/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function handle() { $all = $this->argument('all') === 'true'; if ($all) { $voters = Voter::all(); } else { $voters = Voter::whereNull('polling_station_id')->take($this->argument('take'))->get(); } $this->output->progressStart(count($voters)); Log::info('Inicio de Actualización de puestos de votación'); foreach ($voters as $voter) { $result = $voter->hasPollingStation($all); if ($result['status']) { $pollingStation = $result['polling_station']; $voter->polling_station_id = $pollingStation->id; $voter->table_number = $result['table_number']; $voter->save(); Log::info('Votante CC: ' . $voter->doc . ' - ' . $voter->name . ' actualizado puesto de votación ' . $pollingStation->name); } else { Log::info('Votante CC: ' . $voter->doc . ' - ' . $voter->name . ' ' . $result['message']); } $this->output->progressAdvance(); } $this->output->progressFinish(); Log::info('FIN de Actualización de puestos de votación'); }
/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function handle() { $voters = Voter::votersBirthDay(); $now = date('m-d'); list($mounthNow, $dayNow) = explode('-', $now); $numbers = []; foreach ($voters as $count => $voter) { $number = []; list($year, $mounth, $day) = explode('-', $voter->date_of_birth); if ($mounth == $mounthNow && $day == $dayNow) { $number['telephone'] = $voter->telephone; $number['message'] = $voter->happy_birthday; array_push($numbers, $number); $this->info('Mensaje por enviar a ' . $voter->telephone); } } $sendSMS = new SendSMS(); $sendSMS->sendCustomMessages($numbers); Log::info('Mensajes de cumpleaños enviados. Cantidad: ' . count($numbers)); $this->info('OK'); }