protected function isallow($eid, $isReturn = false) { $now = time(); $field = array('creator, start_time, end_time'); $res = ExamModel::instance()->getExamInfoById(intval($eid), $field); $hasPrivilege = 0; if ($now > strtotime($res['end_time']) && isset($_SESSION['contest_creator'])) { $hasPrivilege = 1; } if (!checkAdmin(5, $res['creator'], $hasPrivilege)) { $this->error('You have no privilege of this exam'); } if ($isReturn) { return $res; } }
public function exam() { $tmp = ExamModel::instance()->getExamInfoById($this->id, array('creator')); if (!checkAdmin(4, $tmp['creator'])) { $this->error('You have no privilege!'); } else { $data['visible'] = 'N'; ExamModel::instance()->updateExamInfoById($this->id, $data); $this->success("考试删除成功", U("Teacher/Index/index", array('page' => $this->page)), 2); //if the exam was deleted //the info of exam was deleted // $query="DELETE FROM `exp_question` WHERE `exam_id`='$id'"; // $query="DELETE FROM `ex_privilege` WHERE `rightstr`='e$id'"; // $query="DELETE FROM `ex_stuanswer` WHERE `exam_id`='$id'"; // $query="DELETE FROM `ex_student` WHERE `exam_id`='$id'"; } }