Пример #1
 protected function resolveVarOp(Operand $var, Op $op, \SplObjectStorage $resolved)
     switch ($op->getType()) {
         case 'Expr_Array':
             $types = [];
             foreach ($op->values as $value) {
                 if (!isset($resolved[$value])) {
                     return false;
                 $types[] = $resolved[$value];
             if (empty($types)) {
                 return [new Type(Type::TYPE_ARRAY)];
             $r = $this->computeMergedType($types);
             if ($r) {
                 return [new Type(Type::TYPE_ARRAY, [$r])];
         case 'Expr_Cast_Array':
             // Todo: determine subtypes better
             return [new Type(Type::TYPE_ARRAY)];
         case 'Expr_ArrayDimFetch':
             if ($resolved->contains($op->var)) {
                 // Todo: determine subtypes better
                 $type = $resolved[$op->var];
                 if ($type->subTypes) {
                     return $type->subTypes;
                 if ($type->type === Type::TYPE_STRING) {
                     return [$type];
                 return [Type::mixed()];
         case 'Expr_Assign':
         case 'Expr_AssignRef':
             if ($resolved->contains($op->expr)) {
                 return [$resolved[$op->expr]];
         case 'Expr_InstanceOf':
         case 'Expr_BinaryOp_Equal':
         case 'Expr_BinaryOp_NotEqual':
         case 'Expr_BinaryOp_Greater':
         case 'Expr_BinaryOp_GreaterOrEqual':
         case 'Expr_BinaryOp_Identical':
         case 'Expr_BinaryOp_NotIdentical':
         case 'Expr_BinaryOp_Smaller':
         case 'Expr_BinaryOp_SmallerOrEqual':
         case 'Expr_BinaryOp_LogicalAnd':
         case 'Expr_BinaryOp_LogicalOr':
         case 'Expr_BinaryOp_LogicalXor':
         case 'Expr_BooleanNot':
         case 'Expr_Cast_Bool':
         case 'Expr_Empty':
         case 'Expr_Isset':
             return [Type::bool()];
         case 'Expr_BinaryOp_BitwiseAnd':
         case 'Expr_BinaryOp_BitwiseOr':
         case 'Expr_BinaryOp_BitwiseXor':
             if ($resolved->contains($op->left) && $resolved->contains($op->right)) {
                 switch ([$resolved[$op->left]->type, $resolved[$op->right]->type]) {
                     case [Type::TYPE_STRING, Type::TYPE_STRING]:
                         return [Type::string()];
                         return [Type::int()];
         case 'Expr_BitwiseNot':
             if ($resolved->contains($op->expr)) {
                 if ($resolved[$op->expr]->type === Type::TYPE_STRING) {
                     return [Type::string()];
                 return [Type::int()];
         case 'Expr_BinaryOp_Div':
         case 'Expr_BinaryOp_Plus':
         case 'Expr_BinaryOp_Minus':
         case 'Expr_BinaryOp_Mul':
             if ($resolved->contains($op->left) && $resolved->contains($op->right)) {
                 switch ([$resolved[$op->left]->type, $resolved[$op->right]->type]) {
                     case [Type::TYPE_LONG, Type::TYPE_LONG]:
                         return [Type::int()];
                     case [Type::TYPE_DOUBLE, TYPE::TYPE_LONG]:
                     case [Type::TYPE_LONG, TYPE::TYPE_DOUBLE]:
                     case [Type::TYPE_DOUBLE, TYPE::TYPE_DOUBLE]:
                         return [Type::float()];
                     case [Type::TYPE_ARRAY, Type::TYPE_ARRAY]:
                         $sub = $this->computeMergedType(array_merge($resolved[$op->left]->subTypes, $resolved[$op->right]->subTypes));
                         if ($sub) {
                             return [new Type(Type::TYPE_ARRAY, [$sub])];
                         return [new Type(Type::TYPE_ARRAY)];
                         throw new \RuntimeException("Math op on unknown types {$resolved[$op->left]} + {$resolved[$op->right]}");
         case 'Expr_BinaryOp_Concat':
         case 'Expr_Cast_String':
         case 'Expr_ConcatList':
             return [Type::string()];
         case 'Expr_BinaryOp_Mod':
         case 'Expr_BinaryOp_ShiftLeft':
         case 'Expr_BinaryOp_ShiftRight':
         case 'Expr_Cast_Int':
         case 'Expr_Print':
             return [Type::int()];
         case 'Expr_Cast_Double':
             return [Type::float()];
         case 'Expr_Cast_Object':
             if ($resolved->contains($op->expr)) {
                 if ($resolved[$op->expr]->type->resolves(Type::object())) {
                     return [$resolved[$op->expr]];
                 return [new Type(Type::TYPE_OBJECT, [], 'stdClass')];
         case 'Expr_Clone':
             if ($resolved->contains($op->expr)) {
                 return [$resolved[$op->expr]];
         case 'Expr_Closure':
             return [new Type(Type::TYPE_OBJECT, [], "Closure")];
         case 'Expr_FuncCall':
             if ($op->name instanceof Operand\Literal) {
                 $name = strtolower($op->name->value);
                 if (isset($this->components['functionLookup'][$name])) {
                     $result = [];
                     foreach ($this->components['functionLookup'][$name] as $func) {
                         if ($func->returnType) {
                             $result[] = Type::fromDecl($func->returnType->value);
                         } else {
                             // Check doc comment
                             $result[] = Type::extractTypeFromComment("return", $func->getAttribute('doccomment'));
                     return $result;
                 } else {
                     if (isset($this->components['internalTypeInfo']->functions[$name])) {
                         $type = $this->components['internalTypeInfo']->functions[$name];
                         if (empty($type['return'])) {
                             return false;
                         return [Type::fromDecl($type['return'])];
