Пример #1
  * Protected method for vufind (i.e. User) defined holds
  * @param string $id     A Bib ID
  * @param string $type   The holds mode to be applied from:
  * (disabled, always, availability, driver)
  * @param array  $patron Patron
  * @return mixed A url on success, boolean false on failure
 protected function generateHold($id, $type, $patron)
     $any_available = false;
     $addlink = false;
     $data = ['id' => $id, 'level' => 'title'];
     // Are holds allows?
     $checkHolds = $this->catalog->checkFunction('Holds', compact('id', 'patron'));
     if ($checkHolds != false) {
         if ($type == 'always') {
             $addlink = true;
         } elseif ($type == 'availability') {
             $holdings = $this->getHoldings($id);
             foreach ($holdings as $holding) {
                 if ($holding['availability'] && !in_array($holding['location'], $this->hideHoldings)) {
                     $any_available = true;
             $addlink = !$any_available;
         if ($addlink) {
             if ($checkHolds['function'] == 'getHoldLink') {
                 // Return opac link
                 return $this->catalog->getHoldLink($id, $data);
             } else {
                 // Return non-opac link
                 return $this->getHoldDetails($data, $checkHolds['HMACKeys']);
     return false;
Пример #2
  * Process ILL request information in holdings and set the links accordingly.
  * @param array  $holdings Holdings
  * @param string $id       Record ID
  * @param array  $patron   Patron
  * @return array Modified holdings
 protected function processILLRequests($holdings, $id, $patron)
     if (!is_array($holdings)) {
         return $holdings;
     // Are storage retrieval requests allowed?
     $requestConfig = $this->catalog->checkFunction('ILLRequests', compact('id', 'patron'));
     if (!$requestConfig) {
         return $holdings;
     // Generate Links
     // Loop through each holding
     foreach ($holdings as &$location) {
         foreach ($location as &$copy) {
             // Is this copy requestable
             if (isset($copy['addILLRequestLink']) && $copy['addILLRequestLink']) {
                 // If the request is blocked, link to an error page
                 // instead of the form:
                 if ($copy['addILLRequestLink'] === 'block') {
                     $copy['ILLRequestLink'] = $this->getBlockedILLRequestDetails($copy);
                 } else {
                     $copy['ILLRequestLink'] = $this->getRequestDetails($copy, $requestConfig['HMACKeys'], 'ILLRequest');
                 // If we are unsure whether request options are
                 // available, set a flag so we can check later via AJAX:
                 $copy['checkILLRequest'] = $copy['addILLRequestLink'] === 'check';
     return $holdings;
Пример #3
  * Process cancel request.
  * @param \VuFind\ILS\Connection $catalog ILS connection object
  * @param array                  $patron  Current logged in patron
  * @return array                          The result of the cancellation, an
  * associative array keyed by item ID (empty if no cancellations performed)
 public function cancelILLRequests($catalog, $patron)
     // Retrieve the flashMessenger helper:
     $flashMsg = $this->getController()->flashMessenger();
     $params = $this->getController()->params();
     // Pick IDs to cancel based on which button was pressed:
     $all = $params->fromPost('cancelAll');
     $selected = $params->fromPost('cancelSelected');
     if (!empty($all)) {
         $details = $params->fromPost('cancelAllIDS');
     } else {
         if (!empty($selected)) {
             $details = $params->fromPost('cancelSelectedIDS');
         } else {
             // No button pushed -- no action needed
             return [];
     if (!empty($details)) {
         // Confirm?
         if ($params->fromPost('confirm') === "0") {
             $url = $this->getController()->url()->fromRoute('myresearch-illrequests');
             if ($params->fromPost('cancelAll') !== null) {
                 return $this->getController()->confirm('ill_request_cancel_all', $url, $url, 'confirm_ill_request_cancel_all_text', ['cancelAll' => 1, 'cancelAllIDS' => $params->fromPost('cancelAllIDS')]);
             } else {
                 return $this->getController()->confirm('ill_request_cancel_selected', $url, $url, 'confirm_ill_request_cancel_selected_text', ['cancelSelected' => 1, 'cancelSelectedIDS' => $params->fromPost('cancelSelectedIDS')]);
         foreach ($details as $info) {
             // If the user input contains a value not found in the session
             // whitelist, something has been tampered with -- abort the process.
