private function initDomDocument() { $this->dom = new fDOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $this->dom->registerNamespace('phpdox', ''); $index = $this->dom->appendElementNS('', 'index'); $index->setAttribute('basedir', $this->srcDir->getRealPath()); }
private function enrichByFile(fDOMDocument $dom) { $fileNode = $dom->queryOne('//phpdox:file'); if (!$fileNode) { return; } $fileInfo = new FileInfo($fileNode->getAttribute('path')); $srcDir = $this->config->getSourceDirectory(); $paths = explode('/', (string)$fileInfo->getRelative($srcDir)); $file = $fileNode->getAttribute('file'); $paths = array_slice($paths, 1); $query = sprintf('//pu:project/pu:directory[@name = "%s"]', $srcDir->getRealPath()); foreach($paths as $path) { $query .= sprintf('/pu:directory[@name = "%s"]', $path); } $query .= sprintf('/pu:file[@name = "%s"]', $file); $phpunitFileNode = $this->index->queryOne($query); if (!$phpunitFileNode) { return; } $refDom = $this->loadXML($phpunitFileNode->getAttribute('href')); $this->processUnit($dom, $refDom); }
public function asDom() { if (!$this->dom instanceof fDOMDocument) { $this->dom = new fDOMDocument(); $this->dom->load($this->file->getPathname()); $this->dom->registerNamespace('phpdox', SourceFile::XMLNS); } return $this->dom; }
private function init($cfgName) { $this->version = new Version('0.0'); $this->fileInfo = new FileInfo($this->baseDir . $cfgName . '.xml'); $this->cfgDom = new fDOMDocument(); $this->cfgDom->load($this->fileInfo->getPathname()); $this->cfgDom->registerNamespace('cfg', ''); $this->config = new GlobalConfig($this->version, new FileInfo('/tmp'), $this->cfgDom, $this->fileInfo); }
/** * @param $ctx * * @return mixed * @throws ConfigException */ protected function runResolver($ctx) { if (defined('PHPDOX_HOME')) { $home = PHPDOX_HOME; } else { $home = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../'); } $vars = array('basedir' => $ctx->getAttribute('basedir', dirname($this->file->getRealPath())), 'phpDox.home' => $home, 'phpDox.file' => $this->file->getPathname(), 'phpDox.version' => Version::getVersion(), '' => $ctx->getAttribute('name', 'unnamed'), 'phpDox.project.source' => $ctx->getAttribute('source', 'src'), 'phpDox.project.workdir' => $ctx->getAttribute('workdir', 'xml'), 'phpDox.php.version' => PHP_VERSION); $protected = array_keys($vars); foreach ($ctx->query('cfg:property|/cfg:phpdox/cfg:property') as $property) { /** @var $property \DOMElement */ $name = $property->getAttribute('name'); $line = $property->getLineNo(); if (in_array($name, $protected)) { throw new ConfigException("Cannot overwrite system property in line {$line}", ConfigException::OverrideNotAllowed); } if (isset($vars[$name])) { throw new ConfigException("Cannot overwrite existing property '{$name}' in line {$line}", ConfigException::OverrideNotAllowed); } $vars[$name] = $this->resolveValue($property->getAttribute('value'), $vars, $line); } foreach ($ctx->query('.//*[not(name()="property")]/@*|@*') as $attr) { $attr->nodeValue = $this->resolveValue($attr->nodeValue, $vars, $attr->getLineNo()); } return $ctx; }
public function runConfigChangeDetection(FileInfo $workDirectory, FileInfo $configFile) { $index = new FileInfo((string) $workDirectory . '/index.xml'); if (!$index->exists() || $index->getMTime() >= $configFile->getMTime()) { return; } $this->logger->log("Configuration change detected - cleaning cache"); $cleaner = $this->factory->getDirectoryCleaner(); $cleaner->process($workDirectory); }
