Пример #1
  * Copies a record, based on parameters passed in the url.
 public function nodeCopy()
     $recordset = $this->m_node->select($this->m_postvars['atkselector'])->mode('copy')->getAllRows();
     $db = $this->m_node->getDb();
     if (count($recordset) > 0) {
         // allowed to copy record?
         if (!$this->allowed($recordset[0])) {
         if (!$this->m_node->copyDb($recordset[0])) {
             Tools::atkdebug('node::action_copy() -> Error');
             $location = $this->m_node->feedbackUrl('save', self::ACTION_FAILED, $recordset[0], $db->getErrorMsg());
             Tools::atkdebug('node::action_copy() -> Redirect');
         } else {
             $this->notify('copy', $recordset[0]);
Пример #2
  * Register change handler.
  * @param string $mode
  * @param string $prefix
 protected function registerChangeHandler($mode, $prefix)
     $mode = $mode == 'add' ? 'add' : 'edit';
     $url = addslashes(Tools::partial_url($this->m_shuttle->m_ownerInstance->atkNodeUri(), $mode, 'attribute.' . $this->m_shuttle->getHtmlId($prefix) . '.filter', array('atkfieldprefix' => $prefix)));
     $page = $this->m_shuttle->m_ownerInstance->getPage();
     $page->register_scriptcode('function ' . $this->getChangeHandlerName($prefix) . "(el)\n                                  {\n                                    shuttle_refresh('" . $url . "', '" . $this->m_shuttle->getHtmlId($prefix) . '[cselected][][' . $this->m_shuttle->getRemoteKey() . ']' . "', '" . $prefix . $this->m_shuttle->fieldName() . "[section]', '" . $this->m_section . "')\n                                  }\n");
Пример #3
 * function to get multilanguage strings.
 * This is actually a wrapper for ATK's Tools::atktext() method, for
 * use in templates.
 * @author Ivo Jansch <*****@*****.**>
 * Example: {atktext id="users.userinfo.description"}
 *          {atktext id="userinfo.description" module="users"}
 *          {atktext id="description" module="users" node="userinfo"}
function smarty_function_atktext($params, $smarty)
    if (!isset($params['id'])) {
        $params['id'] = $params[0];
    switch (substr_count($params['id'], '.')) {
        case 1:
            list($module, $id) = explode('.', $params['id']);
            $str = Tools::atktext($id, $module, isset($params['node']) ? $params['node'] : '');
        case 2:
            list($module, $node, $id) = explode('.', $params['id']);
            $str = Tools::atktext($id, $module, $node);
            $str = Tools::atktext($params['id'], Tools::atkArrayNvl($params, 'module', ''), Tools::atkArrayNvl($params, 'node', ''), Tools::atkArrayNvl($params, 'lng', ''));
    if (isset($params['filter'])) {
        $fn = $params['filter'];
        $str = $fn($str);
    // parse the rest of the params in the string
    $parser = new StringParser($str);
    return $parser->parse($params);
Пример #4
 * Function for embedding a date control in html.
 * @author Peter C. Verhage <*****@*****.**>
function smarty_function_atkdatefield($params, $smarty)
    $name = isset($params['name']) ? $params['name'] : 'date';
    $format = isset($params['format']) ? $params['format'] : Tools::atktext('date_format_edit', 'atk', '', '', '', true);
    $mandatory = isset($params['mandatory']) && $params['mandatory'] || isset($params['obligatory']) && $params['obligatory'];
    $noweekday = isset($params['noweekday']) && $params['noweekday'];
    $calendar = isset($params['calendar']) && $params['calendar'];
    $time = isset($params['time']) ? $params['time'] : ($mandatory ? mktime() : null);
    $min = isset($params['min']) ? $params['min'] : 0;
    $max = isset($params['max']) ? $params['max'] : 0;
    if (is_array($time)) {
        $date = $time;
    } else {
        if ($time == null) {
            $date = null;
        } else {
            if (is_numeric($time)) {
                $date = getdate($time);
                $date = array('day' => $date['mday'], 'month' => $date['mon'], 'year' => $date['year']);
            } else {
                if (preg_match('/([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{4})/', $time, $matches)) {
                    $date = array('day' => (int) $matches[1], 'month' => (int) $matches[2], 'year' => $matches[3]);
                } else {
                    $date = getdate(strtotime($time));
                    $date = array('day' => $date['mday'], 'month' => $date['mon'], 'year' => $date['year']);
    $attr = new DateAttribute($name, $format, '', $min, $max, ($noweekday ? DateAttribute::AF_DATE_EDIT_NO_DAY : 0) | ($mandatory ? Attribute::AF_OBLIGATORY : 0) | ($calendar ? 0 : DateAttribute::AF_DATE_NO_CALENDAR));
    $html = $attr->edit(array($name => $date), '', '');
    return $html;
Пример #5
  * Translates a menuitem with the menu_ prefix, or if not found without.
  * @param string $menuitem Menuitem to translate
  * @param string $modname Module to which the menuitem belongs
  * @return string Translation of the given menuitem
 public function getMenuTranslation($menuitem, $modname = 'atk')
     $s = Tools::atktext("menu_{$menuitem}", $modname, '', '', '', true);
     if (!$s) {
         $s = Tools::atktext($menuitem, $modname);
     return $s;
Пример #6
  * get a singleton instance of the Ui class.
  * @return Ui
 public static function getInstance()
     static $s_instance = null;
     if ($s_instance == null) {
         Tools::atkdebug('Creating a new Ui instance');
         $s_instance = new self();
     return $s_instance;
Пример #7
  * Converts the given node flags to recordlist flags where possible.
