public function update()
     $directories = Config::get('mediasite')['directories'];
     $math = new Arithmetic();
     $disk = new LinuxOperationsHelper();
     $convert = new ConvertHelper();
     foreach ($directories as $directory) {
         $organisations = $disk->getFolderNamesFromDirectory($directory);
         foreach ($organisations as $organisation) {
             $sizeB = $disk->getSpaceUsedByMediasiteOrg($directory, $organisation);
             $sizeMiB = $convert->bytesToMegabytes($sizeB);
             $criteria = array(MediaSiteSchema::ORG => $organisation);
             $lastKnownUsedSize = $this->producedMoreSinceLastSave($organisation);
             if ($lastKnownUsedSize !== $sizeMiB) {
                 $storage = array(MediaSiteSchema::DATE => new MongoDate(), MediaSiteSchema::SIZE => $sizeMiB);
                 $success = $this->mongo->update($criteria, '$push', MediaSiteSchema::STORAGE, $storage, 1);
                 if ($success) {
                     $this->numberInserted = $this->numberInserted + 1;
                     $diff = $math->subtract($lastKnownUsedSize, $sizeMiB);
                     $this->LogInfo("{$diff}MiB diff for {$organisation}");
             } else {
                 $this->LogInfo("No change in storage for {$organisation}");
     $this->LogInfo("Aggregated data and inserted {$this->numberInserted} items");
 public function update()
     $math = new Arithmetic();
     $aggregatedSize = 0.0;
     $u = new UserHelper();
     $directories = Config::get('folders_to_scan_for_files');
     foreach ($directories as $directory) {
         if (is_dir($directory)) {
             $users = $u->findUsersInDatabaseInDirectoryOnDisk($directory);
             foreach ($users as $feideUsername => $arrayOfPossibleUsernamesForAUser) {
                 $criteria = array(UserDiskUsageSchema::USERNAME => $feideUsername);
                 $userDiskusageDocument = $this->userDiskUsageCollection->findOne($criteria);
                 $diskSize = 0.0;
                 foreach ($arrayOfPossibleUsernamesForAUser as $usernameAndDir) {
                     if (is_dir($usernameAndDir)) {
                         $diskSize = $math->add($diskSize, $this->_calculateSize($usernameAndDir));
                 $dbSize = $this->_producedMoreSinceLastSave($feideUsername);
                 if ($this->_userExistsInCollection($userDiskusageDocument)) {
                     if (!$math->consideredToBeEqual($dbSize, $diskSize)) {
                         $storage = array(UserDiskUsageSchema::DATE => new Mongodate(), UserDiskUsageSchema::SIZE => $diskSize);
                         $operationOK = $this->_updateDocumentInCollection($criteria, $storage);
                     } else {
                 } else {
                     $userDocument = $this->userCollection->findOne($criteria);
                     $org = $userDocument[UsersSchema::ORG];
                     $newUser = $this->_createUser($feideUsername, $diskSize, $org);
                     $operationOK = $this->_insertDocumentToMongoDatabase($newUser);
                 if ($operationOK) {
                     $this->LogInfo("Aggregated " . $feideUsername . " (" . $math->subtract($diskSize, $dbSize) . "MiB diff). Last size was " . $dbSize . "MiB");
                     $this->numberInserted = $this->numberInserted + 1;
                     $aggregatedSize = $math->add($aggregatedSize, $diskSize);
                 } else {
                     $this->LogError("Could not update " . $feideUsername . var_dump($criteria));
     $this->LogInfo("Aggregated " . $aggregatedSize . "MiB for {$this->numberInserted} users ");
 public function update()
     $math = new Arithmetic();
     $u = new UserHelper();
     $allOrgsInIOrgsCollection = $u->findUsersInOrganisationsInDatabase();
     if (count($allOrgsInIOrgsCollection) == 0) {
         $this->LogError("Did not find any organisations to aggregate size used for");
     $aggregatedSize = 0.0;
     foreach ($allOrgsInIOrgsCollection as $orgName => $arrayOfUsersInOrg) {
         $diskSize = 0.0;
         $dbSize = 0.0;
         foreach ($arrayOfUsersInOrg as $userPath) {
             $diskSize = $math->add($diskSize, $this->calculateSize($userPath));
         $criteria = array(OrgSchema::ORG => $orgName);
         $orgToUpdate = $this->mongo->findOne($criteria);
         if ($this->organisationExists($orgToUpdate)) {
             $dbSize = $this->hasProducedMoreSinceLastSave($orgName);
             if ($math->consideredToBeEqual($diskSize, $dbSize)) {
                 $this->LogInfo("No change in size used by " . $orgName);
             } else {
                 $storage = array(OrgSchema::DATE => new MongoDate(), OrgSchema::SIZE => $diskSize);
                 $newArrayWasPushedToCollection = $this->mongo->update($criteria, '$push', OrgSchema::STORAGE, $storage, 0);
                 if ($newArrayWasPushedToCollection) {
                     $this->numberFound = $this->numberFound + 1;
                     $aggregatedSize = $math->add($aggregatedSize, $diskSize);
             $this->LogInfo("Aggregated " . $orgName . " (" . $math->subtract($diskSize, $dbSize) . "MiB diff). Last size was " . $dbSize . "MiB");
         } else {
             $this->LogError("Did not find " . $orgName . " in db");
     $this->numberFound = (int) ceil($this->numberFound);
     $this->LogInfo("Aggregated daily disk usage; " . $aggregatedSize . "MiB" . " for {$this->numberFound} users");