stringNotEmpty() публичный статический Метод

public static stringNotEmpty ( $value, $message = '' )
Пример #1
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public static function create($body, TypeResolver $typeResolver = null, DescriptionFactory $descriptionFactory = null, TypeContext $context = null)
     Assert::allNotNull([$typeResolver, $descriptionFactory]);
     $parts = preg_split('/(\\s+)/Su', $body, 3, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
     $type = null;
     $variableName = '';
     $isVariadic = false;
     // if the first item that is encountered is not a variable; it is a type
     if (isset($parts[0]) && strlen($parts[0]) > 0 && $parts[0][0] !== '$') {
         $type = $typeResolver->resolve(array_shift($parts), $context);
     // if the next item starts with a $ or ...$ it must be the variable name
     if (isset($parts[0]) && strlen($parts[0]) > 0 && ($parts[0][0] == '$' || substr($parts[0], 0, 4) === '...$')) {
         $variableName = array_shift($parts);
         if (substr($variableName, 0, 3) === '...') {
             $isVariadic = true;
             $variableName = substr($variableName, 3);
         if (substr($variableName, 0, 1) === '$') {
             $variableName = substr($variableName, 1);
     $description = $descriptionFactory->create(implode('', $parts), $context);
     return new static($variableName, $type, $isVariadic, $description);
Пример #2
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public static function create($body, TypeResolver $typeResolver = null, DescriptionFactory $descriptionFactory = null, Context $context = null)
     Assert::allNotNull([$typeResolver, $descriptionFactory]);
     // 1. none or more whitespace
     // 2. optionally the keyword "static" followed by whitespace
     // 3. optionally a word with underscores followed by whitespace : as
     //    type for the return value
     // 4. then optionally a word with underscores followed by () and
     //    whitespace : as method name as used by phpDocumentor
     // 5. then a word with underscores, followed by ( and any character
     //    until a ) and whitespace : as method name with signature
     // 6. any remaining text : as description
     if (!preg_match('/^
             # Static keyword
             # Declares a static method ONLY if type is also present
             # Return type
             # Legacy method name (not captured)
             # Method name
             # Arguments
             # Description
         $/sux', $body, $matches)) {
         return null;
     list(, $static, $returnType, $methodName, $arguments, $description) = $matches;
     $static = $static === 'static';
     $returnType = $typeResolver->resolve($returnType, $context);
     $description = $descriptionFactory->create($description, $context);
     $arguments = explode(',', $arguments);
     foreach ($arguments as &$argument) {
         $argument = explode(' ', trim($argument));
         if ($argument[0][0] === '$') {
             $argumentName = substr($argument[0], 1);
             $argumentType = new Void();
         } else {
             $argumentType = $typeResolver->resolve($argument[0], $context);
             $argumentName = '';
             if (isset($argument[1])) {
                 $argumentName = substr($argument[1], 1);
         $argument = ['name' => $argumentName, 'type' => $argumentType];
     return new static($methodName, $arguments, $returnType, $static, $description);
Пример #3
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function undefineType($typeName)
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($typeName, 'The type name must be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
Пример #4
  * Creates a new tag that represents any unknown tag type.
  * @param string             $body
  * @param string             $name
  * @param DescriptionFactory $descriptionFactory
  * @param Context            $context
  * @return static
 public static function create($body, $name = '', DescriptionFactory $descriptionFactory = null, Context $context = null)
     $description = $descriptionFactory && $body ? $descriptionFactory->create($body, $context) : null;
     return new static($name, $description);
Пример #5
  * Creates a new version list.
  * @param string         $path     The Puli path.
  * @param PuliResource[] $versions The versions of the resource, starting
  *                                 with the first.
 public function __construct($path, array $versions)
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($path, 'The Puli path must be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::allIsInstanceOf($versions, 'Puli\\Repository\\Api\\Resource\\PuliResource');
     Assert::greaterThanEq(count($versions), 1, 'Expected at least one version.');
     $this->path = $path;
     $this->versions = array_values($versions);
Пример #6
  * Creates a new binding.
  * You can pass parameters that have been defined for the type. If you pass
  * unknown parameters, or if a required parameter is missing, an exception
  * is thrown.
  * All parameters that you do not set here will receive the default values
  * set for the parameter.
  * @param string $typeName        The name of the type to bind against.
  * @param array  $parameterValues The values of the parameters defined
  *                                for the type.
