Пример #1
  * Handle message
  * @param \Thruway\Message\Message $msg
  * @return boolean
 public function handlesMessage(Message $msg)
     $handledMsgCodes = [Message::MSG_PUBLISHED];
     if (in_array($msg->getMsgCode(), $handledMsgCodes)) {
         return true;
     } elseif ($msg instanceof ErrorMessage && $msg->getErrorMsgCode() == Message::MSG_PUBLISH) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Пример #2
  * @param Message $msg
  * @return mixed
 public function handlesMessage(Message $msg)
     $handledMsgCodes = array(Message::MSG_SUBSCRIBED, Message::MSG_UNSUBSCRIBED, Message::MSG_EVENT);
     if (in_array($msg->getMsgCode(), $handledMsgCodes)) {
         return true;
     } elseif ($msg instanceof ErrorMessage && $msg->getErrorMsgCode() == Message::MSG_SUBSCRIBE) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Пример #3
 public function deserialize($serializedData)
     if (null === ($data = @json_decode($serializedData, true))) {
         throw new DeserializationException("Error decoding json \"" . $serializedData . "\"");
     $msg = Message::createMessageFromArray($data);
     return $msg;
Пример #4
 public function testPublishBlackWhiteListing()
     $publishMessageRawJSON = "[16,12345,{},\"example.topic\"]";
     /** @var \Thruway\Message\PublishMessage $publishMessage */
     $publishMessage = \Thruway\Message\Message::createMessageFromArray(json_decode($publishMessageRawJSON));
     $this->assertInstanceOf('\\Thruway\\Message\\PublishMessage', $publishMessage);
     $this->assertEquals((object) [], $publishMessage->getOptions());
     $this->assertEquals("example.topic", $publishMessage->getTopicName());
Пример #5
 public function processHello(array $args)
     /** @var \Thruway\Message\HelloMessage $helloMessage */
     $helloMessage = \Thruway\Message\Message::createMessageFromArray($args[0]);
     if ($helloMessage->getDetails()->authid == 'authenticate_me') {
         return ["CHALLENGE", ["challenge_method" => 'extra_auth', "challenge" => '']];
     return ['NOCHALLENGE', (object) ['authid' => 'theauth', '_thruway_authextra' => ['from' => 'hello', 'one' => 1, 'two' => [1, 2]]]];
Пример #6
  * Handles all messages for authentication (Hello and Authenticate)
  * This is called by the Realm to handle authentication
  * @param \Thruway\Realm $realm
  * @param \Thruway\Session $session
  * @param \Thruway\Message\Message $msg
  * @throws \Exception
 public function onAuthenticationMessage(Realm $realm, Session $session, Message $msg)
     if ($session->isAuthenticated()) {
         throw new \Exception("Message sent to authentication manager for already authenticated session.");
     // trusted transports do not need any authentication
     if ($session->getTransport()->isTrusted()) {
         $authDetails = new AuthenticationDetails();
         // set the authid if the hello has one
         if ($msg instanceof HelloMessage) {
             $details = $msg->getDetails();
             if (isset($details)) {
                 if (isset($details['authid'])) {
         $session->sendMessage(new WelcomeMessage($session->getSessionId(), ['authid' => $authDetails->getAuthId(), 'authmethod' => $authDetails->getAuthMethod(), 'authrole' => $authDetails->getAuthRole(), 'authroles' => $authDetails->getAuthRoles()]));
     if (!$this->readyToAuthenticate()) {
         $session->abort(new \stdClass(), 'thruway.authenticator.not_ready');
     if ($msg instanceof HelloMessage) {