             // we can't resolve the function
             return false;
         case 'Expr_List':
             if ($op->result === $var) {
                 return [new Type(Type::TYPE_ARRAY)];
             // TODO: infer this
             return false;
         case 'Expr_New':
             $type = $this->getClassType($op->class, $resolved);
             if ($type) {
                 return [$type];
             return [Type::object()];
         case 'Expr_Param':
             $docType = Type::extractTypeFromComment("param", $op->function->getAttribute('doccomment'), $op->name->value);
             if ($op->type) {
                 $type = Type::fromDecl($op->type->value);
                 if ($op->defaultVar) {
                     if ($op->defaultBlock->children[0]->getType() === "Expr_ConstFetch" && strtolower($op->defaultBlock->children[0]->name->value) === "null") {
                         $type = (new Type(Type::TYPE_UNION, [$type, Type::null()]))->simplify();
                 if ($docType !== Type::mixed() && $this->components['typeResolver']->resolves($docType, $type)) {
                     // return the more specific
                     return [$docType];
                 return [$type];
             return [$docType];
         case 'Expr_PropertyFetch':
         case 'Expr_StaticPropertyFetch':
             if (!$op->name instanceof Operand\Literal) {
                 // variable property fetch
                 return [Type::mixed()];
             $propName = $op->name->value;
             if ($op instanceof Op\Expr\StaticPropertyFetch) {
                 $objType = $this->getClassType($op->class, $resolved);
             } else {
                 $objType = $this->getClassType($op->var, $resolved);
             if ($objType) {
                 return $this->resolveProperty($objType, $propName);
             return false;
         case 'Expr_Yield':
         case 'Expr_Include':
             // TODO: we may be able to determine these...
             return false;
         case 'Expr_Assertion':
             $tmp = $this->processAssertion($op->assertion, $op->expr, $resolved);
             if ($tmp) {
                 return [$tmp];
             return false;
         case 'Expr_TypeUnAssert':
             throw new \RuntimeException("Unassertions should not occur anymore");
         case 'Expr_UnaryMinus':
         case 'Expr_UnaryPlus':
             if ($resolved->contains($op->expr)) {
                 switch ($resolved[$op->expr]->type) {
                     case Type::TYPE_LONG:
                     case Type::TYPE_DOUBLE:
                         return [$resolved[$op->expr]];
                 return [Type::numeric()];
         case 'Expr_Eval':
             return false;
         case 'Iterator_Key':
             if ($resolved->contains($op->var)) {
                 // TODO: implement this as well
                 return false;
         case 'Expr_Exit':
         case 'Iterator_Reset':
             return [Type::null()];
         case 'Iterator_Valid':
             return [Type::bool()];
         case 'Iterator_Value':
             if ($resolved->contains($op->var)) {
                 if ($resolved[$op->var]->subTypes) {
                     return $resolved[$op->var]->subTypes;
                 return false;
         case 'Expr_StaticCall':
             return $this->resolveMethodCall($op->class, $op->name, $op, $resolved);
         case 'Expr_MethodCall':
             return $this->resolveMethodCall($op->var, $op->name, $op, $resolved);
         case 'Expr_ConstFetch':
             if ($op->name instanceof Operand\Literal) {
                 $constant = strtolower($op->name->value);
                 switch ($constant) {
                     case 'true':
                     case 'false':
                         return [Type::bool()];
                     case 'null':
                         return [Type::null()];
                         if (isset($this->components['constants'][$op->name->value])) {
                             $return = [];
                             foreach ($this->components['constants'][$op->name->value] as $value) {
                                 if (!$resolved->contains($value->value)) {
                                     return false;
                                 $return[] = $resolved[$value->value];
                             return $return;
             return false;
         case 'Expr_ClassConstFetch':
             $classes = [];
             if ($op->class instanceof Operand\Literal) {
                 $class = strtolower($op->class->value);
                 return $this->resolveClassConstant($class, $op, $resolved);
             } elseif ($resolved->contains($op->class)) {
                 $type = $resolved[$op->class];
                 if ($type->type !== Type::TYPE_OBJECT || empty($type->userType)) {
                     // give up
                     return false;
                 return $this->resolveClassConstant(strtolower($type->userType), $op, $resolved);
             return false;
         case 'Phi':
             $types = [];
             $resolveFully = true;
             foreach ($op->vars as $v) {
                 if ($resolved->contains($v)) {
                     $types[] = $resolved[$v];
                 } else {
                     $resolveFully = false;
             if (empty($types)) {
                 return false;
             $type = $this->computeMergedType($types);
             if ($type) {
                 if ($resolveFully) {
                     return [$type];
                 // leave on unresolved list to try again next round
                 $resolved[$var] = $type;
             return false;
             throw new \RuntimeException("Unknown operand prefix type: " . $op->getType());
     return false;