  * @param int $flags
  * @static
  * @return int
 public function convertFlags($flags)
     $result = Tools::hasFlag($flags, Node::NF_MRA) ? self::RL_MRA : 0;
     $result |= Tools::hasFlag($flags, Node::NF_MRPA) ? self::RL_MRPA : 0;
     $result |= Tools::hasFlag($flags, Node::NF_NO_SEARCH) ? self::RL_NO_SEARCH : 0;
     $result |= Tools::hasFlag($flags, Node::NF_NO_EXTENDED_SEARCH) ? self::RL_NO_EXTENDED_SEARCH : 0;
     $result |= Tools::hasFlag($flags, Node::NF_EXT_SORT) ? self::RL_EXT_SORT : 0;
     return $result;
Пример #8
  * Notify the listener of any action on a record.
  * This method is called by the framework for each action called on a
  * node. Depending on the actionfilter passed in the constructor, the
  * call is forwarded to the actionPerformed($action, $record) method.
  * @param string $trigger The trigger being performed
  * @param array $record The record on which the trigger is performed
  * @param string $mode The mode (add/update)
  * @return bool Result of operation.
 public function notify($trigger, &$record, $mode = null)
     if (method_exists($this, $trigger)) {
         Tools::atkdebug('Call listener ' . get_class($this) . " for trigger {$trigger} on " . $this->m_node->atkNodeUri() . ' (' . $this->m_node->primaryKey($record) . ')');
         return $this->{$trigger}($record, $mode);
     } else {
         return true;
Пример #9
  * Constructor.
  * @param string $name The name of the attribute
  * @param int $flags The flags for this attribute
  * @param string $text The text to display
 public function __construct($name, $flags = 0, $text = '')
     // A Dummy attrikbute should not be searchable and sortable
     $flags |= self::AF_HIDE_SEARCH | self::AF_NO_SORT;
     // Add the self::AF_BLANKLABEL flag unless the self::AF_DUMMY_SHOW_LABEL flag wasn't present
     if (!Tools::hasFlag($flags, self::AF_DUMMY_SHOW_LABEL)) {
         $flags |= self::AF_BLANKLABEL;
     parent::__construct($name, $flags);
     // base class constructor
     $this->m_text = $text;
Пример #10
  * Constructor.
  * @param string $name Name of the attribute
  * @param int $flags Flags for this attribute
  * @param string $currencysymbol The symbol which is printed in front of the value.
  * @param int $decimals The number of decimals (default 2)
  * @param string $decimalseparator The separator which is printed for the decimals.
  * @param string $thousandsseparator The separator which is printed for the thousands.
 public function __construct($name, $flags = 0, $currencysymbol = '', $decimals = 2, $decimalseparator = '', $thousandsseparator = '')
     parent::__construct($name, $flags, $decimals);
     if ($currencysymbol == '') {
         $currencysymbol = Tools::atktext('currencysymbol', 'atk', '', '', '', true);
     $this->m_currencysymbol = $currencysymbol;
     $this->m_decimalseparator = $decimalseparator != '' ? $decimalseparator : '.';
     $this->m_thousandsseparator = $thousandsseparator != '' ? $thousandsseparator : ',';
Пример #11
  * Get the selected record from.
  * @return array the record to be copied
 protected function getCopyRecord()
     $selector = $this->m_postvars['atkselector'];
     $recordset = $this->m_node->select($selector)->mode('copy')->getAllRows();
     if (count($recordset) > 0) {
         return $recordset[0];
     } else {
         Tools::atkdebug("Geen records gevonden met selector: {$selector}");
Пример #12
  * Converts an ip (in number or string format) to a long number.
  * The supplied ip must be a valid ip. If the given ip is not
  * valid, then atkerror will be called.
  * @static This function may be used statically
  * @param mixed $ip String or long numeric IP address.
  * @return bool True if the ip is valid, False if not.
 public static function ipLongFormat($ip)
     if (!self::ipValidate($ip)) {
         Tools::atkdebug('IpUtils::ipLongFormat() Invalid ip given');
     if (is_numeric($ip)) {
         return $ip;
     $array = explode('.', $ip);
     return $array[3] + 256 * $array[2] + 256 * 256 * $array[1] + 256 * 256 * 256 * $array[0];
Пример #13
  * Replace the bind parameters in the parsed query with their escaped values.
  * @param array $params parameters
  * @return string query
 protected function _bindParams($params)
     $query = $this->_getParsedQuery();
     Tools::atkdebug('Binding parameters for query: ' . $this->_getParsedQuery());
     foreach (array_values($this->_getBindPositions()) as $i => $param) {
         Tools::atkdebug("Bind param {$i}: " . ($params[$param] === null ? 'NULL' : $params[$param]));
     foreach (array_reverse($this->_getBindPositions(), true) as $position => $param) {
         $query = substr($query, 0, $position) . ($params[$param] === null ? 'NULL' : "'" . $this->getDb()->escapeSQL($params[$param]) . "'") . substr($query, $position + 1);
     return $query;
Пример #14
  * Export data to a download file.
  * IE has problems with the use of attachment; needs atachment (someone at MS can't spell) or none.
  * however ns under version 6 accepts this also.
  * NS 6+ has problems with the absense of attachment; and the misspelling of attachment;
  * at present ie 5 on mac gives wrong filename and NS 6+ gives wrong filename.
  * @todo Currently supports only csv/excel mimetypes.
  * @param string $data The content
  * @param string $fileName Filename for the download
  * @param string $type The type (csv / excel / xml)
  * @param string $ext Extension of the file
  * @param string $compression Compression method (bzip / gzip)
 public function export($data, $fileName, $type, $ext = '', $compression = '')
     if ($compression == 'bzip') {
         $mime_type = 'application/x-bzip';
         $ext = 'bz2';
     } elseif ($compression == 'gzip') {
         $mime_type = 'application/x-gzip';
         $ext = 'gz';
     } elseif ($type == 'csv') {
         $mime_type = 'text/x-csv';
         $ext = 'csv';
     } elseif ($type == 'excel') {
         $mime_type = 'application/octet-stream';
         $ext = 'xls';
     } elseif ($type == 'xml') {
         $mime_type = 'text/xml';
         $ext = 'xml';
     } else {
         $mime_type = 'application/octet-stream';
     header('Content-Type: ' . $mime_type);
     header('Content-Disposition:  filename="' . $fileName . '.' . $ext . '"');
     // Fix for downloading (Office) documents using an SSL connection in
     // combination with MSIE.