  * @throws NoSuchParameterException  If an invalid parameter was passed.
  * @throws MissingParameterException If a required parameter was not passed.
 public function __construct($typeName, array $parameterValues = array())
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($typeName, 'The type name must be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     $this->typeName = $typeName;
     $this->userParameterValues = $parameterValues;
     $this->parameterValues = $parameterValues;
Пример #7
  * Creates a new return value.
  * @param string $value       The value as source code.
  * @param string $type        The type shown in the doc block.
  * @param string $description The doc block description.
 public function __construct($value, $type = 'mixed', $description = null)
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($value, 'The return value must be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($type, 'The return value type must be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::nullOrStringNotEmpty($description, 'The return value description must be a non-empty string or null. Got: %s');
     $this->value = $value;
     $this->type = $type;
     $this->description = $description;
  * Return the path with the basePath prefix
  * if it has been set.
  * @param string $path
  * @return string
 protected function resolvePath($path)
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($path, 'The path must be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::startsWith($path, '/', 'The path %s is not absolute.');
     if ($this->basePath) {
         $path = $this->basePath . $path;
     $path = Path::canonicalize($path);
     return $path;
Пример #9
  * Creates the violation.
  * @param int         $code          The violation code. One of the constants
  *                                   defined in this class.
  * @param mixed       $invalidValue  The value that caused this violation.
  * @param string      $installerName The name of the validated installer.
  * @param string|null $parameterName The name of the validated installer
  *                                   parameter or `null` if this is a generic
  *                                   error.
 public function __construct($code, $invalidValue, $installerName, $parameterName = null)
     Assert::oneOf($code, self::$codes, 'The violation code %s is not valid.');
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($installerName, 'The installer name must be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::nullOrStringNotEmpty($parameterName, 'The parameter name must be a non-empty string or null. Got: %s');
     $this->code = $code;
     $this->installerName = $installerName;
     $this->parameterName = $parameterName;
     $this->invalidValue = $invalidValue;
Пример #10
  * Creates a new package DTO.
  * @param string $name          The package name.
  * @param string $installerName The name of the installer.
  * @param string $installPath   The absolute install path.
  * @param string $state         One of the STATE_* constants in this class.
 public function __construct($name, $installerName, $installPath, $state)
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($name, 'The package name must be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::string($installerName, 'The installer name must be a string. Got: %s');
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($installPath, 'The install path must be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::oneOf($state, self::$states, 'The package state must be one of %2$s. Got: %s');
     $this->name = $name;
     $this->installerName = $installerName;
     $this->installPath = $installPath;
     $this->state = $state;
Пример #11
  * @param Key    $source
  * @param string $key
  * @param int    $bits
  * @param int    $type
  * @param array  $details
 public function __construct(Key $source, $key, $bits, $type, array $details = [])
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($key, __CLASS__ . '::$key expected a non empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::integer($bits, __CLASS__ . '::$bits expected an integer. Got: %s');
     Assert::oneOf($type, [OPENSSL_KEYTYPE_RSA, OPENSSL_KEYTYPE_DSA, OPENSSL_KEYTYPE_DH, OPENSSL_KEYTYPE_EC], __CLASS__ . '::$type expected one of: %2$s. Got: %s');
     $this->source = $source;
     $this->key = $key;
     $this->bits = $bits;
     $this->type = $type;
     $this->details = $details;
Пример #12
  * Creates a new parameter.
  * @param string $name         The parameter name.
  * @param int    $flags        A bitwise combination of the flag constants
  *                             in this class.
  * @param mixed  $defaultValue The parameter's default value.
 public function __construct($name, $flags = self::OPTIONAL, $defaultValue = null)
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($name, 'The parameter name must be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::startsWithLetter($name, 'The parameter name must start with a letter. Got: %s');
     Assert::nullOrInteger($flags, 'The parameter "$flags" must be an integer or null. Got: %s');
     if ($flags & self::REQUIRED && null !== $defaultValue) {
         throw new RuntimeException('Required parameters must not have default values.');
     $this->name = $name;
     $this->flags = $flags;
     $this->defaultValue = $defaultValue;
Пример #13
  * Creates a new type.
  * @param string             $name       The name of the type.
