Пример #1
 public function testCaseSensitivity()
     $node = new Node(null, true);
     $node->get('A', true)->add(array('upper'));
     $node->get('a', true)->add(array('lower'));
     $this->assertArraySubset(['upper'], $node->get('A')->getValues());
     $this->assertArraySubset(['lower'], $node->get('a')->getValues());
     $this->assertArraySubset(['upper'], $node->get('A')->getValues());
     // default is no case sensitivity
     $node = new Node();
     $node->get('A', true)->add(array('upper'));
     $node->get('a', true)->add(array('lower'));
     // both will be lower
     $this->assertArraySubset(['upper', 'lower'], $node->get('A')->getValues());
     $this->assertArraySubset(['upper', 'lower'], $node->get('a')->getValues());
Пример #2
  * _newNode($node).
 protected function _newNode($dn = false)
     try {
         if (!$this->tiesaManagerClass) {
         $node = $this->_getNode($dn);
         if ($node) {
             return $node;
         } else {
             $node = new Core\Node();
             return $node;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $this->ldapError = $e;
         return false;
Пример #3
  * Rebase diff based on source node as an origin
  * @param Node $node Node to use as a source for origin
  * @return void
  * @throws RebaseException If source of origin node has uncommitted changes
 public function rebaseDiff(Node $node)
     $changes = array_merge($node->getDiffAdditions(), $node->getDiffDeletions(), $node->getDiffReplacements());
     if (count($changes) > 0) {
         throw new RebaseException(sprintf('%s has some uncommitted changes - Cannot rebase %s on %s', $node->getDn(), $this->getDn(), $node->getDn()));
     $additions = $this->getDiffAdditions();
     $deletions = $this->getDiffDeletions();
     $replacements = $this->getDiffReplacements();
     $this->attributes = $node->getAttributes();
     foreach ($additions as $attribute => $values) {
         $this->get($attribute, true)->add($values);
     foreach ($deletions as $attribute => $values) {
         if (count($values) == 0) {
         if ($this->has($attribute)) {
     foreach ($replacements as $attribute => $values) {
         $this->get($attribute, true)->set($values);
Пример #4
  * Retrieve children Ldap nodes
  * @return void
 public function testGetChildren()
     $manager = new Manager($this->minimal, $this->driver);
     $node = new Node();
     $set = array();
     $set[] = new Entry('ent1', array('val1'));
     $set[] = new Entry('ent2', array('val2'));
     $set[] = new Entry('ent3', array('val3'));
     // Binding exception handling
     $this->assertBindingFirst($manager, 'getChildrenNodes', array($node));
     $this->assertBindingFirst($manager, 'getChildrenNodes', array($node));
     // Basic behaviour
     $nodes = $manager->getChildrenNodes($node);
     $this->assertSearchLog($this->driver->getConnection()->shiftLog(), 'test_node', '(objectclass=*)', SearchInterface::SCOPE_ONE, null, $set);
     $this->assertNull($this->driver->getConnection()->shiftLog(), 'No other log');
     $this->assertTrue(is_array($nodes), 'An array of nodes is retrieved');
     $this->assertCount(3, $nodes);
     $this->assertEquals('ent1', $nodes[0]->getDn());
     $this->assertEquals('ent2', $nodes[1]->getDn());
     $this->assertEquals('ent3', $nodes[2]->getDn());
     // Successful search with no entry in the result set
     $nodes = $manager->getChildrenNodes($node);
     $this->assertSearchLog($this->driver->getConnection()->shiftLog(), 'test_node', '(objectclass=*)', SearchInterface::SCOPE_ONE);
     $this->assertNull($this->driver->getConnection()->shiftLog(), 'No other log');
     $this->assertTrue(is_array($nodes), 'An array of nodes is retrieved');
     $this->assertCount(0, $nodes);
     // Handling of NoResultException
     $nodes = $manager->getChildrenNodes($node);
     $this->assertTrue(is_array($nodes), 'An array of nodes is retrieved');
     $this->assertCount(0, $nodes);
     // Handling of other search exceptions
     try {
         $nodes = $manager->getChildrenNodes($node);
         $this->fail('Other search exceptions do not get processed and are populated');
     } catch (SearchException $e) {
         $this->assertRegExp('/Search failed/', $e->getMessage());
Пример #5
  * Deletes a node from the Ldap store
  * @param Node    $node        Node to delete
  * @param boolean $isRecursive Whether to delete node with its children (Default: false)
  * @return void
  * @throws DeletionException If node to delete has some children and recursion disabled
