public function getArguments(Request $request, $controller)
     if (is_array($controller) && $controller[0] instanceof TransactionalControllerWrapper) {
         $controller[0] = $controller[0]->getController();
     return parent::getArguments($request, $controller);
  * @{inheritdoc}
 public function getArguments(Request $request, $controller)
     $e = $this->stopwatch->start('controller.get_arguments');
     $ret = parent::getArguments($request, $controller);
     return $ret;
  * @param FilterControllerEvent $event
  * @DI\Observe("kernel.controller")
 public function onControllerRequest(FilterControllerEvent $event)
     $controller = $event->getController();
     $request = $event->getRequest();
     $session = $request->getSession();
     if (!is_array($controller) && !$this->authorizationChecker->isGranted("IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY")) {
     if ($request->attributes->get('_route') == 'site_url' || $request->attributes->get('_route') == 'startpage') {
         if ($this->authorizationChecker->isGranted("IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY") && !$request->get("skipIframe")) {
             $controller = "BigfishCoreBundle:Base:iframe";
             $request->attributes->set('_controller', $controller);
             $uri = $request->getPathInfo();
             $request->attributes->set("slug", ltrim($uri, "/"));
Пример #4
  * Run a module function.
  * @param string  $modname    The name of the module.
  * @param string  $type       The type of function to run.
  * @param string  $func       The specific function to run.
  * @param array   $args       The arguments to pass to the function.
  * @param boolean $api        Whether or not to execute an API (or regular) function.
  * @param string  $instanceof Perform instanceof checking of target class.
  * @throws Zikula_Exception_NotFound If method was not found.
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException  If the controller is not an instance of the class specified in $instanceof.
  * @return mixed.
 public static function exec($modname, $type = 'user', $func = 'main', $args = array(), $api = false, $instanceof = null)
     // define input, all numbers and booleans to strings
     $modname = isset($modname) ? (string) $modname : '';
     $modname = static::convertModuleName($modname);
     // validate
     if (!System::varValidate($modname, 'mod')) {
         return null;
     // Remove from 1.4
     if (System::isLegacyMode('1.4.0') && $modname == 'Modules') {
         LogUtil::log(__('Warning! "Modules" module has been renamed to "ZikulaExtensionsModule".  Please update your ModUtil::func() and ModUtil::apiFunc() calls.'));
         $modname = 'ZikulaExtensionsModule';
     $modinfo = self::getInfo(self::getIDFromName($modname));
     $controller = null;
     $modfunc = null;
     $loaded = call_user_func_array($api ? 'ModUtil::loadApi' : 'ModUtil::load', array($modname, $type));
     if (self::isOO($modname)) {
         $result = self::getCallable($modname, $type, $func, $api);
         if ($result) {
             $modfunc = $result['callable'];
             $controller = $modfunc[0];
             if (!is_null($instanceof)) {
                 if (!$controller instanceof $instanceof) {
                     throw new InvalidArgumentException(__f('%1$s must be an instance of $2$s', array(get_class($controller), $instanceof)));
     $eventManager = EventUtil::getManager();
     $sm = ServiceUtil::getManager();
     if ($loaded) {
         $preExecuteEvent = new \Zikula\Core\Event\GenericEvent($controller, array('modname' => $modname, 'modfunc' => $modfunc, 'args' => $args, 'modinfo' => $modinfo, 'type' => $type, 'api' => $api));
         $postExecuteEvent = new \Zikula\Core\Event\GenericEvent($controller, array('modname' => $modname, 'modfunc' => $modfunc, 'args' => $args, 'modinfo' => $modinfo, 'type' => $type, 'api' => $api));
         if (is_callable($modfunc)) {
             $eventManager->dispatch('module_dispatch.preexecute', $preExecuteEvent);
             // Check $modfunc is an object instance (OO) or a function (old)
             if (is_array($modfunc)) {
                 try {
                     $newType = true;
                 } catch (\Exception $e) {
                     $newType = false;
                 if ($args) {
                     $newType = false;
                 if (!$api && $newType) {
                     // resolve request args.
