Пример #1
function process_si_contact_form()
    $_SESSION['ctform'] = array();
    // re-initialize the form session data
    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && @$_POST['do'] == 'contact') {
        // if the form has been submitted
        foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
            if (!is_array($key)) {
                // sanitize the input data
                if ($key != 'ct_message') {
                    $value = strip_tags($value);
                $_POST[$key] = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(trim($value)));
        $name = @$_POST['ct_name'];
        // name from the form
        $email = @$_POST['ct_email'];
        // email from the form
        $URL = @$_POST['ct_URL'];
        // url from the form
        $message = @$_POST['ct_message'];
        // the message from the form
        $captcha = @$_POST['ct_captcha'];
        // the user's entry for the captcha code
        $name = substr($name, 0, 64);
        // limit name to 64 characters
        $errors = array();
        // initialize empty error array
        if (isset($GLOBALS['DEBUG_MODE']) && $GLOBALS['DEBUG_MODE'] == false) {
            // only check for errors if the form is not in debug mode
            if (strlen($name) < 3) {
                // name too short, add error
                $errors['name_error'] = 'Your name is required';
            if (strlen($email) == 0) {
                // no email address given
                $errors['email_error'] = 'Email address is required';
            } else {
                if (!preg_match('/^(?:[\\w\\d-]+\\.?)+@(?:(?:[\\w\\d]\\-?)+\\.)+\\w{2,63}$/i', $email)) {
                    // invalid email format
                    $errors['email_error'] = 'Email address entered is invalid';
            if (strlen($message) < 20) {
                // message length too short
                $errors['message_error'] = 'Your message must be longer than 20 characters';
        // Only try to validate the captcha if the form has no errors
        // This is especially important for ajax calls
        if (sizeof($errors) == 0) {
            $securimage = new Securimage();
            if ($securimage->check($captcha) == false) {
                $errors['captcha_error'] = 'Incorrect security code entered<br />';
        if (sizeof($errors) == 0) {
            // no errors, send the form
            $time = date('r');
            $message = "A message was submitted from the contact form.  The following information was provided.<br /><br />" . "<em>Name: {$name}</em><br />" . "<em>Email: {$email}</em><br />" . "<em>URL: {$URL}</em><br />" . "<em>Message:</em><br />" . "<pre>{$message}</pre>" . "<br /><br /><em>IP Address:</em> {$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}<br />" . "<em>Time:</em> {$time}<br />" . "<em>Browser:</em> {$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']}<br />";
            $message = wordwrap($message, 70);
            if (isset($GLOBALS['DEBUG_MODE']) && $GLOBALS['DEBUG_MODE'] == false) {
                // send the message with mail()
                mail($GLOBALS['ct_recipient'], $GLOBALS['ct_msg_subject'], $message, "From: {$GLOBALS['ct_recipient']}\r\nReply-To: {$email}\r\nContent-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\nMIME-Version: 1.0");
            $_SESSION['ctform']['timetosolve'] = $securimage->getTimeToSolve();
            $_SESSION['ctform']['error'] = false;
            // no error with form
            $_SESSION['ctform']['success'] = true;
            // message sent
        } else {
            // save the entries, this is to re-populate the form
            $_SESSION['ctform']['ct_name'] = $name;
            // save name from the form submission
            $_SESSION['ctform']['ct_email'] = $email;
            // save email
            $_SESSION['ctform']['ct_URL'] = $URL;
            // save URL
            $_SESSION['ctform']['ct_message'] = $message;
            // save message
            foreach ($errors as $key => $error) {
                // set up error messages to display with each field
                $_SESSION['ctform'][$key] = "<span class=\"error\">{$error}</span>";
            $_SESSION['ctform']['error'] = true;
            // set error floag
    // POST
Пример #2
function process_si_contact_form()
    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && @$_POST['do'] == 'contact') {
        // if the form has been submitted
        foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
            if (!is_array($key)) {
                // sanitize the input data
                if ($key != 'ct_message') {
                    $value = strip_tags($value);
                $_POST[$key] = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(trim($value)));
        $name = @$_POST['ct_name'];
        // name from the form
        $email = @$_POST['ct_email'];
        // email from the form
        $URL = @$_POST['ct_URL'];
        // url from the form
        $message = @$_POST['ct_message'];
        // the message from the form
        $captcha = @$_POST['ct_captcha'];
        // the user's entry for the captcha code
        $name = substr($name, 0, 64);
        // limit name to 64 characters
        $errors = array();
        // initialize empty error array
        if (isset($GLOBALS['DEBUG_MODE']) && $GLOBALS['DEBUG_MODE'] == false) {
            // only check for errors if the form is not in debug mode
            if (strlen($name) < 3) {
                // name too short, add error
                $errors['name_error'] = 'Your name is required';
            if (strlen($email) == 0) {
                // no email address given
                $errors['email_error'] = 'Email address is required';
            } else {
                if (!preg_match('/^(?:[\\w\\d-]+\\.?)+@(?:(?:[\\w\\d]\\-?)+\\.)+\\w{2,4}$/i', $email)) {
                    // invalid email format
                    $errors['email_error'] = 'Email address entered is invalid';
            if (strlen($message) < 20) {
                // message length too short
                $errors['message_error'] = 'Please enter a message';
        // Only try to validate the captcha if the form has no errors
        // This is especially important for ajax calls
        if (sizeof($errors) == 0) {
            $securimage = new Securimage();
            if ($securimage->check($captcha) == false) {
                $errors['captcha_error'] = 'Incorrect security code entered';
        if (sizeof($errors) == 0) {
            // no errors, send the form
            $time = date('r');
            $message = "A message was submitted from the contact form.  The following information was provided.<br /><br />" . "Name: {$name}<br />" . "Email: {$email}<br />" . "URL: {$URL}<br />" . "Message:<br />" . "<pre>{$message}</pre>" . "<br /><br />IP Address: {$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}<br />" . "Time: {$time}<br />" . "Browser: {$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']}<br />";
            if (isset($GLOBALS['DEBUG_MODE']) && $GLOBALS['DEBUG_MODE'] == false) {
                // send the message with mail()
                mail($GLOBALS['ct_recipient'], $GLOBALS['ct_msg_subject'], $message, "From: {$GLOBALS['ct_recipient']}\r\nReply-To: {$email}\r\nContent-type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\nMIME-Version: 1.0");
            $return = array('error' => 0, 'message' => 'OK');
        } else {
            $errmsg = '';
            foreach ($errors as $key => $error) {
                // set up error messages to display with each field
                $errmsg .= " - {$error}\n";
            $return = array('error' => 1, 'message' => $errmsg);
    // POST