/** * @test * @see http://forge.typo3.org/issues/23374 */ public function questionMarkParametersMayBeSafelyReplaced() { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM pages WHERE pid = ? AND timestamp < ? AND title != \'How to test?\''; $parameterValues = array(12, 1281782690); $components = $this->subject->_callRef('parseSELECT', $sql); for ($i = 0; $i < count($components['parameters']['?']); $i++) { $components['parameters']['?'][$i][0] = $parameterValues[$i]; } $result = $this->subject->_callRef('compileSELECT', $components); $expected = 'SELECT * FROM pages WHERE pid = 12 AND timestamp < 1281782690 AND title != \'How to test?\''; $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->cleanSql($result)); }
/** * Implodes an array of WHERE clause configuration into a WHERE clause. * * DBAL-specific: The only(!) handled "calc" operators supported by parseWhereClause() are: * - the bitwise logical and (&) * - the addition (+) * - the substraction (-) * - the multiplication (*) * - the division (/) * - the modulo (%) * * @param array $clauseArray * @param bool $functionMapping * @return string WHERE clause as string. * @see \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\SqlParser::parseWhereClause() */ public function compileWhereClause($clauseArray, $functionMapping = true) { // Prepare buffer variable: $output = ''; // Traverse clause array: if (is_array($clauseArray)) { foreach ($clauseArray as $v) { // Set operator: $output .= $v['operator'] ? ' ' . $v['operator'] : ''; // Look for sublevel: if (is_array($v['sub'])) { $output .= ' (' . trim($this->compileWhereClause($v['sub'], $functionMapping)) . ')'; } elseif (isset($v['func']) && $v['func']['type'] === 'EXISTS') { $output .= ' ' . trim($v['modifier']) . ' EXISTS (' . $this->compileSELECT($v['func']['subquery']) . ')'; } else { if (isset($v['func']) && $v['func']['type'] === 'CAST') { $output .= ' ' . trim($v['modifier']); $output .= ' CAST('; $output .= ($v['func']['table'] ? $v['func']['table'] . '.' : '') . $v['func']['field']; $output .= ' AS ' . $v['func']['datatype'][0] . ')'; } elseif (isset($v['func']) && $v['func']['type'] === 'LOCATE') { $output .= ' ' . trim($v['modifier']); switch (true) { case $this->databaseConnection->runningADOdbDriver('mssql') && $functionMapping: $output .= ' CHARINDEX('; $output .= $v['func']['substr'][1] . $v['func']['substr'][0] . $v['func']['substr'][1]; $output .= ', ' . ($v['func']['table'] ? $v['func']['table'] . '.' : '') . $v['func']['field']; $output .= isset($v['func']['pos']) ? ', ' . $v['func']['pos'][0] : ''; $output .= ')'; break; case $this->databaseConnection->runningADOdbDriver('oci8') && $functionMapping: $output .= ' INSTR('; $output .= ($v['func']['table'] ? $v['func']['table'] . '.' : '') . $v['func']['field']; $output .= ', ' . $v['func']['substr'][1] . $v['func']['substr'][0] . $v['func']['substr'][1]; $output .= isset($v['func']['pos']) ? ', ' . $v['func']['pos'][0] : ''; $output .= ')'; break; default: $output .= ' LOCATE('; $output .= $v['func']['substr'][1] . $v['func']['substr'][0] . $v['func']['substr'][1]; $output .= ', ' . ($v['func']['table'] ? $v['func']['table'] . '.' : '') . $v['func']['field']; $output .= isset($v['func']['pos']) ? ', ' . $v['func']['pos'][0] : ''; $output .= ')'; } } elseif (isset($v['func']) && $v['func']['type'] === 'IFNULL') { $output .= ' ' . trim($v['modifier']) . ' '; switch (true) { case $this->databaseConnection->runningADOdbDriver('mssql') && $functionMapping: $output .= 'ISNULL'; break; case $this->databaseConnection->runningADOdbDriver('oci8') && $functionMapping: $output .= 'NVL'; break; default: $output .= 'IFNULL'; } $output .= '('; $output .= ($v['func']['table'] ? $v['func']['table'] . '.' : '') . $v['func']['field']; $output .