     if (($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == '443' || Tools::atkArrayNvl($_SERVER, 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO') == 'https') && preg_match('/msie/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
         header('Pragma: public');
     } else {
         header('Pragma: no-cache');
     header('Expires: 0');
     // 1. as a bzipped file
     if ($compression == 'bzip') {
         if (@function_exists('bzcompress')) {
             echo bzcompress($data);
     } else {
         if ($compression == 'gzip') {
             if (@function_exists('gzencode')) {
                 // without the optional parameter level because it bug
                 echo gzencode($data);
         } else {
             if ($type == 'csv' || $type == 'excel') {
                 // in order to output UTF-8 content that Excel both on Windows and OS X will be able to successfully read
                 echo mb_convert_encoding($data, 'Windows-1252', 'UTF-8');
Пример #15
 * Implements the {atkmessages} plugin for use in templates.
 * The {atkmessages} tag does not output anything. Instead, it loads
 * the messages into the template variable {$atkmessages}, which is
 * an array of elements, each with a single message.
 * <b>Example:</b>
 * <code>
 *   {atkmessages}
 *   {foreach from=$atkmessages item=message}
 *     {$message.message}<br>
 *   {/foreach}
 * </code>
 * @author Patrick van der Velden <*****@*****.**>
function smarty_function_atkmessages($params, $smarty)
    $sessionManager = SessionManager::getInstance();
    if (is_object($sessionManager)) {
        $msgs = MessageQueue::getMessages();
        $smarty->assign('atkmessages', $msgs);
        if (empty($msgs)) {
            Tools::atkdebug('No messages in MessageQueue');
        return '';
    return '';
Пример #16
  * The decryption method for decrypting data with the bajus algorithm.
  * @param mixed $input the data we want to encrypt
  * @param mixed $key the key we want to encrypt the data with
  * @return mixed the encrypted data
 public function decrypt($input, $key)
     $input = $this->addbackslashes($input);
     $keys = $this->getKeys($key);
     $key = openssl_get_privatekey($keys['private']);
     if ($key) {
         Tools::atkerror('OpenSSLEncryption::decrypt << not a valid key passed');
     } else {
         echo "decrypt for: input:{$input}, decrypted: {$decrypted}, key: {$key}";
         openssl_private_decrypt($input, $decrypted, $key);
     return $decrypted;
Пример #17
 public function search($record, $extended = false, $fieldprefix = '', DataGrid $grid = null)
     if ($this->m_destinationFilter != '') {
         $sp = new StringParser($this->m_destinationFilter);
     $recordset = $this->m_destInstance->select()->includes(Tools::atk_array_merge($this->m_destInstance->descriptorFields(), $this->m_destInstance->m_primaryKey))->getAllRows();
     $result = '<select class="form-control" name="atksearch[' . $this->fieldName() . ']">';
     $result .= '<option value="">' . Tools::atktext('search_all', 'atk');
     $result .= $this->createdd($recordset);
     $result .= '</select>';
     return $result;
Пример #18
  * Bind statement parameters.
  * @param array $params parameters
 private function _bindParams($params)
     if (count($params) == 0) {
     $i = 0;
     $args = [];
     $args[] = str_repeat('s', count($this->_getBindPositions()));
     foreach ($this->_getBindPositions() as $param) {
         Tools::atkdebug("Bind param {$i}: " . ($params[$param] === null ? 'NULL' : $params[$param]));
         $args[] =& $params[$param];
     call_user_func_array(array($this->m_stmt, 'bind_param'), $args);
Пример #19
  * Validates email address through regular expression and dns check.
  * @param array $record Record that contains value to be validated.
  *                       Errors are saved in this record, in the 'atkerror'
  *                       field.
  * @param string $mode Validation mode. Can be either "add" or "update"
 public function validate(&$record, $mode)
     $email = $record[$this->fieldName()];
     //first check complete string
     if (!self::validateAddressSyntax($email)) {
         Tools::triggerError($record, $this, 'error_invalid_email');
     } else {
         if ($this->m_dnsSearch) {
             //now check if domain exists, searches DNS for MX records
             list(, $domain) = explode('@', $email, 2);
             if (!self::validateAddressDomain($domain, false)) {
                 Tools::triggerError($record, $this->fieldName(), 'error_unkown_domain', Tools::atktext('error_unkown_domain') . ' ' . $domain);
Пример #20
  * The method returns a complete html page containing the feedback info.
  * @param string $action The action for which feedback is provided
  * @param int $actionstatus The status of the action for which feedback is
  *                             provided
  * @param string $message An optional message to display in addition to the
  *                             default feedback information message.
  * @return string The feedback page as an html String.
 public function feedbackPage($action, $actionstatus, $message = '')
     $node = $this->m_node;
     $ui = $this->getUi();
     $params['content'] = '<br>' . Tools::atktext('feedback_' . $action . '_' . Tools::atkActionStatus($actionstatus), $node->m_module, $node->m_type);
     if ($message) {
         $params['content'] .= ' <br>' . $message;
     $sm = SessionManager::getInstance();
     if ($sm->atkLevel() > 0) {
         $params['formstart'] = '<form method="get">' . $sm->formState(SessionManager::SESSION_BACK);
         $params['buttons'][] = '<input type="submit" class="btn btn-default btn_cancel" value="&lt;&lt; ' . Tools::atktext('back') . '">';
         $params['formend'] = '</form>';
     $output = $ui->renderAction($action, $params);
     return $ui->renderBox(array('title' => $node->actionTitle($action), 'content' => $output));
Пример #21
  * Check if Zend Platform is available and good to go.