                     $resolver = new ControllerResolver($sm, new ControllerNameParser(ServiceUtil::get('kernel')));
                     try {
                         $r = new \ReflectionClass($modfunc[0]);
                         if (!$r->hasMethod($modfunc[1])) {
                             // Method doesn't exist. Do some BC handling.
                             // First try to remove the 'Action' suffix.
                             $modfunc[1] = preg_replace('/(\\w+)Action$/', '$1', $modfunc[1]);
                             if (!$r->hasMethod($modfunc[1])) {
                                 // Method still not found. Try to use the old 'main' method name.
                                 if ($modfunc[1] == 'index') {
                                     $modfunc[1] = $r->hasMethod('mainAction') ? 'mainAction' : 'main';
                         if ($r->hasMethod($modfunc[1])) {
                             // Did we get a valid method? If so, resolve arguments!
                             $methodArgs = $resolver->getArguments($sm->get('request'), $modfunc);
                         } else {
                             // We still didn't get a valid method. Do not use argument resolving.
                             $newType = false;
                     } catch (\RuntimeException $e) {
                         // Something went wrong. Check if the method still uses the old non-Symfony $args array.
                         if ($modfunc[0] instanceof \Zikula_AbstractBase) {
                             $r = new \ReflectionMethod($modfunc[0], $modfunc[1]);
                             $parameters = $r->getParameters();
                             if (count($parameters) == 1) {
                                 $firstParameter = $parameters[0];
                                 if ($firstParameter->getName() == 'args') {
                                     // The method really uses the old $args parameter. In this case we can continue
                                     // using the old Controller call and don't have to throw an exception.
                                     $newType = false;
                         if ($newType !== false) {
                             throw $e;
                 if ($modfunc[0] instanceof Zikula_AbstractController) {
                     $reflection = call_user_func(array($modfunc[0], 'getReflection'));
                     $subclassOfReflection = new ReflectionClass($reflection->getParentClass());
                     if ($subclassOfReflection->hasMethod($modfunc[1])) {
                         // Don't allow front controller to access any public methods inside the controller's parents
                         throw new Zikula_Exception_NotFound();
                 if (!$api && $newType && isset($methodArgs)) {
                     $postExecuteEvent->setData(call_user_func_array($modfunc, $methodArgs));
                 } else {
                     $postExecuteEvent->setData(call_user_func($modfunc, $args));
                 if ($modfunc[0] instanceof Zikula_AbstractController) {
             } else {
             return $eventManager->dispatch('module_dispatch.postexecute', $postExecuteEvent)->getData();
         // try to load plugin
         // This kind of eventhandler should
         // 1. Check $event['modfunc'] to see if it should run else exit silently.
         // 2. Do something like $result = {$event['modfunc']}({$event['args'});
         // 3. Save the result $event->setData($result).
         // 4. $event->setNotify().
         // return void
         // This event means that no $type was found
         $event = new \Zikula\Core\Event\GenericEvent(null, array('modfunc' => $modfunc, 'args' => $args, 'modinfo' => $modinfo, 'type' => $type, 'api' => $api), false);
         $eventManager->dispatch('module_dispatch.type_not_found', $event);
         if ($preExecuteEvent->isPropagationStopped()) {
             return $preExecuteEvent->getData();
         return false;
     // Issue not found exception for controller requests
     if (!System::isLegacyMode() && !$api) {
         throw new Zikula_Exception_NotFound(__f('The requested controller action %s_Controller_%s::%s() could not be found', array($modname, $type, $func)));
Пример #5
  * load a controller by mapping. this can only be done at this point,
  * during DI the controller might not yet be available.
  * @param string $name the controller name in the format service:actionMethod
  * @return array of controller class and method name suitable for call_user_func
 protected function resolveController($name)
     // Search for the mapped controller/action
     $parser = new ControllerNameParser($this->container->get('kernel'));
     $resolver = new ControllerResolver($this->container, $parser);
     return $resolver->getController(new Request(array(), array(), array('_controller' => $name)));