 public function delete(Node $node, $isRecursive = false)
     if (!$node->isHydrated()) {
         $node = $this->getNode($node->getDn());
     $children = $this->getChildrenNodes($node);
     if (count($children) > 0) {
         if (!$isRecursive) {
             throw new DeleteException(sprintf('%s cannot be deleted - it has some children left', $node->getDn()));
         foreach ($children as $child) {
             $this->delete($child, true);
Пример #6
  * Tests rebasing a node changes on an existing node
  * @return void
 public function testRebaseDiff()
     $rebasedNode = new Node();
     $rebasedNode->get('a', true)->add(array('a2', 'a4'));
     $rebasedNode->get('b', true)->add(array('b1', 'b3'));
     $rebasedNode->get('c', true)->add(array('c1', 'c3'));
     $rebasedNode->get('d', true)->add(array('d1', 'd2', 'd3', 'd4'));
     $rebasedNode->get('g', true)->add('g1');
     $rebasedNode->get('h', true)->add(array('h1', 'h2'));
     $rebasedNode->get('i', true)->add(array('i1', 'i2'));
     $rebasedNode->get('a')->add(array('a1', 'a3'));
     $rebasedNode->get('c')->set(array('c4', 'c5'));
     $rebasedNode->get('f', true)->add(array('f1', 'f2'));
     $rebasedNode->get('h')->set(array('h1', 'h3'));
     $this->assertEquals(array('a' => array('a2', 'a4', 'a1', 'a3'), 'c' => array('c4', 'c5'), 'd' => array(0 => 'd1', 3 => 'd4', 4 => 'd5'), 'f' => array('f1', 'f2'), 'h' => array('h1', 'h3'), 'i' => array('i1')), $rebasedNode->getRawAttributes(), 'All attributes according to plan');
     $this->assertEquals(array('a' => array('a1', 'a3'), 'd' => array('d5'), 'f' => array('f1', 'f2')), $rebasedNode->getDiffAdditions(), 'Regular additions tracking');
     $this->assertEquals(array('b' => array(), 'd' => array('d2', 'd3'), 'g' => array(), 'i' => array('i2')), $rebasedNode->getDiffDeletions(), 'Regular deletions tracking');
     $this->assertEquals(array('c' => array('c4', 'c5'), 'h' => array('h1', 'h3')), $rebasedNode->getDiffReplacements(), 'Regular replacements tracking');
     $origNode = new Node();
     $origNode->get('a', true)->add(array('a1', 'a2'));
     $origNode->get('b', true)->add(array('b1', 'b2'));
     $origNode->get('c', true)->add(array('c1', 'c2'));
     $origNode->get('d', true)->add(array('d1', 'd2'));
     $origNode->get('e', true)->add(array('e1', 'e2'));
     try {
         $this->fail('Cannot rebase on a node which is not snapshot');
     } catch (RebaseException $e) {
         $this->assertRegExp('/origin has some uncommitted changes - Cannot rebase rebased on origin/', $e->getMessage());
     $this->assertEquals(array('a' => array('a2', 'a4', 'a1', 'a3'), 'c' => array('c4', 'c5'), 'd' => array(0 => 'd1', 3 => 'd4', 4 => 'd5'), 'f' => array('f1', 'f2'), 'h' => array('h1', 'h3'), 'i' => array('i1')), $rebasedNode->getRawAttributes(), 'Rebased node values are unchanged');
     $backupNode = clone $origNode;
     $this->assertEquals(array('a' => array('a1', 'a2', 'a3'), 'c' => array('c4', 'c5'), 'd' => array(0 => 'd1', 2 => 'd5'), 'e' => array('e1', 'e2'), 'f' => array('f1', 'f2'), 'h' => array('h1', 'h3')), $rebasedNode->getRawAttributes(), 'Rebased diff got applied on origin node values');
     $this->assertEquals(array('a' => array('a3'), 'd' => array('d5'), 'f' => array('f1', 'f2'), 'h' => array('h1', 'h3')), $rebasedNode->getDiffAdditions(), 'A new additions diff has been computed (h did not exist in origin node so it is added)');
     $this->assertEquals(array('b' => array(), 'd' => array('d2')), $rebasedNode->getDiffDeletions(), 'g and i deletions got ignored in the new deletion diff as they were not set on origin');
     $this->assertEquals(array('c' => array('c4', 'c5')), $rebasedNode->getDiffReplacements(), 'h replacement was computed as an addition on origin node');
Пример #7
  * Tests deletion of nodes
  * @return void
 public function testDelete()
     $manager = new Manager($this->minimal, $this->driver);
     $node = $this->buildNode('ent1', array());
     $this->assertBindingFirst($manager, 'delete', array($node));
     $this->assertBindingFirst($manager, 'delete', array($node));
     $this->assertNull($this->driver->getConnection()->shiftLog(), 'Nothing happenned yet');
     // No corresponding entry in the Ldap
     try {
         $this->fail('This entry is not in the Ldap store');
     } catch (NodeNotFoundException $e) {
         $this->assertRegExp('/ent1 not found/', $e->getMessage());
     $this->assertSearchLog($this->driver->getConnection()->shiftLog(), 'ent1', '(objectclass=*)', SearchInterface::SCOPE_BASE);
     $this->assertNull($this->driver->getConnection()->shiftLog(), 'Nothing else');