= ', ' . $v['func']['default'][1] . $this->compileAddslashes($v['func']['default'][0]) . $v['func']['default'][1]; $output .= ')'; } elseif (isset($v['func']) && $v['func']['type'] === 'FIND_IN_SET') { $output .= ' ' . trim($v['modifier']) . ' '; if ($functionMapping) { switch (true) { case $this->databaseConnection->runningADOdbDriver('mssql'): $field = ($v['func']['table'] ? $v['func']['table'] . '.' : '') . $v['func']['field']; if (!isset($v['func']['str_like'])) { $v['func']['str_like'] = $v['func']['str'][0]; } $output .= '\',\'+' . $field . '+\',\' LIKE \'%,' . $v['func']['str_like'] . ',%\''; break; case $this->databaseConnection->runningADOdbDriver('oci8'): $field = ($v['func']['table'] ? $v['func']['table'] . '.' : '') . $v['func']['field']; if (!isset($v['func']['str_like'])) { $v['func']['str_like'] = $v['func']['str'][0]; } $output .= '\',\'||' . $field . '||\',\' LIKE \'%,' . $v['func']['str_like'] . ',%\''; break; case $this->databaseConnection->runningADOdbDriver('postgres'): $output .= ' FIND_IN_SET('; $output .= $v['func']['str'][1] . $v['func']['str'][0] . $v['func']['str'][1]; $output .= ', ' . ($v['func']['table'] ? $v['func']['table'] . '.' : '') . $v['func']['field']; $output .= ') != 0'; break; default: $field = ($v['func']['table'] ? $v['func']['table'] . '.' : '') . $v['func']['field']; if (!isset($v['func']['str_like'])) { $v['func']['str_like'] = $v['func']['str'][0]; } $output .= '(' . $field . ' LIKE \'%,' . $v['func']['str_like'] . ',%\'' . ' OR ' . $field . ' LIKE \'' . $v['func']['str_like'] . ',%\'' . ' OR ' . $field . ' LIKE \'%,' . $v['func']['str_like'] . '\'' . ' OR ' . $field . '= ' . $v['func']['str'][1] . $v['func']['str'][0] . $v['func']['str'][1] . ')'; } } else { switch (true) { case $this->databaseConnection->runningADOdbDriver('mssql'): case $this->databaseConnection->runningADOdbDriver('oci8'): case $this->databaseConnection->runningADOdbDriver('postgres'): $output .= ' FIND_IN_SET('; $output .= $v['func']['str'][1] . $v['func']['str'][0] . $v['func']['str'][1]; $output .= ', ' . ($v['func']['table'] ? $v['func']['table'] . '.' : '') . $v['func']['field']; $output .= ')'; break; default: $field = ($v['func']['table'] ? $v['func']['table'] . '.' : '') . $v['func']['field']; if (!isset($v['func']['str_like'])) { $v['func']['str_like'] = $v['func']['str'][0]; } $output .= '(' . $field . ' LIKE \'%,' . $v['func']['str_like'] . ',%\'' . ' OR ' . $field . ' LIKE \'' . $v['func']['str_like'] . ',%\'' . ' OR ' . $field . ' LIKE \'%,' . $v['func']['str_like'] . '\'' . ' OR ' . $field . '= ' . $v['func']['str'][1] . $v['func']['str'][0] . $v['func']['str'][1] . ')'; } } } else { // Set field/table with modifying prefix if any: $output .= ' ' . trim($v['modifier']) . ' '; // DBAL-specific: Set calculation, if any: if ($v['calc'] === '&' && $functionMapping) { switch (true) { case $this->databaseConnection->runningADOdbDriver('oci8'): // Oracle only knows BITAND(x,y) - sigh $output .= 'BITAND(' . trim(($v['table'] ? $v['table'] . '.' : '') . $v['field']) . ',' . $v['calc_value'][1] . $this->compileAddslashes($v['calc_value'][0]) . $v['calc_value'][1] . ')'; break; default: // MySQL, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL support the &-syntax $output .= trim(($v['table'] ? $v['table'] . '.' : '') . $v['field']) . $v['calc'] . $v['calc_value'][1] . $this->compileAddslashes($v['calc_value'][0]) . $v['calc_value'][1]; } } elseif ($v['calc']) { $output .= trim(($v['table'] ? $v['table'] . '.' : '') . $v['field']) . $v['calc']; if (isset($v['calc_table'])) { $output .= trim(($v['calc_table'] ? $v['calc_table'] . '.' : '') . $v['calc_field']); } else { $output .= $v['calc_value'][1] . $this->compileAddslashes($v['calc_value'][0]) . $v['calc_value'][1]; } } elseif (!($this->databaseConnection->runningADOdbDriver('oci8') && preg_match('/(NOT )?LIKE( BINARY)?