$phone = trim($_POST['phone']); if (!preg_match("/^\\d{9,15}\$/", $phone)) { return Response::error('phone parameter does not seems a phone number'); } $userStorage = new LocalFilesStorage('user'); $user = $userStorage->getById($phone); if ($user) { return Response::error('phone exists already in this system'); } $phoneRequested = isset($_SESSION['phone_requested']) ? json_decode($_SESSION['phone_requested'], true) : array(); if (isset($phoneRequested[$phone]) && intval(date("U")) < $phoneRequested[$phone]) { return Response::error('phone already requested, you must to wait 15 minutes'); } $phoneRequested[$phone] = intval(date("U")) + 15 * 60 * 60; $_SESSION['phone_requested'] = json_encode($phoneRequested); $th = TelegramCliHelper::getInstance(); $t = new TelegramCliWrapper($th->getSocket(), $th->isDebug()); $user = User::createUser($phone, $phone, ""); $t->addContact($user); // send message with code in order to validate phone $r = uniqid(); $user->code = substr($r, rand(1, strlen($r) - 6), 6); $userStorage->save($user); $msg = <<<EOD Welcome to the telegram-cli-wrapper proof of concept This is the code to access system, please keep it secret. Code: {$user->code} *Note: If this message was not solicited by you, please do not take in account. EOD; $t->msg($user->phone, $msg); return Response::ok();
<?php include_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; use TelegramCliWrapper\TelegramCliWrapper; use TelegramCliWrapper\TelegramCliHelper; use TelegramCliWrapper\Models\User; $th = TelegramCliHelper::getInstance(); $t = new TelegramCliWrapper($th->getSocket(), $th->isDebug()); echo "These are my contacts" . PHP_EOL . User::getTitles() . PHP_EOL; $contacts = $t->getContactList(); foreach ($contacts as $contact) { echo $contact . PHP_EOL; } $t->quit();
<?php if (!isset($argv[1])) { die("You have to call this program with the peer you want to see his info\n"); } include_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; use TelegramCliWrapper\TelegramCliWrapper; use TelegramCliWrapper\TelegramCliHelper; use TelegramCliWrapper\Models\User; $th = TelegramCliHelper::getInstance(); $t = new TelegramCliWrapper($th->getSocket(), $th->isDebug()); $peer = trim($argv[1]); echo "The info for '{$peer}' is " . PHP_EOL . User::getTitles() . PHP_EOL . $t->getUserInfo($peer) . PHP_EOL; $t->quit();
<?php include_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; use TelegramCliWrapper\TelegramCliWrapper; use TelegramCliWrapper\TelegramCliHelper; use TelegramCliWrapper\Models\User; $th = TelegramCliHelper::getInstance(); $t = new TelegramCliWrapper($th->getSocket(), $th->isDebug()); echo "These are my current dialogs" . PHP_EOL . User::getTitles() . PHP_EOL; $currentDialogs = $t->getDialogList(); foreach ($currentDialogs as $currentDialog) { echo $currentDialog . PHP_EOL; } $t->quit();
<?php include_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; use TelegramCliWrapper\TelegramCliWrapper; use TelegramCliWrapper\TelegramCliHelper; use TelegramCliWrapper\Models\User; $th = TelegramCliHelper::getInstance(); $t = new TelegramCliWrapper($th->getSocket(), $th->isDebug()); echo "this is me" . PHP_EOL . User::getTitles() . PHP_EOL . $t->whoAmI() . PHP_EOL; $t->quit();
/** * @return User[] */ public function getContactList() { return User::fromArray($this->contact_list()); }