  * Creates the HTML for a link to this page, with some parameters set.
  * @param[in] $text string  The anchor text for the link
  * @param[in] $out bool  Should the linked to page include outgoing properties?
  * @param[in] $in bool  Should the linked to page include incoming properties?
  * @param[in] $offset int  What is the offset for the incoming properties?
  * @return string  HTML with the link to this page
 private function linkHere($text, $out, $in, $offset)
     $frag = $text == wfMessage('smw_browse_show_incoming')->text() ? '#smw_browse_incoming' : '';
     return Html::element('a', array('href' => \SpecialPage::getSafeTitleFor('Browse')->getLocalURL(array('offset' => $offset, 'dir' => $out ? $in ? 'both' : 'out' : 'in', 'article' => $this->subject->getLongWikiText())) . $frag), $text);