  * @return bool
 protected function zendPlatformAvailable()
     if (!function_exists('accelerator_license_info')) {
         Tools::atkdebug('Zend Platform was not detected');
         return false;
     if (!function_exists('accelerator_get_configuration')) {
         $licenseInfo = accelerator_license_info();
         Tools::atkdebug('The Zend Platform extension is not loaded correctly: ' . $licenseInfo['failure_reason']);
         return false;
     if (!function_exists('monitor_custom_event')) {
         Tools::atkdebug('Zend Platform seems to be there, but the function \'monitor_custom_event\' could not be found');
         return false;
     return true;
Пример #22
  * Authenticate a user.
  * @param string $user The login of the user to authenticate.
  * @param string $passwd The password of the user. Note: if the canMd5
  *                       function of an implementation returns true,
  *                       $passwd will be passed as an md5 string.
  * @return int SecurityManager::AUTH_SUCCESS - Authentication succesful
  *             SecurityManager::AUTH_MISMATCH - Authentication failed, wrong
  *             user/password combination
  *             SecurityManager::AUTH_LOCKED - Account is locked, can not login
  *             with current username.
  *             SecurityManager::AUTH_ERROR - Authentication failed due to some
  *             error which cannot be solved by
  *             just trying again. If you return
  *             this value, you *must* also
  *             fill the m_fatalError variable.
 public function validateUser($user, $passwd)
     if ($user == '') {
         return SecurityManager::AUTH_UNVERIFIED;
     // can't verify if we have no userid
     // if it's a virtual mail server add @<domain> to the username
     if (Config::getGlobal('auth_mail_login_type') == 'vmailmgr') {
         $user = $user . '@' . Config::getGlobal('auth_mail_suffix');
     if (Config::getGlobal('auth_mail_server') == '') {
         $this->m_fatalError = Tools::atktext('auth_no_server');
         return SecurityManager::AUTH_ERROR;
     $mailauth = @imap_open('{' . Config::getGlobal('auth_mail_server') . ':' . Config::getGlobal('auth_mail_port') . '}', $user, $passwd);
     // TODO/FIXME: return SecurityManager::AUTH_ERROR when connection fails..
     if ($mailauth == 0) {
         return SecurityManager::AUTH_MISMATCH;
     } else {
         return SecurityManager::AUTH_SUCCESS;
Пример #23
 public function edit($record, $fieldprefix, $mode)
     $this->getOwnerInstance()->getPage()->register_script(Config::getGlobal('assets_url') . 'javascript/class.atkradiodetailsattribute.js');
     $name = $this->getHtmlName($fieldprefix);
     $result = '<div class="atkradiodetailsattribute-selection">';
     foreach ($this->m_options as $label => $value) {
         $isSelected = $record[$this->fieldName()] == $value;
         $checked = $isSelected ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
         $attrNames = @$this->m_details[$value];
         if ($attrNames != null) {
             $url = Tools::partial_url($this->getOwnerInstance()->atkNodeUri(), $mode, 'attribute.' . $this->fieldName() . '.details', array('value' => $value, 'fieldprefix' => $fieldprefix));
             $onChange = "ATK.RadioDetailsAttribute.select(this, '{$url}');";
         } else {
             $onChange = 'ATK.RadioDetailsAttribute.select(this);';
         $result .= '
     <input type="radio" class="atkradiodetailsattribute-option" name="' . $name . '" id="' . $name . '_' . $value . '" value="' . $value . '" onchange="' . $onChange . '"' . $checked . '/>
     <label for="' . $name . '_' . $value . '">' . $this->text($label) . '</label><br/>
         if ($attrNames != null) {
             $result .= '<div id="' . $name . '_' . $value . '_details" class="atkradiodetailsattribute-details">';
             if ($isSelected) {
                 foreach ($attrNames as $attrName) {
                     $attr = $this->getOwnerInstance()->getAttribute($attrName);
                     if (is_null($attr)) {
                     $result .= '<blockquote>' . $attr->edit($record, $fieldprefix, $mode) . '&nbsp;' . htmlentities($attr->getLabel($record, $mode)) . '</blockquote>';
             $result .= '</div>';
     $result .= '</div>';
     return $result;
Пример #24
  * Get the Smarty instance.
  * @return \Smarty The one and only instance.
 public static function getInstance()
     static $s_smarty = null;
     if ($s_smarty == null) {
         Tools::atkdebug('Creating Smarty instance');
         $tplcompiledir = Config::getGlobal('tplcompiledir');
         if (!is_dir($tplcompiledir) && !mkdir($tplcompiledir, 0755, true)) {
             Tools::atkerror("Unable to create template compile directory: {$tplcompiledir}");
         $tplcompiledir = realpath($tplcompiledir);
         $s_smarty = new Smarty();
         // name of directory for templates
         $s_smarty->autoload_filters = [];
         // indicates which filters will be auto-loaded
         // name of directory for compiled templates
         // force templates to compile every time,
         $s_smarty->addPluginsDir(__DIR__ . '/plugins');
         Tools::atkdebug('Instantiated new Smarty');
     return $s_smarty;
Пример #25
  * Set the base directory for writing
  * instead of the default atktmp dir.
  * @param string $dir base directory
  * @return bool
 public function setBasedir($dir)
     if (!is_dir($dir) || !is_writable($dir)) {
         $err = 'TmpFile:: Unable to set ' . $dir . 'as basedir. Directory does not exists or isnot writable';
         return false;
     $this->m_basedir = $dir;
     return true;
Пример #26
  * Transform raw database row to node compatible row.
  * @param array $row raw database row
  * @param Query $query query object
  * @param array $attrsByLoadType attributes by load type
  * @return array node compatible row
 protected function _transformRow($row, Query $query, array $attrsByLoadType)
     $result = [];
     foreach ($attrsByLoadType[Attribute::ADDTOQUERY] as $attr) {
         $result[$attr->fieldName()] = $attr->db2value($row);
     if (!$this->m_ignorePrimaryKey) {
         $result['atkprimkey'] = $this->_getNode()->primaryKey($result);
     foreach ($attrsByLoadType[Attribute::POSTLOAD] as $attr) {
         $result[$attr->fieldName()] = $attr->load($this->_getDb(), $result, $this->m_mode);
     return $result;
Пример #27
  * Generate an SQL searchcondition for a soundex match.
