public function ignite() { $models = Config::get('registration'); $this->register($models['options']); $this->register($models['roles']); $this->register($models['users']); $this->register($models['taxonomies']); $this->register($models['posttypes']); }
$paths['theme.resources'] = __DIR__ . DS . 'resources' . DS; $paths['theme.admin'] = __DIR__ . DS . 'resources' . DS . 'admin' . DS; themosis_set_paths($paths); /* * Register all paths into the service container. */ $theme->registerAllPaths(themosis_path()); /* * Load theme configuration files. */ $theme['config.finder']->addPaths([themosis_path('theme.resources') . 'config' . DS]); /* * Autoloading. */ $loader = new \Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader(); $classes = \Themosis\Facades\Config::get('loading'); foreach ($classes as $prefix => $path) { $loader->addPsr4($prefix, $path); } $loader->register(); /* * Register theme views folder path. */ $theme['view.finder']->addLocation(themosis_path('theme.resources') . 'views'); /* * Register theme public assets folder [dist directory]. */ $theme['asset.finder']->addPaths([themosis_theme_assets() => themosis_path('theme') . 'dist']); /* * Theme constants. */
function themosisInstallThemeGlobalObject() { $namespace = Config::get('application.namespace'); $url = admin_url() . Config::get('application.ajaxurl') . '.php'; $datas = apply_filters('themosisGlobalObject', []); $output = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n\r"; $output .= "//<![CDATA[\n\r"; $output .= "var " . $namespace . " = {\n\r"; $output .= "ajaxurl: '" . $url . "',\n\r"; if (!empty($datas)) { foreach ($datas as $key => $value) { $output .= $key . ": " . json_encode($value) . ",\n\r"; } } $output .= "};\n\r"; $output .= "//]]>\n\r"; $output .= "</script>"; // Output the datas. echo $output; }
* Created by Andrij David. * Copyright Andrij David. * All right reserved. * Date: 2/16/16 * Time: 11:15 AM * As: cache.php * For: business */ use Illuminate\Cache\CacheManager; use Illuminate\Cache\MemcachedConnector; use Themosis\Facades\Config; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ // Load Cache /*-----------------------------------------------------*/ $cacheConfig = Config::get('cache'); $databaseConfig = Config::get('database'); $cnt = new \Illuminate\Container\Container(); \Illuminate\Container\Container::setInstance($cnt); $cnt->singleton('memcached.connector', function () { return new MemcachedConnector(); }); $cnt->singleton('cache', function ($app) { return new CacheManager($app); }); $cnt->singleton('config', function () use($cacheConfig) { $cc = array_dot(array_except($cacheConfig, 'stores'), 'cache.'); foreach ($cacheConfig["stores"] as $key => $value) { $cc["cache.stores." . $key] = $value; } return $cc; });