  * @param BindingParameter[] $parameters The parameters that can be set
  *                                       during binding.
 public function __construct($name, array $parameters = array())
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($name, 'The type name must be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::startsWithLetter($name, 'The type name must start with a letter. Got: %s');
     Assert::allIsInstanceOf($parameters, 'Puli\\Discovery\\Api\\Binding\\BindingParameter');
     $this->name = $name;
     foreach ($parameters as $parameter) {
         $this->parameters[$parameter->getName()] = $parameter;
     // Sort to facilitate comparison
Пример #14
  * @param string $domain
  * @param string $type
  * @param string $url
  * @param string $token
  * @param string $payload
 public function __construct($domain, $type, $url, $token, $payload)
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($domain, 'Challenge::$domain expected a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($type, 'Challenge::$type expected a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($url, 'Challenge::$url expected a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($token, 'Challenge::$token expected a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($payload, 'Challenge::$payload expected a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     $this->domain = $domain;
     $this->type = $type;
     $this->url = $url;
     $this->token = $token;
     $this->payload = $payload;
Пример #15
  * Creates a new type.
  * @param string             $name         The name of the type.
  * @param string             $bindingClass The class name of the accepted
  *                                         bindings.
  * @param BindingParameter[] $parameters   The parameters that can be set
  *                                         for a binding.
 public function __construct($name, $bindingClass, array $parameters = array())
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($name, 'The type name must be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::allIsInstanceOf($parameters, 'Puli\\Discovery\\Api\\Type\\BindingParameter');
     if (!class_exists($bindingClass) && !interface_exists($bindingClass)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The binding class "%s" is neither a class nor an ' . 'interface name. Is there a typo?', $bindingClass));
     $this->name = $name;
     $this->acceptedBindingClass = $bindingClass;
     foreach ($parameters as $parameter) {
         $this->parameters[$parameter->getName()] = $parameter;
     // Sort to facilitate comparison
Пример #16
  * Request and check a domain.
  * @param string $domain
  * @throws \Exception
 public function challengeDomain($domain)
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($domain, 'challengeDomain::$domain expected a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     $challenge = $this->client->requestChallenge($domain);
     $challengeEvent = new ChallengeEvent($challenge);
     $this->dispatcher->dispatch(AcmePhpBundleEvents::CHALLENGE_REQUESTED, $challengeEvent);
     try {
         $this->dispatcher->dispatch(AcmePhpBundleEvents::CHALLENGE_ACCEPTED, $challengeEvent);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $this->dispatcher->dispatch(AcmePhpBundleEvents::CHALLENGE_REJECTED, $challengeEvent);
         throw $e;
     } finally {
         $this->dispatcher->dispatch(AcmePhpBundleEvents::CHALLENGE_CHECKED, $challengeEvent);
Пример #17
  * @param Certificate $source
  * @param string      $subject
  * @param string      $issuer
  * @param bool        $selfSigned
  * @param \DateTime   $validFrom
  * @param \DateTime   $validTo
  * @param string      $serialNumber
  * @param array       $subjectAlternativeNames
 public function __construct(Certificate $source, $subject, $issuer = null, $selfSigned = true, \DateTime $validFrom = null, \DateTime $validTo = null, $serialNumber = null, array $subjectAlternativeNames = [])
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($subject, __CLASS__ . '::$subject expected a non empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::nullOrString($issuer, __CLASS__ . '::$issuer expected a string or null. Got: %s');
     Assert::nullOrBoolean($selfSigned, __CLASS__ . '::$selfSigned expected a boolean or null. Got: %s');
     Assert::nullOrString($serialNumber, __CLASS__ . '::$serialNumber expected a string or null. Got: %s');
     Assert::allStringNotEmpty($subjectAlternativeNames, __CLASS__ . '::$subjectAlternativeNames expected a array of non empty string. Got: %s');
     $this->source = $source;
     $this->subject = $subject;
     $this->issuer = $issuer;
     $this->selfSigned = $selfSigned;
     $this->validFrom = $validFrom;
     $this->validTo = $validTo;
     $this->serialNumber = $serialNumber;
     $this->subjectAlternativeNames = $subjectAlternativeNames;
  * @param object|string $docblock A string containing the DocBlock to parse or an object supporting the
  *                                getDocComment method (such as a ReflectionClass object).