  * @param string $field The fieldname on which the soundex match will
  *                        be performed.
  * @param string $value The value to search for.
  * @param bool $inverse Set to false (default) to perform a normal
  *                        match. Set to true to generate a SQL string
  *                        that searches for values dat do not match.
  * @return string A SQL soundex expression.
 public function soundexCondition($field, $value, $inverse = false)
     if ($value[0] == '!') {
         return "soundex({$field}) NOT like concat('%',substring(soundex('" . substr($value, 1, Tools::atk_strlen($value)) . "') from 2),'%')";
     } else {
         return "soundex({$field}) like concat('%',substring(soundex('{$value}') from 2),'%')";
Пример #28
  * Fill the countries array with all the world countries.
 public function fillWorldCountriesArray()
     $this->m_country['AF']['nl'] = 'Afghanistan';
     $this->m_country['AF']['de'] = 'Afghanistan';
     $this->m_country['AF']['en'] = 'Afghanistan';
     $this->m_country['AL']['nl'] = Tools::atk_html_entity_decode('Albani&euml;');
     $this->m_country['AL']['de'] = 'Albania';
     $this->m_country['AL']['en'] = 'Albania';
     $this->m_country['DZ']['nl'] = 'Algerije';
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     $this->m_country['MT']['de'] = 'Malta';
     $this->m_country['MT']['en'] = 'Malta';
     $this->m_country['MH']['nl'] = 'Marshalleilanden';
     $this->m_country['MH']['de'] = 'Marshall Islands';
     $this->m_country['MH']['en'] = 'Marshall Islands';
     $this->m_country['MQ']['nl'] = 'Martinique (Fr.)';
     $this->m_country['MQ']['de'] = 'Martinique (Fr.)';
     $this->m_country['MQ']['en'] = 'Martinique (Fr.)';
     $this->m_country['MR']['nl'] = Tools::atk_html_entity_decode('Mauritani&euml;');
     $this->m_country['MR']['de'] = 'Mauritania';
     $this->m_country['MR']['en'] = 'Mauritania';
     $this->m_country['MU']['nl'] = 'Mauritius';
     $this->m_country['MU']['de'] = 'Mauritius';
     $this->m_country['MU']['en'] = 'Mauritius';
     $this->m_country['MX']['nl'] = 'Mexico';
     $this->m_country['MX']['de'] = 'Mexico';
     $this->m_country['MX']['en'] = 'Mexico';
     $this->m_country['FM']['nl'] = 'Micronesia';
     $this->m_country['FM']['de'] = 'Micronesia';
     $this->m_country['FM']['en'] = 'Micronesia';
     $this->m_country['MD']['nl'] = Tools::atk_html_entity_decode('Moldavi&euml;');
     $this->m_country['MD']['de'] = 'Moldavia';
     $this->m_country['MD']['en'] = 'Moldavia';
     $this->m_country['MC']['nl'] = 'Monaco';
     $this->m_country['MC']['de'] = 'Monaco';
     $this->m_country['MC']['en'] = 'Monaco';
     $this->m_country['MN']['nl'] = Tools::atk_html_entity_decode('Mongoli&euml;');
     $this->m_country['MN']['de'] = 'Mongolia';
     $this->m_country['MN']['en'] = 'Mongolia';
     $this->m_country['MS']['nl'] = 'Montserrat';
     $this->m_country['MS']['de'] = 'Montserrat';
     $this->m_country['MS']['en'] = 'Montserrat';
     $this->m_country['MA']['nl'] = 'Morocco';
     $this->m_country['MA']['de'] = 'Morocco';
     $this->m_country['MA']['en'] = 'Morocco';
     $this->m_country['MZ']['nl'] = 'Mozambique';
     $this->m_country['MZ']['de'] = 'Mozambique';
     $this->m_country['MZ']['en'] = 'Mozambique';
     $this->m_country['MM']['nl'] = 'Myanmar';
     $this->m_country['MM']['de'] = 'Myanmar';
     $this->m_country['MM']['en'] = 'Myanmar';
     $this->m_country['NA']['nl'] = Tools::atk_html_entity_decode('Namibi&euml;');
     $this->m_country['NA']['de'] = 'Namibia';
     $this->m_country['NA']['en'] = 'Namibia';
     $this->m_country['NR']['nl'] = 'Nauru';
     $this->m_country['NR']['de'] = 'Nauru';
     $this->m_country['NR']['en'] = 'Nauru';
     $this->m_country['NL']['nl'] = 'Nederland';
     $this->m_country['NL']['de'] = 'Die Niederlande';
     $this->m_country['NL']['en'] = 'The Netherlands';
     $this->m_country['AN']['nl'] = 'Nederlandse Antillen';
     $this->m_country['AN']['de'] = 'Nederlandse Antillen';
     $this->m_country['AN']['en'] = 'Nederlandse Antillen';
     $this->m_country['NP']['nl'] = 'Nepal';
     $this->m_country['NP']['de'] = 'Nepal';
     $this->m_country['NP']['en'] = 'Nepal';
     $this->m_country['NC']['nl'] = 'Nieuw-Caledoni&euml; (Fr.)';
     $this->m_country['NC']['de'] = 'New Caledonia (Fr.)';
     $this->m_country['NC']['en'] = 'New Caledonia (Fr.)';
     $this->m_country['NZ']['nl'] = 'Nieuw-Zeeland';
     $this->m_country['NZ']['de'] = 'New Zealand';
     $this->m_country['NZ']['en'] = 'New Zealand';
     $this->m_country['NI']['nl'] = 'Nicaragua';
     $this->m_country['NI']['de'] = 'Nicaragua';
     $this->m_country['NI']['en'] = 'Nicaragua';
