Args options are passed after the command name(s). Each option has a
long name that is prefixed by two dashes ("--") and optionally a short name
that is prefixed by one dash only ("-"). The long name must have at least
two characters, the short name must contain a single letter only.
In the example below, "--verbose" and "-v" are the long and short names of
the same option:
$ console server --verbose
$ console server -v
The long and short names are passed to the constructor of this class. The
leading dashes can be omitted:
$option = new Option('verbose', 'v');
If an option accepts a value, you must pass one of the flags
the constructor:
$option = new Option('format', 'f', Option::VALUE_REQUIRED);
* The flag {@link VALUE_REQUIRED} indicates that a value must always be
* The flag {@link VALUE_OPTIONAL} indicates that a value may optionally be
passed. If no value is passed, the default value passed to the constructor
is returned, which defaults to null.
* The flag {@link MULTI_VALUED} indicates that the option can be passed
multiple times with different values. The passed values are returned to
the application as array. The value of a multi-valued option is always