public function hitsAreIncrementedIfCountClicksIsOn(\Step\Acceptance\weblink $I) { $title = 'Weblink' . $this->faker->randomNumber(); $url = $I->getConfiguration('counter_test_url'); $I->am('Administrator'); $I->wantToTest('Hits are incremented if Count Clicks is on'); $I->doAdministratorLogin(); $I->createWeblink($title, $url, "Yes"); // Go to the frontend $I->amOnPage('index.php?option=com_weblinks'); $I->expectTo('see weblink categories'); $I->waitForText('Uncategorised', '30', ['css' => 'h3']); $I->checkForPhpNoticesOrWarnings(); $I->comment('I open the uncategorised Weblink Category'); $I->click(['link' => 'Uncategorised']); // Check that hits is 0 $I->waitForText('Uncategorised', '30', ['css' => 'h2']); $I->expectTo('see the weblink we created'); $I->seeElement(['link' => $title]); $I->expectTo('see that hits is 0'); $I->see('Hits: 0', ['class' => 'list-hits']); // Click on the link, go back, and check that hits is 1 $I->click(['link' => $title]); $I->moveBack(); $I->expectTo('see that hits is 1'); $I->see('Hits: 1', ['class' => 'list-hits']); }
/** * Create a weblink in the backend and confirm it exists and is visible in the Frontend * * @param \Step\Acceptance\Weblink $I */ public function createWeblinkAndConfirmFrontend(\Step\Acceptance\weblink $I) { $I->am('Administrator'); $I->wantToTest('Listing a category of Weblinks in frontend'); $I->doAdministratorLogin(); $I->createWeblink($this->title, $this->url); // Menu link $I->createMenuItem($this->menuItem, 'Weblinks', 'List All Web Link Categories', 'Main Menu'); // Go to the frontend $I->comment('I want to check if the menu entry exists in the frontend'); $I->amOnPage('index.php?option=com_weblinks'); $I->expectTo('see weblink categories'); $I->waitForText('Uncategorised', '30', ['css' => 'h3']); $I->checkForPhpNoticesOrWarnings(); $I->comment('I open the uncategorised Weblink Category'); $I->click(['link' => 'Uncategorised']); $I->waitForText('Uncategorised', '30', ['css' => 'h2']); $I->expectTo('see the weblink we created'); $I->seeElement(['link' => $this->title]); $I->seeElement(['xpath' => "//a[@href='{$this->url}']"]); }
public function hitsAreIncrementedIfCountClicksIsOn(\Step\Acceptance\weblink $I, $scenario) { $scenario->skip('Temporarily skipped for drone, see:'); $title = 'Weblink' . $this->faker->randomNumber(); $url = $I->getConfiguration('counter_test_url'); $I->am('Administrator'); $I->wantToTest('Hits are incremented if Count Clicks is on'); $I->doAdministratorLogin(); $I->createWeblink($title, $url, "Yes"); // Go to the frontend $I->amOnPage('index.php?option=com_weblinks'); $I->expectTo('see web link categories'); $I->waitForText('Uncategorised', '30', ['css' => 'h3']); $I->checkForPhpNoticesOrWarnings(); $I->comment('I open the uncategorised Web Link Category'); $I->click(['link' => 'Uncategorised']); // Check that hits is 0 $I->waitForText('Uncategorised', '30', ['css' => 'h2']); $I->expectTo('see the web link we created'); $I->seeElement(['link' => $title]); $I->expectTo('see that hits is 0'); $I->see('Hits: 0', ['class' => 'list-hits']); // Click on the link, go back, and check that hits is 1 $I->click(['link' => $title]); $I->amOnPage('index.php?option=com_weblinks'); $I->comment('I open the uncategorised Web Link Category'); $I->waitForElement(['link' => 'Uncategorised'], 60); $I->click(['link' => 'Uncategorised']); $I->comment('I search the web link: ' . $title); $I->waitForElement(['id' => 'filter-search'], 60); $I->fillField(['id' => 'filter-search'], $title); $I->pressKey(['id' => 'filter-search'], \Facebook\WebDriver\WebDriverKeys::ENTER); $I->wait(1); $I->waitForText('Uncategorised', '30', ['css' => 'h2']); $I->expectTo('see that hits is 1'); $I->see('Hits: 1', ['class' => 'list-hits']); }
/** * Index the current content. */ public function administratorRunTheIndexer(\Step\Acceptance\weblink $I, $scenario) { $scenario->skip('Temporarilly skipped, see:'); $I->am('Administrator'); $I->wantToTest('Smart Search Indexer'); $I->doAdministratorLogin(); $I->amGoingTo('Navigate to Smart Search page in /administrator/ and index the content'); $I->amOnPage('administrator/index.php?option=com_finder'); $I->waitForText('Smart Search: Indexed Content', 30, ['class' => 'page-title']); $I->click(['xpath' => "//div[@id='toolbar']//button[contains(text()[normalize-space()], 'Index')]"]); $I->comment('I wait while smart search indexes the links'); $I->wait(2); $I->waitForText($this->title, 30, '#j-main-container'); }