     $this->m_country['NE']['nl'] = 'Niger';
     $this->m_country['NE']['de'] = 'Niger';
     $this->m_country['NE']['en'] = 'Niger';
     $this->m_country['NG']['nl'] = 'Nigeria';
     $this->m_country['NG']['de'] = 'Nigeria';
     $this->m_country['NG']['en'] = 'Nigeria';
     $this->m_country['NU']['nl'] = 'Niue';
     $this->m_country['NU']['de'] = 'Niue';
     $this->m_country['NU']['en'] = 'Niue';
     $this->m_country['NF']['nl'] = 'Norfolk';
     $this->m_country['NF']['de'] = 'Norfolk Island';
     $this->m_country['NF']['en'] = 'Norfolk Island';
     $this->m_country['MP']['nl'] = 'Noordelijke Marianen';
     $this->m_country['MP']['de'] = 'Northern Mariana Isl.';
     $this->m_country['MP']['en'] = 'Northern Mariana Isl.';
     $this->m_country['NO']['nl'] = 'Noorwegen';
     $this->m_country['NO']['de'] = 'Norway';
     $this->m_country['NO']['en'] = 'Norway';
     $this->m_country['OM']['nl'] = 'Oman';
     $this->m_country['OM']['de'] = 'Oman';
     $this->m_country['OM']['en'] = 'Oman';
     $this->m_country['PK']['nl'] = 'Pakistan';
     $this->m_country['PK']['de'] = 'Pakistan';
     $this->m_country['PK']['en'] = 'Pakistan';
     $this->m_country['PW']['nl'] = 'Palau';
     $this->m_country['PW']['de'] = 'Palau';
     $this->m_country['PW']['en'] = 'Palau';
     $this->m_country['PA']['nl'] = 'Panama';
     $this->m_country['PA']['de'] = 'Panama';
     $this->m_country['PA']['en'] = 'Panama';
     $this->m_country['PG']['nl'] = 'Papoea-Nieuw-Guinea';
     $this->m_country['PG']['de'] = 'Papua New Guinea';
     $this->m_country['PG']['en'] = 'Papua New Guinea';
     $this->m_country['PY']['nl'] = 'Paraguay';
     $this->m_country['PY']['de'] = 'Paraguay';
     $this->m_country['PY']['en'] = 'Paraguay';
     $this->m_country['PE']['nl'] = 'Peru';
     $this->m_country['PE']['de'] = 'Peru';
     $this->m_country['PE']['en'] = 'Peru';
     $this->m_country['PH']['nl'] = 'Filipijnen';
     $this->m_country['PH']['de'] = 'Philippines';
     $this->m_country['PH']['en'] = 'Philippines';
     $this->m_country['PN']['nl'] = 'Pitcairneilanden';
     $this->m_country['PN']['de'] = 'Pitcairn';
     $this->m_country['PN']['en'] = 'Pitcairn';
     $this->m_country['PL']['nl'] = 'Polen';
     $this->m_country['PL']['de'] = 'Poland';
     $this->m_country['PL']['en'] = 'Poland';
     $this->m_country['PF']['nl'] = Tools::atk_html_entity_decode('Frans-Polynesi&euml;');
     $this->m_country['PF']['de'] = 'Polynesia (Fr.)';
     $this->m_country['PF']['en'] = 'Polynesia (Fr.)';
     $this->m_country['PT']['nl'] = 'Portugal';
     $this->m_country['PT']['de'] = 'Portugal';
     $this->m_country['PT']['en'] = 'Portugal';
     $this->m_country['PR']['nl'] = 'Puerto Rico';
     $this->m_country['PR']['de'] = 'Puerto Rico (US)';
     $this->m_country['PR']['en'] = 'Puerto Rico (US)';
     $this->m_country['QA']['nl'] = 'Qatar';
     $this->m_country['QA']['de'] = 'Qatar';
     $this->m_country['QA']['en'] = 'Qatar';
     $this->m_country['RE']['nl'] = 'Reunion';
     $this->m_country['RE']['de'] = 'Reunion (Fr.)';
     $this->m_country['RE']['en'] = 'Reunion (Fr.)';
     $this->m_country['RO']['nl'] = Tools::atk_html_entity_decode('Roemeni&euml;');
     $this->m_country['RO']['de'] = 'Romania';
     $this->m_country['RO']['en'] = 'Romania';
     $this->m_country['RU']['nl'] = 'Rusland';
     $this->m_country['RU']['de'] = 'Russian Federation';
     $this->m_country['RU']['en'] = 'Russian Federation';
     $this->m_country['RW']['nl'] = 'Rwanda';
     $this->m_country['RW']['de'] = 'Rwanda';
     $this->m_country['RW']['en'] = 'Rwanda';
     $this->m_country['LC']['nl'] = 'Saint Lucia';
     $this->m_country['LC']['de'] = 'Saint Lucia';
     $this->m_country['LC']['en'] = 'Saint Lucia';
     $this->m_country['WS']['nl'] = 'Samoa';
     $this->m_country['WS']['de'] = 'Samoa';
     $this->m_country['WS']['en'] = 'Samoa';
     $this->m_country['SM']['nl'] = 'San Marino';
     $this->m_country['SM']['de'] = 'San Marino';
     $this->m_country['SM']['en'] = 'San Marino';
     $this->m_country['SA']['nl'] = Tools::atk_html_entity_decode('Saoedi-Arabi&euml;');
     $this->m_country['SA']['de'] = 'Saudi Arabia';
     $this->m_country['SA']['en'] = 'Saudi Arabia';
     $this->m_country['SN']['nl'] = 'Senegal';
     $this->m_country['SN']['de'] = 'Senegal';
     $this->m_country['SN']['en'] = 'Senegal';
     $this->m_country['SC']['nl'] = 'Seychellen';
     $this->m_country['SC']['de'] = 'Seychelles';
     $this->m_country['SC']['en'] = 'Seychelles';
     $this->m_country['SL']['nl'] = 'Sierra Leone';
     $this->m_country['SL']['de'] = 'Sierra Leone';
     $this->m_country['SL']['en'] = 'Sierra Leone';
     $this->m_country['SG']['nl'] = 'Singapore';