         if ($session->getAuthenticationDetails() !== null) {
             // Todo: probably shouldn't be so dramatic here
             throw new \Exception("Hello message sent to authentication manager when there is already authentication details attached.");
         $this->handleHelloMessage($realm, $session, $msg);
     } else {
         if ($msg instanceof AuthenticateMessage) {
             $this->handleAuthenticateMessage($realm, $session, $msg);
         } else {
             throw new \Exception("Invalid message type sent to AuthenticationManager.");
  * Process HelloMessage
  * @param array $args
  * @return array<string|array>
 public function processHello(array $args)
     if (!isset($args[0])) {
         return ["FAILURE"];
     $helloMessage = \Thruway\Message\Message::createMessageFromArray($args[0]);
     if ($helloMessage instanceof HelloMessage && isset($helloMessage->getDetails()->transport->query_params->token) && $helloMessage->getDetails()->transport->query_params->token === 'sadfsaf') {
         return ["NOCHALLENGE", ["authid" => "joe"]];
     return ["FAILURE"];
Пример #8
  * @param Message $msg
  * @return mixed
 public function handlesMessage(Message $msg)
     $handledMsgCodes = array(Message::MSG_RESULT);
     if (in_array($msg->getMsgCode(), $handledMsgCodes)) {
         return true;
     } elseif ($msg instanceof ErrorMessage && $msg->getErrorMsgCode() == Message::MSG_CALL) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Пример #9
 public function onMessage(TransportInterface $transport, Message $msg)
     /** @var $session Session */
     $session = $this->sessions[$transport];
     // see if the session is in a realm
     if ($session->getRealm() === null) {
         // hopefully this is a HelloMessage or we have no place for this message to go
         if ($msg instanceof HelloMessage) {
             if (RealmManager::validRealmName($msg->getRealm())) {
                 $realm = $this->realmManager->getRealm($msg->getRealm());
                 $realm->onMessage($session, $msg);
             } else {
                 // TODO send bad realm error back and shutdown
         } else {
     } else {
         $realm = $session->getRealm();
         $realm->onMessage($session, $msg);
Пример #10
 function xtestPongMessage()
     $rawPong = "[261, 12345]";
     $pongMsg = Message::createMessageFromRaw($rawPong);
     $this->assertTrue($pongMsg instanceof PongMessage, "Serialized to PongMessage class");
     $this->assertTrue($pongMsg->getRequestId() == 12345, "Request id preserved");
     $this->assertEquals(json_encode(json_decode($rawPong)), $pongMsg->getSerializedMessage(), "Serialized version matches");
     $rawPong = "[261, 12345, {\"test\": \"good\"}, [67890]]";
     $pongMsg = Message::createMessageFromRaw($rawPong);
     $this->assertTrue($pongMsg instanceof PongMessage, "Serialized to PongMessage class");
     /** @var $pongMsg PongMessage */
     $this->assertTrue($pongMsg->getRequestId() == 12345, "Request id preserved");
     $this->assertTrue($pongMsg->getDetails()['test'] == "good", "Details deserialized correctly");
     $this->assertTrue($pongMsg->getEcho()[0] == "67890", "Echo deserialized correctly");
     $this->assertEquals(json_encode(json_decode($rawPong)), $pongMsg->getSerializedMessage(), "Serialized version matches");
Пример #11
  * This calls an RPC in the InternalClient object that calls ping from the server
  * side and returns the result.