/', $v['comparator']) && $functionMapping)) { $output .= trim(($v['table'] ? $v['table'] . '.' : '') . $v['field']); } } // Set comparator: if ($v['comparator']) { $isLikeOperator = preg_match('/(NOT )?LIKE( BINARY)?/', $v['comparator']); switch (true) { case $this->databaseConnection->runningADOdbDriver('oci8') && $isLikeOperator && $functionMapping: // Oracle cannot handle LIKE on CLOB fields - sigh if (isset($v['value']['operator'])) { $values = array(); foreach ($v['value']['args'] as $fieldDef) { $values[] = ($fieldDef['table'] ? $fieldDef['table'] . '.' : '') . $fieldDef['field']; } $compareValue = ' ' . $v['value']['operator'] . '(' . implode(',', $values) . ')'; } else { $compareValue = $v['value'][1] . $this->compileAddslashes(trim($v['value'][0], '%')) . $v['value'][1]; } if (GeneralUtility::isFirstPartOfStr($v['comparator'], 'NOT')) { $output .= 'NOT '; } // To be on the safe side $isLob = true; if ($v['table']) { // Table and field names are quoted: $tableName = substr($v['table'], 1, strlen($v['table']) - 2); $fieldName = substr($v['field'], 1, strlen($v['field']) - 2); $fieldType = $this->databaseConnection->sql_field_metatype($tableName, $fieldName); $isLob = $fieldType === 'B' || $fieldType === 'XL'; } if (strtoupper(substr($v['comparator'], -6)) === 'BINARY') { if ($isLob) { $output .= '(dbms_lob.instr(' . trim(($v['table'] ? $v['table'] . '.' : '') . $v['field']) . ', ' . $compareValue . ',1,1) > 0)'; } else { $output .= '(instr(' . trim(($v['table'] ? $v['table'] . '.' : '') . $v['field']) . ', ' . $compareValue . ',1,1) > 0)'; } } else { if ($isLob) { $output .= '(dbms_lob.instr(LOWER(' . trim(($v['table'] ? $v['table'] . '.' : '') . $v['field']) . '), ' . GeneralUtility::strtolower($compareValue) . ',1,1) > 0)'; } else { $output .= '(instr(LOWER(' . trim(($v['table'] ? $v['table'] . '.' : '') . $v['field']) . '), ' . GeneralUtility::strtolower($compareValue) . ',1,1) > 0)'; } } break; default: if ($isLikeOperator && $functionMapping) { if ($this->databaseConnection->runningADOdbDriver('postgres') || $this->databaseConnection->runningADOdbDriver('postgres64') || $this->databaseConnection->runningADOdbDriver('postgres7') || $this->databaseConnection->runningADOdbDriver('postgres8')) { // Remap (NOT)? LIKE to (NOT)? ILIKE // and (NOT)? LIKE BINARY to (NOT)? LIKE switch ($v['comparator']) { case 'LIKE': $v['comparator'] = 'ILIKE'; break; case 'NOT LIKE': $v['comparator'] = 'NOT ILIKE'; break; default: $v['comparator'] = str_replace(' BINARY', '', $v['comparator']); } } else { // No more BINARY operator $v['comparator'] = str_replace(' BINARY', '', $v['comparator']); } } $output .= ' ' . $v['comparator']; // Detecting value type; list or plain: $comparator = SqlParser::normalizeKeyword($v['comparator']); if (GeneralUtility::inList('NOTIN,IN', $comparator)) { if (isset($v['subquery'])) { $output .= ' (' . $this->compileSELECT($v['subquery']) . ')'; } else { $valueBuffer = array(); foreach ($v['value'] as $realValue) { $valueBuffer[] = $realValue[1] . $this->compileAddslashes($realValue[0]) . $realValue[1]; } $dbmsSpecifics = $this->databaseConnection->getSpecifics(); if ($dbmsSpecifics === null) { $output .= ' (' . trim(implode(',', $valueBuffer)) . ')'; } else { $chunkedList = $dbmsSpecifics->splitMaxExpressions($valueBuffer); $chunkCount = count($chunkedList); if ($chunkCount === 1) { $output .= ' (' . trim(implode(',', $valueBuffer)) . ')'; } else { $listExpressions = array(); $field = trim(($v['table'] ? $v['table'] . '.' : '') . $v['field']); switch ($comparator) { case 'IN': $operator = 'OR'; break; case 'NOTIN': $operator = 'AND'; break; default: $operator = ''; } for ($i = 0; $i < $chunkCount; ++$i) { $listPart = trim(implode(',', $chunkedList[$i])); $listExpressions[] = ' (' . $listPart . ')'; } $implodeString = ' ' . $operator . ' ' . $field . ' ' . $v['comparator']; // add opening brace before field $lastFieldPos = strrpos($output, $field); $output = substr_replace($output, '(', $lastFieldPos, 0); $output .