  * Check if the account has reached the maximum number of API calls it can make globally (not API specific)
  * @return boolean True if they're within their limits, false if not
 protected static function check_global_limits()
     $account_data = \V1\Model\Account::get_account();
     $total_calls = \V1\Usage::get_usage(false);
     // If they've used up all of their calls, and they aren't unlimited, then they've hit their global limits.
     if ($total_calls === $account_data['max_calls'] && $account_data['max_calls'] != 0) {
         return false;
     return true;
Пример #2
  * Set the account free (free tier)
  * @return boolean True if successful, false if it fails
 public static function be_free_my_brother()
     // Get the cached row
     $account_data = static::get_account();
     // No data
     if (empty($account_data)) {
         return false;
     // Pull the row so that we have an object to use for Orm manipulation.
     $account_row = static::find($account_data['id']);
     $account_row->free_account_on = 0;
     $account_row->access_level = 1;
     $account_row->max_calls = \Config::get('tiers.free.max_calls', 10000);
     $saved = $account_row->save();
     return $saved;
  * Check the speed limits of an API to make sure that the account isn't calling the API more than it's
  * allowed to in the specified time frame.
  * @return mixed True if the call is within the speed limits, or the error array if it isn't
 private static function check_usage_limits()
     $api_data = \V1\Model\APIs::get_api(\V1\APIRequest::get('api'));
     $account_data = \V1\Model\Account::get_account();
     $package_limits = \V1\RAML::parse_package_limits();
      * Are there any limits on the API for our package level? API limits are imposed
      * by Bit API Hub, not the API provider. It helps to limit the amount of bandwidth
      * we allot for each call. The heavier the call, the less calls people can make.
     if (is_array($package_limits) && array_key_exists('level' . $account_data['access_level'], $package_limits) && !empty($usage = \V1\Usage::get_usage(\V1\APIRequest::get('api')))) {
         // Loop the allotments of API calls per time period
         foreach ($package_limits['level' . $account_data['access_level']] as $time_period => $allotment) {
             // If we have a valid log for the time period, and it's already maxed out, fail the check.
             if (isset($usage[$time_period]) && $usage[$time_period]['count'] == $allotment && \Utility::subtract_seconds($time_period) <= $usage[$time_period]['ts'] && $usage[$time_period]['ts'] <= time()) {
                 return \Utility::format_error(429, \V1\Err::TOO_MANY_REQUESTS, \Lang::get('v1::errors.too_many_requests', array('allotment' => number_format($allotment), 'period' => $time_period)));
     // We're not breaking the speed limit, so shush.
     return true;
  * Configure a static call
  * @return mixed The \V1\APICall object or an error array if the call wasn't found
 public static function configure_call()
     if (is_array($static_calls = \V1\RAML::parse_static_calls())) {
         $api_data = \V1\Model\APIs::get_api();
         $account_data = \V1\Model\Account::get_account();
         foreach ($static_calls as $call => $call_data) {
             // The static call data matches the request.
             if ('/' . \V1\APIRequest::get('static-call') === $call) {
                 // If we can't run the inactive call, then error out.
                 if (isset($call_data['stability']) && $call_data['stability'] === 0 && ($account_data['can_run_inactive'] === 0 || $account_data['id'] !== $api_data['account_id'])) {
                     return \Utility::format_error(403, \V1\Err::DISABLED_STATIC, \Lang::get('v1::errors.disabled_static'));
                 // Do we have a cached entry?
                 if (is_array($cached_data = \V1\Call\StaticCall::get_call_cache())) {
                     // Set their usage stats.
                     // Set the API provider stats
                     // Return the response-formatted data from the cached entry.
                     return $cached_data;
                 // Try to get an APICall object
                 if (($apicall = static::apicall_object($call)) !== false) {
                     return $apicall;
         // The static call wasn't found.
         return \Utility::format_error(404, \V1\Err::BAD_STATIC, \Lang::get('v1::errors.bad_static'));
     } else {
         // If they've requested a static call when there aren't any for the requested API, give 'em errors!
         return \Utility::format_error(404, \V1\Err::NO_STATIC, \Lang::get('v1::errors.no_static'));
Пример #5
  * Prepare the response to show the customer. We also handle caching and usage.
  * @param array $response	The response array containing data from the remote server
  * @param string $api		The name of the API we're preparing the response for
  * @return array The response formatted string
 public static function prepare_response(array $response, $api_request = null, $is_static = null)
     $api_request = empty($api_request) ? \V1\APIRequest::get() : $api_request;
     $api = $api_request['api'];
     $is_static = $is_static === null ? \V1\APIRequest::is_static() : $is_static;
     $api_data = \V1\Model\APIs::get_api($api);
     if ($is_static === true && $api_data['account_id'] === 0) {
         $response['headers'] = array();
     } else {
         $response['headers'] = static::sanitize_headers($response['headers']);
     $response['body'] = static::convert_body($response['headers'], $response['body']);
     $response_array = \Utility::format_response(200, $response);
     $internal_call = \Utility::is_internal_call();
      * Cache the static call response if it the remote server didn't report an error.
      * To allow for proper testing, we don't cache calls from the account area or other internal
      * locations.
     if ($is_static === true && $response['status'] < 300 && $internal_call === false) {
         $api_call = $is_static === true ? $api_request['static-call'] : null;
         \V1\Call\StaticCall::set_call_cache($response_array, $api, $api_call);
      * Log the usage stats if we aren't running a call from the internal API testing system. (Ex. The
      * account area)
     if ($internal_call === false) {
         // Set the account usage stats
         // Set the API provider stats
         \V1\Usage::set_api_stats($response['status'], $api_request, $is_static);
     return $response_array;