/** * @return string * * @throws Backend\SourceFileException */ public function getSource() { $code = file_get_contents($this->fileInfo->getPathname()); $info = new \finfo(); $encoding = $info->file($this->fileInfo, FILEINFO_MIME_ENCODING); if (strtolower($encoding) != 'utf-8') { try { $code = iconv($encoding, 'UTF-8//TRANSLIT', $code); } catch (\ErrorException $e) { throw new SourceFileException('Encoding error - conversion to UTF-8 failed', SourceFileException::BadEncoding, $e); } } // This is a workaround to filter out leftover invalid UTF-8 byte sets // even if the source looks like it's UTF-8 already mb_substitute_character('none'); $cleanCode = mb_convert_encoding($code, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-8'); if ($cleanCode != $code) { throw new SourceFileException('Encoding error - invalid UTF-8 bytes found', SourceFileException::InvalidDataBytes); } return $cleanCode; }
/** * @param fDOMDocument $dom * * @return fDOMDocument * * @throws EnricherException * @throws PHPUnitEnricherException */ private function loadCoverageInformation(fDOMDocument $dom) { $fileNode = $dom->queryOne('//phpdox:file'); if (!$fileNode) { throw new PHPUnitEnricherException('No file header in event dom'); } $fileInfo = new FileInfo($fileNode->getAttribute('path')); $srcDir = $this->getSourceDirectory(); $paths = explode('/', (string) $fileInfo->getRelative($srcDir)); $file = $fileNode->getAttribute('file'); $paths = array_slice($paths, 1); $query = sprintf('//pu:project/pu:directory[@name = "%s"]', $srcDir->getRealPath()); foreach ($paths as $path) { $query .= sprintf('/pu:directory[@name = "%s"]', $path); } $query .= sprintf('/pu:file[@name = "%s"]', $file); $phpunitFileNode = $this->index->queryOne($query); if (!$phpunitFileNode) { throw new PHPUnitEnricherException('No coverage information for file'); } $refDom = $this->loadXML($phpunitFileNode->getAttribute('href')); return $refDom; }
/** * @param FileInfo $file */ private function processFile(FileInfo $file) { try { if ($file->getSize() === 0) { $this->logger->progress('processed'); return true; } $result = $this->backend->parse(new SourceFile($file)); if ($result->hasClasses()) { foreach ($result->getClasses() as $class) { $this->project->addClass($class); } } if ($result->hasInterfaces()) { foreach ($result->getInterfaces() as $interface) { $this->project->addInterface($interface); } } if ($result->hasTraits()) { foreach ($result->getTraits() as $trait) { $this->project->addTrait($trait); } } $this->logger->progress('processed'); return true; } catch (ParseErrorException $e) { $this->parseErrors[$file->getPathname()] = $e->getPrevious()->getMessage(); $this->logger->progress('failed'); return false; } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new CollectorException('Error while processing source file', CollectorException::ProcessingError, $e, $file); } }
public function __construct($file_name, FileInfo $srcDir = NULL, $encoding = 'auto') { parent::__construct($file_name); $this->srcDir = $srcDir; $this->encoding = $encoding; }
public function removeFile(FileInfo $file) { $relPath = (string) $file->getRelative($this->srcDir); unset($this->collection[$relPath]); }
/** * Main executor for CLI process. */ public function run() { $errorHandler = $this->factory->getInstanceFor('ErrorHandler'); $errorHandler->register(); try { $this->preBootstrap(); $options = $this->processOptions(); if ($options->getValue('version') === TRUE) { $this->showVersion(); exit(0); } if ($options->getValue('skel') === TRUE) { $this->showSkeletonConfig($options->getValue('strip')); exit(0); } if ($options->getValue('help') === TRUE) { $this->showVersion(); $this->showUsage(); exit(0); } $cfgLoader = $this->factory->getInstanceFor('ConfigLoader'); $cfgFile = $options->getValue('file'); if ($cfgFile) { $config = $cfgLoader->load($cfgFile); } else { $config = $cfgLoader->autodetect(); } /** @var $config GlobalConfig */ if ($config->isSilentMode()) { $this->factory->setLoggerType('silent'); } else { $this->showVersion(); $this->factory->setLoggerType('shell'); } $logger = $this->factory->getInstanceFor('Logger'); $logger->log("Using config file '" . $config->getConfigFile()->getPathname() . "'"); /** @var Application $app */ $app = $this->factory->getInstanceFor('Application'); $bootstrap = $app->runBootstrap(array(new FileInfo(__DIR__ . '/../bootstrap/backends.php'), new FileInfo(__DIR__ . '/../bootstrap/enrichers.php'), new FileInfo(__DIR__ . '/../bootstrap/engines.php'))); $bootstrap->load($config->getBootstrapFiles(), false); if ($options->getValue('engines')) { $this->showVersion(); $this->showList('engines', $bootstrap->getEngines()); exit(0); } if ($options->getValue('enrichers')) { $this->showVersion(); $this->showList('enrichers', $bootstrap->getEnrichers()); exit(0); } if ($options->getValue('backends')) { $this->showVersion(); $this->showList('backends', $bootstrap->getBackends()); exit(0); } foreach ($config->getAvailableProjects() as $project) { $logger->log("Starting to process project '{$project}'"); $pcfg = $config->getProjectConfig($project); $index = new FileInfo($pcfg->getWorkDirectory() . '/index.xml'); if ($index->exists() && $index->getMTime() < $config->getConfigFile()->getMTime()) { $logger->log("Configuration change detected - cleaning cache"); $cleaner = new DirectoryCleaner(); $cleaner->process(new FileInfo($pcfg->getWorkDirectory())); } if (!$options->getValue('generator')) { $app->runCollector($pcfg->getCollectorConfig()); } if (!$options->getValue('collector')) { $app->runGenerator($pcfg->getGeneratorConfig()); } $logger->log("Processing project '{$project}' completed."); } $logger->buildSummary(); } catch (CLIEnvironmentException $e) { $this->showVersion(); fwrite(STDERR, 'Sorry, but your PHP environment is currently not able to run phpDox due to'); fwrite(STDERR, "\nthe following issue(s):\n\n" . $e->getMessage() . "\n\n"); fwrite(STDERR, "Please adjust your PHP configuration and try again.\n\n"); exit(3); } catch (CLIOptionsException $e) { $this->showVersion(); fwrite(STDERR, "\n" . $e->getMessage() . "\n\n"); $this->showUsage(); exit(3); } catch (ConfigLoaderException $e) { $this->showVersion(); fwrite(STDERR, "\nAn error occured while trying to load the configuration file:\n\t" . $e->getMessage() . "\n\nUsing --skel might get you started.\n\n"); exit(3); } catch (ConfigException $e) { fwrite(STDERR, "\nYour configuration seems to be corrupted:\n\n\t" . $e->getMessage() . "\n\nPlease verify your configuration xml file.\n\n"); exit(3); } catch (ApplicationException $e) { fwrite(STDERR, "\nAn application error occured while processing:\n\n\t" . $e->getMessage() . "\n\nPlease verify your configuration.\n\n"); exit(1); } catch (\Exception $e) { if ($e instanceof fDOMException) { $e->toggleFullMessage(TRUE); } $this->showVersion(); $errorHandler->handleException($e); } }
/** * @param FileInfo $file */ public function removeFile(FileInfo $file) { $this->removeFileReferences($file->getPathname()); $this->source->removeFile($file); }
/** * @return string */ public function render() { return file_get_contents($this->file->getPathname()); }
public function __construct($file_name, FileInfo $srcDir = NULL) { parent::__construct($file_name); $this->srcDir = $srcDir; }
public function export() { if (count($this->collection) == 0) { return $this->workDom; } $root = $this->workDom->documentElement; while($root->hasChildNodes()) { $root->nodeValue = null; } foreach ($this->collection as $path => $file) { $pathInfo = new FileInfo($path); $dirs = explode('/', dirname($pathInfo->getRelative($this->srcDir))); $dirs[0] = $this->srcDir->getRealPath(); $ctx = $root; foreach ($dirs as $dir) { $node = $ctx->queryOne('phpdox:dir[@name="' . $dir . '"]'); if (!$node) { $node = $ctx->appendElementNS('', 'dir'); $node->setAttribute('name', $dir); } $ctx = $node; } $ctx->appendChild($this->workDom->importNode($file, TRUE)); } $this->collection = array(); return $this->workDom; }
/** * @param $path * @return \DOMNodeList */ public function findUnitNodesBySrcFile($path) { $search = new FileInfo($path); return $this->getRootElement()->query(sprintf('//*[@src="%s"]', $search->getRelative($this->srcDir))); }