Пример #1
  * @see QueueInterface::pop()
 public function pop()
     $command = array('findandmodify' => $this->collection->getName(), 'remove' => 1, 'fields' => array('task' => 1), 'query' => array('eta' => array('$lte' => new \MongoDate())), 'sort' => array('eta' => 1));
     $result = $this->collection->db->command($command);
     if (!$result['ok']) {
         throw new \RuntimeException($result['errmsg']);
     $data = $result['value'];
     return $data ? $this->serializer->unserialize($data['task']) : false;
Пример #2
  * @see QueueInterface::pop()
 public function pop()
     $sql = 'SELECT task FROM ' . $this->tableName . ' WHERE eta <= :now ORDER BY eta, id LIMIT 1';
     $stmt = $this->prepareStatement($sql);
     $stmt->bindValue(':now', date(static::DATETIME_FORMAT));
     if (!$stmt->execute()) {
         $err = $stmt->errorInfo();
         throw new \RuntimeException($err[2]);
     $data = $stmt->fetchColumn();
     return $data ? $this->serializer->unserialize($data) : false;
Пример #3
  * @see QueueInterface::pop()
 public function pop()
     while (true) {
         if ($this->tryLock()) {
             $range = $this->redis->zRangeByScore('tasks', '-inf', time(), array('limit' => array(0, 1)));
             if (empty($range)) {
                 return false;
             $key = reset($range);
             $this->redis->zRem('tasks', $key);
             $data = substr($key, strpos($key, '@') + 1);
             return $this->serializer->unserialize($data);
         // the lock failed to be released by the client