/** * Create comment report * * @param User $user * @param Comment $comment * @return mixed */ public function createCommentReport(User $user, Comment $comment) { if ($this->commentReport->findByUserAndComment($user, $comment)) { return false; } $this->stat->increment('reports'); return $this->commentReport->create($user, $comment); }
/** * Handle an incoming request. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @param \Closure $next * @return mixed */ public function handle($request, Closure $next) { if (php_sapi_name() == 'cli' || !INSTALLED) { return $next($request); } $lastUpdate = $request->cookie('last_visit'); if (!$lastUpdate || $lastUpdate->day != Carbon::now()->day) { $this->stat->increment('visits'); $cookie = $this->cookieJar->forever('last_visit', Carbon::now()); $this->cookieJar->queue($cookie); } return $next($request); }
/** * Admin dashboard * * @param StatContract $stat * @return \Illuminate\View\View */ public function dashboard(StatContract $stat) { $data = ['visitsNow' => $stat->get('visits'), 'visitsThen' => $stat->get('visits', -1), 'usersNow' => $stat->get('users'), 'usersThen' => $stat->get('users', -1), 'postsNow' => $stat->get('posts'), 'postsThen' => $stat->get('posts', -1), 'reportsNow' => $stat->get('reports'), 'reportsThen' => $stat->get('reports', -1), 'chartData' => $stat->all('visits', 6), 'totalVisits' => $stat->count('visits'), 'totalPosts' => $stat->count('posts'), 'totalUsers' => $stat->count('users'), 'totalReports' => $stat->count('reports')]; return $this->view('dashboard', $data); }
/** * Handle the event. * * @param UserCreatedThroughOAuth $event */ public function handle(UserCreatedThroughOAuth $event) { $this->stat->increment('users'); }
/** * Handle the event. * * @param UserWasCreated $event * @return void */ public function handle(UserWasCreated $event) { $this->stat->increment('users'); }
/** * Handle the event. * * @param PostWasCreated $event * @return void */ public function handle(PostWasCreated $event) { $this->stat->increment('posts'); }