Пример #1
  * Compile an Query.
  * @param Query $query The query to compile.
  * @return [string $sql, array $values]
 public function compile(Query $query)
     $type = $query->getType();
     $sql = $this->compileComponents($query->getComponents(), $type);
     $val = $this->compileValues($query->getComponentValues(), $type);
     return array($sql, $val);
Пример #2
  * @covers ::aggregate()
 public function testAggregate()
     $conn = $this->getMock('SimpleAR\\Database\\Connection', array('select'));
     $q = new Query(new SelectBuilder(), $conn);
     $sql = 'SELECT `blog_id` AS `blogId` ,AVG(`views`) AS `views_avg` FROM `articles` GROUP BY `blog_id`';
     $expected = [['blogId' => 1, 'views_avg' => 100], ['blogId' => 2, 'views_avg' => 123.45], ['blogId' => 3, 'views_avg' => 1200]];
     $conn->expects($this->once())->method('select')->with($sql, [])->will($this->returnValue($expected));
     $res = $q->root('Article')->groupBy('blogId')->avg('views', 'views_avg');
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $res);
     // - - - Withour groupBy
     $conn = $this->getMock('SimpleAR\\Database\\Connection', array('select'));
     $q = new Query(new SelectBuilder(), $conn);
     $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `articles`';
     $conn->expects($this->once())->method('select')->with($sql, [])->will($this->returnValue([['COUNT(*)' => 12]]));
     $res = $q->root('Article')->count();
     $this->assertEquals(12, $res);
Пример #3
  * @covers ::lastInsertId()
 public function testLastInsertId()
     $conn = m::mock('\\SimpleAR\\Database\\Connection[insert]');
     $q = new Query(new InsertBuilder());
     $this->assertEquals(12, $q->lastInsertId());
Пример #4
  * Add an exists condition to the query.
  * @param Query $q The Select sub-query.
  * @return $this
 public function whereExists(Query $query, $logic = 'AND', $not = false)
     $type = 'Exists';
     $cond = compact('type', 'query', 'logic', 'not');
     return $this;
Пример #5
  * @covers ::whereNotExists
 public function testWhereNotExists()
     $subQuery = new Query(new SelectBuilder());
     $subQuery->setInvolvedTable('_', Blog::table());
     $subQuery->setRootAlias('__')->root('Article')->where('title', 'Article 1')->whereAttr('blogId', '_/id');
     $b = new WhereBuilder();
     $components = $b->build();
     $where[] = ['type' => 'Exists', 'query' => $subQuery, 'logic' => 'AND', 'not' => true];
     // There is a sub array because Builders do not flatten value array.
     $val['where'] = [['Article 1']];
     $this->assertEquals($where, $components['where']);
     $this->assertEquals($val, $b->getValues());
Пример #6
  * Select result of a sub-query.
  * @param Query  $sub The query of which to select result.
  * @param string $alias The alias to give to the sub-result.
 public function selectSub(Query $sub, $alias)
     $subSql = new Expression('(' . $sub->getSql() . ')');
     $this->_selectColumn($subSql, $alias);
Пример #7
  * @covers ::_whereNotExists
 public function testCompileWhereNotExists()
     $compiler = new BaseCompiler();
     $select = new Query();
     $select->setComponent('columns', ['a' => ['columns' => ['id']]]);
     $select->setComponent('from', [new JoinClause('articles')]);
     $where = ['type' => 'Exists', 'query' => $select, 'logic' => 'AND', 'not' => true];
     //$where = new ExistsCond($select);
     $components['where'] = [$where];
     $expected = 'WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT `id` FROM `articles`)';
     $result = $compiler->compileWhere($components);
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);