Пример #1
  * Save some CSV data to a file, and create a quasi-$_FILES entry for it.
  * @param string $data
  * @return string|array
 private function saveDataFile($data)
     $test_filename = Config::storageDirTmp('test') . '/' . uniqid() . '.csv';
     file_put_contents($test_filename, $data);
     $uploaded = array('type' => 'text/csv', 'file' => $test_filename);
     return $uploaded;
Пример #2
 public function render()
     // Generate the DOT source code, and write to a file.
     $dot = new \Tabulate\Template('erd/erd.twig');
     $dot->tables = $this->tables;
     $dot->selectedTables = $this->selectedTables;
     $dotCode = $dot->render();
     $tmpFilePath = Config::storageDirTmp('erd/' . uniqid());
     $dotFile = $tmpFilePath . '/erd.dot';
     $pngFile = $tmpFilePath . '/erd.png';
     file_put_contents($dotFile, $dotCode);
     // Generate the image.
     $cmd = Config::dotCommand() . ' -Tpng -o' . escapeshellarg($pngFile) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($dotFile);
     $ds = array(0 => array('pipe', 'r'), 1 => array('pipe', 'w'), 2 => array('pipe', 'w'));
     $pipes = false;
     $proc = proc_open($cmd, $ds, $pipes, Config::storageDirTmp('erd'), array());
     $out = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]);
     $err = stream_get_contents($pipes[2]);
     if (!empty($err)) {
         throw new \Exception("Error generating graph image. {$err}");
     // Send the image.
     echo file_get_contents($pngFile);
     // Clean up.
Пример #3
 protected function redirect($route)
     $url = \Tabulate\Config::baseUrl() . '/' . ltrim($route, '/ ');
     header("Location: {$url}");
Пример #4
 protected function installData(\Tabulate\DB\Database $db)
     $this->write("Confirming existance of administrative user, group, and grant");
     // Can't log changes without a user (admin, in this case). So we create a user manually.
     $pwd = password_hash('admin', PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
     $adminUserData = ['id' => Users::ADMIN, 'name' => 'Admin', 'email' => Config::siteEmail(), 'password' => $pwd];
     $adminSql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO `users` SET `id`=:id, `name`=:name, `email`=:email, `password`=:password";
     $db->query($adminSql, $adminUserData);
     // Then we want to create a second user (anon), but this time recording changes. The change-tracker needs to
     // know about permissions, so before creating the 2nd user that we need to grant permission to admin.
     // Permissions are granted to groups, not users, so we put admin in an admin group first (manually).
     $params2 = ['id' => Groups::ADMINISTRATORS, 'name' => 'Administrators'];
     $db->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO `groups` SET `id`=:id, `name`=:name", $params2);
     $params3 = ['user' => Users::ADMIN, 'group' => Groups::ADMINISTRATORS];
     $db->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO `group_members` SET `user`=:user, `group`=:group", $params3);
     // Now we can grant everything (on everything) to the admin group.
     $db->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO `grants` SET `group`=:group", ['group' => Groups::ADMINISTRATORS]);
     // And finally 'reset' the DB so it knows about the above new records.
     // Start tracking changes now that there's a user to attribute it to.
     $changeTracker = new \Tabulate\DB\ChangeTracker($db);
     $changeTracker->openChangeset('Installation', true);
     // Create remaining default users and groups.
     if (!$db->getTable('users')->getRecord(Users::ANON)) {
         $this->write("Inserting user 'Anonymous'");
         $db->getTable('users')->saveRecord(['id' => Users::ANON, 'name' => 'Anonymous']);
     if (!$db->getTable('groups', false)->getRecord(Groups::GENERAL_PUBLIC)) {
         $this->write("Inserting group 'General Public'");
         $db->getTable('groups', false)->saveRecord(['id' => Groups::GENERAL_PUBLIC, 'name' => 'General Public']);
     // Add Anon user to the General Public group.
     $groupMembers = $db->getTable('group_members', false);
     $groupMembers->addFilter('user', '=', Users::ANON);
     $groupMembers->addFilter('group', '=', Groups::GENERAL_PUBLIC);
     if ($groupMembers->getRecordCount() === 0) {
         $this->write("Adding user 'Anonymous' to group 'General Public'");
         $groupMembers->saveRecord(['group' => Groups::GENERAL_PUBLIC, 'user' => Users::ANON]);
     // Add first report (to list reports).
     if (0 == $db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `" . Reports::reportsTableName() . "`")->fetchColumn()) {
         // Create the default report, to list all reports.
         $templateString = "<dl>\n" . "{% for report in reports %}\n" . "  <dt><a href='{{baseurl}}/reports/{{report.id}}'>{{report.title}}</a></dt>\n" . "  <dd>{{report.description}}</dd>\n" . "{% endfor %}\n" . "</dl>";
         $sql1 = "INSERT INTO `" . Reports::reportsTableName() . "` SET" . " id          = " . Reports::DEFAULT_REPORT_ID . ", " . " title       = 'Reports', " . " description = 'List of all Reports.'," . " template    = :template;";
         $db->query($sql1, ['template' => $templateString]);
         // And the query for the above report.
         $query = "SELECT * FROM " . Reports::reportsTableName();
         $sql2 = "INSERT INTO `" . Reports::reportSourcesTableName() . "` SET " . " report = " . Reports::DEFAULT_REPORT_ID . "," . " name   = 'reports'," . " query  = :query;";
         $db->query($sql2, ['query' => $query]);
     // Finish up.
Пример #5
  * Get a list of tables that the current user can read.
  * @return string[] The table names.
 public function getTableNames($checkGrants = true)
     if (!$this->tableNames) {
         $this->tableNames = $this->query('SHOW TABLES')->fetchAll();
     $out = [];
     foreach ($this->tableNames as $row) {
         $tableName = $row->{'Tables_in_' . Config::databaseName()};
         if (!$checkGrants || $this->checkGrant(Grants::READ, $tableName)) {
             $out[] = $tableName;
     return $out;
Пример #6
  * Get a fully-qualified URL to a Back End page for this table.
  * @param string   $action Which action to use ('index', 'import', etc.).
  * @param string[] $extra_params Other query string parameters to add.
  * @param string   $controller Which controller to use ('table', 'record', etc.).
  * @return string  The full URL.
 public function getUrl($action = 'index', $extra_params = false, $controller = 'table')
     $params = [];
     if (is_array($extra_params)) {
         $params = array_merge($_GET, $params, $extra_params);
     $paramString = http_build_query($params);
     return Config::baseUrl() . '/table/' . $this->getName() . (!empty($paramString) ? "?{$paramString}" : "");
Пример #7
 public function getUrl()
     return Config::baseUrl() . '/record/' . $this->table->getName() . '/' . $this->getPrimaryKey();
Пример #8
 protected function byline()
     return 'Tabulate ' . Config::version();