setUpSite() публичный статический Метод

Check if site is set up and VersionPress fully activated, and if not, do so. The $force parametr may force this.
public static setUpSite ( boolean $force )
$force boolean Force all the automation actions to be taken regardless of the site state

use Tracy\Debugger;
use VersionPress\Tests\Selenium\SeleniumTestCase;
use VersionPress\Tests\Utils\TestConfig;
use VersionPress\Tests\Utils\TestRunnerOptions;
require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
Debugger::enable(Debugger::DEVELOPMENT, __DIR__ . '/../log');
TestRunnerOptions::getInstance()->configureInstance(["forceSetup" => ["before-class", "before-suite", "just-vp-files"]]);
TestConfig::$defaultConfigFile = __DIR__ . '/test-config.yml';
if (TestRunnerOptions::getInstance()->forceSetup == "before-suite") {
    echo "Setting up site before suite";
    echo "\n";