/** * SwiftMailerConfig constructor. * * @param IConfig $config */ public function __construct(IConfig $config) { $this->config = $config; $config->ensure(self::TRANSPORTS, 'Missing array of available mailer transports.', 'array'); foreach ($this->getTransports() as $name => $parameters) { $config->ensure(self::TRANSPORT($name), 'Missing an array with parameters for mailer transport.', 'array')->ensure(self::TRANSPORT_TYPE($name), 'Missing mailer transport type.'); } }
/** * TwigConfig constructor. * * @param IConfig $config */ public function __construct(IConfig $config) { $this->config = $config; $config->ensure(self::DEBUG, 'Missing debug setting.'); if ($config->has(self::PATHS)) { $config->ensure(self::PATHS, 'Missing a list of view directories.', 'array'); } if ($config->has(self::NAMESPACES)) { $config->ensure(self::NAMESPACES, 'Missing a list of view namespaces.', 'array'); } }
/** * MonologConfig constructor. * * @param IConfig $config * * @throws InvalidConfigValueException */ public function __construct(IConfig $config) { $this->config = $config; $config->ensure(self::LOG_CHANNELS, 'Missing a list of logging channels.')->ensure(self::DEFAULT_CHANNEL_NAME, 'Missing default channel name.'); $channels = $this->getChannelConfigs(); if (!is_array($channels)) { throw new InvalidConfigValueException(s('Config under the key "%s" must be an array.', self::LOG_CHANNELS)); } foreach ($channels as $configName => $channelConfig) { $config->ensure(self::LOG_CHANNEL_FILE_PATH($configName), s('Missing log file path for logging channel "%s".', $configName)); $config->ensure(self::LOG_CHANNEL_LOG_LEVEL($configName), s('Missing log file path for logging channel "%s".', $configName)); } if ($this->getDefaultChannelConfig() === null) { throw new InvalidConfigValueException(s('Default channel with name "%s" does not exist.', $this->getDefaultChannelConfigName())); } }
/** * MonologErrorHandlerConfig constructor. * * @param IConfig $config */ public function __construct(IConfig $config) { $this->config = $config; $config->ensure(self::ERROR_CHANNEL_NAME, 'Missing name of the error channel.'); }
/** * BugsnagErrorHandlerConfig constructor. * * @param IConfig $config */ public function __construct(IConfig $config) { $this->config = $config; $config->ensure(self::CLIENT_ID, 'Missing bugsnag client id.'); }