             if (!in_array($info, $this->getSession()->validIds)) {
                 $flashMsg->addMessage('error_inconsistent_parameters', 'error');
                 return [];
         // Add Patron Data to Submitted Data
         $cancelResults = $catalog->cancelILLRequests(['details' => $details, 'patron' => $patron]);
         if ($cancelResults == false) {
             $flashMsg->addMessage('ill_request_cancel_fail', 'error');
         } else {
             if ($cancelResults['count'] > 0) {
                 // TODO : add a mechanism for inserting tokens into translated
                 // messages so we can avoid a double translation here.
                 $msg = $this->getController()->translate('ill_request_cancel_success_items');
                 $flashMsg->addMessage($cancelResults['count'] . ' ' . $msg, 'success');
             return $cancelResults;
     } else {
         $flashMsg->addMessage('ill_request_empty_selection', 'error');
     return [];
Пример #4
  * Get a link for placing a title level hold.
  * @return mixed A url if a hold is possible, boolean false if not
 public function getRealTimeTitleHold()
     if ($this->hasILS()) {
         $biblioLevel = strtolower($this->getBibliographicLevel());
         if ("monograph" == $biblioLevel || strstr($biblioLevel, "part")) {
             if ($this->ils->getTitleHoldsMode() != "disabled") {
                 return $this->titleHoldLogic->getHold($this->getUniqueID());
     return false;
Пример #5
  * Figure out which bib IDs to load from the ILS.
  * @param \VuFind\ILS\Connection                     $catalog ILS connection
  * @param \VuFind\Search\Solr\Params                 $params  Solr parameters
  * @param string                                     $range   Range setting
  * @param string                                     $dept    Department setting
  * @param \Zend\Mvc\Controller\Plugin\FlashMessenger $flash   Flash messenger
  * @return array
 public function getBibIDsFromCatalog($catalog, $params, $range, $dept, $flash)
     // The code always pulls in enough catalog results to get a fixed number
     // of pages worth of Solr results.  Note that if the Solr index is out of
     // sync with the ILS, we may see fewer results than expected.
     $resultPages = $this->getResultPages();
     $perPage = $params->getLimit();
     $newItems = $catalog->getNewItems(1, $perPage * $resultPages, $range, $dept);
     // Build a list of unique IDs
     $bibIDs = [];
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($newItems['results']); $i++) {
         $bibIDs[] = $newItems['results'][$i]['id'];
     // Truncate the list if it is too long:
     $limit = $params->getQueryIDLimit();
     if (count($bibIDs) > $limit) {
         $bibIDs = array_slice($bibIDs, 0, $limit);
     return $bibIDs;
Пример #6
  * Get circulation statuses for all elements of the item
  * @param String $sysNumber SysNumber
  * @return Array[]
 protected function getItemCirculationStatuses($sysNumber)
     $data = [];
     try {
         $circulationStatuses = $this->ils->getDriver()->getCirculationStatus($sysNumber);
         foreach ($circulationStatuses as $circulationStatus) {
             $data[$circulationStatus['barcode']] = $circulationStatus;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         //todo: GH get logging service
     return $data;
Пример #7
  * Attempt to log in the user to the ILS, and save credentials if it works.
  * @param string $username Catalog username
  * @param string $password Catalog password
  * Returns associative array of patron data on success, false on failure.