     $this->m_country['SG']['de'] = 'Singapore';
     $this->m_country['SG']['en'] = 'Singapore';
     $this->m_country['SK']['nl'] = Tools::atk_html_entity_decode('Slowakij&euml;');
     $this->m_country['SK']['de'] = 'Slovak Republic';
     $this->m_country['SK']['en'] = 'Slovak Republic';
     $this->m_country['SI']['nl'] = 'Sloveni&euml;';
     $this->m_country['SI']['de'] = 'Slovenia';
     $this->m_country['SI']['en'] = 'Slovenia';
     $this->m_country['SB']['nl'] = 'Solomon Islands';
     $this->m_country['SB']['de'] = 'Solomon Islands';
     $this->m_country['SB']['en'] = 'Solomon Islands';
     $this->m_country['SO']['nl'] = Tools::atk_html_entity_decode('Somali&euml;');
     $this->m_country['SO']['de'] = 'Somalia';
     $this->m_country['SO']['en'] = 'Somalia';
     $this->m_country['ZA']['nl'] = 'Zuid Afrika';
     $this->m_country['ZA']['de'] = 'South Africa';
     $this->m_country['ZA']['en'] = 'South Africa';
     $this->m_country['ES']['nl'] = 'Spanje';
     $this->m_country['ES']['de'] = 'Spain';
     $this->m_country['ES']['en'] = 'Spain';
     $this->m_country['LK']['nl'] = 'Sri Lanka';
     $this->m_country['LK']['de'] = 'Sri Lanka';
     $this->m_country['LK']['en'] = 'Sri Lanka';
     $this->m_country['SH']['nl'] = 'Sint-Helena';
     $this->m_country['SH']['de'] = 'St. Helena';
     $this->m_country['SH']['en'] = 'St. Helena';
     $this->m_country['PM']['nl'] = 'Saint-Pierre en Miquelon';
     $this->m_country['PM']['de'] = 'St. Pierre & Miquelon';
     $this->m_country['PM']['en'] = 'St. Pierre & Miquelon';
     $this->m_country['ST']['nl'] = 'Sao Tome en Principe';
     $this->m_country['ST']['de'] = 'St. Tome and Principe';
     $this->m_country['ST']['en'] = 'St. Tome and Principe';
     $this->m_country['KN']['nl'] = 'Saint Kitts en Nevis';
     $this->m_country['KN']['de'] = 'St.Kitts Nevis Anguilla';
     $this->m_country['KN']['en'] = 'St.Kitts Nevis Anguilla';
     $this->m_country['VC']['nl'] = 'Saint Vincent en de Grenadines';
     $this->m_country['VC']['de'] = 'St.Vincent & Grenadines';
     $this->m_country['VC']['en'] = 'St.Vincent & Grenadines';
     $this->m_country['SD']['nl'] = 'Soedan';
     $this->m_country['SD']['de'] = 'Sudan';
     $this->m_country['SD']['en'] = 'Sudan';
     $this->m_country['SR']['nl'] = 'Suriname';
     $this->m_country['SR']['de'] = 'Suriname';
     $this->m_country['SR']['en'] = 'Suriname';
     $this->m_country['SJ']['nl'] = 'Spitsbergen en Jan Mayen';
     $this->m_country['SJ']['de'] = 'Svalbard & Jan Mayen Is';
     $this->m_country['SJ']['en'] = 'Svalbard & Jan Mayen Is';
     $this->m_country['SZ']['nl'] = 'Swaziland';
     $this->m_country['SZ']['de'] = 'Swaziland';
     $this->m_country['SZ']['en'] = 'Swaziland';
     $this->m_country['SE']['nl'] = 'Zweden';
     $this->m_country['SE']['de'] = 'Sweden';
     $this->m_country['SE']['en'] = 'Sweden';
     $this->m_country['CH']['nl'] = 'Zwitserland';
     $this->m_country['CH']['de'] = 'Switzerland';
     $this->m_country['CH']['en'] = 'Switzerland';
     $this->m_country['SY']['nl'] = Tools::atk_html_entity_decode('Syri&euml;');
     $this->m_country['SY']['de'] = 'Syria';
     $this->m_country['SY']['en'] = 'Syria';
     $this->m_country['TJ']['nl'] = 'Tadzjikistan';
     $this->m_country['TJ']['de'] = 'Tadjikistan';
     $this->m_country['TJ']['en'] = 'Tadjikistan';
     $this->m_country['TW']['nl'] = 'Taiwan';
     $this->m_country['TW']['de'] = 'Taiwan';
     $this->m_country['TW']['en'] = 'Taiwan';
     $this->m_country['TZ']['nl'] = 'Tanzania';
     $this->m_country['TZ']['de'] = 'Tanzania';
     $this->m_country['TZ']['en'] = 'Tanzania';
     $this->m_country['TH']['nl'] = 'Thailand';
     $this->m_country['TH']['de'] = 'Thailand';
     $this->m_country['TH']['en'] = 'Thailand';
     $this->m_country['TG']['nl'] = 'Togo';
     $this->m_country['TG']['de'] = 'Togo';
     $this->m_country['TG']['en'] = 'Togo';
     $this->m_country['TK']['nl'] = 'Tokelau-eilanden';
     $this->m_country['TK']['de'] = 'Tokelau';
     $this->m_country['TK']['en'] = 'Tokelau';
     $this->m_country['TO']['nl'] = 'Tonga';
     $this->m_country['TO']['de'] = 'Tonga';
     $this->m_country['TO']['en'] = 'Tonga';
     $this->m_country['TT']['nl'] = 'Trinidad en Tobago';
     $this->m_country['TT']['de'] = 'Trinidad & Tobago';
     $this->m_country['TT']['en'] = 'Trinidad & Tobago';
     $this->m_country['TN']['nl'] = 'Tunesi&euml;';
     $this->m_country['TN']['de'] = 'Tunisia';
     $this->m_country['TN']['en'] = 'Tunisia';
     $this->m_country['TR']['nl'] = 'Turkije';
     $this->m_country['TR']['de'] = 'Turkey';
     $this->m_country['TR']['en'] = 'Turkey';
     $this->m_country['TM']['nl'] = 'Turkmenistan';
