Пример #1
  * Test state functionality.
  * @return void
 public function testState()
     $tmp = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/';
     $date = '2016-07-12';
     $manager = new StateManager($tmp);
     $manager->saveState('foo', 'bar', $date);
     $this->assertEquals(['foo', 'bar', $date], $manager->loadState());
     $this->assertTrue(file_exists($tmp . 'last_state.txt'));
     $this->assertFalse(file_exists($tmp . 'last_state.txt'));
Пример #2
  * Harvest all available documents.
  * @return void
 public function launch()
     // Normalize sets setting to an array:
     $sets = (array) $this->set;
     if (empty($sets)) {
         $sets = [null];
     // Load last state, if applicable (used to recover from server failure).
     if ($state = $this->stateManager->loadState()) {
         $this->write("Found saved state; attempting to resume.\n");
         list($resumeSet, $resumeToken, $this->startDate) = $state;
     // Loop through all of the selected sets:
     foreach ($sets as $set) {
         // If we're resuming and there are multiple sets, find the right one.
         if (isset($resumeToken) && $resumeSet != $set) {
         // If we have a token to resume from, pick up there now...
         if (isset($resumeToken)) {
             $token = $resumeToken;
         } else {
             // ...otherwise, start harvesting at the requested date:
             $token = $this->getRecordsByDate($this->startDate, $set, $this->harvestEndDate);
         // Keep harvesting as long as a resumption token is provided:
         while ($token !== false) {
             // Save current state in case we need to resume later:
             $this->stateManager->saveState($set, $token, $this->startDate);
             $token = $this->getRecordsByToken($token);
     // If we made it this far, all was successful, so we should clean up
     // the stored state.