  * @param Types\Context $context
  * @param Location      $location
  * @return DocBlock
 public function create($docblock, Types\Context $context = null, Location $location = null)
     if (is_object($docblock)) {
         if (!method_exists($docblock, 'getDocComment')) {
             $exceptionMessage = 'Invalid object passed; the given object must support the getDocComment method';
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException($exceptionMessage);
         $docblock = $docblock->getDocComment();
     if ($context === null) {
         $context = new Context('');
     $parts = $this->splitDocBlock($this->stripDocComment($docblock));
     list($templateMarker, $summary, $description, $tags) = $parts;
     return new DocBlock($summary, $description ? $this->descriptionFactory->create($description, $context) : null, $this->parseTagBlock($tags), $context, $location, $templateMarker === '#@+', $templateMarker === '#@-');
Пример #19
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public static function create($body, DescriptionFactory $descriptionFactory = null, TypeContext $context = null)
     $startingLine = 1;
     $lineCount = null;
     $description = null;
     // Starting line / Number of lines / Description
     if (preg_match('/^([1-9]\\d*)\\s*(?:((?1))\\s+)?(.*)$/sux', $body, $matches)) {
         $startingLine = (int) $matches[1];
         if (isset($matches[2]) && $matches[2] !== '') {
             $lineCount = (int) $matches[2];
         $description = $matches[3];
     return new static($startingLine, $lineCount, $descriptionFactory->create($description, $context));
Пример #20
  * @param string $commonName
  * @param string $countryName
  * @param string $stateOrProvinceName
  * @param string $localityName
  * @param string $organizationName
  * @param string $organizationalUnitName
  * @param string $emailAddress
  * @param array  $subjectAlternativeNames
 public function __construct($commonName, $countryName = null, $stateOrProvinceName = null, $localityName = null, $organizationName = null, $organizationalUnitName = null, $emailAddress = null, array $subjectAlternativeNames = [])
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($commonName, __CLASS__ . '::$commonName expected a non empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::nullOrString($countryName, __CLASS__ . '::$countryName expected a string. Got: %s');
     Assert::nullOrString($stateOrProvinceName, __CLASS__ . '::$stateOrProvinceName expected a string. Got: %s');
     Assert::nullOrString($localityName, __CLASS__ . '::$localityName expected a string. Got: %s');
     Assert::nullOrString($organizationName, __CLASS__ . '::$organizationName expected a string. Got: %s');
     Assert::nullOrString($organizationalUnitName, __CLASS__ . '::$organizationalUnitName expected a string. Got: %s');
     Assert::nullOrString($emailAddress, __CLASS__ . '::$emailAddress expected a string. Got: %s');
     Assert::allStringNotEmpty($subjectAlternativeNames, __CLASS__ . '::$subjectAlternativeNames expected an array of non empty string. Got: %s');
     $this->commonName = $commonName;
     $this->countryName = $countryName;
     $this->stateOrProvinceName = $stateOrProvinceName;
     $this->localityName = $localityName;
     $this->organizationName = $organizationName;
     $this->organizationalUnitName = $organizationalUnitName;
     $this->emailAddress = $emailAddress;
     $this->subjectAlternativeNames = array_diff(array_unique($subjectAlternativeNames), [$commonName]);
Пример #21
  * Turns a relative path into an absolute path.
  * Usually, the relative path is appended to the given base path. Dot
  * segments ("." and "..") are removed/collapsed and all slashes turned
  * into forward slashes.
  * ```php
  * echo Path::makeAbsolute("../style.css", "/webmozart/puli/css");
  * // => /webmozart/puli/style.css
  * ```
  * If an absolute path is passed, that path is returned unless its root
  * directory is different than the one of the base path. In that case, an
  * exception is thrown.
  * ```php
  * Path::makeAbsolute("/style.css", "/webmozart/puli/css");
  * // => /style.css
  * Path::makeAbsolute("C:/style.css", "C:/webmozart/puli/css");
  * // => C:/style.css
  * Path::makeAbsolute("C:/style.css", "/webmozart/puli/css");
  * // InvalidArgumentException
  * ```
  * If the base path is not an absolute path, an exception is thrown.
  * The result is a canonical path.
  * @param string $path     A path to make absolute.
  * @param string $basePath An absolute base path.
  * @return string An absolute path in canonical form.
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException If the base path is not absolute or if
  *                                  the given path is an absolute path with
  *                                  a different root than the base path.
  * @since 1.0   Added method.
  * @since 2.0   Method now fails if $path or $basePath is not a string.