 public function xtestServerPing()
     $this->_conn->on('open', function (\Thruway\ClientSession $session) {
         $session->call('com.example.ping', [])->then(function ($res) {
             $this->_testResult = \Thruway\Message\Message::createMessageFromRaw(json_encode($res[0]));
         }, function ($error) {
             $this->_error = $error;
     $this->assertNull($this->_error, "Got this error when pinging: {$this->_error}");
     $this->assertTrue($this->_testResult instanceof \Thruway\Message\PongMessage);
     $this->assertEquals("echo content", $this->_testResult->getEcho()[0], "Ping echoed correctly");
Пример #12
  * Get argument for serialization
  * @return array
 public function getArgumentsForSerialization()
     $a = [];
     $args = $this->getArguments();
     $argsKw = $this->getArgumentsKw();
     if ($args !== null && is_array($args) && count($args) > 0) {
         $a = array_merge($a, [$args]);
         if ($argsKw !== null && Message::isAssoc($argsKw) && count((array) $argsKw) > 0) {
             $a = array_merge($a, [$argsKw]);
     } else {
         if ($argsKw !== null && Message::isAssoc($argsKw) && count((array) $argsKw) > 0) {
             $a = array_merge($a, [[], $argsKw]);
     return $a;
Пример #13
  * The arguments given by the server are the actual hello message ($args[0])
  * and some session information ($args[1])
  * The session information is an associative array that contains the sessionId and realm
  * @param array $args
  * @return array
 public function processHello(array $args)
     $helloMsg = array_shift($args);
     $sessionInfo = array_shift($args);
     if (!is_array($helloMsg)) {
         return ["ERROR"];
     if (!is_object($sessionInfo)) {
         return ["ERROR"];
     $helloMsg = Message::createMessageFromArray($helloMsg);
     if (!$helloMsg instanceof HelloMessage || !$sessionInfo || !isset($helloMsg->getDetails()->authid) || !$this->getUserDb() instanceof WampCraUserDbInterface) {
         return ["ERROR"];
     $authid = $helloMsg->getDetails()->authid;
     $user = $this->getUserDb()->get($authid);
     if (!$user) {
         return ["FAILURE"];
     // create a challenge
     $nonce = bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(22));
     $authRole = "user";
     $authMethod = "wampcra";
     $authProvider = "userdb";
     $now = new \DateTime();
     $timeStamp = $now->format($now::ISO8601);
     if (!isset($sessionInfo->sessionId)) {
         return ["ERROR"];
     $sessionId = $sessionInfo->sessionId;
     $challenge = ["authid" => $authid, "authrole" => $authRole, "authprovider" => $authProvider, "authmethod" => $authMethod, "nonce" => $nonce, "timestamp" => $timeStamp, "session" => $sessionId];
     $serializedChallenge = json_encode($challenge);
     $challengeDetails = ["challenge" => $serializedChallenge, "challenge_method" => $this->getMethodName()];
     if ($user['salt'] !== null) {
         // we are using salty password
         $saltInfo = ["salt" => $user['salt'], "keylen" => 32, "iterations" => 1000];
         $challengeDetails = array_merge($challengeDetails, $saltInfo);
     return ["CHALLENGE", (object) $challengeDetails];
 public function handleRouterStart(RouterStartEvent $event)
     /** @var Session $session */
     $session = null;
     // create a new transport for the client side to use
     $clientTransport = new InternalClientTransport(function ($msg) use(&$session) {
     }, $this->loop);
     // create a new transport for the router side to use
     $transport = new InternalClientTransport(function ($msg) use($clientTransport) {
         $this->internalClient->onMessage($clientTransport, Message::createMessageFromArray(json_decode(json_encode($msg))));
     }, $this->loop);
     $session = $this->router->createNewSession($transport);
     $this->session = $session;
     // connect the transport to the Router/Peer
     $this->router->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch("connection_open", new ConnectionOpenEvent($session));
     // open the client side
     // internal client shouldn't retry
     // tell the internal client to start up
Пример #15
  * Handle transport recived message
  * @param \Thruway\Transport\TransportInterface $transport
  * @param \Thruway\Message\Message $msg
  * @return void
 public function onMessage(TransportInterface $transport, Message $msg)
     /* @var $session \Thruway\Session */
     $session = $this->sessions[$transport];
     // see if the session is in a realm
     if ($session->getRealm() === null) {
         if ($msg instanceof AbortMessage) {
         // hopefully this is a HelloMessage or we have no place for this message to go
         if ($msg instanceof HelloMessage) {
             try {
                 $realm = $this->realmManager->getRealm($msg->getRealm());
                 $realm->onMessage($session, $msg);
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 // TODO: Test this
                 $errorUri = "wamp.error.unknown";
                 $description = $e->getMessage();
                 if ($e instanceof InvalidRealmNameException || $e instanceof RealmNotFoundException) {
                     $errorUri = "wamp.error.no_such_realm";
                 $session->abort(['description' => $description], $errorUri);
         } else {
             $session->abort(new \stdClass(), "wamp.error.unknown");
     } else {
         $realm = $session->getRealm();
         $realm->onMessage($session, $msg);
Пример #16
  * Returns true if this role handles this message.