= implode($implodeString, $listExpressions) . ')'; } } } } elseif (GeneralUtility::inList('BETWEEN,NOT BETWEEN', $v['comparator'])) { $lbound = $v['values'][0]; $ubound = $v['values'][1]; $output .= ' ' . $lbound[1] . $this->compileAddslashes($lbound[0]) . $lbound[1]; $output .= ' AND '; $output .= $ubound[1] . $this->compileAddslashes($ubound[0]) . $ubound[1]; } elseif (isset($v['value']['operator'])) { $values = array(); foreach ($v['value']['args'] as $fieldDef) { $values[] = ($fieldDef['table'] ? $fieldDef['table'] . '.' : '') . $fieldDef['field']; } $output .= ' ' . $v['value']['operator'] . '(' . implode(',', $values) . ')'; } else { $output .= ' ' . $v['value'][1] . $this->compileAddslashes($v['value'][0]) . $v['value'][1]; } } } } } } return $output; }
/** * Implodes an array of WHERE clause configuration into a WHERE clause. * * @param array $clauseArray WHERE clause configuration * @param bool $functionMapping * @return string WHERE clause as string. * @see explodeWhereClause() */ public function compileWhereClause($clauseArray, $functionMapping = true) { // Prepare buffer variable: $output = ''; // Traverse clause array: if (is_array($clauseArray)) { foreach ($clauseArray as $k => $v) { // Set operator: $output .= $v['operator'] ? ' ' . $v['operator'] : ''; // Look for sublevel: if (is_array($v['sub'])) { $output .= ' (' . trim($this->compileWhereClause($v['sub'])) . ')'; } elseif (isset($v['func']) && $v['func']['type'] === 'EXISTS') { $output .= ' ' . trim($v['modifier']) . ' EXISTS (' . $this->compileSELECT($v['func']['subquery']) . ')'; } else { if (isset($v['func']) && $v['func']['type'] === 'LOCATE') { $output .= ' ' . trim($v['modifier']) . ' LOCATE('; $output .= $v['func']['substr'][1] . $v['func']['substr'][0] . $v['func']['substr'][1]; $output .= ', ' . ($v['func']['table'] ? $v['func']['table'] . '.' : '') . $v['func']['field']; $output .= isset($v['func']['pos']) ? ', ' . $v['func']['pos'][0] : ''; $output .= ')'; } elseif (isset($v['func']) && $v['func']['type'] === 'IFNULL') { $output .= ' ' . trim($v['modifier']) . ' IFNULL('; $output .= ($v['func']['table'] ? $v['func']['table'] . '.' : '') . $v['func']['field']; $output .= ', ' . $v['func']['default'][1] . $this->compileAddslashes($v['func']['default'][0]) . $v['func']['default'][1]; $output .= ')'; } elseif (isset($v['func']) && $v['func']['type'] === 'CAST') { $output .= ' ' . trim($v['modifier']) . ' CAST('; $output .= ($v['func']['table'] ? $v['func']['table'] . '.' : '') . $v['func']['field']; $output .= ' AS ' . $v['func']['datatype'][0]; $output .= ')'; } elseif (isset($v['func']) && $v['func']['type'] === 'FIND_IN_SET') { $output .= ' ' . trim($v['modifier']) . ' FIND_IN_SET('; $output .= $v['func']['str'][1] . $v['func']['str'][0] . $v['func']['str'][1]; $output .= ', ' . ($v['func']['table'] ? $v['func']['table'] . '.' : '') . $v['func']['field']; $output .= ')'; } else { // Set field/table with modifying prefix if any: $output .= ' ' . trim($v['modifier'] . ' ' . ($v['table'] ? $v['table'] . '.' : '') . $v['field']); // Set calculation, if any: if ($v['calc']) { $output .= $v['calc'] . $v['calc_value'][1] . $this->compileAddslashes($v['calc_value'][0]) . $v['calc_value'][1]; } } // Set comparator: if ($v['comparator']) { $output .= ' ' . $v['comparator']; // Detecting value type; list or plain: if (GeneralUtility::inList('NOTIN,IN', SqlParser::normalizeKeyword($v['comparator']))) { if (isset($v['subquery'])) { $output .= ' (' . $this->compileSELECT($v['subquery']) . ')'; } else { $valueBuffer = array(); foreach ($v['value'] as $realValue) { $valueBuffer[] = $realValue[1] . $this->compileAddslashes($realValue[0]) . $realValue[1]; } $output .