubField->setAttribute("code", $code);
     return $xml;
Пример #3
  * Append an item to the xml
  * @param DOMDocument $xml
  * @param string $id
  * @param mixed $value
 private function appendElement(&$xml, $id, $value)
     $new = $xml->createElement($id, Parser::escapeXml($value));
Пример #4
  * Paging element
  * @param int $total 		total # of hits for query
  * @param int $start 		start value for the page
  * @param int $max 			maximum number of results to show
  * @return DOMDocument formatted paging navigation
 public function pager($total, $start, $max)
     if ($total < 1) {
         return null;
     $objXml = new \DOMDocument();
     $objXml->loadXML("<pager />");
     $base_record = 1;
     // starting record in any result set
     $page_number = 1;
     // starting page number in any result set
     $bolShowFirst = false;
     // show the first page when you get past page 10
     if ($start == 0) {
         $start = 1;
     $current_page = ($start - 1) / $max + 1;
     // calculates the current selected page
     $bottom_range = $current_page - 5;
     // used to show a range of pages
     $top_range = $current_page + 5;
     // used to show a range of pages
     $total_pages = ceil($total / $max);
     // calculates the total number of pages
     // for pages 1-10 show just 1-10 (or whatever records per page)
     if ($bottom_range < 5) {
         $bottom_range = 0;
     if ($current_page < $max) {
         $top_range = 10;
     } else {
         $bolShowFirst = true;
     // chop the top pages as we reach the end range
     if ($top_range > $total_pages) {
         $top_range = $total_pages;
     // see if we even need a pager
     if ($total > $max) {
         // show first page
         if ($bolShowFirst == true) {
             $objPage = $objXml->createElement("page", "1");
             $params = $this->currentParams();
             $params["start"] = 1;
             $link = $this->request->url_for($params);
             $objPage->setAttribute("link", Parser::escapeXml($link));
             $objPage->setAttribute("type", "first");
         // create pages and links
         while ($base_record <= $total) {
             if ($page_number >= $bottom_range && $page_number <= $top_range) {
                 if ($current_page == $page_number) {
                     $objPage = $objXml->createElement("page", $page_number);
                     $objPage->setAttribute("here", "true");
                 } else {
                     $objPage = $objXml->createElement("page", $page_number);
                     $params = $this->currentParams();
                     $params["start"] = $base_record;
                     $link = $this->request->url_for($params);
                     $objPage->setAttribute("link", Parser::escapeXml($link));
             $base_record += $max;
         $next = $start + $max;
         if ($next <= $total) {
             $objPage = $objXml->createElement("page", "");
             // element to hold the text_results_next label
             $params = $this->currentParams();
             $params["start"] = $next;
             $link = $this->request->url_for($params);
             $objPage->setAttribute("link", Parser::escapeXml($link));
             $objPage->setAttribute("type", "next");
     return $objXml;
Пример #5
  * Add global array as xml to request xml document
  * @param DOMDocument $xml			[by reference] request xml document
  * @param DOMNode $objAppend		[by reference] node to append values to
  * @param array $arrValues			global array
 private function addElement(&$xml, &$objAppend, $arrValues)
     foreach ($arrValues as $key => $value) {
         // @todo: change this to 'data' element and fix xslt
         // need to make sure the xml element has a valid name
         // and not something crazy with spaces or commas, etc.