  * @since 2.2.2 Method does not fail anymore of $path and $basePath are
  *              absolute, but on different partitions.
 public static function makeAbsolute($path, $basePath)
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($basePath, 'The base path must be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     if (!static::isAbsolute($basePath)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The base path "%s" is not an absolute path.', $basePath));
     if (static::isAbsolute($path)) {
         return static::canonicalize($path);
     if (false !== ($pos = strpos($basePath, '://'))) {
         $scheme = substr($basePath, 0, $pos + 3);
         $basePath = substr($basePath, $pos + 3);
     } else {
         $scheme = '';
     return $scheme . self::canonicalize(rtrim($basePath, '/\\') . '/' . $path);
Пример #22
  * Sets the default value of the argument.
  * @param string $defaultValue The default value as source code.
  * @return static The current instance.
 public function setDefaultValue($defaultValue)
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($defaultValue, 'The argument default value must be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     $this->defaultValue = $defaultValue;
     return $this;
Пример #23
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function requestCertificate($domain, CertificateRequest $csr, $timeout = 180)
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($domain, 'requestCertificate::$domain expected a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::integer($timeout, 'requestCertificate::$timeout expected an integer. Got: %s');
     $humanText = ['-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----', '-----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----'];
     $csrContent = $this->csrSigner->signCertificateRequest($csr);
     $csrContent = trim(str_replace($humanText, '', $csrContent));
     $csrContent = trim($this->httpClient->getBase64Encoder()->encode(base64_decode($csrContent)));
     $response = $this->requestResource('POST', ResourcesDirectory::NEW_CERTIFICATE, ['resource' => ResourcesDirectory::NEW_CERTIFICATE, 'csr' => $csrContent], false);
     // If the CA has not yet issued the certificate, the body of this response will be empty
     if (strlen(trim($response)) < 10) {
         // 10 to avoid false results
         $location = $this->httpClient->getLastLocation();
         // Waiting loop
         $endTime = time() + $timeout;
         while (time() <= $endTime) {
             $response = $this->httpClient->unsignedRequest('GET', $location, null, false);
             if (200 === $this->httpClient->getLastCode()) {
             if (202 !== $this->httpClient->getLastCode()) {
                 throw new CertificateRequestFailedException($response);
         if (202 === $this->httpClient->getLastCode()) {
             throw new CertificateRequestTimedOutException($response);
     // Find issuers certificate
     $links = $this->httpClient->getLastLinks();
     $certificatesChain = null;
     foreach ($links as $link) {
         if (!isset($link['rel']) || 'up' !== $link['rel']) {
         $location = trim($link[0], '<>');
         $certificate = $this->httpClient->unsignedRequest('GET', $location, null, false);
         if (strlen(trim($certificate)) > 10) {
             $pem = chunk_split(base64_encode($certificate), 64, "\n");
             $pem = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" . $pem . "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n";
             $certificatesChain = new Certificate($pem, $certificatesChain);
     // Domain certificate
     $pem = chunk_split(base64_encode($response), 64, "\n");
     $pem = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" . $pem . "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n";
     return new CertificateResponse($csr, new Certificate($pem, $certificatesChain));
Пример #24
  * @param Connection $connection A doctrine connection instance
  * @param string     $tableName  The name of the database table
 public function __construct(Connection $connection, $tableName = 'store')
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($tableName, 'The table must be a string. Got: %s');
     $this->connection = $connection;
     $this->tableName = $tableName;
Пример #25
  * Turns a relative path into an absolute path.
  * Usually, the relative path is appended to the given base path. Dot
  * segments ("." and "..") are removed/collapsed and all slashes turned
  * into forward slashes.
  * ```php
  * echo Path::makeAbsolute("../style.css", "/webmozart/puli/css");
  * // => /webmozart/puli/style.css
  * ```
  * If an absolute path is passed, that path is returned unless its root
  * directory is different than the one of the base path. In that case, an
  * exception is thrown.
  * ```php
  * Path::makeAbsolute("/style.css", "/webmozart/puli/css");
  * // => /style.css
  * Path::makeAbsolute("C:/style.css", "C:/webmozart/puli/css");
  * // => C:/style.css
  * Path::makeAbsolute("C:/style.css", "/webmozart/puli/css");
  * // InvalidArgumentException
  * ```
  * If the base path is not an absolute path, an exception is thrown.
  * The result is a canonical path.
  * @param string $path     A path to make absolute.
  * @param string $basePath An absolute base path.