= ' (' . trim(implode(',', $valueBuffer)) . ')'; } } else { if (GeneralUtility::inList('BETWEEN,NOT BETWEEN', $v['comparator'])) { $lbound = $v['values'][0]; $ubound = $v['values'][1]; $output .= ' ' . $lbound[1] . $this->compileAddslashes($lbound[0]) . $lbound[1]; $output .= ' AND '; $output .= $ubound[1] . $this->compileAddslashes($ubound[0]) . $ubound[1]; } else { if (isset($v['value']['operator'])) { $values = array(); foreach ($v['value']['args'] as $fieldDef) { $values[] = ($fieldDef['table'] ? $fieldDef['table'] . '.' : '') . $fieldDef['field']; } $output .= ' ' . $v['value']['operator'] . '(' . implode(',', $values) . ')'; } else { $output .= ' ' . $v['value'][1] . $this->compileAddslashes($v['value'][0]) . $v['value'][1]; } } } } } } } // Return output buffer: return $output; }
/** * Debug handler for query execution * * @param string $function Function name from which this function is called. * @param string $execTime Execution time in ms of the query * @param array $inData In-data of various kinds. * @return void * @access private */ public function debugHandler($function, $execTime, $inData) { // we don't want to log our own log/debug SQL $script = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\PathUtility::stripPathSitePrefix(PATH_thisScript); if (substr($script, -strlen('dbal/mod1/index.php')) != 'dbal/mod1/index.php' && !strstr($inData['args'][0], 'tx_dbal_debuglog')) { $data = array(); $errorFlag = 0; $joinTable = ''; if ($this->sql_error()) { $data['sqlError'] = $this->sql_error(); $errorFlag |= 1; } // if lastQuery is empty (for whatever reason) at least log inData.args if (empty($this->lastQuery)) { $query = implode(' ', $inData['args']); } else { $query = $this->lastQuery; } if ($this->conf['debugOptions']['numberRows']) { switch ($function) { case 'exec_INSERTquery': case 'exec_UPDATEquery': case 'exec_DELETEquery': $data['numberRows'] = $this->sql_affected_rows(); break; case 'exec_SELECTquery': $data['numberRows'] = $inData['numberRows']; break; } } if ($this->conf['debugOptions']['backtrace']) { $backtrace = debug_backtrace(0); $data['backtrace'] = array_slice($backtrace, 1, $this->conf['debugOptions']['backtrace']); } switch ($function) { case 'exec_INSERTquery': case 'exec_UPDATEquery': case 'exec_DELETEquery': $this->debug_log($query, $execTime, $data, $joinTable, $errorFlag, $script); break; case 'exec_SELECTquery': // Get explain data: if ($this->conf['debugOptions']['EXPLAIN'] && ($inData['handlerType'] === 'adodb' || $inData['handlerType'] === 'native')) { $data['EXPLAIN'] = $this->debug_explain($this->lastQuery); } // Check parsing of Query: if ($this->conf['debugOptions']['parseQuery']) { $parseResults = array(); $parseResults['SELECT'] = $this->SQLparser->debug_parseSQLpart('SELECT', $inData['args'][1]); $parseResults['FROM'] = $this->SQLparser->debug_parseSQLpart('FROM', $inData['args'][0]); $parseResults['WHERE'] = $this->SQLparser->debug_parseSQLpart('WHERE', $inData['args'][2]); $parseResults['GROUPBY'] = $this->SQLparser->debug_parseSQLpart('SELECT', $inData['args'][3]); // Using select field list syntax $parseResults['ORDERBY'] = $this->SQLparser->debug_parseSQLpart('SELECT', $inData['args'][4]); // Using select field list syntax foreach ($parseResults as $k => $v) { if ($v === '') { unset($parseResults[$k]); } } if (!empty($parseResults)) { $data['parseError'] = $parseResults; $errorFlag |= 2; } } // Checking joinTables: if ($this->conf['debugOptions']['joinTables']) { if (count(explode(',', $inData['ORIG_from_table'])) > 1) { $joinTable = $inData['args'][0]; } } // Logging it: $this->debug_log($query, $execTime, $data, $joinTable, $errorFlag, $script); if (!empty($inData['args'][2])) { $this->debug_WHERE($inData['args'][0], $inData['args'][2], $script); } break; } } }