  * Error messages are checked according to the
  * message the error corresponds to.
  * @param \Thruway\Message\Message $msg
  * @return boolean
 public function handlesMessage(Message $msg)
     $handledMsgCodes = [Message::MSG_REGISTERED, Message::MSG_UNREGISTERED, Message::MSG_INVOCATION, Message::MSG_REGISTER];
     $codeToCheck = $msg->getMsgCode();
     if ($msg instanceof ErrorMessage) {
         $codeToCheck = $msg->getErrorMsgCode();
     if (in_array($codeToCheck, $handledMsgCodes)) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Пример #17
  * Set arguments
  * @param mixed $argumentsKw
 public function setArgumentsKw($argumentsKw)
     $this->argumentsKw = Message::shouldBeDictionary($argumentsKw);
Пример #18
  * @param Message $msg
  * @return bool
 public function handlesMessage(Message $msg)
     $handledMsgCodes = array(Message::MSG_CALL, Message::MSG_CANCEL, Message::MSG_REGISTER, Message::MSG_UNREGISTER, Message::MSG_YIELD);
     if (in_array($msg->getMsgCode(), $handledMsgCodes)) {
         return true;
     } elseif ($msg instanceof ErrorMessage && $msg->getErrorMsgCode() == Message::MSG_INVOCATION) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Пример #19
  * @param Message $msg
  * @return bool
 public function handlesMessage(Message $msg)
     $handledMsgCodes = array(Message::MSG_SUBSCRIBE, Message::MSG_UNSUBSCRIBE, Message::MSG_PUBLISH);
     if (in_array($msg->getMsgCode(), $handledMsgCodes)) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Пример #20
  * @expectedException InvalidArgumentException
  * @throws \Thruway\Message\MessageException
 public function testObjectAsRealmName()
     $msg = \Thruway\Message\Message::createMessageFromArray([\Thruway\Message\Message::MSG_HELLO, new stdClass(), new stdClass()]);
Пример #21
  * Returns true if this role handles this message.
  * @param \Thruway\Message\Message $msg
  * @return boolean
 public function handlesMessage(Message $msg)
     $handledMsgCodes = [Message::MSG_SUBSCRIBED, Message::MSG_UNSUBSCRIBED, Message::MSG_EVENT, Message::MSG_SUBSCRIBE, Message::MSG_UNSUBSCRIBE];
     $codeToCheck = $msg->getMsgCode();
     if ($msg instanceof ErrorMessage) {
         $codeToCheck = $msg->getErrorMsgCode();
     if (in_array($codeToCheck, $handledMsgCodes)) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Пример #22
  * process call
  * @param \Thruway\ClientSession $session
  * @param string $procedureName
  * @param mixed $arguments
  * @param mixed $argumentsKw
  * @param mixed $options
  * @return \React\Promise\Promise
 public function call(ClientSession $session, $procedureName, $arguments = null, $argumentsKw = null, $options = null)
     //This promise gets resolved in Caller::processResult
     $futureResult = new Deferred();
     $requestId = Session::getUniqueId();
     $this->callRequests[$requestId] = ["procedure_name" => $procedureName, "future_result" => $futureResult];
     if (!(is_array($options) && Message::isAssoc($options))) {
         if ($options !== null) {
             Logger::warning($this, "Options don't appear to be the correct type.");
         $options = new \stdClass();
     $callMsg = new CallMessage($requestId, $options, $procedureName, $arguments, $argumentsKw);
     return $futureResult->promise();
Пример #23
  * Constructor
  * @param \stdClass $details
  * @param mixed $responseURI
 public function __construct($details, $responseURI)