Пример #1

 * Setup and initialize any core components or modules.
 * @copyright	Copyright 2009, Titon (A PHP Micro Framework)
 * @link		http://titonphp.com
 * @license		http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php (The BSD License)
namespace app\config;

use titon\core\Environment;
use titon\system\Dispatch;
use titon\system\Hook;
 * Overwrite the default dispatcher with a custom dispatcher.
 * Can also restrict the dispatcher to a specific scope.
switch (Environment::detect()) {
    case 'production':
        Dispatch::setup(function ($params) {
            return new \titon\modules\dispatchers\front\Front($params);
Пример #2
 * Convenience function for the directory, path and namespace separators.
define('NS', '\\');
 * Define the public html ROOT and path beneath (SUBROOT).
define('ROOT', __DIR__ . DS);
define('SUBROOT', dirname(ROOT) . DS);
define('APP', ROOT . 'app' . DS);
define('MODULES', ROOT . 'modules' . DS);
define('VENDORS', ROOT . 'vendors' . DS);
define('FRAMEWORK', ROOT . 'titon' . DS);
 * Load the core Titon files and initialize dispatcher;
 * Throw fatal error if libraries could not be found.
if (!file_exists(FRAMEWORK)) {
    trigger_error('Titon: Application failed to load the core libraries. Please check your paths and configuration.', E_USER_ERROR);
include_once FRAMEWORK . 'Infastructure.php';
 * Set the include paths for all important files.
set_include_path(implode(PS, array(get_include_path(), ROOT, SUBROOT, APP, FRAMEWORK, MODULES, VENDORS)));
 * Dispatch the request.