         $strSafeKey = Parser::strtolower(preg_replace('/\\W/', '_', $key));
         if (is_array($value)) {
             foreach ($value as $strKey => $strValue) {
                 $objElement = $xml->createElement($strSafeKey);
                 $objElement->setAttribute('original_key', $key);
                 $objElement->setAttribute("key", $strKey);
                 if (is_array($strValue)) {
                     // multi-dimensional arrays will be recursively added
                     $this->addElement($xml, $objElement, $strValue);
                 } else {
                     $objElement->nodeValue = Parser::escapeXml($strValue);
         } else {
             $objElement = $xml->createElement($strSafeKey, Parser::escapeXml($value));
             $objElement->setAttribute('original_key', $key);
Пример #6
  * Serialize to XML
  * @return DOMDocument
 public function toXML()
     $objXml = new \DOMDocument();
     $objXml->loadXML("<xerxes_record />");
     $properties = $this->getProperties();
     #### special handling
     // normalized title
     $title_normalized = $this->getTitle(true);
     if ($title_normalized != "") {
         $properties['title_normalized'] = $title_normalized;
     // journal title
     $journal_title = $this->getJournalTitle(true);
     if ($journal_title != "") {
         $properties['journal_title'] = $journal_title;
     // primary author
     $primary_author = $this->getPrimaryAuthor(true);
     if ($primary_author != "") {
         $properties['primary_author'] = $primary_author;
     // full-text indicator
     if ($this->hasFullText()) {
         $properties['full_text_bool'] = 1;
     // authors
     if (count($this->authors) > 0) {
         $objAuthors = $objXml->createElement("authors");
         $x = 1;
         foreach ($this->authors as $objXerxesAuthor) {
             $objAuthor = $objXml->createElement("author");
             $objAuthor->setAttribute("type", $objXerxesAuthor->type);
             if ($objXerxesAuthor->additional == true) {
                 $objAuthor->setAttribute("additional", "true");
             if ($objXerxesAuthor->last_name != "") {
                 $objAuthorLast = $objXml->createElement("aulast", Parser::escapeXml($objXerxesAuthor->last_name));
             if ($objXerxesAuthor->first_name != "") {
                 $objAuthorFirst = $objXml->createElement("aufirst", Parser::escapeXml($objXerxesAuthor->first_name));
             if ($objXerxesAuthor->init != "") {
                 $objAuthorInit = $objXml->createElement("auinit", Parser::escapeXml($objXerxesAuthor->init));
             if ($objXerxesAuthor->name != "") {
                 $objAuthorCorp = $objXml->createElement("aucorp", Parser::escapeXml($objXerxesAuthor->name));
             if ($objXerxesAuthor->display != "") {
                 $objAuthorDisplay = $objXml->createElement("display", Parser::escapeXml($objXerxesAuthor->display));
             $objAuthor->setAttribute("rank", $x);
             if ($x == 1 && $this->editor == true) {
                 $objAuthor->setAttribute("editor", "true");
     // standard numbers
     if (count($this->issns) > 0 || count($this->isbns) > 0 || $this->govdoc_number != "" || $this->gpo_number != "" || $this->oclc_number != "") {
         $objStandard = $objXml->createElement("standard_numbers");
         if (count($this->issns) > 0) {
             foreach ($this->issns as $strIssn) {
                 $objIssn = $objXml->createElement("issn", Parser::escapeXml($strIssn));
         if (count($this->isbns) > 0) {
             foreach ($this->isbns as $strIsbn) {
                 $objIssn = $objXml->createElement("isbn", Parser::escapeXml($strIsbn));
         if ($this->govdoc_number != "") {
             $objGovDoc = $objXml->createElement("gpo", Parser::escapeXml($this->govdoc_number));
         if ($this->gpo_number != "") {
             $objGPO = $objXml->createElement("govdoc", Parser::escapeXml($this->gpo_number));
         if ($this->oclc_number != "") {
             $objOCLC = $objXml->createElement("oclc", Parser::escapeXml($this->oclc_number));
     ## basic elements
     foreach ($properties as $key => $value) {
         // these are utility variables
         if ($key == "utility" || in_array($key, $this->utility)) {
         // these we handled these above
         if ($key == "authors" || $key == "isbns" || $key == "issns" || $key == "govdoc_number" || $key == "gpo_number" || $key == "oclc_number") {
         // otherwise, create a new node
         Parser::addToXML($objXml, $key, $value);
     return $objXml;
Пример #7
  * Serialize to XML
 public function toXML()
     $xml = new \SimpleXMLElement('<link />');
     if ($this->isFullText()) {
         $xml->addAttribute("type", "full");
         $xml->addAttribute("format", $this->getType());
     } else {
         $xml->addAttribute("type", $this->getType());
     $xml->display = Parser::escapeXml($this->getDisplay());
     $xml->url = $this->getURL();
     return Parser::convertToDOMDocument($xml);