     $this->m_country['TM']['de'] = 'Turkmenistan';
     $this->m_country['TM']['en'] = 'Turkmenistan';
     $this->m_country['TC']['nl'] = 'Turks- en Caicoseilanden';
     $this->m_country['TC']['de'] = 'Turks & Caicos Islands';
     $this->m_country['TC']['en'] = 'Turks & Caicos Islands';
     $this->m_country['TV']['nl'] = 'Tuvalu';
     $this->m_country['TV']['de'] = 'Tuvalu';
     $this->m_country['TV']['en'] = 'Tuvalu';
     $this->m_country['UM']['nl'] = 'Kleine Pacifische eilanden van de Verenigde Staten';
     $this->m_country['UM']['de'] = 'US Minor outlying Isl.';
     $this->m_country['UM']['en'] = 'US Minor outlying Isl.';
     $this->m_country['UG']['nl'] = 'Oeganda';
     $this->m_country['UG']['de'] = 'Uganda';
     $this->m_country['UG']['en'] = 'Uganda';
     $this->m_country['UA']['nl'] = Tools::atk_html_entity_decode('Oekra&iuml;ne');
     $this->m_country['UA']['de'] = 'Ukraine';
     $this->m_country['UA']['en'] = 'Ukraine';
     $this->m_country['AE']['nl'] = 'Verenigde Arabische Emiraten';
     $this->m_country['AE']['de'] = 'United Arab Emirates';
     $this->m_country['AE']['en'] = 'United Arab Emirates';
     $this->m_country['GB']['nl'] = 'Verenigd Koninkrijk';
     $this->m_country['GB']['de'] = 'United Kingdom';
     $this->m_country['GB']['en'] = 'United Kingdom';
     $this->m_country['US']['nl'] = 'Verenigde Staten';
     $this->m_country['US']['de'] = 'United States';
     $this->m_country['US']['en'] = 'United States';
     $this->m_country['UY']['nl'] = 'Uruguay';
     $this->m_country['UY']['de'] = 'Uruguay';
     $this->m_country['UY']['en'] = 'Uruguay';
     $this->m_country['UZ']['nl'] = 'Oezbekistan';
     $this->m_country['UZ']['de'] = 'Uzbekistan';
     $this->m_country['UZ']['en'] = 'Uzbekistan';
     $this->m_country['VU']['nl'] = 'Vanuatu';
     $this->m_country['VU']['de'] = 'Vanuatu';
     $this->m_country['VU']['en'] = 'Vanuatu';
     $this->m_country['VA']['nl'] = 'Vaticaanstad';
     $this->m_country['VA']['de'] = 'Vatican City State';
     $this->m_country['VA']['en'] = 'Vatican City State';
     $this->m_country['VE']['nl'] = 'Venezuela';
     $this->m_country['VE']['de'] = 'Venezuela';
     $this->m_country['VE']['en'] = 'Venezuela';
     $this->m_country['VN']['nl'] = 'Vietnam';
     $this->m_country['VN']['de'] = 'Vietnam';
     $this->m_country['VN']['en'] = 'Vietnam';
     $this->m_country['VG']['nl'] = 'Britse Maagdeneilanden';
     $this->m_country['VG']['de'] = 'Virgin Islands (British)';
     $this->m_country['VG']['en'] = 'Virgin Islands (British)';
     $this->m_country['VI']['nl'] = 'Amerikaanse Maagdeneilanden';
     $this->m_country['VI']['de'] = 'Virgin Islands (US)';
     $this->m_country['VI']['en'] = 'Virgin Islands (US)';
     $this->m_country['WF']['nl'] = 'Wallis en Futuna';
     $this->m_country['WF']['de'] = 'Wallis & Futuna Islands';
     $this->m_country['WF']['en'] = 'Wallis & Futuna Islands';
     $this->m_country['EH']['nl'] = 'Westelijke Sahara';
     $this->m_country['EH']['de'] = 'Western Sahara';
     $this->m_country['EH']['en'] = 'Western Sahara';
     $this->m_country['YE']['nl'] = 'Yemen';
     $this->m_country['YE']['de'] = 'Yemen';
     $this->m_country['YE']['en'] = 'Yemen';
     $this->m_country['ZR']['nl'] = 'Zaire';
     $this->m_country['ZR']['de'] = 'Zaire';
     $this->m_country['ZR']['en'] = 'Zaire';
     $this->m_country['ZM']['nl'] = 'Zambia';
     $this->m_country['ZM']['de'] = 'Zambia';
     $this->m_country['ZM']['en'] = 'Zambia';
     $this->m_country['ZW']['nl'] = 'Zimbabwe';
     $this->m_country['ZW']['de'] = 'Zimbabwe';
     $this->m_country['ZW']['en'] = 'Zimbabwe';
  * Filter a request variable, containing a WHERE clause, from the globals
  * if it is blacklisted.
  * @param string $variable
  * @example filter_request_where_clause('atkselector')
 public static function filter_request_where_clause($variable)
     if (isset($_REQUEST[$variable])) {
         $values = (array) $_REQUEST[$variable];
         foreach ($values as $value) {
             $checker = new self($value);
             if (!$checker->isSafe()) {
                 Tools::atkhalt('Unsafe WHERE clause in REQUEST variable: ' . $variable, 'critical');
Пример #30
  * Get the access denied page.
  * @return string the HTML code of the access denied page
 public function _getAccessDeniedPage()
     $ui = $this->m_node->getUi();
     $content = '<br><br>' . Tools::atktext('error_node_action_access_denied', '', $this->m_node->getType()) . '<br><br><br>';
     $blocks = [$ui->renderBox(['title' => Tools::atktext('access_denied'), 'content' => $content])];
     return $ui->render('actionpage.tpl', ['blocks' => $blocks, 'title' => Tools::atktext('access_denied')]);