  * @return array|bool
  * @throws ILSException
 public function newCatalogLogin($username, $password)
     $result = $this->catalog->patronLogin($username, $password);
     if ($result) {
         $user = $this->auth->isLoggedIn();
         if ($user) {
             $user->saveCredentials($username, $password);
             // cache for future use
             $this->ilsAccount[$username] = $result;
         return $result;
     return false;
Пример #8
  * Public method for getting title level holds
  * @param string $id A Bib ID
  * @return string|bool URL to place hold, or false if hold option unavailable
 public function getHold($id)
     // Get Holdings Data
     if ($this->catalog) {
         $mode = ILSConnection::getTitleHoldsMode();
         if ($mode == "disabled") {
             return false;
         } else {
             if ($mode == "driver") {
                 $patron = $this->account->storedCatalogLogin();
                 if (!$patron) {
                     return false;
                 return $this->driverHold($id, $patron);
             } else {
                 return $this->generateHold($id, $mode);
     return false;
Пример #9
  * Process renewal requests.
  * @param \Zend\Stdlib\Parameters $request Request object
  * @param \VuFind\ILS\Connection  $catalog ILS connection object
  * @param array                   $patron  Current logged in patron
  * @return array                  The result of the renewal, an
  * associative array keyed by item ID (empty if no renewals performed)
 public function processRenewals($request, $catalog, $patron)
     // Pick IDs to renew based on which button was pressed:
     $all = $request->get('renewAll');
     $selected = $request->get('renewSelected');
     if (!empty($all)) {
         $ids = $request->get('renewAllIDS');
     } else {
         if (!empty($selected)) {
             $ids = $request->get('renewSelectedIDS');
         } else {
             $ids = [];
     // Retrieve the flashMessenger helper:
     $flashMsg = $this->getController()->flashMessenger();
     // If there is actually something to renew, attempt the renewal action:
     if (is_array($ids) && !empty($ids)) {
         $renewResult = $catalog->renewMyItems(['details' => $ids, 'patron' => $patron]);
         if ($renewResult !== false) {
             // Assign Blocks to the Template
             if (isset($renewResult['blocks']) && is_array($renewResult['blocks'])) {
                 foreach ($renewResult['blocks'] as $block) {
             // Send back result details:
             return $renewResult['details'];
         } else {
             // System failure:
     } else {
         if (!empty($all) || !empty($selected)) {
             // Button was clicked but no items were selected:
     return [];
Пример #10
  * Getting a default required date based on hold settings.
  * @param array      $checkHolds Hold settings returned by the ILS driver's
  * checkFunction method.
  * @param Connection $catalog    ILS connection (optional)
  * @param array      $patron     Patron details (optional)
  * @param array      $holdInfo   Hold details (optional)
  * @return int A timestamp representing the default required date
 public function getDefaultRequiredDate($checkHolds, $catalog = null, $patron = null, $holdInfo = null)
     // Load config:
     $dateArray = isset($checkHolds['defaultRequiredDate']) ? explode(":", $checkHolds['defaultRequiredDate']) : [0, 1, 0];
     // Process special "driver" prefix and adjust default date
     // settings accordingly:
     if ($dateArray[0] == 'driver') {
         $useDriver = true;
         if (count($dateArray) < 3) {
             $dateArray = [0, 1, 0];
     } else {
         $useDriver = false;
     // If the driver setting is active, try it out:
     if ($useDriver && $catalog) {
         $check = $catalog->checkCapability('getHoldDefaultRequiredDate', [$patron, $holdInfo]);
         if ($check) {
             $result = $catalog->getHoldDefaultRequiredDate($patron, $holdInfo);
             if (!empty($result)) {
                 return $result;
     // If the driver setting is off or the driver didn't work, use the
     // standard relative date mechanism:
     return $this->getDateFromArray($dateArray);
Пример #11
  * Set the ILS connection for this object.
  * @param \VuFind\ILS\Connection $connection ILS connection to set
  * @return void
 public function setCatalog(\VuFind\ILS\Connection $connection)
     // Right now, MultiILS authentication only works with the MultiBackend
     // driver; if other ILS drivers eventually support this option, we
     // should define an interface containing getLoginDrivers() and
     // getDefaultLoginDriver().
     if (!$connection->getDriver() instanceof MultiBackend) {
         throw new \Exception('MultiILS authentication requires MultiBackend ILS driver.');
     return parent::setCatalog($connection);
Пример #12
  * Public method for getting item holdings from the catalog and selecting which
  * holding method to call
  * @param string $id A Bib ID
  * @return array A sorted results set
 public function getHoldings($id)
     $holdings = array();
     // Get Holdings Data
     if ($this->catalog) {
         // Retrieve stored patron credentials; it is the responsibility of the
         // controller and view to inform the user that these credentials are
         // needed for hold data.
