
 * Example presents usage of the successful updateProblemTestcase() API method  
use SphereEngine\Api\ProblemsClientV3;
// require library
require_once '../../../autoload.php';
// define access parameters
$accessToken = '<access_token>';
$endpoint = '<endpoint>';
// initialization
$client = new ProblemsClientV3($accessToken, $endpoint);
// API usage
$problemCode = 'TEST';
$testcaseNumber = 0;
$newInput = 'New testcase input';
$response = $client->updateProblemTestcase($problemCode, $testcaseNumber, $newInput);

 * Example presents error handling for updateProblemTestcase() API method    
use SphereEngine\Api\ProblemsClientV3;
use SphereEngine\Api\SphereEngineResponseException;
// require library
require_once '../../../autoload.php';
// define access parameters
$accessToken = '<access_token>';
$endpoint = '<endpoint>';
// initialization
$client = new ProblemsClientV3($accessToken, $endpoint);
// API usage
$problemCode = 'TEST';
$testcaseNumber = 0;
$newNonexistingJudge = 9999;
try {
    $response = $client->updateProblemTestcase($problemCode, $testcaseNumber, null, null, null, $newNonexistingJudge);
} catch (SphereEngineResponseException $e) {
    if ($e->getCode() == 401) {
        echo 'Invalid access token';
    } elseif ($e->getCode() == 403) {
        echo 'Access to the problem is forbidden';
    } elseif ($e->getCode() == 404) {
        // aggregates three possible reasons of 404 error
        // non existing problem, testcase or judge
        echo 'Non existing resource (problem, testcase or judge), details available in the message: ' . $e->getMessage();