public function getText() { if ($this->builder) { $out = $this->builder->build($this->getPattern(), $this->getArguments()); } else { $out = $this->getPattern(); } if ($this->options->get('compact', true)) { $out = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', $out); $out = trim($out); } // NOTE: 16bit encoded message max size is 70, but we use unicode, right? // limit to one message $max_chunks = $this->options->get('chunks', 1); // $out = mb_convert_encoding($out, 'UTF-8'); // force convert to unicode // TODO: handle GSM character set + Extended GSM character set // for more look at and // NOTE: According to the standard, the alphabet for GSM 8 bit data encoding encoding is user specific, so at // this time we don't mess with it. As a notice, one message length is 140 chars, chained message length is 134 if ($max_chunks > 0) { if ($max_chunks > 1) { $gsm_length = 153 * $max_chunks; $unicode_length = 67 * $max_chunks; } else { $gsm_length = 160; $unicode_length = 70; } $out = String::cleanup($out); if (String::isGSM($out)) { $out = String::limit($out, $gsm_length, $this->options()->get('chunks-pad-gsm', $this->options()->get('chunks-pad', '...'))); } else { $out = String::limit($out, $unicode_length, $this->options()->get('chunks-pad-unicode', $this->options()->get('chunks-pad', '…'))); } } return $out; }
/** * @covers SMSKrank\Utils\String::limit * @dataProvider providerStringsWithoutPad */ public function testLimitWithoutPad($length, $string, $pad, $expected) { $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->s->limit($string, $length, $pad)); }