         $patron = $this->account->storedCatalogLogin();
         $result = $this->catalog->getHolding($id, $patron);
         $mode = ILSConnection::getHoldsMode();
         if ($mode == "disabled") {
             $holdings = $this->standardHoldings($result);
         } else {
             if ($mode == "driver") {
                 $holdings = $this->driverHoldings($result);
             } else {
                 $holdings = $this->generateHoldings($result, $mode);
     return $this->formatHoldings($holdings);
Пример #13
  * Process renewal requests.
  * @param \VuFind\ILS\Connection $catalog ILS connection object
  * @param array                  $patron  Current logged in patron
  * @return array                          The result of the renewal, an
  * associative array keyed by item ID (empty if no renewals performed)
 public function cancelHolds($catalog, $patron)
     // Retrieve the flashMessenger helper:
     $flashMsg = $this->getController()->flashMessenger();
     $params = $this->getController()->params();
     // Pick IDs to renew based on which button was pressed:
     $all = $params->fromPost('cancelAll');
     $selected = $params->fromPost('cancelSelected');
     if (!empty($all)) {
         $details = $params->fromPost('cancelAllIDS');
     } else {
         if (!empty($selected)) {
             $details = $params->fromPost('cancelSelectedIDS');
         } else {
             // No button pushed -- no action needed
             return array();
     if (!empty($details)) {
         foreach ($details as $info) {
             // If the user input contains a value not found in the session
             // whitelist, something has been tampered with -- abort the process.
             if (!in_array($info, $this->getSession()->validIds)) {
                 return array();
         // Add Patron Data to Submitted Data
         $cancelResults = $catalog->cancelHolds(array('details' => $details, 'patron' => $patron));
         if ($cancelResults == false) {
         } else {
             if ($cancelResults['count'] > 0) {
                 // TODO : add a mechanism for inserting tokens into translated
                 // messages so we can avoid a double translation here.
                 $msg = $this->getController()->translate('hold_cancel_success_items');
                 $flashMsg->setNamespace('info')->addMessage($cancelResults['count'] . ' ' . $msg);
             return $cancelResults;
     } else {
     return array();
Пример #14
  * Get a link for placing a title level hold.
  * @param \VuFind\Auth\Manager $account Auth manager object
  * @return mixed A url if a hold is possible, boolean false if not
 public function getRealTimeTitleHold(\VuFind\Auth\Manager $account)
     $biblioLevel = $this->getBibliographicLevel();
     if ("monograph" == strtolower($biblioLevel) || stristr("part", $biblioLevel)) {
         if (ILSConnection::getTitleHoldsMode() != "disabled") {
             $holdLogic = new TitleHoldLogic($account, $this->getILS());
             return $holdLogic->getHold($this->getUniqueID());
     return false;
Пример #15
  * checkRequestIsValid
  * This is responsible for determining if an item is requestable
  * @param string $id     The Bib ID
  * @param array  $data   An Array of item data
  * @param patron $patron An array of patron data
  * @return string True if request is valid, false if not
 public function checkRequestIsValid($id, $data, $patron)
     $holdType = isset($data['holdtype']) ? $data['holdtype'] : "auto";
     $level = isset($data['level']) ? $data['level'] : "copy";
     $mode = "title" == $level ? ILSConnection::getTitleHoldsMode() : ILSConnection::getHoldsMode();
     if ("driver" == $mode && "auto" == $holdType) {
         $itemID = isset($data['item_id']) ? $data['item_id'] : false;
         $result = $this->determineHoldType($patron['id'], $id, $itemID);
         if (!$result || $result == 'block') {
             return false;
     return true;