     // Basic deletion
     $set = array(new Entry('ent1'));
     $this->assertNull($this->driver->getConnection()->shiftResults(), 'Node got pulled');
     $this->assertSearchLog($this->driver->getConnection()->shiftLog(), 'ent1', '(objectclass=*)', SearchInterface::SCOPE_BASE, null, $set);
     // Deleted node search
     $this->assertSearchLog($this->driver->getConnection()->shiftLog(), 'ent1', '(objectclass=*)', SearchInterface::SCOPE_ONE);
     // Deleted node children search
     $this->assertActionLog($this->driver->getConnection()->shiftLog(), 'delete', 'ent1');
     $this->assertNull($this->driver->getConnection()->shiftLog(), 'nothing else');
     // Deletion does not search for the entry if the node is already hydrated
     $node = new Node();
     $node->hydrateFromEntry(new Entry('ent1', array()));
     $this->assertNull($this->driver->getConnection()->shiftResults(), 'No node in the stack');
     $this->assertSearchLog($this->driver->getConnection()->shiftLog(), 'ent1', '(objectclass=*)', SearchInterface::SCOPE_ONE);
     // Only one children search
     $this->assertActionLog($this->driver->getConnection()->shiftLog(), 'delete', 'ent1');
     $this->assertNull($this->driver->getConnection()->shiftLog(), 'nothing else');
     // Exception with node children and no recursion configured
     $node = $this->buildNode('ref', array());
     $sets = array();
     $sets[] = array(new Entry('ref'));
     $sets[] = array(new Entry('a-ref'), new Entry('b-ref'), new Entry('c-ref'));
     // The node we want to delete
     // Search for children nodes
     try {
         $this->fail('Cannot delete the node, it has children');
     } catch (DeleteException $e) {
         $this->assertRegExp('/ref cannot be deleted/', $e->getMessage());
         $this->assertRegExp('/it has some children left/', $e->getMessage());
     $this->assertSearchLog($this->driver->getConnection()->shiftLog(), 'ref', '(objectclass=*)', SearchInterface::SCOPE_BASE, null, $sets[0]);
     $this->assertSearchLog($this->driver->getConnection()->shiftLog(), 'ref', '(objectclass=*)', SearchInterface::SCOPE_ONE, null, $sets[1]);
     $this->assertNull($this->driver->getConnection()->shiftLog(), 'nothing else');
     // Recursive mode deletion
     $node = $this->buildNode('tst', array());
     $sets = array(array(new Entry('tst')), array(new Entry('a-tst'), new Entry('b-tst'), new Entry('c-tst')), array(), array(new Entry('a-b-tst')), array(), array());
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($sets); $i++) {
     $manager->delete($node, true);
     $this->assertSearchLog($this->driver->getConnection()->shiftLog(), 'tst', '(objectclass=*)', SearchInterface::SCOPE_BASE, null, $sets[0]);
     // Deleted node search
     $this->assertSearchLog($this->driver->getConnection()->shiftLog(), 'tst', '(objectclass=*)', SearchInterface::SCOPE_ONE, null, $sets[1]);
     // Deleted node children search
     $this->assertSearchLog($this->driver->getConnection()->shiftLog(), 'a-tst', '(objectclass=*)', SearchInterface::SCOPE_ONE, null, $sets[2]);
     // a-tst node children search
     $this->assertActionLog($this->driver->getConnection()->shiftLog(), 'delete', 'a-tst');
     $this->assertSearchLog($this->driver->getConnection()->shiftLog(), 'b-tst', '(objectclass=*)', SearchInterface::SCOPE_ONE, null, $sets[3]);
     // b-tst node children search
     $this->assertSearchLog($this->driver->getConnection()->shiftLog(), 'a-b-tst', '(objectclass=*)', SearchInterface::SCOPE_ONE, null, $sets[4]);
     // a-b-tst node children search
     $this->assertActionLog($this->driver->getConnection()->shiftLog(), 'delete', 'a-b-tst');
     $this->assertActionLog($this->driver->getConnection()->shiftLog(), 'delete', 'b-tst');
     $this->assertSearchLog($this->driver->getConnection()->shiftLog(), 'c-tst', '(objectclass=*)', SearchInterface::SCOPE_ONE, null, $sets[5]);
     // b-tst node children search
     $this->assertActionLog($this->driver->getConnection()->shiftLog(), 'delete', 'c-tst');
     $this->assertActionLog($this->driver->getConnection()->shiftLog(), 'delete', 'tst');
     $this->assertNull($this->driver->getConnection()->shiftLog(), 'nothing else');
Пример #8
  * Node factory
  * @param string $dn         Distinguished name for the node
  * @param array  $attributes Array of attributes
  * @return Node node
 protected function buildNode($dn, $attributes)
     $node = new Node();
     foreach ($attributes as $name => $data) {
         $attr = new NodeAttribute($name);
     return $node;