  * @return string An absolute path in canonical form.
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException If the base path is not absolute or if
  *                                  the given path is an absolute path with
  *                                  a different root than the base path.
  * @since 1.0 Added method.
  * @since 2.0 Method now fails if $path or $basePath is not a string.
 public static function makeAbsolute($path, $basePath)
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($basePath, 'The base path must be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     if (!static::isAbsolute($basePath)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The base path "%s" is not an absolute path.', $basePath));
     if (static::isAbsolute($path)) {
         $root = static::getRoot($path);
         $baseRoot = static::getRoot($basePath);
         if ($root !== $baseRoot) {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The path "%s" cannot be made absolute based on "%s", ' . 'because their roots are different ("%s" and "%s").', $path, $basePath, $root, $baseRoot));
         return static::canonicalize($path);
     if (false !== ($pos = strpos($basePath, '://'))) {
         $scheme = substr($basePath, 0, $pos + 3);
         $basePath = substr($basePath, $pos + 3);
     } else {
         $scheme = '';
     return $scheme . self::canonicalize(rtrim($basePath, '/\\') . '/' . $path);
Пример #26
  * Adds source code to the method body.
  * A newline is inserted between the current code and the added code.
  * @param string $body The source code to add.
  * @return static The current instance.
 public function addBody($body)
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($body, 'The method body must be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     if ($this->body) {
         $this->body .= "\n" . $body;
     } else {
         $this->body = $body;
     return $this;
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function registerTagHandler($tagName, $handler)
     Assert::implementsInterface($handler, StaticMethod::class);
     if (strpos($tagName, '\\') && $tagName[0] !== '\\') {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('A namespaced tag must have a leading backslash as it must be fully qualified');
     $this->tagHandlerMappings[$tagName] = $handler;
  * Splits a path into mount point and path.
  * @param string $path The path to split.
  * @return array An array with the mount point and the path. If no mount
  *               point was found, both are `null`.
 private function splitPath($path)
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($path, 'The path must be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     Assert::startsWith($path, '/', 'The path %s is not absolute.');
     $path = Path::canonicalize($path);
     foreach ($this->repos as $mountPoint => $_) {
         if (Path::isBasePath($mountPoint, $path)) {
             // Special case "/": return the complete path
             if ('/' === $mountPoint) {
                 return array($mountPoint, $path);
             return array($mountPoint, substr($path, strlen($mountPoint)));
     return array(null, null);
Пример #29
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function findBindings($typeName, Expression $expr = null)
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($typeName, 'The type class must be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     if (!isset($this->keysByTypeName[$typeName])) {
         return array();
     $key = $this->keysByTypeName[$typeName];
     if (!isset($this->bindingsByKey[$key])) {
     $bindings = $this->bindingsByKey[$key];
     if (null !== $expr) {
         $bindings = $this->filterBindings($bindings, $expr);
     return $bindings;
Пример #30
  * Creates a new iterator.
  * The following constants can be used to configure what to filter by:
  *  * {@link FILTER_BY_PATH}: The pattern is matched against the paths;
  *  * {@link FILTER_BY_NAME}: The pattern is matched against the names.
  * The following constants can be used to configure how to match the
  * selected text:
  *  * {@link MATCH_PREFIX}: Tests whether the pattern is a prefix of the
  *                          matched text;
  *  * {@link MATCH_SUFFIX}: Tests whether the pattern is a suffix of the
  *                          matched text;
  *  * {@link MATCH_REGEX}: Treats the pattern as regular expression.
  * By default, the mode `FILTER_BY_PATH | MATCH_REGEX` is used.
  * @param ResourceIterator $iterator The filtered iterator.
  * @param string           $pattern  The pattern to match.
  * @param int|null         $mode     A bitwise combination of the mode
  *                                   constants.
 public function __construct(ResourceIterator $iterator, $pattern, $mode = null)
     Assert::stringNotEmpty($pattern, 'The pattern must be a non-empty string. Got: %s');
     if (!($mode & (self::FILTER_BY_PATH | self::FILTER_BY_NAME))) {
         $mode |= self::FILTER_BY_PATH;
     if (!($mode & (self::MATCH_PREFIX | self::MATCH_SUFFIX | self::MATCH_REGEX))) {
         $mode |= self::MATCH_REGEX;
     $this->pattern = $pattern;
     $this->patternLength = strlen($pattern);
     $this->mode = $mode;